Great Artist

Chapter 1900: ashes

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The lively level of August 2008 can definitely rank among the top ten on the August list in history. The 29th Olympic Games is in full swing in Beijing, which is known as the most successful Olympic Games in history; The wiretapping scandal has spread in a particularly ugly way.

Andy Coulson, Colin Meyer, Rebecca Brooks, and Les Hinton, who were originally silent and prudent to protect themselves, all chose to resign to keep their distance from the eavesdropping scandal. Of course, they took the initiative. Resign or be forced to resign, that's not the point, the point is that they all left the vortex center, but they were completely blown out of diving because of the four audio clips from Sean Hall.

In fact, if Sean Hall hadn't died, he wouldn't have released these four audios. First, he didn't have the opportunity. At that time, he was closely monitored by News Corp. Second, even if he published it on the Internet, it is estimated that It will be taken down by hackers soon, and then his life will be lost. But now it's different, Sean Hall is already a dead man, talking is "audio" evidence, so if the person involved in the audio doesn't want to follow in Sean Hall's footsteps, he must show up, Whether it is clarification or betrayal, they can survive under the protection of the magnesium lantern.

The so-called wiretapping scandal may have been just a plan that a reporter came up with for his own selfishness at first. This is possible. But when wiretapping rose to such a high level that it even became an "industry", the bosses didn't know it was impossible. Everyone knows this truth, but no one wants to admit it.

Now, Andy Tickleson, Colin Meyer, Rebecca Brooks, Leschendon, these pieces abandoned by News Corp., are standing up in order to survive. They shirk their responsibilities and blame each other. Fast events are getting bigger and bigger. Even News Corp. is no exception. "James Murdoch and Rupert Murdoch are absolutely clear about the wiretapping incident..." The news was quickly confirmed by four key witnesses. This time, even if Rupert Murdoch is covered in mouth, he can't tell clearly, and after Sean Hall's sudden death, the sudden death of these four witnesses at the same time seems to be a difficult idea.

In addition to the "News of the World", "The Sun" and "The Sunday Times", the "Wall Street Journal" in the United States and "The Australian" in Australia have also been involved in the wiretapping scandal, which also marks that Lu The idea of ​​Porter Murdoch scapegoating the four resigned executives is officially dashed.

The focus that was temporarily shifted due to the opening of the Olympic Games gathered again in a short period of time. News Corp. has not been able to come out of the first wave of wiretapping scandals, and fell into a deeper quagmire.

Under pressure, James Murdoch announced his resignation from News Corp. This also means that the testimony of Andy Coulson and others has been confirmed, and he is indeed aware of the entire wiretapping incident. And so far, James Murdoch is also the highest position to resign in the wiretapping scandal, which is almost tantamount to admitting that News Corp. is in control of the wiretapping incident.

James Murdoch's resignation is widely regarded as abandoning the car and keeping the coach. His departure is to stop the war on him and preserve Rupert Murdoch's strength. As long as Rupert Murdoch is around, News Corp will have a comeback.

However, judging from the current situation, News Corporation is in a very bad form. Since the outbreak of the wiretapping scandal, News Corporation's stock has been falling all the way. It's only $14.479 today, and on August 16th, the fourth day after the uTubE audio came out, James Murdoch officially resigned and News Corp stock fell below two. The number, at $9.899, hit a new 21st-century low for News Corp., down as much as 31.6 percent.

Undoubtedly, this is the biggest crisis of News Corporation since its establishment. If it is not handled properly, it will face ashes.

The market has always been dominated by the weak, and News Corp. is in a difficult position, so competitors are naturally swarming. Faced with such a good opportunity, Time Warner, the world's largest news media group, will naturally not miss the opportunity to nibble on its competitors. Therefore, major companies have begun to operate.

Rupert Murdoch is indeed worthy of a generation of heroes. He began to auction off his properties immediately. Newspapers and magazines are the main industries to be dealt with. Except for the three major blocks of studios, TV stations and the Internet, almost all industries are affected. affected to varying degrees.

This scene is like a group of sharks swarming over to dismember News Corporation, and News Corporation’s choice is to break the wrist, sell off non-core industries, and maintain the company’s core competitiveness. At the same time, in this way, it is constantly weakening the negative impact of the wiretapping scandal. .

