Great Artist

Chapter 1805: Strict requirements

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"Alan, no, you're too hard." After Evan Bell shouted "card", he left the monitor, walked in front of Ellen-Page, and waved his left hand, "Michael, you put on your coat. Come on." Since Michael Cera was wearing shorts, it was still cold today.

Evan-Bell walked in front of Ellen-Peggy. Ellen-Peggy was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed. When Evan-Bell came over, she put her right foot down, "Ellen, Your performance is very good, the whole idea is right, you can continue to act according to your own ideas." Evan Bell has always been like this, giving the actors enough freedom, because only in this way, the style presented by the film will be Unique, "But you're pushing too hard, you know what I mean?"

"No." Ellen-Page is also a neat and succinct person, saying it directly.

Evan-Bell was not surprised, he thought for a while, then squatted down, keeping his eyes parallel with Ellen-Paige, "Indeed, although Juno is young, she has a personality, and is the kind of person who is hidden in the blood. Personality, her way of doing things is the best expression of her personality. But the problem is that even if she is mature, she is still a sixteen-year-old child."

"You mean I should be flustered and nervous? Or disappointed and sad?" Ellen-Page asked earnestly.

"This is your understanding and your decision." Evan Bell seemed to shirk responsibility and handed over the decision to Ellen Page, "I mean, have you ever thought about why Juno would choose Having **** with Pauly? Then why did Juno take the initiative to tell Pauly after the accidental pregnancy, just because Paulie is the father of the child? And when Pauly was at a loss, Juno took the initiative to say that he wanted to have an abortion, and Pauly's attitude What's the impact on Juno?"

"There is a connection between Juno and Paulie, and Juno will be affected by Paulie. That's what you mean." Ellen-Page said bluntly.

Evan Bell smiled and nodded, "That's it." Although Juno is full of personality and cool, she is first a sixteen-year-old girl, and second, she is a person who will be influenced by the outside world. It's just that when she makes decisions, she won't follow the rules or be blindly pessimistic.

So, in this scene, when Juno told Poly that she was pregnant, no matter how cool Juno was, her emotions could not be taken lightly. This is also the reason why Evan-Bell thinks Ellen-Paige is acting too hard. She amplifies Juno's personality and makes it seem too strong, but instead puts "sixteen years, women, people" in Juno's body. These factors are weakened.

"Start shooting!" After Evan-Bell finished communicating, he gave Ellen and Page some time to adjust and started shooting again, but it took less than thirty seconds before Evan-Bell shouted again "Ka," "Ellen, I'm still using too much force this time, but I put too much."

Ellen-Peggy grimaced and hurriedly apologized. Evan Bell waved his hand, but shouted to Michael Serra, "Michael, don't shoot your shots now, you're wearing a coat, take a step back, and help with the scene, don't catch a cold."

When Jennifer Garner arrived on set, she saw such a busy picture.

In fact, Jennifer Garner's scene was not filmed so quickly, but she still wanted to come to the drama rental to see it in advance, as a visit to the class to get to know the staff, which is also very necessary. What's more, this crew is still where she needs to work for nearly a month. It is definitely a good thing for the work to have a good cooperative relationship with the staff.

The arrival of Jennifer Garner caught the attention of Teddy Bell, who also stepped forward to greet Jennifer Garner, and helped distribute coffee and pizza together—Jennifer Garner's car was almost full of these things, tossing It took a while for all of them to be distributed. Fortunately, the "Juno" crew is not huge.

However, none of this could disturb Evan Bell, who was filming, and Jennifer Garner didn't rush forward to say hello, but just stood in the middle of the onlookers and quietly watched the work of the crew. Jennifer Garner was surprised by Evan-Bell's harshness, but after thinking about it, she felt it was reasonable.

For a long time, Evan Bell has been recognized for his ability to tune and teach actors, not to mention that Alan Rickman and Leonardo DiCaprio have won Oscars in the past two years. . But it is generally believed that a young man like Evan Bell should be filmed more often through communication. After all, he is too young to control those senior veteran actors by means of repression. This is the reason for the Jennifer Garner accident.

But from another point of view, Evan Bell has never been a person who is afraid of power, and his personality and temper will not be compromised because the other party is a deep actor. Evan-Bell can become an excellent director, his ability is beyond doubt, so his rigor, rigor and seriousness have been reasonably explained.

