Great Artist

Chapter 1961: rude

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At 9:30 p.m. on November 1st, as soon as the concert at Madison Square Garden in New York ended, the entire Internet was flooded with news of Evan Bell's concert.

Originally everyone was looking forward to the release of "Five", but from the audience who felt the charm of Evan-Bell's heart album in person, people learned that this is a piece that is definitely not inferior to any previous works. album, and some people even compared "Five" with "Four", which created countless miracles last time, which made this new album even red to purple before it was released.

Just 12 hours after Evan Bell's new album release concert ended, more than 30,000 related videos and audios appeared on the Internet, which is expected. Even if the fans present were ordered not to bring cameras into the venue, the mobile phones can be said to be fully functional now: even if there are security guards constantly patrolling the venue, it is inevitable that some 20,000 spectators will slip through the net; even if The audience who listened to the concert live will feel at the first time that they are all die-hard fans, but it is inevitable that bad horses will get in, not to mention that some fans have leaked their treasured videos or audios because of being too excited or accidentally mistaken. Going out... it is impossible to completely prohibit the leakage of video or audio.

When Amy-Nam's 2004 album was released early due to the leak of the track; when Evan-Bell released "Three", speculations about the album's tracks emerged in an endless stream, which was still kept under wraps. Therefore, since Evan-Bell has plans to hold a concert, he has made relevant plans.

Fortunately, it only takes thirty-six hours to pay attention to this part of the Internet ban. During this period of time, the two largest social networks managed by the two eleven studios, Facebook and Zhixieshan E, implemented step-by-step monitoring. As long as the video or audio is incomplete, it is fine; if the complete information is disclosed track, then the video will be temporarily blocked and reopened for viewing after thirty-six hours. In this case, even if a track is leaked, it will not have a serious impact on the album's sales. Besides, Evan Bell used to have the habit of auditioning on Eleven blog before the release of new singles, so the leakage of video or audio was far less serious than expected.

But from this side, we can see how hot the attention to the album "Five" is. Within thirty-six hours, the topic of Evan Bell's new album "Five" and the president who is about to enter the climax stage The general election went hand in hand to dominate the top keywords across the web. This shows how powerful Evan Bell's momentum is.

But obviously some people are not used to Evan... Bell's "hotness" expressed dissatisfaction with Evan-Bell's rude remarks in a public interview with the media.

"Evan Bell? Don't compare that sissy to me, I'm serious about making the accompanying music, he's just playing tickets, watching movies and architecture, when did you see him really calm down and make music? He It's nothing more than relying on his popularity to deceive the public's feelings. Really speaking, his music is not worth mentioning. Not to mention his self-righteous face, which makes people feel disgusting."

The above remarks come from Kanye West, the absolute big name in the rap world. He obviously dislikes Evan Bell. He has no respect for Evan Bell in his words, and he is far from direct abuse. In fact, it is not far away. Especially when a reporter mentioned that Kanye-West and Evan-Bell's albums have similar release dates and times, and the two may have a battle, the disdain in Kanye-West's tone is even more obvious.

"In addition to hyping sales, what does he have to say? But when it comes to sales, you know, these numbers always have countless inside stories." Kanye-West is secretly talking about Evan-Bell's The sales of the album are mixed, and it is completely deliberately hyped for publicity.

This time, Kanye and West have provoked a hornet's nest. Evan Bell didn't want to fight with words, because it didn't mean anything, but the other party has already bullied him to his door. If you hide again, that's a real sissy "I'm curious about what qualifications he has to make these comments. He has the right to dislike my music, but please don't use my name to attract attention." Evan Bell is even more ruthless, saying directly Kanye... West is using his own name to hype, "Who doesn't know that his album will be released soon, when will he not comment on my music, but choose this time, hum, if it is true If you want to do something about music, why did you do it earlier?"

Evan-Bell's words made the more than 30 reporters who came to interview him secretly rejoice. There is a good show to watch, but Evan-Bell hasn't finished saying, "I'm hyping sales? Then he means, Does he think there is something tricky or corrupt within the Recording Association of America? Is he a prosecutor or a lawyer, or has he ever paid bribes successfully?" In ZA, the turmoil about bribery in the music industry to buy on-demand music has not yet been completely subsided. The Grammys who were implicated spent two years without fully breathing. Evan Bell's remarks made the reporters completely excited, and the joy between the eyebrows could not be concealed.

