Great Artist

Chapter 1967: 3 singles flying together

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Because of the super high quality of Evan Bell's albums, all the time! The singles on Evan Bell's album are very popular. Unlike other singers who release singles more often to promote the album, Evan Bell releases singles more to respond to the call of fans. After all, the entire album is There are so many great works in it that if you don't release a single, it is destined to be missed by many people who have never bought the album.


So, Evan Bell's albums have always released a lot of singles, and they've always been great.


So far, Evan Bell's four albums have won twenty-seven number one singles, which is the best proof. Compared with the situation where Evan Bell's albums dominate the world, Evan Bell's competitiveness in the singles chart is even more amazing, and it can even be said that as long as Evan Bell shoots, he never misses.


This time, "Five" has been singing all the way after its release, leading the Billboard album chart with a series of outstanding sales. Naturally, people have expressed special expectations for the album's singles. And this time, Evan Bell once again gave everyone a huge surprise.


Haruka remembers the experience of "Reckless (rld and "Catalyst (catalyst being released together on the album "Two", so Evan Bell's own competition with himself was fierce on the singles chart. situation. On the recent Billboard singles chart, the next mother also showed such a situation, with two of his own singles "Stay Yourself (fe and "Everything You Like (ke on the singles sales chart. Alternately leading, the results are chalky.


And this time, Evan Bell released three singles simultaneously in one breath to coincide with the release of the new album, which is definitely an unprecedented feat. The three songs "21. Guns", "fighter (ghter and "love-equality (ve became the three singles released simultaneously on November 3, and again Once let people see Evan Bell's maverick.


Here, the so-called released singles refer to the songs that will be individually made into discs and sold on the shelves; but due to the existence of IUes now, the downloads of the ten songs in an album are different, not only can you directly buy the album package and download, You can also choose any one of your favorite songs to download. So, of course, the picture on the Billboard singles chart is different.


The ten songs in the album "Five" are all in the top 50 of the Billboard Singles Chart, which is also the first historical record created since the advent of "Five". The original "Four" was due to "Long Live ( da)”, so the ten songs on the album are all “only” in the top 100. This time, all the songs in the “Five” are in the top 50, becoming the latest record in Billboard in a century. .


You must know that, except for the three officially released singles, the other seven songs are all downloaded from digital audio sources. The strong navel body is in the top 50 on the Billboard singles chart. This kind of appeal is really amazing. Naturally, the results of the three singles officially released include digital music and physical sales, and radio on-demand will also be the main push, and the results will be even better.


There is actually a reason why Evan Bell chose to release three singles together. "Twenty-One Shots" was Evan Bell's originally scheduled first-wave title track, not only because of the excellent quality of the song, which he personally liked, but also because it was in line with the ongoing presidential election. Express yourself with the help of music. Claire Days thought "Love The Way You Lie (e was more suitable for the first wave of the title, but eventually compromised with Evan Bell and released "Twenty-One Shots" first.


But then Claire Days received strong calls from fans, calling on Evan Bell to be the first to release the song "Fighter". No one will remember the strong chemistry that Evan Bell caused when he performed this song at the Super Bowl at the beginning of the year. Everyone expected this song to be released in time, but Evan Bell pushed it again and again, and again in the blink of an eye. The Super Bowl is not far away, but the "fighter" is still missing. Now that "Five" is about to be released, the release of "Fighter" is naturally a matter of course.


As for "Love-Equality", it was launched to support the call for **** marriage by Michelle Hathaway and others, and to cater to the publicity of the presidential election.


With such a total, Evan Bell made the decision on the spot, and three singles were released at the same time. For others, the release of a single has to be intensively promoted, and then hope to make a breakthrough in sales, but Evan Bell believes that it is more reasonable to let fans enjoy the music than the sales. There's nothing wrong with releasing the singles together.


Claire Days was originally reluctant, but after thinking about Evan Bell's personality, the main thing is his confidence in Evan Bell, so he nodded in agreement immediately. As a result, on November 3, the grand occasion of three orders flying together became another dazzling sight in addition to the outbreak of the "Five".


