Great Artist

Chapter 1923: heroic handwriting

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Evan Bell came to the Toronto Film Festival this time. The first reason was because the shooting of "Juno" was all completed in Vancouver. This time, returning to his hometown with Ellen Page is also a kind of reward. ; The second is because he hopes to win the North American distribution rights of "Slumdog Millionaire".

After the Venice Film Festival, the distribution rights of "The Hurt Locker" were nominated by Catherine Bigelow, and Eleven Studio took the lead. Kathryn Bigelow has flown to New York, where she will discuss distribution with Thomas Lansing and Tye Keyes; "Rachel's Wedding" is a little more poised, mainly because Jonathan Demme is in The entertainment industry has deep roots and more chips in hand. However, after the film was released in Toronto, the response was far lower than expected. Anne Hathaway is still the only bright spot, once again stunning the North American media. Judging from the current situation, There are no competitors in the sight of Eleven Studio for the time being, and now we will see when Jonathan Choimi nodded.

As for "Slumdog Millionaire" Evan Bell knows that this work was the biggest winner of the 81st Oscars in the past life, but history has changed a long time ago, and the situation has changed a lot every year. It is obviously inaccurate to measure the memory of the above life. So, what will happen in this lifetime, no one knows. Evan Bell likes the work "Slumdog Millionaire", but he just thinks it is not bad, far from reaching the point of fanaticism. In the competition for the 81st Oscar in his previous life, Evan Bell prefers "Life and Death Reading", "Milk" and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". The integrity of the three works is obviously superior.

Even so, Evan Bell still hopes to win the North American distribution rights of "Slumdog Millionaire", not for other reasons, but because of director Danny Ball. Evan Bell's favorite works by Danny Ball are "Trainspotting" and "127 Hours". Evan Bell never tires of reading them, and even has a DVD collection at home.

Evan Bell has always believed that "Trainspotting" is the pinnacle of Danny Ball's work. This is the real Oscar best picture-level work. The poetic collapse in the movie makes people sublime from the bones. And the discussion of youth and the so-called rebellion in this work has an indelible influence on Evan Bell.

Therefore, rather than saying that Evan Bell is operating the North American distribution rights of "Slumdog Millionaire", it is better to say that he hopes to meet Danny Ball, a director with a personality to the bones.

When Evan Bell entered the coffee house alone, there were not many guests in it. At this time, the documentary "Beyond the Game", which traced the "Little Emperor" LeBron James's elementary school days until he became the top NBA star, was being released. This is also a rare climax in Toronto, which is slightly deserted this year, so the audience flocked to the scene to cheer for LeBron James.

Danny Ball saw Evan Bell and stood up with a swoosh. Evan Bell saw him at once, and Evan Bell walked over with a smile.

Danny Ball actually regretted it when he stood up because he realized his impulsiveness and rashness. You know, he is fifty-two years old this year, and he has been in the film circle for fourteen years. He is definitely not a young boy who has just debuted; although Danny Ball does not like to use big names, it does not mean that He hasn't worked with big names before, and "The Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio in 2000 was an unforgettable experience. Because of this, when Danny Ball saw Evan Bell, his subconsciously standing up was a little frizzy and awkward.

But fortunately, the sunny smile on Evan Bell's face resolved Danny Ball's embarrassment, and Evan Bell stretched out his right hand, "Good afternoon, sorry for keeping you long. Wait, I sincerely apologize for being late."

Danny Bauer glanced at the clock on the wall. They agreed on two thirty in the afternoon, and now there are ten minutes before the appointed time. He came early. But Evan Bell not only did not mention it, but also took the initiative to apologize for his "lateness", which made the smile on Danny Ball's face a little easier.

"No, no, I came early. I thought I had nothing to do today, so I came first."

Danny Ball also said politely, rubbing his smooth forehead nervously. Seeing Evan Bell's gesture for him to sit down, Danny Ball nodded and sat down.

"Hehe, if you're not interested in 'Beyond the Race', then 'Man of Good Luck' may be worth a look." Evan Bell said with a smile, inviting the waiter to order a glass of orange juice. "The Good Luck" is a collaboration between two brilliant actors, Rachel Lynk Adams and Tim Roth, and tells the story of three Iraqi soldiers returning to the United States from the battlefield.

