Great Artist

Chapter 1980: Early release

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After experiencing the glory of Venice and Toronto, the release curve of "Juno" in North America is still steady and steady. Like "Slumdog Millionaire..." No" brought good news again. It won the Best Picture Award at the 18th Gotham Awards. This is the third time Evan Bell has won this award after "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Survival in the Wilderness". Now, Evan-Bell has completed two consecutive years last year and this year.

In this kind of power, the voice of the entire North American film market for "Juno" has reached a peak. "Juno", which was originally scheduled to be released on December 17, finally responded to the audience's call and moved forward to December Official release on the 5th. Facing the joint appeal of 40,000 people, it is difficult for Eleventh Issue to refuse such enthusiasm.

The first week of December was a very busy weekend, not to mention "Slumdog Millionaire...", "Milk", "Child Abuse Suspect", "Life and Death", "Classic Cars" It is still attracting people's attention to the awards season, and works such as "Twilight", "Quantum of Solace", "Madagascar" and other works are still competing for the box office of Thanksgiving and Christmas. "Such a blockbuster with both box office capability and awards season standards has just been released.

In addition to "Juno", this week's awards season also includes "Foster Dialogue with Nixon..." and "Legend of the Blues".

"Legend of the Blues" gathers two super big names, Beyoncé, the king of the music world, and Adrien Brody, the youngest actor in Otezka, apparently hoping to create the same good results as the "Dream Girl" the year before; "Fox "Talk to Nixon" and director Ron Howard, who also shot "A Beautiful Mind", "The Da Vinci Code" and other excellent works, directed it and won praise at the previous London Film Festival.

But no matter how strong the competition is, "Juno", which has won the Venice, Toronto and Gotham Awards, is still the focus of attention in the first week of December. The film was screened in seven theaters, and the excitement of the scene was jaw-dropping. From twelve o'clock at midnight, these seven theaters have been running continuously, and the venues are full. What is even more commendable is that there are audiences of all ages who enter the cinema, which also shows that Evan-Bell's audience group has already It has gradually expanded, and is no longer a loyal movie fan or a lover of literary and artistic movies, and more and more ordinary audiences have also expressed their trust in Evan-Bell.

"Juno" is such a light-hearted and sunny work that people had smiles on their faces during the entire viewing process, and the witty lines made the scene laugh more and more. In fact, the lines of "Juno" are not so easy to understand. They contain many words spoken by young people on the Internet. These wonderful lines not only reflect the culture of young people, but also reflect the entire Internet. The characteristics of the times are included. If you are interested, watch it twice or three times carefully, it is definitely worth the money.

In addition, Yin Zi, who makes people smile, also has the exciting and warm soundtrack in the movie. Evan Bell's musical talent is unquestionable, and this time, Evan Bell created an entire album to match the movie "Juno", which is undoubtedly a great feat, and also won the recognition of the audience. Every song that appears in the movie is so wonderful, and it matches the plot seamlessly. The more exciting it is, the quality of all the soundtracks is not inferior to that of Evan Bell's official album, which is really admirable!

After the film was officially released, as expected by all film critics, it continued to be well received by Venice and Toronto. "Evan-Bell is a directorial genius who is rare in ten years. Please leave him a clean sky in Hollywood and let him unleash his talents!", "Intellectual and sensual, gentle and spicy, clever and profound The wonderful paradox of the book makes people fall in love with it!", "Evan's unimaginable skill makes people almost forget that he is only twenty-six years old this year, and he is a wise old man who knows life and death...", "Ellen... Peggy's vitality Bob's performance is irresistible, and the audience is guided by her to the realm of happiness and enjoyment without knowing it...", "Jennifer Garner's amazing acting skills are undoubtedly a bigger breakthrough than her husband Ben Affleck's 'Missing Baby'. "...", "Evan Bell's sincerity, the sense of authenticity and pertinence of life rising from the brisk story, all hit the hearts of the audience, and after the pleasant viewing of the movie, the reverberation of thoughts could not be stopped for a long time. Xiao "One more point is too much, one less point is not enough. Evan has shown superior control in the director's position...

In addition to the rave reviews of "Juno" itself, many commentators believe that "Evan has not stopped his steps after winning the director's grand slam, and has once again made a breakthrough. It is a peerless talent to sway at will..." Such comments quietly occupy the mainstream of comments.

