Great Artist

Chapter 1847: Do your best

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Zhang Man, Yu and Quentin Tarantino didn't stay too long, they left after the fundraising was over. In fact, many of the guests present today came for Evan... Bell's face. After expressing their feelings and greetings, those who had other things left first, and only one-third of them actually stayed for dinner. Just two. But even so, it was already midnight after the guests were sent away.

Adam... Although Feichel, Howard-Wolfson were all closed today, they obviously did not intend to have a bad relationship with Evan Bell. They all saw the opportunity and chatted with Evan-Bell for a while again. After conveying his kindness, he turned around and left. It can be seen that with the passage of time, more and more forces will pay attention to the power of social networks. Not only major Hollywood film companies, but all sectors of society will begin to be keen to use social networks to achieve more goals.

After everyone dissipated, only Evan was left in the empty room... Bell, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson and a few others, Eden Hudson took a group of staff to calculate Today's fundraiser, Teddy... Bell is communicating with the staff of the Four Seasons about checking out.

Ai Zhangyi Bell stood there, looking at the empty and lonely room after the noise, but he had some emotions in his heart. In his last life, during the Wenchuan earthquake, he was not able to provide much help. He only donated his salary for a month, and because of the busy work, even in the period after the earthquake, there was no time for vacation. , not to mention that he signed up to volunteer to see the front line to help. Of course, it's not that he doesn't care, it's just that life is like that.

In this lifetime, Evan Bell originally wanted to go to the scene to lend a helping hand in person, but unfortunately it failed. However, he is now using his own power to provide the greatest help to the Wenchuan disaster area. Although money is not everything, in the face of disasters, compared to the material power represented by money, the warmth conveyed through objects is not a panacea. More gratifying. Evan... Bell doesn't mind the reasons for the people who are here today, and how sincere their hearts are to help the disaster area, these are not important, the important thing is that the guests present are more or less all. Their helping hand oozes out, and then through Evan Bell's hands, it evolves into a warm current that will flow into the disaster-stricken area.

Evan... Bell has always known that the influence an artist can exert cannot be underestimated. In the process of combating piracy, opposing wars, supporting charity and other activities, the participation of artists can often intensify the power of supporters to the greatest extent. . In fact, in this case, the role of an artist is directly linked to positive words such as classic leaders and role models. The image of an artist living under the spotlight is actually the object of learning from supporters, and the role of positive and negative forces as role models should not be underestimated. But today, Evan Bell has a new understanding of the power he carries.

Take a look at the guests who arrived at the scene today. They almost cover elites from all fields of society. There were 173 guests and 27 media reporters in the audience. This not only represents today's gathering The huge amount of funds raised also means that the influence of the event will cover the entire United States, and the non-governmental donations and funding activities that will be driven in the future are definitely an immeasurable number.

No wonder "Spider-Man, it says, the greater the power, the heavier the responsibility.

"The statistics are out." Eden Hudson came over, laptop in hand, "more than eight o'clock."

Although Evan... Bell had long expected that the amount of donations this time would be not small, but it was still far beyond his tone. He actually raised more than eight million US dollars. This is a large number. You must know that the White House officials only donated money. Only half a million dollars. Of course, the position of the state is slightly different. Compared with the state, individuals like Shao Hefu and Li Ka-shing, as well as foreign non-governmental organizations, enterprises, people from all walks of life, Huajiao Chinese, and overseas students The amount donated by Chinese-funded institutions and other institutions far exceeds that of the country.

"What are you going to do?" Eden-Hudson asked. Based on the current exchange rate, $8 million is at least six to four million yuan. This amount is quite conspicuous.

Evan... Bell shrugged, "Donate it all." He held this fundraising party with great fanfare today, and he didn't plan to hide it. No matter what outsiders say, this is Evan-Bell's share. Xinyi hopes to help the people in the disaster area get out of the predicament, "Let's add some more and make up ten." It means to make up 10 million US dollars, "30% of it buys supplies and medicines, and the rest Donate it in the name of Eleven Studio."

