Great Artist

Chapter 1949: flustered hands and feet

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The rumors of "Vanity Fair" kicked off the 2008 awards season, and "Blind Flu" bore the brunt of this year's awards season's first charge. Before the first week of October was over, the news that the 81st Academy Awards ceremony will be directed by Bill Condon has been confirmed, and the authenticity of the news released by Vanity Fair immediately showed a linear upward trend.

However, the news about whether Evan-Bell will be the host of the awards ceremony still stops at rumors, whether it is a TV station or academy, whether it is Bill-Condon, who has been confirmed to be the director, or Evan-Bell, who is a party to the scandal. When making relevant remarks publicly, even if it is an interview with a reporter, the relevant personnel will answer with "temporary uncertainty", which also makes the host's candidate fall into the fog again.

In the first meeting, Evan-Bell did not agree to Lisa-Canning on the spot. And Lisa-Canning was not in a hurry, and did not urge Evan-Bell to make a decision immediately, after all, there is still a long time before the awards ceremony. After the two met, they exchanged their opinions and ended the meeting in a friendly atmosphere.

In fact, it was a very risky choice to have Evan Bell as the host. Evan Bell is the winner of the 80th Academy Award for Best Director. First of all, he must assume the responsibility of the best director awarding guest this time: secondly, this time Evan Bell directed the work "Juno", the actor's work "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight" both won high praise at the beginning of October, and it is very likely that they will represent Evan Bell in this competition for the golden man; the last Eleven Studio also has the ambition to hit the awards season.

As a key person, Evan Bell serves as the host, which will make the films related to him sensitive, not to mention whether it will affect the voting trend of the college judges, the arrangement of the awards ceremony process is very difficult. Leaving aside the award-winning part for now, every time the nominees need the camera, they aim at Evan Bell in the host position? This is not a good choice.

Generally speaking, the host of the award ceremony must have a relatively objective position, so as to prevent the audience from thinking that there is a dark transaction, so the nominated artist is obviously not a host. Good choice. Although this situation is not without precedent in the Oscars, James Franco, who won the Oscar nomination for "127 Hours" in his previous life, served as the host at the same awards ceremony, but this is also a rare case, and James Franco has only one nomination at the 83rd Academy Awards. However, Evan Bell does not. He has been in full bloom in the nominations list at the past few Oscars.

Faced with the current situation, it can only be said that Evan Bell is a freak. In the history of the entire American entertainment industry, Barbra Streisand once created such a miracle, and Evan Bell is now going a step further. It has blossomed in many positions such as singers, actors, directors, and hosts.

This is also the biggest reason why the first meeting failed to come to a conclusion. Evan-Bell doesn't care about his awards. Even if "Juno" is put aside for the time being, Eleven Studio's other works are very competitive, and Evan-Bell still needs to avoid suspicion.

Same concern. TV stations can ignore it, but colleges can't. Therefore, although Lisa-Canning expressed full sincerity, there was no consensus at the first meeting.

After saying goodbye to Lisa Canning, Evan Bell returned to the studio and devoted himself to the recording of the new album.

Away from the life of the studio, Evan-Bell is hungry and thirsty, enjoying the happiness and satisfaction brought by the studio work, and Evan-Bell's outstanding recording state has continued from the first day to the end of the album. One day, a full thirty days, Evan Bell completed the recording of the new album. Among them, Evan Bell even completed the recording work of "Ice Age", which shows his super efficiency.

After the recording is completed, Evan Bell will devote himself to the filming of the music video. Since Evan Bell does not have any filming plans for film and television works, this is a rare opportunity for Warner Records. After conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the album "Five", Dais selected several singles that may be released on the album, and started the shooting of the music video in an all-round way.

As soon as the news that Evan Bell has entered the stage of music video shooting came out, the entire music market was boiling, because this shows that the release of Evan Bell's new album is imminent. On September 28th of another year, Evan-Bell's last album "Four" came full circle, causing all the major record companies to mess up. Everyone knows the absolute strength of Evan-Bell in the music field, especially in today's depressed music market, Evan-Bell's King's Landing is unmatched, not even able to carry it, more than the Beatles. , The power of Michael Jackson's peak period is absolutely beyond compare. So, no one wants to confront Evan-Bell head-on, but at that time, the release of "Four," did not have much omen, and as a result, all record companies were in a hurry, and many were scheduled for October, even November, December. All the released albums have been postponed, and they just don't want to confront Evan-Bell, so as not to be implicated.

