Great Artist

Chapter 1958: soul-stirring

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The songs are moving and moving, and every live performance of Evan Bell is a precious existence worth cherishing and remembering. Today is no exception. The new song conference, even if these songs were all new songs heard for the first time, did not affect the enthusiasm of the audience at all. The overwhelming cheers made Madison Square Garden seem like an isolated island in the center of the tsunami. Passively following the waves, but without any resistance.

A masterpiece one after another, the album "Five" has eight songs on the stage so far. Although there is no such classic as "Long Live Life", the overall quality and "This is Love (s.=ve, Songs like "In the Mood for Love (... are on the same level, so it can be said that they are not inferior to any of Evan Bell's previous albums. On top of that, Evan Bell surprised everyone with his first foray into rap, not only with amazing tracks like "ghter," but also "rplanes," "Love-Equality." ve is an excellent song that can be compared, and it is really impressive.

However, it is clear that the surprise that Evan Bell brought to the audience is not over yet. After three interactive sessions between the scene and the fans, the new song release concert is coming to an end, and Evan Bell aimed at the microphone again." "If you do a careful calculation, you can know that now there are only tracks left in the new album. The last two.

I wonder if everyone is satisfied with the current performance of the album "Five"? "

"Yes..." The audience obviously did not expect that Evan Bell would suddenly ask questions, and the answer was somewhat uneven and scattered.

Evan Bell suddenly looked confused, "Aren't you satisfied? Then I should be sad."

"No", "Yes", "Satisfied", "I love you" such messy answers rang in every corner of the scene, Evan Bell said again, "Are you satisfied with my new album?"

"Yes!" This time, the answer was obviously a lot neater, and the momentum came out at once. But Evan Bell didn't seem satisfied, blinked playfully, then put his left hand to his ear, as if he didn't hear everyone's answer. Sure enough, the audience immediately understood and shouted loudly again, "Yes!" They answered neatly and uniformly, causing people to look at the roof of Madison Square Garden worriedly, lest this sound wave would lift the roof. flipped.

Evan Bell then showed a satisfied smile, "I finally understand why so many singers like to do this, should I try more in the future." In fact, Evan Bell used to be in concerts or song clubs , There are not so many times when he deliberately sells to fans like this, and he seldom deliberately teases fans to say such things to make himself happy. But today, Evan Bell was obviously in a good mood, and even made a joke, which made the audience laugh. It's certainly not your typical Evan Bell, but it's just too cute to put it down.

"The next song is a bit special." Evan Bell said here, paused for a while, "This song is called 'Love the way you lie (LM Fansi W spit Y...U Although it is called The name, but actually the inspiration for this song is not from love, but from someone I... know. "Evan Bell thought about it for a long time, and didn't know what kind of words should be used to describe Sean Hall. If I told others, the inspiration for such a song that Evan Bell couldn't put it down was actually from Sean - Hall, I'm afraid no one wants to believe it." He and I are not friends, but not enemies, I don't know, but this song was born because of the inspiration he gave me. Hope, he can hear this song. "

Evan Bell breathed a sigh of relief. Although Sean Hall passed away a hundred days ago, News Corp. is still struggling. After the economic crisis, they can maintain a third of their original size. Fortunately, after all, they are now on the verge of bankruptcy; but even so, nothing can bring a fresh life. It's very funny. When Sean Hall was alive, two people fought to the death and they hated each other; but now that Sean Hall is gone, Evan Bell misses him a little bit.

"First of all, let me welcome my partner who will perform this song with me, Adele." Evan Bell stretched out and said with a smile, Adele Adkins shyly walked away from the side stage When they came up, there was warm applause from the scene to express their welcome.

When choosing to cooperate with the singer of "Love the Way You Lie", Evan Bell actually had a lot of choices. Someone suggested Rihanna, the new queen, and Evan Bell also considered that the relationship is not bad. Alicia Keys, even inside Eleven Studios, Katy Perry seems like a good choice. But in the end, Evan Bell chose Adele Adkins, which seemed a very unexpected choice - 'After all, Adele Adkins is far from rap' and her style is also rhythm and blues There is a small difference. It must be said that Evan Bell's choice is very bold.

