Great Artist

Chapter 1829: femininity

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In fact, it is rumored that Evan Bell is playing a big game, which cannot be regarded as groundless. Look at Evan Bell's behavior, refusing interviews from reporters head-on, disdain for invitations from major film companies, not selling the face of top magazines and top award ceremonies, and making nonsense in various public occasions... Evan Bell is indeed It is a big name. In the eyes of many people, his personality is based on the countless achievements he has made in the field of music and movies. In fact, his personality can also be understood as coddled, coddled and arrogant from the negative point of view.

In fact, Evan Bell's personality has always been like this, long before the "Death Illusion", Evan Bell has been like this. But the media doesn't care, and most audiences don't care. This is how they see Evan Bell, and the first impression formed in their minds is like this, and naturally it will not change.

That's how Kimberly-Pearce's concern about Evan Bell's big-name game was formed, but Kimberly-Pearce was soon convinced by Evan Bell's performance. Evan Bell is not only an excellent actor, but also a very dedicated actor. He will make appropriate adjustments according to the director's style and requirements, and match the style of the entire crew in the actor's true character. Such an actor is a rare asset for any crew.

No wonder people in the entertainment industry say that hearing is false and seeing is believing, and even many times what the eyes see is not necessarily the truth. The blindness of scandals comes from the blind spot of sight. It takes real investigation and research to find out. fact. Therefore, the rumors are not necessarily true, it is the best policy to go in the left ear and go out the right ear.

Under the leadership of Evan Bell, Ryan Philip's performance is obviously back on track, but those who really want to study acting skills can still see the difference, although Evan Bell has not yet reached the point where every gesture is a show Highly' but his understanding of the role and the grasp of the rhythm are indeed superior. Ryan - Philip in front of him, the performance can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt stood beside them and muttered that Channing Tatum showed an envious look, "The feeling of being separated by a big screen and the feeling of being at close range on the set, Really bad."

Joseph Gordon-Levitt chuckled in a low voice, "If you go into Evan's crew to accept his tune-telling, then you will feel more deeply.

Channing Tatum immediately thought of "mysterious skin", which was only Evan Bell's second work, but still won a lot of best awards for Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the awards season The nomination of the leading actor, "Why, he is strict?"

Joseph Gordon-Levitt did not speak, but made a vivid "囧" face, but fully expressed his feelings on the "Mysterious Skin" set, making Channing Tatum almost lost Take control and burst out laughing. Ahem Channing - Tatum's sanity still prevails, otherwise it will destroy the atmosphere of the filming on the set.

What Joseph Gordon-Levitt didn't say is that Ryan Phillippe obviously didn't have any influence on Evan Bell today, and was completely held hands. Imagine Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio's rivalry in "There Will Be Blood." That tension is what really gets the blood pumping.

It took nearly two hours for Evan Bell and Ryan Philip to finish filming the scene. Then continued to film the second scene of Evan Bell's cameo. This scene is the scene of the soldiers on their way back to Texas. In the car, Lieutenant Colonel Miller asks Steve, played by Channing Tatum, if he wants to join the sniper school. Steve refused, he decided to leave the army, go home and marry his beloved girlfriend and have children.

Lieutenant Colonel Miller didn't say much, just gave a brief lecture to the soldiers in the car.

This scene is mainly to watch Evan Bell perform alone, so the whole shooting went very smoothly, and all the shooting was completed in less than half an hour. The task of Evan Bell's two cameo appearances was officially over, and in fact it took less than half a day.

Kimberly Pierce stepped forward and watched Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Channing Tatum, Ryan Phillippe and others hug Evan Bell to thank them. She waited quietly behind After all the signature requests including Mark Richard and others were satisfied, she walked in front of Evan Bell.

"Thank you. Evan, I have to officially express my gratitude." Kimberly Pierce said seriously, in exchange for a bright smile from Evan Bell, "I also have to apologize to you, in fact, when you came to the set, I I have been worried about whether a big name like you will affect the filming of the crew." Evan Bell's smile not only did not restrain, but instead added a joke. Kimberly-Pearce didn't waver, and continued, "Let me finish, but you proved me wrong with your actions. Sorry."

