Great Artist

Chapter 1854: Journey surprise

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!

The train continued to rumble forward. Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat were sitting by the window, waving goodbye to Evan Bell, who was already standing on the platform.

There are always differences on a long journey. Evan Bell did not intend to go to the final station Cardiff, but got off the train in the small town of New Town (wn), which is 70 minutes away from Cardiff.

Evan Bell standing on the platform is a pure backpacker, with no heroic appearance on the big screen, a simple T-shirt and jeans, carrying a huge mountaineering bag, with a face that melts in the sun. Zhong smiled, and after waving goodbye, he turned and left, leaving only a long back on the platform that was only less than thirty yards long in New Town.

"So, what do you think?" Steven Moffat looked back at his friend who was sitting across from him and said.

Mark Gatis still looked at the back of Evan Bell leaving. Although the conversation just took less than two hours, the exhilaration of the collision of ideas was unforgettable for a long time. "He is a genius." Mark Gatiss voice was full of surprise, until the train started again and Evan Bell disappeared around the corner of the platform before he looked back, "Yeah, he's a fuck. Genius. It's hard to imagine, he's only twenty-five years old, **** Christ, it's a horrible age."

"If I can make you less excited, I can tell you, is he actually turning twenty-six years old? Well, four and a half months." Steven Moffat was there with a serious face. The fingers calculated, and it was directly shot by Mark Gatiss.

"So, he is Watson. Since he doesn't want others to disturb his schedule..." Steven-Moffat stopped his slapstick and gestured. He knows very well that Evan Bell doesn't want the world's media to follow him, he's just enjoying his vacation through and through. In this regard, Evan Bell has a cooler head than many of the top stars.

In fact, when the stars are on vacation, the paparazzi will not let them go. The photos on the beaches of tropical islands have countless themes, such as making a fool of yourself and getting out of shape; Gossip and gossip... Therefore, it can be said that artists live under the spotlight for 365 days a year. As long as the paparazzi are intentional, it is difficult for artists to disappear completely.

But Evan Bell is different. He disappeared on the African continent for nearly 40 days. Who would have thought that he would join the volunteer team of the Red Cross like an ordinary college student, and then resolutely Resolutely joined the front line of philanthropy; who would have thought that he was like using his feet to measure the world, walking in every corner of nature, ordinary equipment, erratic itinerary, let the paparazzi also take He has no clue.

Mark Gatiss shrugged, "Then he's Watson." He also didn't plan to sell Evan Bell's whereabouts to the paparazzi. Compared to a front page in a gossip magazine, he met a truly talented person. friends, it is more cost-effective. "At least Watson left us a present, didn't he?"

At this time, there is a sketch work on the table, with a cartoon image drawn on it, a long black trench coat, a dark blue Kashmir fence, a deers hunting hat in his hand, a fluffy curly hair, fashionable and cute , cold and cute, with "Sherlock Holmes" written in scribbled notes next to it. This is the result of their discussion on the image of the modern version of Sherlock Holmes just now. Evan Bell drew a total of six images before and after. This cartoon image was unanimously recognized by three people, so Evan Bell stayed as a gift , for Mark Gatiss and Steve Moffat.

After getting off the train, Evan Bell carefully looked at the town in front of him. It was indeed a very, very small town, and it couldn't even be found on the map. There are countless towns with the same name even in the British Isles. The new town where Evan Bell arrived, not far from Cardiff, is a hideaway nestled in the midst of lush plains and dense forest. In fact, Evan Bell's original destination was not Newtown, but Cardiff, but considering that "Doctor Who" was filming in Cardiff this week, many media will definitely visit there, plus Cardiff is the largest city in Wales, and Evan Bell has been there once, so after comprehensive consideration, Evan Bell chose to get off at a stop before Cardiff. Choosing a new town is purely a matter of chance.

This is indeed a very peaceful town, there are not even staff on the platform, there is only an empty platform. Walking through the platform, you can see the sandy path of the town, with low shrubs and grasses on both sides, and bright yellow flowers blooming proudly during the period. Looking up, you can see the uneven houses in the town on the path. The sides meander away. The whole town is permeated with a kind of serenity and comfort that is indisputable from the world, as if time has been frozen here.

