Great Artist

Chapter 1929: Pashtun Elephant

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In fact, the so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, but it is better to say that Evan Bell has a little insight after his rebirth. Evan-Bell understands the mentality of Thomas and Lansing. They are very convinced of Evan-Bell's vision. Evan-Bell can look at works, not to mention whether they can win awards, at least during the awards season. It is possible to make a difference, so Thomas Lansing and others inevitably hope to be comprehensive and comprehensive, which leads to shrinking when arranging the release strategy. Just say Evan Bell himself, why not?

Judging from the memory of the previous life, Evan Bell still has some impressions of the nomination list for the 81st Academy Awards, "Slumdog Millionaire", "Milk", "Life and Death Reading", "Slumdog Millionaire" The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "Foster in Conversation with Nixon".

Evan Bell was so impressed because the competition was so fierce, the five nominees for best picture and best director remained exactly the same, while "Batman: The Dark Knight" and "Robot Tile" The failure of "The Force" made the whole Hollywood complain, which directly led to the expansion of the nomination list for the 82nd Academy Award for Best Picture to ten works, which can definitely be said to be an earth-shaking change. This alone is enough to impress all practitioners in the circle. What's more, the theme of the 81st Academy Awards ceremony in the past life was made by Evan Bell himself, and the memory is clearer.

Leaving aside the 81st Oscars for the time being, the work currently in the hands of Studio Eleven, "Juno", was the nominee for the best picture in the 80th session of the previous lifetime, and "The Hurt Locker" was the 82nd session of the previous lifetime. the best picture winner. And in this lifetime, because of various changes, all of them have gathered at the 81st Oscars, which is about to kick off. How should this be calculated? 2008 was a disaster year for Hollywood, mainly because the writers' strike caused all the works to break out together in the second half of the year, which made people quite overwhelmed. The most important thing is that there are many masterpieces and few masterpieces. Roger Ebert, a famous film critic in his last life, selected the top 20 when he selected the top ten list in 2008. This is the first time he has entered the 21st century. The reason is that the masterpiece of 2008 is too There are many but no unique masterpieces. The ones that are really unanimously recognized by the media as masterpieces are "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight" and "Robot Wall-E".

Therefore, the 81st Oscars, which was already in chaos, is now caught in a confusing situation.

From Evan-Bell's standpoint, he certainly hopes that all the works under Eleven Studios can achieve good results, but this is unrealistic. Since it is unrealistic, why not relax your heart and correct your mentality, maybe there will be more surprises. That's why Evan and Bell said that Thomas and Lansing were too greedy. They thought about how to cover everything and plan a good future for all the works of Studio Eleven. It's not that simple.

"You naturally hope that all four of our works can be nominated for the Oscar for Best Picture, but do you think it's possible?" Evan Bell said with a smile, saying that ambition is the root of a person's continuous efforts. If you don't dare to do this dream, then naturally it is impossible to realize the dream. If the Wright brothers hadn't dreamed of flying into the sky, they wouldn't have the convenience of an airplane now. But during Xi Jinping, ambition must also be well controlled, otherwise, the human heart will not be enough to swallow the elephant, and the result will be miserable. "You know, there are only five seats in total, and our family has four? Then Oscar simply said that it was held by our family."

Evan-Bell's words made both Tey-Case and Kurt-Laporte laugh a little embarrassedly, admitting their inner thoughts, but Thomas-Lansing did not show a smile and frowned. Thought, "That's really unlikely I'd like to try and see if I can get three seats.

Prior to this, Eleven Studios had occupied two seats in the Oscar nomination list for best picture three times, which is already a very unbelievable achievement, but now, Thomas Lansing has begun to think about getting an incredible Breakthrough.

Evan Bell did not refute Thomas Lansing's idea, but said with a smile, "Then there is no other way except cooperation." The energy of the eleventh issue is limited, and the academy public relations focused on the two works have been very strong. Exhausted, if you want to go to the next level, it is impossible to rely solely on your own strength, you must combine the strength of other companies.

"You mean to acquire a few distribution companies?" Curt-Laporte's answer made Evan-Belle stunned, and then he laughed helplessly.

Evan Bell actually meant co-publishing with Warner Bros. or Fox Searchlight, but when he arrived at Cote-Laporte, it became an acquisition and distribution company. Sure enough, everyone's head circuit is different, "If you think so... ." Evan-Bell spread his hands, did not refute but did not affirm.

