Great Artist

Chapter 1983: Social phenomenon

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Time flies by in 2008, and it seems that yesterday everyone was talking about a writers strike, and today the new president of the United States has been elected. The year 2008 is also a very special year for the whole world. There are countless major events throughout the year, such as the earthquake in China, Wenchuan, the notorious wiretapping scandal in the United Kingdom, the emergence of the first black president in the United States, and the In the face of the global financial crisis, even the Beijing Olympic Games are not enough weight in the face of these heavy news.

In fact, even if you focus on a small world like the entertainment industry, 2008 is full of stories. In the music market, album sales in 2008 were 15 percentage points higher than in 2007, which was also the first time since the 21st century that the record market has rebounded sharply; in the film market, after a brilliant first half of the year, Encountered by the strong sniping of the financial crisis, the bitter cold wind swept Hollywood in winter, but despite this, the full-scale outbreak of Christmas movies made the total box office of 2008 surpass that of 2007, making it the year with the best box office in film history.

The music market and the movie market both achieved good results, and they did so under the strong threat of the financial crisis, which is enough to make 2008 a year to remember.

In this turbulent and thrilling year, Eleven Studio has quietly become an existence that can compete with the top big companies, recreating the splendor of DreamWorks at the turn of the century.

In the three major fields of film, music, and television, Eleven Studios have demonstrated superior strength, and the strength of the television market is comparable to that of others.

"Navy Criminal Investigation Service", "Grey's Anatomy", "Doctor House", "The Big Bang Theory" and "Super Detective" on public television have all achieved impressive results, among which "Super Sense Detective" has become a new The rookie king of the show has the highest ratings, leaving all competitors behind by a large margin, while "Doctor House" has relied on the power of the Super Bowl drama to become the king of ratings this year, "Navy Crime Investigation". "Department" was the roost in terms of viewership. The first place in the new drama, the first in the ratings, and the first in the number of viewers all belong to Eleven Studios. This also gives Eleven Studios a rather small posture in the field of TV dramas. Of course, all of these dramas have been renewed with new dramas, and the "X Factor", "American Idol" battle, which will be broadcast in early 2009, and the "Voice of America" ​​that is about to launch also make people look forward to it. .

On cable TV, "Mad Men" won the first Emmy Award for Best Drama in the history of Studio Eleven. The ratings of the second season have doubled compared to the first season. The top spot on the list for best shows; "Breaking Bad" earned an average of 1.5 million in its first season, with a peak of 1.9 million. Became the leading drama of the TV station, and the word of mouth is even more daring to catch up with "Mad Men".

Eleven Studios has not been involved in the TV field for a long time, but the trend of an average of one masterpiece a year has made Eleven Studios proud of all TV production work, becoming the number one player in the American TV drama market today. Coupled with the paid channels of Youtube, there is no doubt. Now the TV series has become the fist project of Eleven Studio after Eleven Design.

Compared with the absolute strength in the TV field, Eleven Studio's footsteps in the film and music fields are obviously more difficult, after all, the competition is more intense. After making a breakthrough in the film market last year, Eleven Studios has a brilliant record in the music market this year.

Eleven Music has released five new albums including Evan Bell, Taylor Swift, Jason Mayez, Katy Perry, Adele Adkins, etc., as well as "High School Musical". 3", "Mamma Mia" and "Juno" soundtracks, it can be said that Eleven Music has also ushered in a blowout explosion this year.

Among them, Evan Bell's strength is the least suspenseful, and the release of "Five" once again turned the entire music market upside down. nowadays. Evan Bell's performance in the music market can already be regarded as phenomenal, and people have endless questions about it, "Why Evan's albums always achieve such sturdy results", this is not only Popularity can explain the problem, this is more of a phenomenon, a social phenomenon.

Professional music critics believe that music comes first, and Evan Bell's albums are always of exceptional quality, attracting more and more listeners. Beyond that, sociologists argue. Evan Bell is now an iconic figure. His persistence in the work itself comes from the persistence of dreams. It is also derived from its meticulous professional image. In this, in fact, the image of Evan Bell, a psychologist and architectural designer, is of great help. Although no new architectural design has been released by Evan Bell in the past year, he has published several related papers in professional psychology journals, which has also improved Evan Bell's professional image and won people's trust in him.