Although it is donated in the name of Eleven Studio, it will definitely mark the way of raising. After thinking about it, Evan-Bell added, "Contact the International Committee of the Red Cross and make sure that all funds are invested in the disaster area." Although this time, "Five Corpse Two is called a national disaster, it is estimated that there is no official account." Members have the courage to extend their corrupt hands to donations, especially Evan Bell, the most high-profile payment from overseas, but Evan Bell definitely needs to take precautions.

"I know." Eden-Hudson nodded. He closed the laptop and looked at Evan, whose face was still heavy...Bell, paused and asked, "Are you planning to go to China? ?" Evan-Bell has been wanting to go to the front line of disaster relief these days, and has never concealed his family, and Evan-Bell's care for the disaster-stricken people is also fully supported by Catherine-Bell and others. of. However, Evan... Bell ultimately failed to go to the front line of disaster relief, but used charity fundraising to spread the warmth of his aid to the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Evan-Bell breathed a long sigh of relief, "I have done what I can do, what I need to do now is to ensure that the funds will be used for the relief and reconstruction work in the disaster area. As for volunteers, I think There will be no shortage of me among those 1.3 billion people."

Eden Hudson pursed the corners of his mouth, and Evan Bell finally figured it out.

In fact, if Evan-Bell insisted on going to the front line of the disaster area now, what he would send would not be help but trouble. Evan Bell, a British artist who is well-known worldwide, went to the disaster area in China at this time, whether as a volunteer or with Chinese artists Participating in disaster relief shows and the like will cause infinite riots, which will only make the chaotic disaster area even more tormented. And Evan Bell's good intentions as a foreigner will be misinterpreted by the media as the first step in trying to make money in Asia, and there is even the possibility of conspiracy theories appearing. In terms of rescue and reconstruction work, it is not a good phenomenon.

Although Eden Hudson has always been worried before, but this incident is more sensitive, he can't say anything, he can only help Evan-Bell silently. But fortunately, now Evan-Bell is no longer a bully and has returned to his usual sanity. If this tens of millions of dollars can be realized, it is far more powerful than Evan Bell's personal trip to the disaster area. Therefore, Eden Hudson knew that his job for the next period of time was to ensure that the funds raised could actually be put into the disaster area, and this was the only thing he could do for Evan Bell.

"Fortunately, you don't have the illusion that you are Jesus." Different from what he thought, Eden-Hudson's irony didn't stop at all, and Evan-Bell couldn't help but smile.

"I'm not Jesus, and I'm not Gandhi, don't worry, I will always remind myself." Evan Yibel said with a smile, with a hint of ridicule to himself.

Eden-Hudson rolled his eyes and muttered, "Fortunately you didn't say Nightingale." Evan-Bell couldn't help laughing and laughing, "Since I don't go to China, it's still going according to plan. ?"

Evan and Bell had planned to take a vacation for a while, but because of the Wenchuan earthquake, Evan... Bell was forced to postpone his trip and traveled between Los Angeles and New York. Now there are only three months left in May. One half of it, "Well, it's still according to plan 1. But the itinerary is going to be changed. I may go to Africa first."

Eden-Hudson's brows invisibly moved closer to the middle, "Are you sure you are not possessed by Jesus?" African war and poverty are always key words that cannot be ignored. Contact the recent move of Evan-Bell, Eden... Hudson is not surprised by this suspicion.

Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, "I've always wanted to be a volunteer and go to see the African continent, you don't know." This is not Evan Bell's recent idea, long before university It was born, and before the "first" world tour in Africa, Evan Bell didn't take a good look at the chalky land. When filming "Wild Survival", in order to understand Christopher McCanders , Evan, Bell also went to read Christopher... The African-related books that McCanders cares about, and the yearning has reached its peak.

But it is undeniable that this Wenchuan earthquake also had a catalytic effect on Evan-Bell. Imagine those who were deeply hurt in the disaster area, Evan-Bell would want to go to the African continent to experience the Different from the comfortable and happy life now.

Eden Hudson thought about it and had to admit that Evan Bell had always had this idea, "I hope you enjoy your journey." Eden Hudson knew that this was the most authentic Eden Wen Yibeier yearns to be able to travel to every corner of the world, this time starting from Africa is also a very wise choice.

"I will." Evan Bell let out a long breath.

Ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @红 Chenranshao], bring my most beautiful belief @n911222. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, your support, It's my biggest motivation.)

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