Great Artist

Chapter 1808: step by step

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Sam Reid's offer was sent to Teddy Bell first, because he was the most determined in his heart, and the offer was negotiated with Nancy Trim and others before he came to Vancouver. The maximum limit is He also knew how much. So Sam Reid made a quick decision.


Mark Bonet, Lisa Canning, and Ken Burns all seem to have a difficult birth. Due to changes in their plans, they must report the situation to their company and make the most favorable choice. , Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson were also very sensible. After sitting for a while, they left on the pretext of going to the bathroom.


For this offer, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson were tossing outside for nearly half an hour. When they came back, all four of them were sitting in their seats, but they simply chatted a few words with each other. , much better than the silence when he first came in. Teddy Bell still smiled kindly, "I was a little hungry just now, I went to steal a donut, I'm sorry." It was an excuse to come back after wandering for nearly half an hour.


But everyone knows that Teddy Bell came back late on purpose, and naturally no one will pick on it.


"Let me take a look." Teddy Bell sat in front of the computer, and as soon as he opened the email, Eden Hudson sat next to him, but cast his eyes. Teddy Bell looked at the screen, then turned his head and whispered a few words with Eden Hudson, Eden Hudson seemed a little unhappy, the iceberg face stinks a little bit, and whispered for two Sentences "Simon...too low,...not good..." or something.


In fact, this was originally a meeting room, blocking out the noise outside. Since Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson were whispering, Sam Reid and Mark Bonet, Lisa Canning and Ken Burns were also talking. But they're obviously ambidextrous and have long ears, and can hear a few words of Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson talking, but most of their conversations are brief and without any actual numbers coming out, So there is no useful information.


The sentence "Simon" was mixed in with a lot of messages and was not conspicuous at all. But it was caught by Ken Burns sensitively, and he suddenly looked at Eden Hudson suspiciously, only to be glared back by Eden Hudson with a cold look.


It's not without reason why Ken Burns is so sensitive. The seventh season of "American Idol" is still a month and a half away from the championship, and a large part of the reason why the "X Factor" has been so lively recently is because Everyone wants a piece of the pie. The ratings of the seventh season of "American Idol" have indeed begun to decline compared with the sixth season. Although the overlord is still undoubtedly far beyond the second place, it is an undeniable fact that the ratings have reached the peak. So this has become the best time for "X Factor" to hit "American Idol".


It is impossible for Fox TV to allow its competitors to surpass itself like this. On the one hand, they contacted Eleven Studios, hoping to hold the "X Factor" in their hands, and on the other hand, they also signed a contract with the entire team of "American Idol". But at such a sensitive moment, who is willing to give up the opportunity to raise prices easily? Even Paula Abadoo and Randy Jackson, who have been under pressure from Simon Cowell, will want their salaries to rise again. So the whole negotiation process has not been smooth.


Today, Ken Burns actually heard the name "Simon" from Eden Hudson's mouth. Although there are countless people named Simon in this world, it is difficult for Ken Burns to focus on Simon at this time. - Cowell moved away. Furthermore, what Simon Cowell has always wanted to do on his own is that Fox already knew that it was no secret at all. Therefore, Ken Burns seems to have to suspect that Simon Cowell has reached an agreement with a competitor of Fox TV that once the other party wins the "X Factor" Simon Cowell will leave "American Idol". This is undoubtedly a fatal blow for Fox TV.


Thinking of this, Ken Burns smiled and apologized to Lisa Canning, then sat in front of the computer and continued to write an email, his fingers flying fast on the keyboard, lest he be slow, You will lose everything.


Whether or not Simon Cowell's move to other networks is true, or just speculation, taking the "X Factor" would be good for Fox; Then Fox TV is really going to be in a quagmire. So Ken Burns decided to make another bid for Teddy Bell.


In fact, in the entire conference room, everyone was paying attention to each other. Even if others didn't hear the name "Simon", or heard it but didn't think it was as far-reaching, they saw Ken Burns continue to write emails. Action, everyone began to guess.