When the entire music market is in a downturn, even facing the financial crisis this year, an authoritative professional like Evan Bell can easily win the trust of the public, who are willing to buy Evan Bell's albums, watch Evan Bell -Bell's film, and after trying it, I found that it is not only worth the money, but also the value for money. This trust will produce pleasure and become dependence. Thus, the "Evan phenomenon" was born.

It can be said that "Five" is the result of Evan Bell's consistent persistence in the entire music market, and it is also the result of his continuous efforts and accumulation in eight years. I believe that with the advancement of time, Evan Bell's power will become more and more stable and strong. This phenomenon can be reflected not only in music, but also in movies and other aspects.

In the 2008 US album sales chart, "Five" created 6.8 million sales during the year, easily crowned the year-end champion for three consecutive years. This is also the first time in the history of American music. The "Four" in 2006, the "Four" in 2007, and the "Five" in 2008 took over the baton. Evan Bell dominated the US album market for three consecutive years. This achievement is not only The word "record" can describe it, but it is also a miracle and a myth!

In the face of Evan Bell's strong results in just two months, the most albums on the market have not been able to come up with enough resistance, and the runner-up album is Alicia Keys' " Like me (, the album released late last year sold 2.8 million in 2008 and ended up being the "No. 2" on the year-end charts.

Looking at the gap between the champion and the runner-up, you can see how strong Evan Bell is. In fact, the runner-up in global sales in 2008 came from Coldplay's June album, also called "Long Live Life," which sold only 6.6 million worldwide. In other words, Evan Bell is enough to become the global sales champion only by relying on the sales in one region of North America. If the overseas sales of "Five" are added, the gap will be opened almost instantly.

Although the gap between the top and runner-up in the U.S. album sales chart is really amazing, it is not without reason that the album sales in 2008 increased by 15% compared with 2007. The main reason is the overall sales performance of the top 20 albums. All are excellent, in other words, the average is very high.

Josh Groban, Lear Wayne, The Eagles, Taylor Swift, Rock Boys, Coldplay, High School Musical 3 soundtrack, Carrie Underwood's eight albums were among the top The remaining positions of the ten, followed by Linkin Park, Lianna Lewis, "Mamma Mia" soundtrack, Beyonce, Madonna, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Jason Mraz, /, Mariah Carey.

In the top 20, the sales of the top 17 albums all exceeded 2 million, which shows how good the average score is, and the competition is particularly fierce. The sales of the top eight albums are all over 2.5 million, and many rankings need to be refined to the unit of "thousands" in order to determine the winner. This is the root cause of the 2008 annual sales showing a recovery trend.

Eleven Music has five seats in the top 20, Katy Perry occupies 21st, Adele Adkins also achieved a good result in 36th, and The album released last year by the Republic Times also stayed on the top of the list, and the performance of the twenty-third position is also worthy of recognition. It's a pity that Magic Red's album last year lacked This year, although it entered the top 50 of the year-end list, it only hangs at the 49th place, which is not as good as expected.

On the contrary, Evan Bell's "Four" album still has a lingering charm, grabbing the twenty-eighth position, which is still shocking. As for the "Juno" soundtrack, which was released in early 2009, it was naturally not included in the 2008 year-end summary.

As for the global album sales chart, the album "Five" won 12 million sales in 2008, crowned the number one with nearly twice the number of runner-up sales.

After Coldplay took the runner-up spot, the soundtrack of the movie "Mamma Mia", the topic of the year, took the third runner-up spot. In addition, the British rookie female singer Duffy, Amy Winehouse, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Mariah Carey, The Chorus, and the soundtrack of the "High School Musical 3" movie, etc. Occupy the last seven positions in the top ten global sales rankings.

As of 2008, the global sales of Evan Bell's five albums officially exceeded 120 million, and currently occupies the twenty-second position in the historical list, although it still does not break into the top 20, But he made that record with five albums and is not only the most productive in the top 30, but also the youngest on the list so far. No wonder people are willing to call Evan Bell a "great singer," and he's really made his mark.

Eleven Music has shown outstanding performance in the year-end album sales chart, and also has a good result in the single sales chart.

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