Later facts also proved this point of view. "Four" won the championship for 16 consecutive weeks. Before the end of 2006, the sales exceeded 10 million and obtained the diamond certification. No singer can shake the hegemony of Evan Bell. In the later stage, singers such as Beyonce, Calli, Akon, Justin Timberlake, Ludacris, etc. were all affected. Although the sales of albums and singles did not plummet, those excellent songs It's a shame that none of them were able to win the Billboard Championship.

So, you can imagine that when Evan Bell's new album is about to come again, the major record companies have been speechless. Compared with the long-awaited expectations of fans, all major record companies except Warner Records It's shocking news. In an instant, the entire music scene was turbulent.

The pre-promotion of Warner Records has been revealed since the beginning of October, but Evan Bell was still in the studio at that time, so Claire Chess did not fully perform it. Now Evan Bell has entered the studio and started shooting music videos. Now, the anticipation that Warner Records had been brewing for nearly a year finally broke out. The entire publicity work was in full swing, and the North American continent and even the whole world knew a piece of news or confirmed the news: Evan Bell's new album will be released in 2008. Official release on November 3rd! After 25 months, Evan-Bell finally brought good news to fans again,

On November 3, this time immediately became a warning line for major record companies. It was better for those independent record companies. Originally, their competition in the Billboard sales chart was not enough. On the contrary, Evan one. Bell, as the most successful independent singer in recent years, the release of his new album is bound to drive the attention of the entire music market to independent singers. Maybe independent record companies can achieve even better results in releasing albums at this time. But the big record labels have to be wary.

Sony Records cancelled the cooperation agreement with Bertelsmann on October 13, mainly due to the decline in record sales and the incompatibility of the digital strategies of the two companies. After four years of cooperation, they finally broke up and released Pink in early October. Beauty's new album: Universal Music and Disney will release the second full-length album of the Jonas Brothers, the idol band that became a hit last year, at the end of September...

Although these albums have already been released, it is too late for the record company to regret it, and they can only hope that the promotion period of the album will be intensively arranged in October, so that the explosion of sales can concentrate everything, so as to avoid the subsequent Evan Bell After the release of the heart album, a violent impact was launched

It is worth mentioning here that the Jonas Brothers, an idol band created by Disney, has become very popular, which seriously threatens the status of the melancholy mood among the idol bands whose popularity has begun to decline. Cooperation is also threatened.

In fact, after entering the 21st century, there are not many idol bands left, and the situation where Backstreet Boys, Superboys, and West Side Boys dominated the world is gone forever. It is not easy for melancholy mood to break through the sky. Although their album sales are all around one It is fortunate that they can cross the threshold of one million, but their popularity is still not to be underestimated. It has won a lot of attention in the fields of TV and film besides music.

But now, fans are starting to feel fatigued from the melancholy mood. This is the inevitable road for idol bands. The Jonas Brothers were born and opened the scene with a pop-rock style. The three members are completely brothers of the same mother. , quickly grabbed the market for melancholy moods.

Originally, it was just a healthy competition between two idol bands, and there was nothing to watch out for, let alone attract the attention of companies. But soon, the fans on both sides became opposed, mainly because these two idol bands really made their name in the market now, and they were both pop-rock styles, which could be called a head-to-head contest. From popularity to works, to sales, the two sides are all competing against each other. It is no wonder that fans will quarrel.

Under this situation, Universal Music's resources will inevitably tilt towards a melancholy mood, and Disney originally intended to leave Universal Music to be independent and use its huge distribution channels to operate Miley-Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, etc. The idol singer's record field, so this makes the two sides who have been estranged from Germany gradually go further and further away.

However, the albums released before November 3rd are all works that have already settled. The real challenge comes from the albums released after November. They will face the strong crush of Evan Bell. Pressure, the major record companies are completely frowning at this time.

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