In the end, Kurt-Laporte really turned his head and whispered to Tei-Case, "Last time you said that there was a problem with the financial turnover of Summit Entertainment, please confirm it again." In this regard, Evan-Bell completely was stunned.

Speaking of Summit Entertainment, Evan-Bell remembers the "Twilight" series most clearly. Although Evan-Bell doesn't have any fondness for this series of idol popcorn movies, it is indisputable that the series can make money. The fact is worth mentioning that Kristen Stewart successfully became the heroine of "Twilight", but this time it was under the matchmaking of Catherine Keener.

In addition to "Twilight", Summit Entertainment, which started with distribution, actually has many excellent works, "Two Smoking Guns", "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", "Dancing My Life." And it will be released in October this year. "Worry-free." are all works released under their banner. It can be said that Pinnacle Entertainment's distribution capabilities are second to none, and among second-tier film companies, it is only under the mouth of Lionsgate Pictures.

However, Evan Bell did not know whether the financial difficulties of Summit Entertainment mentioned by Cote-Laporte were true or false. He just reminded casually, "It's too late to acquire now, isn't it? Besides, if you want to acquire Pinnacle Entertainment, if it is not completed before November, there will be no chance." Because the first "Twilight Saga" was released in mid-November, Pinnacle Entertainment made a lot of money. It was not until the year of Likou that Summit Entertainment was acquired by Lionsgate Pictures.

Curt-Laporte was stunned, and wanted to ask Evan-Bell a few more questions, but Evan-Bell waved his hand. "'Let's settle the issue of the release schedule first, acquisition or something, you and Teddy to talk." Evan Bell found a calendar from the information among everyone, and then said directly, "Actually, we don't need to think so much, your hesitation is because you want these works. We can make a difference in awards season. But I think you should know that what can be done in awards season is not up to us, and we have so many works under our umbrella. Rather than operating with the goal of awards season, it is better to focus on the work It's better to just operate and let everything take its course. What do you think?"

Evan Bell's words made the three people in front of them frown and think, and finally Thomas Lansing said, "Tell me what to say.

Evan Bell pointed to the timetable for the first week of October, "'Rachel's wedding, the whole subject is a bit dull, we can release it first, in early October, and then rely on the influence of Jonathan and Annie to put The work is slowly expanding, and it operates until the Thanksgiving schedule, and look at the entire word-of-mouth curve." Then Evan Bell looked at the schedule at the end of October, "'The Hurt Locker, it can be put at this time, since Bigelow doesn't I'm worried about the conflict in this year's presidential election, and I hope it will be released this year, so why don't you go head-to-head? I remember that October 15th is the last TV debate, so put the 'Bomb Hurt Locker' in this hot spot, the time can be A little bit left and right, it doesn't matter."

Speaking of which, Evan Bell looked at the calendar again, "'Juno, and 'Slumdog Millionaire, both plan to continue their tours at various film festivals.' From Austin to Chicago to London, the end of the year Small film festivals are emerging one after another, "then arrange their release dates a little later, and then launch them after accumulating word of mouth. I think 'Slumdog Millionaire can be arranged on Thanksgiving, and the subject matter should be quite appropriate:' Juno , if it is December, it will be a little earlier than Christmas, and the whole atmosphere will not be too charged.”

Listening to Evan Bell's unrestrained In fact, the main arrangement is to focus on the works, but there is not much concern about the schedule of other awards season literary films. In this way, the promotion of the 11th issue In fact, the strategy is not based on the schedule, but based on the word-of-mouth curve of the work. This kind of plan is out of the control of the awards season to some extent, but it will not be too far from the public relations of the academy, and it can make the eleventh issue occupy as much as possible. full mobility.

Tey Keith's eyes lit up immediately, "In this way, in January, it's obviously a lot easier to see the performance of the works in the first half of the awards season, and then arrange the strategy for the second half." Tey Keith Si quickly saw the benefits of Evan-Bell's approach. The work did not deliberately avoid direct competition with other works, but allowed the work to participate in the competition. Only after the real knife and real gun competed with other works, can the award be awarded. Dominant in the second half of the season.

If all four works persist until January, then Eleventh Issue can also seek outside help in this process to accumulate strength for the second half; on the contrary, after the survival of the fittest, Eleventh Issue can also focus on more competitive on the work.

Thomas-Lansing and Kurt-Laporte also reacted immediately, only half a beat later, Thomas-Lansing said with a smile, "'Evan, I said you can definitely give good advice. ."

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