The arrogant Rupert Murdoch finally lowered his head. Although he published an apology in the British mainstream media on August 7, it is now obviously not just a British problem. As a result, Rupert Murdoch first held a press conference in New York on August 21 in the name of News Corporation, officially admitted that his negligence led to the outbreak of the wiretapping scandal, apologized to all the people, and Guarantee that nothing like this will ever be allowed to happen in the future. It's worth noting that Rupert Murdoch used "negligence" to indicate his joint and several liability, not direct responsibility, and James' Murdoch became the fattest scapegoat - even if he was Ruper For Murdoch's biological son, family affection is not the most important thing in front of business interests.

Subsequently, Rupert Murdoch held a shareholders meeting on August 23 to appease the board members. In the end, Rupert Murdoch flew around the world's major cities, visited various branches to meet in person, and did his best to clear the sequelae of the wiretapping scandal.

The incident finally came to an end when James Murdoch, Andy Coulson, Colin Mayer, Rebecca Brooks, and Leschendon all had to accept the court judgment. As for the verdict, it must wait. The verdict came after a special hearing in the British Parliament.

After this battle, News Corp. has shrunk by more than one-third of its industry, and its stock price is still hovering in the single digits, and it is showing a slow decline. The threshold of double digits is getting farther and farther. The only consolation is that the downward trend It finally eased. The investigation of News Corp. in the United States, Australia, Canada and other regions has not ended. Presumably, Rupert Murdoch will be busy for a long time in the future.

In other words, News Corp sacrificed James Murdoch and one-third of the industry, countless contacts accumulated in the past three decades, and a staggering loss of direct and indirect benefits, and finally the development of the wiretapping scandal was completely completed. contained. A disaster that might have wiped out News Corp. was turned back by Rupert Murdoch's **** policies.

Although it is said that News Corporation suffered heavy losses, it is difficult to recover even within a few years. But it still makes people have to sigh, Sean Hall lost his own life, relatively speaking, the loss of News Corporation is not worth mentioning at all. But this is social reality.

Evan Bell has been staying in Beijing to watch the Olympics. He didn't pay attention to News Corp.'s news. He knew that he had done what he had to do, and what he could do for Sean Hall had been done. Next, it depends on how the situation develops. However, judging from the outcome of the matter, News Corporation seems to be out of breath, at least within this year, there is no possibility of bankruptcy. But who would have predicted that things would develop to such an outcome? Not even Evan Bell.

In the last life, News Corp. did not hurt at all, but after a little effort, things were settled, which shows the strength of Rupert Murdoch's business for many years. But this time, with the addition of the unknown factor of Evan Bell, News Corp. can be said to have hurt the foundation. There is no way to recover within three or five years. The severity of the matter is at least more serious than Evan Bell remembers. Twice as much, but still a long way from destruction. Evan Bell knows that he has done his best.

However, it can be seen from this incident that no matter how powerful Studio Eleven is, there is still a long way to go from a real big company. News Corporation seems to be completely collapsed at any time in this incident~www.readwn. com~ But the result is still stable, this is the essence of a real big company.

"You're not going to go to London for the funeral," Eden Hudson asked by phone, who had just flown back to San Francisco from Edinburgh.

Evan Bell shook his head, "Why should I go?" A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but it was a little bitter, "I am not his friend, we are enemies, that will not change."

Eden Hudson is talking about Sean Hall's funeral. The police still have no way to confirm whether Sean Hall committed suicide or homicide, but Evan Bell thinks it doesn't matter anymore, because even James Murdeau Ketu has become a scapegoat, so even if it is found out that Sean Hall was murdered, it is not a problem for News Corp to introduce another scapegoat.

Evan Bell remembered his last phone call with Sean Hall, "When we meet again, we will be on opposite sides, don't be soft-hearted, and don't be sympathetic." Evan Bell knew that Sean Hall didn't need to attend the funeral himself, they were friends and enemies. Sean Hall didn't bother to go to his funeral, and he didn't want to go to Sean Hall's funeral. So, that's enough, watching News Corp decline bit by bit, that's the last link between Evan Bell and Sean Hall.

"It's just that there will be a lot less fun in future reporter interviews." Evan Bell said in a low voice.

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