On the shelves of major record stores, there was also a rare grand occasion. "Five" occupied two shelves as an album, and each of the three singles occupied one shelf. Such a scene of distribution is a rare occurrence in ten years. But it can be seen that even the record stores have shown absolute confidence in Evan Bell.


The cover of "Twenty-One Shots" is very visually striking, with a black cover, a white hand holds a heart-shaped grenade, and the slender fingers hold the grenade hard, as if with a little more force, It will explode. But this heart-shaped bomb was filled with blood at this time, and stayed along the white palm. The **** picture was as if the heart had just been taken out from the chest of a living person, and it could still be seen in a trance. until it bounces throughout. On the left side of the cover are "Evan Bell" in white and "Twenty-One Black Guns" in red.


Evan Bell still maintains his usual style. He never appears on the cover of albums or singles, but uses hand-painted covers to present his thoughts and convey profound thoughts. The cover of "Twenty-One Shots" clearly expresses Evan Bell's disgust and criticism of war, but compared to this cover, the cover of the album "Five" is a bit esoteric.


The cover of the album is red, not bright and bright red, but a somewhat dull and dilapidated scarlet. On the left side of the cover is a pile of white feather wings, just like angel wings, but no angel can be seen. , The feathers on the pair of wings were torn and fluttered in the sky, strands of white feathers fluttered in the scarlet sky on the right side of the cover, and there were more broken wings on the ground. Vivid bloodstains can also be seen on some feathers. Among the flying feathers, the signature of "Five" in black font and "Evan Bell" shuttled through it, and there was even some blood on it.


Turning over the back cover, you can see that the angel with the wings attached to the left side of the cover is here. This is a black silhouette, hugging his knees tightly with both hands, curled into a ball, and you can even see His shivering torso, and the red fruit's feet were slipping with blood.


Evan Bell's cover design for "Five" can be said to be very bold and black, and the profound meaning revealed in it will have different interpretations in the hands of different fans. Compared with the simple and clear cover of "Four", it is obvious that the emotional ups and downs and the struggle of thinking are more intense in the album "Five".


On the cover of the single "Fighter", Evan Bell showed a more clear concept, a pair of feet are doing ballet toes, the right foot is wearing gorgeous and soft dancing shoes, and the left foot is flesh and blood Fuzzy toes. There is only this pair of feet on the entire cover, with "Fighter" written on the left side of the foot and Evan Bell on the right.


Through only a simple picture, Evan Bell clearly conveys the "sorrow and pain behind the wonderful performance on the stage". This completely black and white sketch has received numerous accolades and is considered to be Evan Bell's all-time single. One of the best covers of the song.


Relatively speaking, the cover art effect of "Love-Equality" is more direct! Evan Bell actually chose a paper-cut black and white picture, two men on the left holding hands, two women on the right holding hands, and in the middle is "Love-Equality" standing ~Only in the place where the little finger hooks the little finger, there is a touch of warm color, which is a touch of gold. In the font of "love-equality (ve, there is a trace of gold in series, which highlights the effect of black and white. Although this picture is straightforward and simple, its artistic connotation is not weak at all. Instead, it became more profound. On the back cover of the single, there is a bright rainbow with two rings and a bouquet of flowers stacked under the rainbow, which is obviously a blessing for **** marriage.


And no matter how popular the single is, and whether it can be compared with the prosperity of "Five", it can be seen from the cover design alone that Evan Bell's artistic talent has been vividly displayed, and , Even if the three singles were released at the same time, Evan Bell did not favor one over the other, and the excellence of these three covers made everyone's eyes shine.


As Evan Bell has always said, he will not release albums for the sake of albums. Time and quantity are not the most important issues, never, but the works themselves. After two years, Evan Bell has released a new album. Not only the quality of the songs is outstanding, but the entire packaging from the cover to the design to the music video has continued Evan Bell's consistent high quality. This is what makes people really like it. Evan Bell's reason.


Of course, can high quality be equated with high sales? Maybe not necessarily for others, but for Evan Bell, it's not a problem.


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