Great Artist

Chapter 1895: Domino effect

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Evan-Bell's remarks exposed all the media almost immediately, and even countless ordinary people became the targets of Evan-Bell's accusations.

This kind of indiscriminate attack made people break out in cold sweat.

According to imagination, all the media and the public should unite to make overwhelming accusations against Evan Bell. The situation may be ten times worse than the slander incident at the beginning. But unexpectedly, the situation is completely opposite. People put the blame on the "News of the World" and the News Corporation behind it, as if to vent all their anger on them.

In fact, when people are attacked, there are three general directions: one is to swallow it up, the other is to fight back, and the other is to express anger. When the media and ordinary people were indiscriminately attacked by Evan Bell, the first situation was naturally impossible, and the reasons why they did not choose to fight back are complicated, the main reason is that they were stabbed in the foot, "Chu The dark irony revealed by "The World of the Door", no one wants to admit that they are the cruel audiences who help the tyrants in the movie, so just like in "The World of Truman", people start to condemn the producer who made this show. I forgot that I was a loyal fan of this reality show in the first place. This time, people chose the third situation, anger.

The "News of the World" had made a mistake in the first place, eavesdropping on Millie Dawler's mobile phone, which led to the occurrence of the cup. Coupled with the works of anger, people naturally put all their grievances and all their anger on the "News of the World", and the entire News Corporation was suddenly up and down.

After Sean Hall was arrested, he was temporarily released on bail after a forty-eight-hour investigation. He learned of Evan Bell's speech at his home, and he was even more sure that he chose wisely. Evan Bell rejected the Queen. The event of the award is indeed full of energy as a news tipping point, and Evan Bell's influence on the media and the public should not be underestimated, and easily pushed the eavesdropping incident to a peak. When the incident turned into a scandal, Evan Bell made those remarks in front of the media with his excellent eloquence, which was to put a ton of boulders on the camel that was about to be crushed again - not just one Straw, it is a bargaining chip that can have a subversive effect

As an independent individual, Evan-Bell maximized the role of the individual in such social events, thereby producing the greatest effect. The accusations that were originally focused on the "News of the World", now even make News Corp. embarrassed, and it has seriously affected the situation of various branches under the news, such as Fox TV, such as the acquisition of Sky TV. . Sean Hall even wondered if Evan Bell did it on purpose.

"'The Truman World'" Sean-Hall looked at the front page of the latest issue of "The Guardian" and couldn't help laughing. Watching the "News of the World", which he had devoted most of his life to, was in crisis of collapse, In addition to regret, Sean Hall has more of a comfort and ease of listening to the storm.

On July 27, the "Guardian" confirmed that the "News of the World" actually had more than 9,000 pages of personal data on British citizens. After careful research, the number of people who suffered the eavesdropping crisis far exceeded expectations, except for movie stars and sports celebrities. , politicians and the royal family, murder victims, victims of terror attacks, relatives and friends of public figures, are on the list. All in all, as long as it is newsworthy, anyone is within the wiretapping range of the News of the World.

In addition to Millie Dawler, after the terrorist attack on the London subway on July 7, the "News of the World" also tapped the phones of victims and their families at the time of the attack. This is totally fueling the fire.

Not long after the third anniversary of the terrorist attack, the families of the victims were completely unacceptable. They said, "I just can't believe that there are still such wicked people in the world." All the families of the victims also joined in. Thirty-eight degrees in the parade.

After the announcement, seventeen major companies, including Ford Motor, Halifax, and Viking Holiday, announced that they would cancel all advertisements in the News of the World, which made the business of the News of the World more difficult. The interests have almost disappeared.

What is even more frightening is that the families of the soldiers who died in the war are no exception. The News of the World also eavesdropped on the families of these soldiers. Soldiers fulfilled the mission of the country and set foot on the battlefield, not to mention the nature of war, nor whether they oppose war, but these lives that can never come back in the fire of war are all worthy of respect. And now, the family members of these soldiers have to be exposed while losing their loved ones, which is outrageous.

This news caused four social welfare teams including the Royal Veterans Association to cancel their cooperation with the newspaper. At the same time, companies such as Procter & Gamble, Tesco, Coca-Cola, and Vodafone also announced the temporary suspension of cooperation with the "News of the World".

