Great Artist

Chapter 1815: British royal family

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After the meal, Debs-Francis and Catherine-Bell took up the task of washing dishes together. In fact, the Bell brothers wanted to share the responsibility, but Catherine-Bell refused, saying that they had just returned by plane. It's hard work on the road, just take a good rest in the lobby. Eden Hudson made his own hands and went to make black tea. The three young people watched the two elders busy in the kitchen, sitting on the balcony soaking up the afternoon sun.

When washing the dishes, Catherine and Bell are naturally the main force, responsible for the main cleaning, while Deboth and Francis are helping out and taking care of the water. It can be seen that Dibbos-Francis did not do this deliberately for performance, and was often busy in the kitchen at ordinary times.

"I thought Dibbos was the kind of big man who never entered the kitchen." Teddy Bell sighed in a low voice.

Eden... Hudson raised his eyebrows and agreed, "'I was really frightened when I went upstairs to see what he looked like.',

Evan-Bell chuckled, "This is called being incapable of appearances.",

Sanjin young people are here to talk about Di Baisi ... Francis, and have a lot of fun. But suddenly Catherine Bell looked at her as if thoughtfully. As a result, all three of them looked away at the same time with a guilty conscience. When they looked back, they found that Katherine Bell was still looking at him with a helpless smile. , The three of them also involuntarily showed a pleasing smile. Even Eden Hudson's iceberg face showed a trace of discomfort, and his eyes didn't know where to go.

DeBoth-Francis whispered something to Catherine-Bell, and Catherine-Bell took her eyes back. It was considered that the three embarrassed young men were resolved, and the three of them breathed a long sigh of relief at the same time. But when the three people's eyes met each other, they all felt that the scene just now was really funny, and they burst out laughing.

Both Catherine Bell and Dibbos Francis were attracted by the hearty laughter on the balcony. Under the sun, the faces of the young Sanjin were filled with bright smiles. Di Baisi... Francis was a little surprised, "Eden?" At this time, Eden-Hudson also had a bright smile on the iceberg face. Although it was not an exaggeration, it was indeed a smile. So surprising.

Catherine-Bell was not surprised at all, "Why, he doesn't have a facial nerve disorder, and his laughter is normal." This sentence made Dibbos-Francis stunned for a while, and then he laughed.

"Are you planning to rest for the next period of time?", Teddy Bell asked, Evan Bell's work schedule this year is indeed very loose... 'Juno', after the filming is over, there will be no other work arrangements, Including the album there is currently no movement.

Bell nodded, ''Well, I'll finish the post-production of 'Juno' first and plan to rest for a while.

', in fact, Evan... Bell is not in a hurry for the album. Music is not a matter of rushing the ducks to the shelves to make excellent works, but there is another thing Evan... Bell and Natalie on Oscar night last year. Terman joked about writing a script for her. Since this is also a new script to be created, Bell wondered if it was time to start looking up some resources.

After all, having had "Juno", the script creation experience, Evan Bell knew that creating a script from scratch must have a wealth of knowledge and a solid story framework as a foundation. Go back and imagine that when Evan… Bell wanted to create the two scripts "Avatar" and "The King's Speech" without knowing anything about it. It was really a fool's dream, and it really was the bravery of the ignorant.

"Didn't Annie say you're going on a backpacking trip to Europe, and you won't go with you?', Eden... Hudson remembered this, and couldn't help but ask. This kind of thinking is very consistent with Evan... Bell's personality is far from the last real time. travel for a long time.

Evan Yibel shook his head, "Annie's plan to travel is her own, she has her own route. I'm also planning to travel now, but the route may be different. I plan to go around Africa first. Circle.', when it comes to backpacking, Evan Bell started to be eager to try again.

"By the way, Evan, I received an email from the British royal family yesterday." Teddy Bell suddenly remembered this, and Evan Bell turned his head suspiciously, "British house? Do we have anything to do with the royal family? ',

Eden-Hudson couldn't help but look at Teddy-Bell. Apparently the fire of gossip started to burn again, but he said, "Saville Row." Indeed, Katherine-Bell was born in Savile Row. No. 1 is indeed involved with the British royal family. Besides, there is hardly any news about the branch line of William Bell's house, who knows if there will be any surprises or the like.