Feeling the touch of the soles rubbing against the stones on the road, Evan Bell stepped forward. Since he decided to get off here temporarily, finding a place to stay tonight became the first thing Evan Bell had to do. The town is bigger than expected. Occasionally, you can see black bread taxis speeding through the streets. There are also many restaurants and hotels on both sides. Even Evan Bell saw two three-story buildings. Office building, which makes people feel surprised.

"Hey, young man, what are you looking for?" a middle-aged woman in a floral dress beside the street asked loudly. As soon as Ebert looked back, he saw this smiling woman. He was holding a bamboo basket full of eggs in his right hand, with a warm expression on his face.

"A place to stay." Evan Bell walked over with a smile. In such a small town, the residents are very kind, and they are always very warm to the guests who come from afar.

The woman pointed to the end of the street. "There are two hotels around the corner. If you want to find a youth hostel, you have to walk two more streets." Evan Bell explained. "Are you also here for the carnival? You came at just the right time, and there is no place to stay next week."

"Carnival?" Evan Bell looked surprised. This is the charm of travel, and surprises are often encountered inadvertently. Maybe a trip with an itinerary planned before departure is one way, but like Evan Bell, without a specific destination and a specific itinerary, the surprises brought by the trip are different.

The woman didn't mind Evan Bell's doubts at all, and immediately explained cheerfully, "You don't know? Then you are blessed. The annual carnival is this weekend, in Renish. This is the biggest make-up party of the year, and you won't want to miss it. It's only a 40-minute drive from here." The woman explained in great detail, "But it's obviously more of a drive from Cardiff. Smart choice, only 20 minutes, but Cardiff is a big city and traffic will be terrible."

Speaking of make-up parties, Evan Bell has an impression, but he didn't know that the biggest annual make-up party in the UK is actually this week, and it is a very close distance from Newtown. Maybe going to a carnival is a very good choice.

"Thank you for your information, ma'am, I think I should go look for my masquerade outfit." Evan Bell expressed his thanks with a smile.

"If you don't have it, you should go to Old John's store to find clothes. If it's too late, there will be nothing good." The woman's laughter was very hearty, and she patted Evan Bell's arm hard, then She continued to walk in the direction she had set, but her laughter was scattered all over the streets of the town.

The friendliness of the residents of the small town can always make people feel happy.

Evan Bell walked along the street, looking for the youth hostel that the woman just mentioned. When away from home, living in a hotel is an option, camping is an option, and, of course, the most popular sofa commuter is also an option. And Evan Bell always likes youth hostels. Although the security measures are not so perfect, he needs to be careful about his luggage, but he can meet all kinds of travelers. It is a very rare experience. .

It took ten minutes and with the help of three town residents, Evan Bell successfully found the New Town Youth Hostel, pushed open the dark green door at the door, and the bell rang out. There were several young people sitting scattered in the hall. Everyone raised their heads when they heard the wind chime, cast their eyes at Evan Bell, and then showed a friendly smile, and then went back to busy with their own affairs.

Evan Bell walked to the There was a girl in front of him who was checking in, and Evan Bell had to wait for a while.

"Excuse me, do you need a room for girls alone?"

"Yes, that couldn't be better.

"A room for six?"

"OK, no problem."

Evan Bell looked at the back of the girl who was checking in in front of her. A huge backpack completely covered her body. Her body made people wonder if such a backpack would overwhelm the girl. Her long dark brown hair was tied into a hair. Updo, neat and clean. A simple big red T-shirt with denim shorts and high-top hiking boots looks like a girl who travels a lot.

"Very well, all the procedures have been completed, this is your room card, thank you for your visit, I hope you have a pleasant stay." The front desk teller said with a smile, the girl took her room card and said "thank you", Then just turned around.

Because the backpack behind the girl is very large, she has to take a half step back and turn around again, otherwise the counter will be swept across. However, when the girl stepped back, the distance was obviously not well calculated, and she actually rushed towards Evan Bell. Fortunately, Evan Bell responded quickly and took a half step back, which did not cause a collision accident. The girl turned around and saw Evan Bell who was stepping back. She also realized that she was in trouble, and couldn't help quickly apologize, "I'm sorry."

The 10,000-thirteen update has been sent, and the monthly pass will be doubled tomorrow, please support, ha. (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to come to 『』 to vote for a recommendation vote and a monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.) 『This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @』

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