When the "Guardian" exposed again, the "News of the World" had a close personal relationship with Conservative Party leader David Cameron, and Andy Hullson served as David Ten Mellon's media adviser after leaving the "News of the World", while David Cameron has a good working relationship with the entire News Corp. Liberal leader Nick Clegg has not been spared, and his relationship with Rupert Murdoch is not a hidden secret.

These pieces of news directly sent the "News of the World" to the guillotine, and News Corp. was no exception.

On the 27th, the British Parliament held an emergency session on the "News of the World" wiretapping scandal. Prime Minister Gordon Brown described the scandal as "extremely horrific" and ruthless, and promised to launch an independent investigation.

On the 28th, James Murdoch, the son of Murdoch and the president of News Corporation Asia and Europe, which owns the News of the World, announced the closure of the News of the World.

It was only four days from the outbreak of the incident to when News Corporation announced the closure of the "News of the World". This also shows once again that the 21st century has become a terrible information age. The power of the media and the energy of information, in this incident The medium was brought into full play. A newspaper that was published in the Year of the Milk was completely closed within four days.

The "News of the World" didn't even have a chance to defend, let alone fight back. Sean Hall has planned a strategy for nearly half a year, which are interlocking and fatal. In just over 90 hours after the wiretapping scandal broke, the newspaper, which published more than 3 million copies last week, announced its cessation this week. It's like dominoes. After the first domino collapses, all subsequent dominoes will not be spared. News Corp can only choose a strong man to break his wrist, otherwise it will not be just a "News of the World" that will eventually collapse.

Faced with News Corp.'s move to shut down the "News of the World", various parties reacted differently, but the general view is that this is just News Corp.'s crisis public relations means, and the newspaper will be reborn in another form soon.

On Sunday, August 3rd, the "News of the World" published its last issue, with five million copies, ending the newspaper's one hundred and sixty-five years with the words "Goodbye, Goodbye" on the front page. The history of the mouth is more than three years in the memory of Evan Bell in his last life!

On August 4, the other two newspapers under News Corporation, "The Sunday Times" and "The Sun", were once again caught in the quagmire of wiretapping. The staff of these two newspapers actually hacked the legal documents of the current Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and pretended to be Gordon Brown six times to defraud his account information from the bank by phone, and illegally stole the medical records of Brown's son. The editors of The Sun at the time had called Gordon Brown directly to say they had been informed of his son's circumlocution of cystic fibrosis and intended to make it public. Gordon Brown was so angry about this that he even burst into tears in public

Rupert-Murdoch, who flew to London to act as the captain of the fire brigade, could not quell people's anger at all. On August 5, Rupert-Murdoch had to announce that News Corp. had abandoned the acquisition of BSkyB, expanding the The plan was thwarted.

On August 6, News Corp.'s top manager in the UK, News International CEO Rebecca Brooks resigned: Three hours later, Rice, the CEO of News Corp.'s Dow Jones Company and former News International president, resigned. Shunton resigned.

On August 7, Rupert-Murdoch published a letter of apology in major British mainstream media that day, with the title "I'm sorry.

"At this time, there are less than 24 hours left until the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games ~ ~ From July 23 to August 7, not only "News of the World" is closed , News Corp.'s expansion strategy in the UK has also been hit the hardest. What's more serious is the loss of confidence in News Corp. on the Nasdaq market in the United States. News Corp.'s stock continued to fall for a week, from July 20 The US$18.099 on the 2nd fell to US$14.479 on the 7th August, a drop of as much as 20%.

The blow to News Corp. is almost fatal. What is even more terrifying is that the entire News Corp. has encountered a wiretapping crisis. People can't help but speculate that since the "News of the World", "The Sun" and "Sunday Times" are all involved in wiretapping Amid the scandal, what about the rest of News Corp.'s media? And how? Rupert-Murdoch was completely devastated by a crisis of confidence across News Corp.

Sean Hall really did it. Under the little catalysis of Evan Bell, not only did the "News of the World" disappear, but also the entire News Corporation fell into the biggest crisis since its establishment.

The domino effect, even if News Corp. broke his wrist, immediately shut down the "News of the World". It was still inevitable that the toxin would spread - or it was not the toxin at all, but the poison that had been hidden in News Corp's body for a long time. come out.

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