Eden Hudson was actually looking at Ken Burns's face all the time, and when Teddy Bell's laptop showed new emails, he and Teddy Bell exchanged glances. In fact, the two of them have mentioned the name "Simon" many times before and after their conversation today, and they just hope to take the opportunity to test which TV station Simon Cowell is relying on - as of now, they still have no news. , and now, at least one result is very obvious, Simon Cowell's partner TV station is definitely not Fox TV


Teddy Bell looked at Ken Burns' latest offer. Although there was no reaction on his face, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. It seemed that Fox TV wanted to spend the money this time. Indeed, the "X Factor" involves not only a new talent show, but also the future of the "American Idol" cash cow, how could they not care.


"Still do as Evan said?" Teddy Bell looked back at Eden Hudson, his voice was steady, but his eyes were full of doubts.


Eden Hudson glanced at Ken Burns' quotation on the screen, and the corner of his mouth tickled slightly, a sarcastic smile, but he didn't wait for Eden Hudson to say anything, and he went on again. An email was sent, and three came at once. Apparently, Ken Burns's actions affected his entire body, and the other three sent emails. In the absence of Teddy Bell's comments, the price went up a notch.


Teddy Bell opened the emails one by one, and finally looked at Eden Hudson, both of them had the meaning of "as expected" in their eyes.


In fact, Evan Bell guessed that Simon Cowell's cooperative TV station should be one of the TV station and Fox TV station. The TV station is more likely, because they have always been very eager for talent shows. The ratings and the number of viewers have been sluggish in the past two years. Make them very anxious, coupled with the limitations of, the TV station really needs a little big move to attract attention


Even if Simon Cowell and the TV station do not reach a cooperation agreement, if the "X factor" is given to the TV station, presumably Simon Cowell will take the initiative to step forward, because he wants to become a producer, stand on his own, shoulder the responsibility All the heavy responsibilities of a show. As for the cooperation agreement between Simon Cowell and the TV station, it is their business.


In order to make the "X Factor" effective and become the target of Fox TV's revenge, Evan Bell believes that signing the "X Factor" to the TV station is the best choice. .


Therefore, Evan Bell did have a plan. He invited four TV stations to come to Vancouver today. It was not a policy he made casually. The living space and development space of the room are expanded. Of course, this is just the first part of Evan Bell's draft plan.


Now, Ken Burns' actions prove that Simon Cowell's partner is indeed not Fox TV, and the subsequent email quotation from Mark Bonet also proves that they are indeed determined to win the "X Factor", and their ambitions are far more than TV and CBS TV. It seems that Simon Cowell is working with TV.


Among the four TV stations, CBS TV station and TV station chose the first option, which is long-term cooperation. The former is not surprising, and the latter can be seen that Disney has indeed begun to soften Eagle, the sunflower, seems to bloom to Evan Bell again.


Fox TV’s first email chose the first option, and it can be seen that they still hope to repair the relationship with Eleven Studio; but the second email was bought out by the Jedi, and the bid was very high, but here it is. It's not that I don't want to cooperate with Eleven Studio for a long time, but I want to win the "X Factor". As for the TV station, it unswervingly chose the second option, buyout.


Judging from the current quotation, the TV station really went out of its way this time. US$50 million completely bought out all the copyrights of "X Factor". Although this price is not as good as the original US$80 million of "American Idol", it is in the Talent show has gradually formed the market in 2008, it can definitely be said to be sky-high. Of course, the biggest reason for reaching 50 million is the buyout. After that, Studio Eleven will not be able to make any profit through the "X factor". It can be said that future advertising and peripheral dividends have been withdrawn in advance. Otherwise, according to Teddy Bell's estimate, the "X Factor" copyright of $30 million is a capped price.


But since the TV station has sent money to the door, Teddy Bell naturally has no reason to refuse. Besides, giving the copyright of "X Factor" to the TV station is only the first link of Evan Bell's entire plan.


So, Teddy Bell stood up and said with a smile, "Congratulations Mark, the TV station got the copyright of 'X Factor'."


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