At this time, Evan Bell looked at the "card" again, but this time he didn't know Ellen-Page, just said, "Ellen, again, close-up."

Ellen-Peggy didn't raise her hand to signal that she was ready, but asked loudly, "Evan, where do you need to correct."

Evan Bell replied, "It doesn't feel right. Do you need to come and see the monitor?"

Ellen-Peggy thought for a while, then shook her head, "I'll try again."

Unfortunately, after trying again, he was still called "card" by Evan Bell. This time, Evan Bell waved directly and asked Ellen Page to look at the monitor.

"Is Evan always this strict?" Jennifer Garner began to worry about her role, although it seems that Vanessa's role is not very challenging, and Jennifer Garner feels the same way, so there should be no big problem in acting . But this is not the case. Vanessa's inner fluctuations are also very obvious. If Jennifer Garner's performance is not good, then the movie "Juno" will definitely lose a lot of color.

Standing next to Jennifer Garner was just an ordinary staff member, but he smiled, "Evan threw away the results of the three-day shooting because he was dissatisfied with the previous shooting, and then overturned the shooting plan. , all from scratch. You tell me, Evan Bell has always been this strict?"

Jennifer Garner opened her mouth, looked at Evan Bell and Ellen Page who were discussing, turned her head again, and finally squeezed her own voice out of her throat, "Can't you use a paragraph? I mean before The result of three days of shooting."

"No. It's all overturned. From photography to clothing, everything has been changed." The staff member next to him said proudly, not feeling any hard work because of the increase in his workload.

Jennifer Garner looked at the proud look on the staff's faces, and then turned her attention to Evan Bell, thoughtfully.

As a result, Jennifer Garner just stood there for two full hours before Evan Bell announced that the filming of the scene was over. You know, it was only a two-minute scene, but Evan Bell was slowly sculpting, from From the scene to the performance of the actors, without missing a single detail, the whole scene was shot.

Under the pressure of Evan Bell, Alan Yichanchen, who was originally very spiritual, gave a wonderful performance that made everyone applaud in the first scene, especially the group of people who gathered behind the monitor to watch the real-time The filming staff conveyed clear surprise with vivid expressions.

Jennifer Garner stood farther away, so she couldn't see the finer things, but she could clearly feel that Ellen-Page's overall performance rhythm had indeed improved a lot, including Michael-Cera. No wonder others say that Evan Bell is very good at leading and acting. Today, Jennifer Garner is seeing is believing.

"Card! Perfect!" Evan-Bell stood up from the position of the monitor, smiling all over his face, "Congratulations, Alan, Michael, you finally don't have to suffer." Then Evan-Bell turned back to the surrounding staff They shouted, "Congratulations, the torture of this scene is over. The next one."

The whole staff cheered and said, "Evan, the pizza brought by Jennifer is cold, you treat me."

Teddy Bell walked over to Evan Bell and whispered a few words, and Evan Bell cast his eyes in the direction of Jennifer Garner, and the two waved their hands as a sign, "Isn't there a microwave in the crew, really? Besides, cold pizza is also delicious, don't you know?" Evan Bell raised his voice and walked back in the direction of Jennifer Garner.

At this time, Evan Bell is like a 25-year-old young man with a youthful, you shouldn't have reserved pizza for me, I'm starving. "Evan Bell came over, teased and hugged Jennifer Garner." Your part won't start filming until next week, so why did you come earlier? "Because Jennifer Garner is a mother, and her daughter is only two years old this year, Evan Bell, in order to take care of Jennifer Garner, specially concentrated her scenes and filmed them together so that she could rush home as soon as possible. Accompany your daughter.

Jennifer Garner showed a happy smile, "Ben was at home recently, so my temporary absence should be fine." In fact, after getting married, Jennifer Garner spent most of the time at home with her husband and children, and the frequency of filming dropped a lot. Therefore, Ben Affleck doesn't mind being a dad at home when he occasionally goes out to work.

Evan Bell nodded with a smile, "That would be great. I don't have to worry about not finishing the filming on time. You and your daughter will be separated for a long time."

Jennifer Garner agreed, "According to your request, I think my shooting time may be a little longer than expected. I'm starting to worry now."

"Don't worry, you can start preparations now, and we will keep in touch with each other when shooting, and there will be no problem." Evan said with a smile, and then added, "Besides, I am not a person. I like hands-on, so don't worry." A humorous sentence made Jennifer Garner laugh.

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