Great Artist

Chapter 1916: Sharp theme

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The timely film reviews of "Empire" and "Cinema Manual" are obviously full of praise for "Juno", and for Evan Bell's most daring attempt in his directorial career, he presents a sketch in a light and sunny way, which is similar to "Perfume" , "The Blood is Coming" is completely different in thickness, even more humorous and relaxed than "Little Sunshine", but the thickness presented by the whole work has not been weakened by the comedy style of the film, and it still arouses people's attention. Infinite thought.


Chris Fairbanks, who came to Venice in person to support Evan Bell, published a thorough dissection of "Juno" in Film Review.


"Sharp theme, Evan Bell's exquisite meal", Chris Fairbanks wrote the film review in a rare and slightly ridiculed tone, and it can also be seen that he loves the whole work.


"When we face works that we like very much, we often have a state of aphasia, that is, no matter how gorgeous rhetoric, no matter how exquisite praise, no matter how amazing praise, we can't express our inner joy, because any sentence will It seems pale and powerless, and it is impossible to clearly convey the turbulent emotions in the heart. 'Juno' is such a work, with lighthearted and witty lines, sunny and fresh pictures, and playful characters, all of which are like sweet chocolate that has just been baked. The circle is definitely a combination of sweet and wonderful.


The narrative style of 'Juno' is doomed. This is a work that is more inclined to comedy. Compared with heavy topics such as teenage pregnancy and abortion, 'Juno' makes everything from the first second of the film start. The audience entered a relaxed and joyous viewing experience. In a trance, we only remembered the smile on our face, but forgot the heaviness of the story. But the fact is just the opposite. When such a story is branded with Evan Bell, we have to sigh that Evan used seemingly simple and humorous details to construct a profound and profound theme for us, triggering Our limitless reflections.


Just as the subject of the story, teenage pregnancy and abortion is the first message of the film.


When Juno confirmed that she was pregnant, the first reaction of her and her friend Leah was abortion. This is the social reality. Because Juno was only sixteen years old, she could not shoulder the responsibility of the child. When the prefix of minor is related to the mother Together, this has become the heaviest part of the social reality.


During the whole film process, there is not much writing about this aspect, but Evan still conveys this sense of social heaviness through the perspectives of B-ultrasound technicians, school teachers and others. People's attitude towards teenage pregnancy is incomprehensible, even contemptuous, but Evan tells us: You are not qualified to judge others, because you are not the client, you never know the real situation of the client.


In fact, what Evan really wants to tell us through 'Juno' is that no one wants to face the fact that underage pregnancy, even if the parties do not want to, but the society does not need to condemn it too much because every eye is cast on There is a sharp sword on the client's body, not everyone can become Juno, and there are endless stories of self-defeating due to being unable to bear the heavy pressure and completely collapsed. Looking back at the previous stories about teenage pregnancy, under the pressure of society, the fragmented memory came at your fingertips. The little-known 'baby-killing girl' used a completely cold and rational perspective to tell a baby caused by an accidental birth. Dead Teenage Mother is a completely cold film, very serious and deep in its presentation of early pregnancy and ethics.


Underage pregnancy should be controlled, which raises a new topic for the education of the whole society; but if something happens, instead of condemning, blaming, despising, and rejecting, learning to accept, guide, and adjust will make society more tolerant. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to allow the issue of teenage pregnancy to progress more reasonably?


On the issue of abortion, Evan has very few shots, but he clearly expresses his point of view: that is the choice! And Evan also blurs that point of view, not just the choice of abortion, but the choice of life. In the process of our growth, there are countless choices to decide, and even choices are made in our brains every day, such as whether I should read this film review, for example, should I think or despise after reading this film review. Choice is an integral part of our lives and a direct means of shaping our lives.


But we often magnify the importance of choice infinitely. Many people like to say that if I had chosen Harvard, my life might have been different now; if I had chosen baseball, I might have mine in the major leagues now. There's a place; if I had chosen Jenny as my prom partner, maybe we'd be happily living together seems that different 'choices' are the culprit in our mess, when we forget, These 'choices' are all ours to make.


