Great Artist

Chapter 1850: Looking for Evan

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Evan Bell went on vacation, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson can also be regarded as vacations, because their usual main work is also carried out around Evan Bell.


Eden Hudson first finished the lawsuit between Facebook and the twin Winklevoss brothers, and finally completed a private settlement with $50 million in compensation. The Winklevoss brothers are still in Eden-Hard. Under Xun's strength, he succumbed. After all, this lawsuit has been entangled for more than three years, and it is difficult to get a result after the time is consumed. The two lawsuits on Facebook have finally come to an end. As for Eduardo Savarin, he has been actively preparing for his biography recently, so there is no news for the time being.


After working with Facebook, there is no problem with uTube for the time being. Eden-Hudson has invested in the supervision of the Wenchuan earthquake relief funds, but this problem does not need to go to the local area in person, so Eden-Hudson He was also on vacation, working while on vacation, and even Teddy Bell didn't know where he went on vacation.


Teddy Bell stayed in New York, saying that he wanted to stay in the company, but in this era of well-informed communication, in fact, as long as the mobile phone and computer are kept unblocked, even if Teddy Bell is not in New York, he can control the Eleven Studio at any time. Every move. Teddy Bell chooses to stay at home, which is a kind of vacation in itself. He doesn't like to run outside like Evan Bell does. Finally, he has a vacation. He stays at No. 12 Prince Street, occasionally accompanying Catherine Bell, and the rest. When you have time to do something you want to do, it is also very pleasant to have a small day.


But Teddy Bell soon regretted it. He originally thought that Evan Bell's departure would clean up No. 12 Princes Street. After all, there was no media attention, and there was no gossip worthy of attention. Even Annie Hay Servi has gone on a trip, and there is no one else at 12 Princes Street except Teddy Bell, so normally, no one should come to disturb him. But Teddy Bell ignores that the waves in the entertainment world are often unpredictable.


"Tom, I don't think Evan can play a role, he's just an ordinary actor, isn't he?" Teddy Bell was forced into the conference room at 9 Princes Street today because Tom Hanks and George - The two super-big names of Clooney came to the door in person, hoping that Teddy Bell could contact Evan Bell.


Since the final victory of the screenwriters' strike, the directors' union and the actors' union have been preparing for a new round of strikes. Unlike screenwriters and directors, once the Actors Guild strikes, the entire entertainment industry chain will be completely paralyzed. So this time it has also attracted the full attention of the producers' union. In order to avoid large-scale harm, the Actors Guild has been avoiding the execution of the strike. Evan Bell, after receiving the signal from Tom Hanks, also expressed his support for solving the problem through negotiation. It is not a last resort. Don't want to go through a strike to get to the end.


But over the past few months, things have gotten out of hand. Negotiations between the Screen Actors Guild and the Producers Guild broke down in April, and the two brothers-in-law Hollywood Screen Actors Guild, the Screen Actors Guild and the Screen Actors Guild of America, turned against each other, declaring that the two sides were irreconcilable due to conflicts. , the parties will negotiate a new contract with the studio separately. In the past 30 years, the two actors' unions have been negotiating the terms of the film and television contract together. In the face of the suppression of the producers' union, the actors' union must unite in order to achieve the final victory. Now at a critical juncture, he is the first to split within himself, and the situation is not optimistic.


The more dramatic part is coming. The Producers Guild took the lead in negotiating a new contract with the American TV and Radio Actors Union! The Screen Actors Guild, however, is still not satisfied with the contract. These two different rhythms changed the whole Hollywood situation. Screen Actors Guild of America, if the negotiations on June 30th are still unsuccessful - June 30th is the date when the old contract expires, then the Screen Actors Guild will carry out a strike starting on July 1st! .


The Screen Actors Guild has 120,000 members and is the largest Screen Actors Guild in the world, and the number of big names under its umbrella is far more than that of the Screen Actors Guild, Evan Bell, Leonardo DiCaprio. , Johnny Depp, Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman and others are all actors under the Screen Actors Guild of America. Once the Screen Actors Guild decides to strike, it is estimated that at least one-third of the entire Hollywood works are paralyzed.


The strike is imminent, and the scope of the strike will go far beyond the screenwriters' strike. In this case, Tom Hanks and George Clooney across the two actors' unions must take concrete actions. Avoid further expansion of the injury. So Tom Hanks and George Clooney started contacting big-name members of the SAG, hoping they could put pressure on the producers to push for a deal by June 30, or bloodshed. cannot be avoided. Therefore, these two super big names found No. 9 Prince Street.


