Great Artist

Chapter 1822: Friendship

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Evan Bell is just a point in the competition for interests between big companies. Although it is a key point, it is still difficult to play a decisive role. On the surface, Evan Bell used the advantages in his hands to leverage the leverage and involved all major film companies and TV stations in the United States; but in fact, it was more of an influence that affected the whole body. , Evan Bell just touched a hair.

Now that the changes in the entire American singing draft market have taken shape, Evan Bell’s personal influence will be very weak. Whether it is "American Idol", "X Factor" or "Voice of America", they must all go down step by step under the operation of the TV station. Although Evan Bell finally won the "Voice of America" ​​in his last life, but it's a matter of human effort. If Eleven Studio and CBS TV don't work hard to run this show, don't make efforts, just hold a "novel program form". If you have the advantage of dreaming in spring and autumn, then the winner in this life may be "American Idol" or "X Factor".

Rebirth does not mean omnipotence, the road is ahead, but you must walk out with both feet, otherwise you will never be able to see the scenery on both sides of the road ahead, or after the wind and sand is over, the original road ahead will also disappear.

However, it must be admitted that there are only eternal interests and no eternal enemies. This sentence has been vividly displayed in the changes in the draft market this time. Who would have thought that Eleven Studios and CBS TV became the closest partners, repairing their relationship with TV and Fox, but the TV station is getting farther and farther away; who would have thought that even the stubborn Universal Pictures It has also begun to loosen; of course, the hatred index of Universal Music does not seem to have fallen, but has risen, which is an irreversible deadlock - or that there is not enough huge interest to make Universal Music tempted.

The news that Evan Bell doesn't plan to work on a new film anytime soon spread like wildfire throughout the circle, so even if Universal was rejected again. There is also nothing to say, because Evan Bell treats everyone equally.

To everyone's surprise, Evan Bell flew to Austin, Texas without taking a few days off in New York to join a filming crew called "Stop Loss". Make people fall through the glasses. Just when people thought that Evan Bell deliberately released pigeons from major film companies, the reporters found out the latest news. Evan Bell did not take over the film contract of this work. Director Kimberly Pierce has repeatedly stressed that she had no idea that Evan Bell was going to star in this work.

Evan Bell rushed to the Lone Star State in the south. The pastures and rice fields within sight made it a different look from a bustling metropolis like New York, but Evan Bell did not have time to browse Austin. The surrounding beauty, after getting off the plane, went to the "stop loss" crew without stopping.

This time, Evan Bell came to help as the fire chief. The one who issued the invitation was Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who had not seen him for a long time. In fact, Evan Bell didn't ask too much, just received a request for help from Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and he came to Austin without a word.

When he arrived at the crew, the change of clothes that Evan Bell carried with him was still in the temporarily rented car, so he got out of the car and looked for a familiar figure. But before Evan Bell took out his mobile phone and called Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the surrounding pedestrians began to riot. Although everyone did not gather, passers-by greeted enthusiastically, "Hey. Evan", but it was endless.

The liveliness of the roadside quickly attracted the crew who were filming not far away. There was a small square in front of him, a podium in the middle, and there were about 200 extras in front of them. The production manager held a loudspeaker to tell everyone how to shoot the scene. . Joseph Gordon-Levitt was originally standing on the podium, saw the commotion there from a distance, and patted his brother Channing Tatum with a smile, "Hey. My buddy is here." Done. Joseph Gordon-Levitt jumped off the podium and ran towards the parking lot.

"Hey. Joseph! What are you doing?" Director Kimberly Pierce saw Joseph Gordon-Levitt run over like a gust of wind. "This scene is about to start shooting!"

Joseph Gordon-Levitt didn't turn his head, just shouted, "Give me two minutes."

Channing Tatum stood on the podium, but raised his voice and said, "Director, Evan Bell is here." This is an answer to Kimberly Pierce.

Kimberly Pierce immediately showed a smile on her face. She has always loved Evan Bell, an actor with acting skills, appeal and personality. But at the same time, Kimberly Pierce is a little worried. There are all kinds of rumors about Evan Bell outside. If Evan Bell really plays a big role in the crew, then as a director, Kimberly Pierce will definitely have a headache.