Evan Bell waited for a while to confirm that Kimberly Pierce had nothing to say, and then said, "It's my duty as an actor to complete the filming task, so as long as the finished product is good, everything is worth it. , isn't it? As for the so-called big names, I do seem to be qualified to play big names now, right, so I think I'll try it occasionally." Evan Bell's humorous tone made Kimberly Pierce The slightly serious expression could not help softening, and a smile appeared, "But I think there should be no chance in your crew, there is too little time left for me, so I think, leave the stage to Joe , Ryan, Channing them."

Evan Bell's good eloquence is indeed well-deserved, Kimberly Pierce nodded with a smile, "Anyway, thank you for your temporary rescue, it has helped me a lot." Evan Bell raised his eyebrows and stared, showing a brilliant Smile, "My pleasure."

Kimberly Pierce stretched out her right hand boldly, and then held Evan Bell's hand. Evan Bell could feel Kimberly Pierce's powerful and refreshing palm. She was not like an ordinary woman, but with a Sharp and direct masculinity.

Whether it's the apology just now, or the current handshake, it's not annoying, on the contrary, it's like she's stunned for her straightforwardness.

"So, are you going to leave this afternoon?" After Kimberly Pierce's inner worries about Evan Bell disappeared, she became more casual in her conversation.

Evan Bell shook his head, "I booked a ticket for the day after tomorrow, so I'll stay in Austin for a day. It's also a good choice to walk around here." Because before departure, Evan Bell didn't know how to shoot How long it would last, he did not expect that it would end in half a day, so there was still significantly more time left in the middle of the round-trip air ticket.

"Austin is definitely worth a visit. Maybe it's not a tourist destination, but the ranch you can see everywhere has a unique flavor." Kimberly-Pearce put her hands on her hips and said grandly, "But since you decided to stay here for an extra day, why not Why don't you stay in the crew and watch?"

"Why?" Evan Bell raised his eyebrows, obviously not expecting such an invitation.

Kimberly-Pearce smiled a little embarrassedly, "We will go to a cemetery outside where to shoot a funeral scene in the afternoon, I wonder if you can show up again." It seems that she realized that her request exceeded the original agreement. In this situation, Kimberly Pierce also rarely appeared embarrassed.

"Funeral? Is it Tom's scene?" Evan Bell was not surprised. He had read the entire script, so he was impressed by the scene mentioned by Kimberly Pierce. After Tom, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, committed suicide, the state held a funeral for him in accordance with the specifications of a martyr. "Okay, why not? It just needs me to stand in the background anyway, right?

Evan Bell's good talk obviously overturned Kimberly Pierce's fixed impression again. Her expression looked very surprised, but she quickly subsided, because she quickly reminded herself again: fixed impression is to do Not allowed. "That couldn't be better!"

Help people to the end, and send Buddha to the west. Now that Evan Bell has already come, and the cameo scene ended earlier than expected, it is not difficult to help out again. Evan Bell has no reason to refuse.

Arriving at the cemetery in the afternoon, Evan Bell put on an officer's suit for formal A variety of medals were neatly hung on the left chest. The rigorous and meticulous tailoring made the whole person look tall and straight. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and others are naturally happy that Evan Bell is willing to stay. However, since the scene that is about to start is a funeral, everyone must remain solemn, so Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who has no part in the scene, and Evan Bell, who is only in the background, did not make trouble, so as not to affect the actor's entry into the play.

"Witnessing my funeral with my own eyes, it is estimated that only actors and novels can achieve it." The two dogs, Gordon Levitt and Evan Bell, stood by the side, watching the staff who were busy arranging the scene, Whispered to Evan Bell. Isn't the protagonist of this funeral Tom, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, "No wonder so many people want to be actors, this kind of thing doesn't happen often." As a result, Joseph Gordon-Levitt almost burst into laughter.

Evan Bell raised his hand and pressed the corner of his mouth to prevent himself from laughing too much, but at this touch, he realized that he was wearing white gloves at this time, looking at the white gloves, and then looking at the clothes in front of him. The people in formal attire were crowded with blackness, and there was a neat firing squad standing on the right—all of them had long guns in their hands, and they were equipment ready to fire off for a while.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt followed Evan Bell's line of sight, his smile narrowed, and he said in a low voice, "It's just three shots." There was disdain, loss and hatred in his tone. (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to come to 『』 to vote for a recommendation vote and a monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.) 『This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @』

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