"You're just standing there watching me burn, but that's okay, because I like the heartache, are you going to stand there and listen to me cry, but that's okay, because I love you to lie the way you lie, love the way you lie."

Adele-Adkins's pure natural smoke voice carried a hint of laziness. In the leisurely rotation, a touch of sadness and heavy pain was like a light smoke that followed, quietly entangled in the melody. Her performance is as easy as she can, without deliberately exaggerating, but relying on the lyrics like burning flames to support the artistic conception of the song.

"I can't tell what it is, I can only tell you what it feels like, it's like a steel blade in my windpipe, I can't breathe, but I'm still struggling, like being driven high into the air I had no sense whatsoever, venting my anger through alcohol and trying to break free. It was like I was addicted to drugs. The longer I sank, the deeper the injury, and just when I was about to indulge, she saved me.

She hated me to the extreme, but I just liked the feeling. wait, where are you going? I am leaving you. No, you can't go, come back, we'll do it all over again! Again, this is the same sentence every time. It's **** insane because when it's all going to be okay, I'm like Superman, and she's like Superman's idiot girlfriend, and I'm ashamed that she ruined everything. Who is this person? I don't even know his name, I beat him up and told her I would never give in again, I don't even know how tough I am. "

This time Evan Bell's rap style is slightly different from that of "Airplane" and "Fighter". The rhythm of the whole rhythm is weak and firm, with short and rapid bursts at each rhythm, combining the classical and melody in the melody. The tragic and picturesque depiction. But like "Love-Equality," the lyrics are all about telling a story, only this story is not a romantic and lengthy narrative poem, but a classical novel full of entanglement and tension. With just one lyric, Evan Bell clearly outlines the constant and chaotic cut between two lovers who are pulled by lies, violence, and drug entanglement.

At first, I didn't think that when I heard Adele Adkins perform the chorus for the second time, the Shah in her cigarette voice was like a cigarette addiction, deeply entangled in the waiting, then The sharp barbs easily pierced the skin and sucked the fluid in the blood vessels thinly. It was not a severe pain, but a slight stinging pain, which penetrated into the bone marrow little by little. A piece of ice cold.

Evan Bell's toughness and Adele Adkins's hoarseness are intertwined with each other, and the intense and dense sadness begins to permeate. It was originally a faint light smoke, but As the song progressed, it gradually evolved into a thick fog, which imprisoned everyone. What's even more terrifying is that the tragic melody is like a drug addiction, and it is deeply intoxicating, and I can't even think of leaving this cage. Layers of smoke imprison itself.

With the performances of Evan Bell and Adele Adkins, the song gradually reached a climax. In the second paragraph of Dai's lyrics, all the pulling, all the tyranny, all the tragic, in Evan Bell's anger-filled resolute, exudes the madness of trying to destroy everything, and the voice of Adele Adkins But it appeared like a goddess of salvation, and a voice like the sky seemed to be trying to save the sad couple.

"Now I see what people are saying backfires, duplicity, we're back on the road again started the same route, but we're both the same grumpy, you're just like me, when love comes It's all my fault, baby, maybe our relationship isn't as hopeless as it seems, maybe that's what it's like when a volcanic eruption meets a tornado, all I know is I love you so much. Go home, take your things and go home. Don't you hear the sincerity in my voice? I said it all, it's all my fault, come and look at me Eyes. I'm never going to get angry again, never again. I know my apology is a lie, I'm fed up with this fight, I just want her back. I know I'm a liar, but if she If the **** tries to leave me again, I'll tie her to the bed and set the house on fire..."

With a bang, all the emotions broke out completely. Evan Bell's toughness completely lost his reason, and the jade and stone smashed this relationship with his own hands. As the last line of "Light the house" rushes violently from Evan Bell's throat, a chill rises all over him. There seemed to be such a picture in front of him. The man with the **** head finally lost his mind. In order to keep the woman he loved by his side, he tied her to the bed, then set the house on fire, and finally screamed into the sky and rushed into the burning flame. among.

The tragic x poignant and magnificent of this song is just like a complete movie masterpiece, touching the soul.

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