As a director, Kimberly Pierce's most famous work is her 1999 debut "Boys Don't Cry", which earned Hilary Swank her first Oscar for Best Actress; Memoirs" and other works can also see her name appear in the producer column.

This time, for the work "Stop Loss", Kimberly-Pearce locked her sight on the soldiers who suffered from war. Stop loss is actually a common term in the financial foreign exchange field. After the Vietnam War, the term was used by the U.S. government. The so-called stop-loss procedure refers to the military's behavior of forcing soldiers who have completed their duties during their service or who are conditionally retired to extend their service time in an emergency. According to a 2007 survey, the controversial policy forced about 7,000 U.S. soldiers to remain in Iraq who were supposed to return home.

From the parade of veterans calling for withdrawal in Washington last October, to the warm-up competition for the presidential election, the topic of Iraq's withdrawal has gradually heated up, and the stop-loss procedure has become more and more controversial.

Kimberly Pierce's work "Stop Loss" tells such a story. A group of Iraqi soldiers returned to their hometown with honor and planned to retire to rebuild their lives, but the military forced it under the stop loss procedure. Several outstanding soldiers immediately returned to Iraq to continue their service. Some went back, while others became deserters.

In fact, in the view of the military, the stop-loss procedure is to preserve the wrong strength, requiring capable and experienced fighters to continue to shine on the battlefield, but this abuse of power has hurt those injured souls who want to go home.

The actor of "Stop Loss" chose Ryan Philip, Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, which can be described as a neat lineup. However, halfway through the filming, the crew had a little accident. The actor who originally played Lieutenant Colonel "Boots" Miller, the direct superior of the soldiers, was injured during the filming and had to miss the next filming.

In fact, Lieutenant Colonel Miller did not have many scenes. It was only a supporting role, but it was a key supporting role. There were only three scenes before and after, mainly showing a tough image representing the US government. So how to find a new actor as a substitute, and able to play the role, has become Kimberly-Pearce's biggest headache.

After learning about this situation, Joseph Gordon-Levitt thought of Evan Bell. No matter from any perspective, Evan Bell is really a suitable candidate. Kimberly Pierce is naturally very welcome, but recently Evan Bell turned down all invitations to come to the door, which also made Kimberly Pierce quite worried about the feasibility of this plan.

Unexpectedly, Joseph Gordon-Levitt just gave Evan Bell a call, saying that there was a role, about two days of filming time, and wanted Evan Bell to help make a cameo, Evan Bell two words I agreed without saying anything, and the performance was free, and even the travel expenses were paid out of my own pocket.

This is undoubtedly great news for Kimberly Pierce, but today Evan Bell really arrived on the set, and Kimberly Pierce couldn't help but worry: Can she really control such a big name?

Joseph Gordon-Levitt didn't have so many complicated ideas. He trotted over excitedly and gave Evan Bell a firm hug, "How is it, is it going well?"

Evan Bell was restrained by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and he felt a little hard to breathe. He couldn't help but beat Joseph Gordon-Levitt's back hard, "Joe! Are you planning to make me pass out?" Joseph Gordon-Levitt then let go of his arm and smiled embarrassedly. Evan Bell touched his neck exaggeratedly and panted, "I'm all going well, except that you tried to make me unable to breathe just Teddy Bell has also parked the car, I walked down. In fact, the cameo appearance of "Stop Loss" is not a job, it is just a friend's help. It took only two days before and after the shooting. Evan Bell came over after picking up a few changes of clothes. But even so, Thai Dee Bell still came along with him. Evan Bell's real friends are not many, only a few when he is full, but Evan Bell is always very generous to his friends, it's just a cameo to help small things , for Evan Bell, it couldn't be easier.

"Teddy, long time no see." Joseph Gordon-Levitt also hugged Teddy Bell, "Evan promised to make a cameo, but did he cause you a lot of trouble?" Joseph Gordon-Levitt said this The words are not polite, but a little gloating.

Teddy Bell was not angry, but said with a smile, "It's okay, anyway, Evan's salary is deducted from your salary, I don't mind."

One sentence made Joseph Gordon-Levitt mutter, "So smart, I don't even get paid much!" But after making everyone laugh, Joseph Gordon-Levitt took the Bell Brothers to the crew. Go, "Go, let me introduce the crew to you."

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