Kanye West originally wanted to ridicule Evan and Bell's words, but now it has caught fire. Universal Music and Sony Records were caught in the center of the bribery wave, and Kanye West's album is Universal Music Responsible for the distribution, Universal Music is about to panic again.

Whether it's Kanye West taking the opportunity to hype, or Kanye West once offering bribes, Evan Bell has made this super big name who has spoken badly about him suffer a lot. Although Kanye West's talent in eloquence is not as good as that of Evan... Bell is as good as he is, but he will never admit defeat. "I don't say that I am an independent singer every day, but I keep talking about sales. If you really are an indie singer, then seriously stay at home and make music, don't always think about how to appear on the front page of the magazine!"

To this, Evan Bell's response was only one sentence, "Who is the front page now?"

It's very interesting that the front pages of major newspapers and magazines all quote Evan Bell's words, but the front page photos use Kanye West's photos, and the whole sense of humor suddenly took off. Come out and make everyone laugh.

What's more, Kanye West's remarks not only annoyed Evan... Bell, but also irritated all independent singers, what is "if you are an independent singer, then stay at home seriously." Make music..." It's as if independent singers can't come out and show their faces, even independent singers hope that their music can sell well, at least to support their families. If all indie singers are buried in their homes and never come out, can music still be eaten?

This time, condemnations from all directions are pouring towards Kanye... West. Paired with the words Evan Bell said and the front-page photo, the whole scene became more interesting.

In fact, Kanye West's rude remarks are because reporters have been promoting how good Evan Bell's new album is and how much to look forward to, and then think that Kanye West's new album is in Evan... Bell's pressure Under the system, it is difficult to achieve good results. Originally Kanye... West was very tough. When Universal Music persuaded him internally, he was pushed back. Now he is directly stabbed in the scar by reporters. He is naturally furious, so he vented all his anger on Egypt. Wen Yibel, but he forgot that Evan Yibel was never a soft persimmon.

Now in the music industry, although it is said that Evan-Bell has initially entered the hall level, there are absolutely countless people who dislike him. Especially in the rap world, there are countless singers with more personality than Evan-Bell. Most rappers There are some street ruffians, and they must have 100% confidence in their own music. That kind of domineering domineering is the foundation of their foothold. Kanye-West's name "Kanye" means "solo" in Swahili, they are not only confident in themselves, but also despise others, thinking that they are the best in the music field exist.

Looking at Evan Bell, it is indeed easy to be disgusted, whether it is jealousy or disdain, he has directed a grand slam at the age of twenty-five, won the Grammy Award for seven consecutive years, whether it is The sales, box office and word of mouth popularity are higher than others. He actually has a good foundation in the field of psychology and architectural design. What is even more irritating is that he is still a handsome guy who loves flowers and flowers. Personal aesthetic opinion is related, but there is a reason for Evan Bell to be "People" Weekly's Sexy Man of the Year for two consecutive years; not to mention Evan Bell's flamboyant personality, Evan Bell's enemies will never few.

Even the media actually really want to see Evan...Bell's embarrassed appearance. It's not that he has hatred, or he just wants to see Evan-Bell making a fool of himself. So this time Kanye... West was so provoked that he stood up to fight with Evan Bell, and the media immediately started to fan the flames, purely wanting to see a good show.

Sure enough, the lantern show started.

Kanye West hit a nail with Evan Bell twice in a row, and the third time he said ruthlessly, "Then wait for this album to be released, and then we will decide the outcome.

Look how much he weighs! "

The reporter quickly spread the word to Evan and Bell, Evan-Bell raised his eyebrows and laughed, "I just learned that music can still be divided, according to word of mouth, or sales, Or a trophy, or a comment from a music critic. It turned out that the so-called focus on music and don’t hype it at will, is such a definition, and it is the first time I understand it.”

I have to say, Evan Bell's mouth is absolutely maddening. Kanye West disappeared from the scene as soon as it was said, and it seemed that he was determined to fight for the album. But Kanye... West fought in the bar that night and made a lot of trouble. He was caught by the paparazzi as soon as possible, and he had already booked the front page headlines for the next day in advance.

As for the album competition? That day is coming soon, because the third of November has arrived.

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