Bell's brows didn't even have time to gather in the middle, Teddy... Bell denied Eden Hudson's guess" 'That's not the case. . . . 'Even Bell didn't even look at Eden Hudson' Instead, he focused his attention on Teddy Bell, "Next month, the British royal family will hold an award ceremony, and Queen Elizabeth II will award you the Knight Commander Medal (kbe), please send an email in advance. Ask about your attitude. ',

The United Kingdom is a country that has maintained a tradition for many years, and still retains the honor system established centuries ago. But now the royal family has no real power, but the right to award honors is still in the hands of the royal family. Generally speaking, today's honor system is more of a reward for those who have contributed to the United Kingdom, and different honorary titles represent different importance.

Generally, the list of honorable persons will be announced twice a year, the birthday of the monarch and the new year. Since the current Queen Elizabeth II's birthday is in April, the annual award ceremony is in January of the beginning of the year and June in the summer. month. The majesty of awarding honors is always under the spotlight, the most famous of which is of course the knighting ceremony, which preserves the fine traditions of centuries ago.

These awarding ceremonies are mainly to honor outstanding people in various fields, including art, sports, health, media, education, science and technology, economy and other fields, involving almost all aspects of social life. For example, the famous Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson was knighted by Buckingham Palace in 1999.

Although these honorary titles have no substantive role, they are the highest honors in the UK, and people from all walks of life will be proud of being awarded by the royal family. Someone once joked that for an actor, a BAFTA plus an Oscar statuette is not as good as the Queen of England award. Of course, this is just a joke, but you can still see the unparalleled allure of the Royal Order in the UK for people in all fields.

Although almost everyone is eager to win the Royal Family Medal, in history, there are countless artists who refuse the Royal Family Medal. From Lucian-Floyd to Roald-Dahl, from Francis-Bacon to Graham-Greene, it has long been not uncommon for creative geniuses to refuse titles of nobility granted by the Queen.

Therefore, since the royal family's honoring ceremony is very majestic every year, it will definitely attract the attention of many media around the world. For the sake of the royal family's face, it is natural to be more cautious. After they have selected the list of candidates for the award, they will first send an email to ask for their opinions. If they get a rejection, they will cross out the names of the candidates on the list. After all of them have been confirmed, the awards will be announced. List of honors, and then hold the honoring ceremony as it naturally comes.

Generally speaking, it is an absolutely confidential document to reject the award of the British royal family, which is the dignity of the royal family. Unless the rejecter takes the initiative to reveal. At present, only one document has been circulated in 2003, which published a list of people who had refused royal honors, which caused extensive discussion. Beyond that, the true rejecters tend to be quiet and may not be known until many years later.

But in general, most people are still very willing to accept the British royal family. After all, this is an honor, and it is only an honor. In the era when the nobility is no longer popular, it is possible to hang a knight title, such as Alec Si-Ferguson is now collectively referred to as, 'Sir Ferguson'', UU reading www.uukanshu. com This is also a very good thing.

Evan... Bell is only 25 years old this year. Although he has not checked the historical qualifications, he will definitely not be the youngest recipient in history. However, Evan-Bell is still a little surprised. It took him only seven years to really enter the public eye. To say that his social contribution and social popularity may not have really reached the level of awarding. Now the British royal family wants to award him a medal, which is really unexpected.

"Why?", Evan Bell asked, "I haven't photographed any works in the UK so far, and even there are only a handful of publicity campaigns in the UK, so how could you think of awarding me a medal? '' Evan Bell didn't know much about the modern British honor system, but he knew that the Order of the Commander-in-Chief was a very high-level honor.

Teddy Bell faced the curious eyes of Eden Lingderson and Evan Bell, and didn't give in. "They said in the email, as a representative of British actors, thank you for your contribution to world cinema, making people Realize how valuable you are as a British actor.'' This is definitely an official polite remark, but it's not wrong. At present, Evan Bell is actually only a British citizen and has never been a US citizen. Although he has been in the United States all year round development, but Evan Bell is indeed an authentic British in people's eyes.

Then this recognition of the British royal family is taken for granted. The 25-year-old Oscar best director won the director's grand slam at the age of 25. This is indeed a supreme honor for the British, no wonder The British royal family will be thrilled.

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[Unfinished to be continued "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @红 Chenranshao".

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