Great Artist

Chapter 1906: semi-documentary

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The news of Evan Bell's arrival in Venice spread among all the journalists within 30 minutes. He is the most popular big name in Watertown this year after George Clooney and Brad Pitt at the opening ceremony. , and compared to George Clooney and Brad Pitt, who have moved to literary films in recent years, Evan Bell's performance in commercial films has made him even more popular.

After Evan-Bell, Anne-Hathaway, Teddy...Bell and others met on the beach, the reporter knew right away. After all, these people were the focus of reporters. Of course, the reporters didn't miss Natalie Portman, who was with Evan Bell, which immediately made the slightly downturned pool city lively.

In fact, the biggest purpose of Evan Bell's visit to Venice this time was not to promote "Juno". The main battlefield of "Juno" is in Toronto. But because Anne Hathaway's "Rachel's Wedding" and Jennifer Lawrence's "Burning Plains" both chose Venice as the first landing site, Evan Bell, who had a special mission, also accepted the opportunity. At the invitation of Mark Muller, he personally came to "Juno" to participate in the publicity.

This time, Evan Bell was tasked with acquiring works as soon as he came to Venice, and "Rachel's Wedding" was the focus of the investigation. As we all know, the film festival is a huge trading market for works. At the beginning, "Mysterious Skin" was appreciated by the Weinstein Brothers in Venice, which made it a big hit in North America. Now, Eleven Studio is strong enough to Begin to join the ranks of the acquisition of works.

After two years of development and investigation, Eleventh Issue has now reached a certain height. After the plan of Thomas Lansing and others, starting from Venice and Toronto this time, Eleventh Issue also began to plan non-eleventh. To produce works, they will seek potential works in major film festivals, purchase the distribution rights, and then distribute them in the North American market.

In fact, this method is not unfamiliar to most film companies. Many independent companies do not have the cost of producing films. They all start with distribution. For example, Summit Entertainment, such as Lionsgate, are all like this. The development of Eleven Studios continued the DreamWorks-style route and started with production, but Eleven Studios is smarter than DreamWorks in that it took the lead in developing its own distribution channels before it really emerged, thus occupying the market share. took the lead.

Now, Eleven Studio has initially established a firm foothold in the field of film production. In the future, the number of films produced will still be dominated by stability, to ensure the quality of the works, and will not easily increase the pressure of Eleven production. But at the same time, Eleventh Release has enough strength to start the North American distribution of more works.

"Rachel's Wedding" was funded and filmed by Jonathan Demme himself, and there is still no distributor. Since the "Philadelphia Story" one year later, Jonathan Demme has screwed up six films successively, not only in the commercial field, but also in the Literary and artistic aspects are also weak. So "Rachel's Wedding Show L" distribution work has also returned to seeking distributors in the way of participating in film festivals.

So after arriving in Venice, Evan Bell began to walk back and forth between the premiere venues of various movies the next day, accompanied by Teddy Bell.

After watching "The Hurt Locker", Evan Bell finally understands why film critics always like to say that Katherine Bigelow is a strong director. The strength mentioned here does not mean Catherine Bigelow's personality, but something else.

As we all know, in the award arrangements of major awards ceremonies, the best film is to commend the whole work, and the awards such as the best director, the best actor and actress, and the best supporting actor and actress are naturally awarded to the executives of each part. This also makes award-winning movies can be divided into various types, such as sweeping type, "Silence of the Lambs" originally won the best picture, best director, best actor, best actress and best adapted screenplay; For example, for prominence, "Boys Don't Cry," which only won the actress, and "Drug Network", which only won the best director. In short, it is whether a work highlights a certain link or presents a good work situation in an all-round way.

The reason why Catherine Bigelow is a strong director is that in her films, the style imprint of the director is too clear, and all the attention and praise for the film will focus on the director alone. As for the film The actors, soundtracks and other parts of the film have been completely reduced to supporting roles. It is not that this is not good, it is just that the prominence is different. Kathryn Bigelow's brilliant role as director overshadows the rest of the film.

Evan-Bell remembers that before she was reborn, Catherine Bigelow came back with her new work "Hunting Osama bin Laden", but Evan-Bell did not wait for the movie to be reborn. However, when I saw the opinions of some film critics who watched the film preview, they generally believed that Catherine Bigelow was fully capable of winning the Otushka Best Director Award for the second time, because her directing skills and directing style completely ran through. The whole movie is really amazing. Relatively speaking, although the performance of the leading actors is excellent, it is inevitable that they will be second.