At this time, Li Wenyi Bell is undoubtedly the darling of the media.

Facing full marks from the "Chicago Sun", "Entertainment Weekly", "New York Post", "New York Times", ... USA Today, "Los Angeles Times", Rolling Stone and other media, Venice and Toronto's The media exclaimed, "Look, we've told you this long ago, this is a classic! "Juno has won undifferentiated popularity from the media. Thirty-eight media outlets have more than 12 perfect scores, and the overall score has reached 88 points. The freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is 94%." The real-time score on the website also broke through the eight-point threshold, reaching 8.7, and successfully ranked in the top 50. Chalk Team" is a work on a horizontal line.

As a sketch comedy work, "Juno" has conquered countless critical film critics, which can be said to be astonishing. Although the limitations of "Juno"'s own subject matter do not seem to have an advantage in the awards season, film critics did not hesitate to push this work to the position of the No. 1 seed in the best picture of Otskaya .

The general comment is that "Juno" has the hope of launching a comprehensive and violent impact in the departments such as Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Original Screenplay, Best Original Score, etc. The overall situation is even It is even more dominant than last year's "Blood Will Come".

In the face of such a strong momentum of "Juno", "Slumdog Millionaire...", "The Hurt Locker", "Milk", "Robot Wall-E," "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." and many others Competitors seem a little timid. Although these five works have easily formed the impact lineup of the first group, the overall momentum of the sketch work "Juno" is quite unstoppable.

Of course, the awards season has just begun. It is uncertain whether "Juno" will be strong or give up halfway. After all, there are no weak competitors among these competitors, and each of them has absolutely strong strength.

Now it seems that the competition for the entire awards season is about to enter a white-hot mode again, and it is even possible to surpass Z year by year to become the most brutal Otyuska competition in a decade.

After experiencing "Rachel's Wedding", "The Hurt Locker" and "Slumdog Millionaire...", Studio Eleven still has spare capacity, and it exploded with the screening of "Juno" Come out; and the film critics who are under the indiscriminate bombardment of "Classic Car", "Life and Death Reading", "Child Abuse Suspicion", and "Milk" have not lost their way. Facing the arrival of "Juno", they have He used the best weapon in his hand to sing praises for Evan Bell.

Similarly, in the box office market, the North American film market, which has just experienced the impact of the dark horse of "Twilight", still leaves enough room for "Juno" to stretch its fists.

Seven theaters were screened, and the box office in a single venue actually reached 90,000 US dollars, which made "Juno" explode with a good result of 630,000 US dollars in the first weekend, and directly airborne to No. 1 in the North American box office rankings. Fourteen! It is one of the top performers of "Suspicious Clouds", which is screened in 700 theaters, and it is also the only work in the top 20 that shows less than ten theaters.

This is not only the best premiere performance of the four works in this awards season of Eleven Studios, but more importantly, the single-house box office performance of "Juno" surpassed the records of "Wild Survival" and "Little Miss Sunshine" , Smooth navel reached the fifth place in the history of the box office of the live-action film single hall, and further brought Evan Bell's appeal in independent films to a new extreme. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Although people have always had a clear understanding of the box office appeal of Evan and Bell, last year, Evan and Bell dedicated two single-hall box-office works, "Wild Survival" and "Blood to Come": but even In this way, after "Juno" made good results again, people still exclaimed again, the surprise brought by Evan Bell will never end, and even the "New Yorker" magazine joked, "Evan Bell is bound to make a single one. The historical record of the box office of the museum is all included before giving up..."

The "New Yorker" comment is not just a joke. At present, five of the top six box office box office seats for live-action films belong to Evan Bell, namely "Brokeback Mountain", "Blood Will Come", "Adapted Script" ", "Juno" and "Little Miss Sunshine," only fourth went to "Mrs. Veron." The single-hall 90,000 result of "Juno" is obviously a surprise.

At the same time, "Juno" surpassed "Little Sunshine Beauty" in the box office history of the single hall, which also made "The Little Sunshine Beauty of Knife X Year" officially fall on the head of "Juno". People are not only concerned about whether "Juno" can achieve good results in the awards season like "Little Miss Sunshine", but also whether "Juno" can also set a record as an independent film and win the top spot in the North American movie box office chart!

More importantly, the first-seeded contestant for the best picture in Otezka is out!

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