"Evan is an actor, but he is also a producer, and his prestige in the Producers Union should not be underestimated, not to mention, if he can publicly support the Screen Actors Guild and persuade the Producers Union , this is also to avoid the occurrence of a strike." George Clooney's face was full of sincerity.


Teddy Bell took a long sigh, "George, do you really think Evan can turn the situation around? Evan is only twenty-five years old. In terms of prestige, how many people really believe in him? It must be clearer than me." Teddy Bell is not shirking responsibility, but Tom Hanks, George Clooney, they take Evan Bell too seriously, and this is obviously not the real face of the truth, " Besides, Evan really has no works to start shooting now, how much power can he have to threaten the producers?"


"Teddy, Evan's strength alone may not be enough, but we are working hard now, uniting a lot of strength, then the producer union will not be able to continue to be tough." Tom Hanks said earnestly, Although he is now in a high position and has a very important position in the Actors Guild and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, he has always been the image of a simple and honest old man.


In fact, Evan Bell's power as a person is really not that exaggerated, but with the special existence of Eleven Studio, the power that can be driven is indeed not to be underestimated. Especially on May 20th, the power of the charity fundraising event held by Evan Bell gave everyone a new understanding of Evan Bell. This is also the fundamental reason why Tom Hanks and George Clooney came to the door in person.


Although Tom Hanks and George Clooney talked deeply, but Teddy Bell was not a rookie who was easy to fool. He thought about it carefully, "If Evan is here, he must be willing to contribute." Teddy Bell's thoughts on his younger brother are still very clear. If the Screen Actors Guild goes on strike, then the actors at the bottom will indeed be severely impacted, "But I won't let Evan come back to deal with this matter, because I don't even know where he is now."


Hearing what Teddy Bell said, George Clooney and Tom Hanks both showed disbelief. In fact, Teddy Bell has told reporters many times, but no one wants to believe it. He, Teddy Bell, really didn't know his brother's whereabouts.


Teddy Bell has no plans to explain further, "I will make a few calls in the name of Studio Eleven to make Evan's position clear. The rest is not something I can help you with."


"A few calls are good, a few calls are enough." Tom Hanks showed a happy smile, obviously very satisfied with Teddy Bell's willingness to help.


In the end, under the leadership of a group of actors with outstanding leadership and temperament such as Tom Hanks, the Screen Actors Guild finally avoided more harm. Before the deadline, the negotiations with the Producers Union were completed to avoid a disaster. As for the role of Eleven Studios in it, only insiders know.


The harassment of Tom Hanks and George Clooney didn't end for a long time, and Mark Bonet came to the door again, which made Teddy Bell feel quite annoyed.


The TV station knew that it was at a disadvantage and was played by Evan Bell once. Everyone is fighting for the "X Factor", but CBS TV easily won the copyright of "Voice of America". Originally, people thought that the TV station would completely cut off from Eleven Studio, and Jeff Zucker thought so. . But the good times didn't last long, and the TV station still realized that if CBS TV and Fox TV joined forces, the power of the powerful "Voice of America" ​​and the mass-based "American Idol" united The factor" is It's hard to break through the blockade. So Jeff Zucker thought of the most direct solution: let Evan Bell advise. Poor Mark Bonet can only be sent to the door as a punching bag again.


But Mark Bonet must be thankful that Evan Bell is not there, and Teddy Bell, although shrewd enough, will not torture him. Despite this, Mark Bonet was still closed, and Teddy Bell replied, "I didn't say it was a buyout. There is no cooperative relationship between Eleven Studio and the TV station, and we naturally have no right. The 'X Factor' needs to be responsible." This made Mark-Bonet almost cry.


In addition, because of the outstanding performance of Eleven Music, media reporters are constantly looking for Evan Bell, especially when Evan Bell disappeared for more than a month and there was no news at all, the "Search for Evan" activity It seems to be getting more and more lively.


This kind of strange phenomenon really makes people puzzled.


And Teddy Bell, who is at the center of this vortex, regretted more than once that he stayed at 12 Princes Street. He has told reporters countless times "I don't know where Evan is", but no one still wants to believe him. . In desperation, in the end Teddy Bell also left, and left Princes Street with luggage.


It's alright now, it's completely clean.


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