If you are in the position of a director, a director like Kathryn Bigelow is admirable, she can exert the director's ability to the extreme; but if you are in the position of an actor, the actors are unfortunate, because they are completely As pawns in the director's hands, their brilliance can't even compare to the director hiding behind the scenes. For example, the actor Jeremy Renner in "The Hurt Locker", his performance is very good, he definitely has the strength to win a place in the competition for the best actor in the awards season, but compared to Katherine Bigelow Said, Jeremy Renner's light suddenly narrowed a few apertures.

When watching "The Hurt Locker" in his last life, Evan-Bell didn't feel deeply. Perhaps it was also because of the vivid color of the American theme in the movie. It was difficult to touch Evan-Bell, but he knew Remember, "The Hurt Locker" competed fiercely with "Avatar" at the 82nd O'Neusska, and in the end Katherine Bigelow defeated her ex-husband James Ten Mellon, which also made her a The first female director in Otushka's history to win the best director statuette.

The 82nd O'Uruska was held in February of last year, but now "The Hurt Locker" was shown in Venice in September of the Zest year. According to normal procedures, "The Hurt Locker" Team" should participate in the 81st O'Truska at the beginning of next year. Evan-Bell vaguely remembered that there seemed to be some problems in the distribution process, which caused "The Hurt Locker" to not be released until the year of Z fierce, missing the registration time for the 81st O'Neuska. This is similar to the "crash" of a previous life.

But no matter what the final development route of the previous life was, Evan... Bell saw more things after rewatching "The Hurt Locker" in Venice this time. It is believable that Kathryn Bigelow used a semi-documentary method to shoot, which makes the audience feel immersed in the scene. Of course, if you know something about American politics, you will feel more touched.

But then again, as far as Evan...Bell's personal aesthetic is concerned, "The Hurt Locker" is indeed too the main theme. It is a work shot in accordance with the idea of ​​the White House, shaping the soldiers into flesh-and-blood heroes of salvation. They It is a great character who voluntarily entered the battlefield. This is obviously a too "positive" choice, and the character modeling is still not in place, and the core content of the film is also slightly deliberate. If you put "Fahrenheit Nine—" and "The Hurt Locker" together, and then choose the best picture for Otiska, Evan Bell would choose "Fahrenheit Nine—" Michael Moore's talent is really impressive Amazing.

Despite this, Evan-Bell still applauds Katherine Bigelow. Although the audience at the Venice Film Festival did not seem to be very interested in this work, not only the seats were not filled, but the applause was not warm; Wen Yibel still decided to talk to Katherine Bigelow in person, and if possible, Eleven Studio could shoulder the distribution work of "The Hurt Locker" in North America.

When Evan-Bell found Katherine Bigelow after the movie, she didn't think about the distribution rights, just to Evan-Bell coming to support her work, "Hehe, you are willing to come to my movie. The premiere, this is the best thing, and there will be no shortage of reports about 'The Hurt Locker' tomorrow."

"That's not necessarily true. I watched a movie as an ordinary audience, and the newspapers and magazines did not have the leisurely time to analyze it in detail. UU reading" If it was normal, Evan Bell went into the cinema to watch the movie, Then the works you watch will definitely be teased and analyzed by reporters, but this is a film festival, so naturally it is impossible, because there are so many works, "But I really like your works, if any reporters are willing to listen to my opinion , I am more than happy to recommend this work to them.”

Catherine Bigelow only regarded Evan-Bell's words as polite words, which almost everyone would say in such a scene, so she just smiled and said, "That's the best way to go." Then she returned with courtesy. Said, "Juno, the release time is on the 5th, the highlight of the last day, I would like to go to the scene to watch the premiere, but I guess it is hard to get a ticket."

At this year's Venice Film Festival, tickets for most of the movie screenings will be left over, and scenes that are sold out are very rare. The only exception is "Ju Lu." In fact, before Evan Bell came, there were still tickets left for "Juno", almost one-third left, but the news that Evan Bell arrived in Venice spread. After going out, the remaining tickets were sold out overnight.

Evan Bell smiled at Katherine Bigelow's courtesy, "If you are willing to come, don't worry, there will definitely be a place." Then the conversation changed, "Actually, I came to you to ask Come on, do you still have the North American distribution rights for 'The Hurt Locker'?" The outbreak continues, ask for double monthly passes! (To be continued [This text is provided by Breaking Dawn Update Group @hongchenranshao]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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