Danny Ball's smile was a little more bitter, "I'm still more worried about my work now, but I don't have the energy to watch other movies." Danny Ball didn't plan to hide his emotions. Originally, most directors When your own work is about to be released, it is inevitable to be a little nervous, even Evan Bell is no exception. "Why did you come in person, Teddy?"

Danny Ball originally thought it was Teddy Bell who came to talk to him about distribution rights, but he didn't expect Evan Bell to appear in person, which is why he stood up in surprise just now. In fact, Evan Bell is now being passed on in Hollywood. It's not that Evan Bell has won so many awards. It's mainly because of Evan Bell's personality. No one knows.

Evan Bell faced Danny Ball's question, but he didn't mind, just said with a smile, "Because I've always wanted to see you once, so I came in person." This answer, heard Danny - In Ball's ears, he didn't know how to respond, and even Evan Bell's smile became a bit of a smile in Danny Ball's eyes, "I'm 'Trainspotting'. Loyal fans, allow me to pay tribute to you."

Hearing Evan Bell's frank words, Danny Ball laughed with relief, "It's my honor."

In fact, judging from Danny Ball's works, he should be a sharp-edged director, and his personality will never be inferior to that of Evan Bell. But after meeting, it turns out that this is not the case. Danny Ball's temper is actually relatively mild, and there is even some innocent sunshine in the smile on his face. But Evan Bell easily found Danny Ball's temper: his own work.

Danny Ball is a person who regards his works as his life. He is willing to devote countless efforts to his works. He will also be uneasy because of the future and destiny of his works. It is because he cares; but at the same time, if someone slanders him , belittle his works, then the sharpness and pride in his bones will be fully displayed, and he will even fight to the death to decide the winner. This is also the reason why Evan Bell likes Danny Ball. It can be seen in works such as "Trainspotting", "Twenty-Eight Days", "127 Hours", etc., but "Millions of Slumdogs" In "The Rich", Danny Ball's sharpness is not noticed, which is probably the reason why Evan Bell is not interested in this work--.

"Although I respect you very much, the North American distribution rights of 'Slumdog Millionaire' is another matter." Evan Bell stated his position with a smile, and immediately turned to the focus of today's meeting.

Although Evan Bell didn't say it, Danielle knew that the successive sinking of his past works was an unavoidable history that would inevitably affect the attitude of North American publishers. "Of course. However, since you haven't seen my work this time, why did you come to your door to win the North American distribution rights?"

"If I said I was very interested in the subject matter of the work, would you believe it?" The story of the Indian slum, or the story behind the quiz game show, Evan Bell's words made Danny Ball a little vague.

But Danny Ball didn't think for too long, he said with a smile, "I believe it." Evan Bell always travels all over the world, and he also took the initiative to go to Africa to join the volunteer team, and he also participated in many charity events. He can be seen, so it is reasonable to say that Evan Bell is interested in the story of the slums; at the same time, Evan Bell always has a unique vision in choosing the subject matter of his works. Look at this time "Juno" is The best proof, so if it's a game show-themed story that caught Evan Bell's attention, it's also reasonable Evan Bell shrugs, "That would be great. I think, I can give you an initial offer from Eleven, and then you're thinking, and we can keep in touch." Evan Bell thought in Danny Ball's shoes, he I will definitely hope that after the film is released, I will see the reaction of other film companies. Even if they still sign with Eleven Studio in the future, they can raise the price. Now Jonathan Demme is not making such an abacus. However, such a plan is also risky. If a better buyer can be found, it is natural to raise the price; otherwise, Eleven Studio will inevitably lower the price.

Evan Bell's honesty made Danny Ball a little embarrassed, because that's what he planned, but he also knew that in business, he was a seller's market, and it was a matter of course to wait for the price, so Dan Ni-Bauer also quickly sorted out his emotions, "That's naturally the best, I wonder what kind of plan Eleven Studio has?"

Evan Bell took out a pencil from his shirt pocket, picked up a coffee pad, wrote two sets of numbers on it, and handed it to Danny Ball, "Hope the movie will have a good release tomorrow. The response of the company proves my unique vision; of course, if we can reach a cooperation, it will be more perfect.

Five million dollars? Danny Ball was a little surprised when he saw the numbers on the coffee pad. Eleven Studio's shot was absolutely neat.

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