Serious problems like abortion are actually happening every day. When you learn about cancer, whether it is conservative treatment or surgical treatment, whether it is a Democrat or a Republican during the presidential election, whether to start your own business or enter a company when you graduate, these choices are all these choices. will affect our lives. But we have forgotten that choice is very important, but more important is the persistence and hard work after the choice. The debate between life faction and choice faction has never stopped. The story, but the story doesn't do much about abortion, just because 'the baby has nails' makes Juno hold back. But in fact, Evan has clearly expressed his opinion. He supports everyone's choice, and once he chooses, he must bravely take on his own future, just like Juno: even if he burst into tears after giving birth , I was reluctant to give up, but the child is already Vanessa's, that is the future of the child, and her future is to continue walking with Brick.


The same issues of teenage pregnancy and abortion are similar to the comedy angle of 'big belly overnight', but Evan has conveyed more and more information, such as don't judge other people's lives easily, such as the choice of growing up is essential Less but not the most important, no wonder some people like to call 'Juno' 2 years of 'Little Sunshine' because the message in the movie is positive and sunny; it's no wonder that Evan Bell likes to call it 'Mysterious Skin' 'The second work after that, because this is not a work about pregnancy, but a growth story, we should not only see the story itself, but also the reflection on our life hidden behind the story.


Just like Evan's directing style, he always likes to hide countless thoughts in the story, and then let the audience discover and think for themselves, and in the story of 'Juno', we should see more Information. Family, this is Evan's second message to us.


Through the story of 'Juno', Evan explores the problem of divorce in the United States and the impact of divorced families on children's growth. On the surface, it seems that Juno will be pregnant because she and Brick conducted physical exploration, which seems to be a hasty decision, but the deep meaning behind it is the influence of Juno's family. The divorce of her parents and her mother not showing up for many years was considered by Juno as "abandonment", while her father remarried. In such a family, Juno has doubts about love and staying together, and at the same time, she also means that she has gained more freedom, a freedom that is almost akin to indulgence. So, when Juno confirmed that she was going to give birth to a baby for adoption, she chose Mark and Vanessa, a family that seemed perfect.


Juno believes in love and fidelity in marriage. She is so convinced of her marriage vows that when Mark told him that he was going to divorce, Juno said, 'At least you were in love when you got married', and she couldn't accept it. Such a fact, because she once thought that at least there should be a perfect family in this world.


From Evan's point of view, the families shown to us all have some kind of incompleteness, the Juno family is the same, the Vanessa family is the same, and the Brick family and the Leah family have never heard the information about the father seems to be hidden. with this metaphor. In a handicapped family, does the chance of teenage pregnancy increase? And how will the child's growth be affected? This is not just a problem of pregnancy, but also a problem of the lack of emotional ties in the whole society. Evan used this hidden way to show it so coldly in front of all of us.


Responsibility, this is Evan's third message to all viewers, and it is also a complementary part to family.


Judging from the three main men in the story, Juno's father Mike, Vanessa's husband Mark, and the child's father Brick. Mike had a failed marriage, and the second one seemed to be going well, raising a family, caring for his daughter, and supporting the family with his clumsy paternal love, so Juno was on the right track, and Mike was The most responsible role.


Brick was still a child, so when he learned that Juno was pregnant, he was so overwhelmed that it hurt Juno So throughout the pregnancy, he was also excluded because he was not at all Can't take on such a responsibility! And Mark is the grown-up version of Brick. Even in a marriage, he is still addicted to his world of rock and horror movies, unwilling to take on the responsibility of his father, and persistently wants to pursue his dreams.


For responsibility, Evan finally gave his answer, if you can't shoulder the responsibility, then please leave - this is the end of Mark; if you are willing to shoulder the responsibility, even if you don't have the ability for the time being, then please work hard - —This is Brick's ending; if you've been irresponsible and now realize the truth, please be happy this is Mike's ending.


Of course, in addition to this information, Evan has a lot of information mixed in the story, such as the dream maintained by Mark, the independence maintained by Juno, and the growth maintained by Brick. Obviously, a work like 'Juno' is worthy of our repeated savoring.


There is no bitterness and hatred, no heavy darkness, no sensational tears, no preaching and nagging, Evan chose to use such a relaxed way to integrate all the profound themes into a humorous story, cooking a delicate Delicious meal, let us enjoy this dinner happily, but after a long aftertaste in the mouth. In the director's position, Evan once again amazes us with his superb talent. "


The outbreak is still going on, ask for double monthly passes! (To be continued. [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @小爱332335]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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