Great Artist

Chapter 1986: none other than you

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The end of the year is always the busiest time. The year-end inventory, the awards season is approaching, and the New Year’s Eve is coming together. Just like autumn is the harvest season for farmers, the end of the year is the harvest season for the entertainment industry.

Evan Bell is very busy at the end of the year this year, which is also a busy time after a long time. Except for staying at home with Catherine Bell for Christmas, Evan Bell is promoting "Five" and "Juno". This is also Evan Bell. After many years, he participated in the whole promotion period grandly. Although the media are willing to interpret it as Evan-Bell worrying that the new album and new work will not meet expectations, so he is exhausted, but Evan-Bell is enjoying the busyness more. Different from the leisure and casualness of the previous four months of backpacking, there is a kind of fulfilling happiness.

Evan Bell, who had just finished recording a talk show in Burbank, Los Angeles, had not had time to leave the studio when Lisa Canning came to the door. Today, this talk show is a TV show. Although he saw Lisa Canning coming over, Evan Bell didn't stop. He just smiled to say hello, then joined Teddy Bell and stepped out.

"Evan, why are you in such a hurry?" Lisa Canning didn't come to visit, she came here specially for Evan Bell, so she quickly followed.

Evan-Bell slowed down a little bit, turned around and said with a smile, "I'm in R concave... There is a live broadcast." R Fierce..., one of the most well-known local music stations in Los Angeles.

"Wow, then I'll keep the story short." Lisa-Cunning knew, Bikou... In Santa Monica, it takes more than half an hour to travel from Burbank to Los Angeles, and it takes half an hour when the road conditions are smoothest. . "After careful consideration, we still think that you are the best candidate for the host. I don't know what you mean?"

Evan Yibel raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It turns out that life is about the host. I thought you all found good candidates."

Since the end of September, Lisa-Canning has approached Evan-Bell once to discuss the host of the 81st Oscars, and Lisa-Canning and Evan-Bell have had another phone conversation with Evan-Bell. QBTV still thinks Evan Bell as the host of the awards ceremony is a great idea, but Evan Bell thought he was not suitable at the time, mainly because of "slumdog millionaire...", "Bomb disposal" Works such as "The Troops" have a good momentum in the awards season, and he thinks it is best to avoid suspicion. Hearing Evan Bell's statement, Qbi TV thinks it makes sense, so it temporarily put the proposal on hold. I didn't expect it to be brought up again today.

Now that we have entered the year of Z fierceness, there are only less than seven weeks left before the Oscar ceremony, and the awards season has also entered its first small climax. All the works of Eleven Studio have performed well. Originally, Evan-Bell thought that Qbi TV had officially abandoned the proposal and found a real candidate. Unexpectedly, today Lisa...Canning actually came to the door and put forward this proposal.

Facing Evan-Bell's smile, Lisa Canning also laughed, "Yes, after we have considered it comprehensively, we think it is you."

Hearing this sentence, Evan Bell paused for a while, turned his head and looked at Lisa Canning's face, his right eyebrow was slightly raised, and the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed unpredictable , but Evan-Bell only paused for a moment, which is a few milliseconds, and then he continued to move forward and said with a smile, "I feel honored.  …

The phrase "it's not yours" is not so simple. The uniqueness and desperate gamble in this sentence clearly shows the infinite importance of the place of desperation. This is not only the importance that Qbi TV attaches to Evan-Bell, but also pinning all hope on the shoulders of Evan-Bell, a big problem for the Oscar host today.

Lisa-Canning was not surprised by Evan-Bell's reaction. If others heard it, they would probably be overwhelmed with gratitude, but for Evan-Bell, it was just "honored". So Lisa-Canning continued without any pause, "We have discussed with the academy about the so-called avoidance of suspicion, and we don't think it's a problem. The judges won't vote less because you don't host the awards ceremony. Likewise, even if You become the host of the awards ceremony, and there will still be some votes, not one less."

On the one hand, the academy demonstrates its independent and objective position, and on the other hand, it echoes the Oscar's current "work first" policy. Speaking with strength, it is actually such a simple truth.

"Should I thank you for your confidence in me, or should I be apprehensive about the prospect of the awards season for Eleven Studio's works?" Evan Bell responded with a smile.

This is not the answer Lisa Canning wanted, but she still adjusted her pace, hoping to keep up with Evan Bell's speed and head towards the parking lot, "When did you start caring about awards?"

Evan-Bell smiled and winked slyly at Lisa-Cunning, "I don't care, this is just my personal position, as for Studio Eleven, as for other works, that's another story.

Lisa Canning's smile at the corner of her mouth was a little helpless when she was blocked like this, but she quickly regained her spirits, "I just think that you are never the kind of person who will be bound by rules and regulations, right?"

Although it is said that Eleven Studio is now a big business, Evan Bell seems to bear the hopes of many people on his shoulders. To be more serious, the failure of a work to impact the awards season is likely to be paid by the hard work of hundreds of staff. All kinds of water; but in fact, although the eleventh studio has performed well in the awards season in recent years, their production policy has never been close to the awards season. Taming is also the most distinctive logo of Eleven Studios.

With Evan Bell's personality, he always prefers free and unfettered creations rather than restricting the direction of his works by box office, word of mouth, and awards. Therefore, the so-called "avoidance of suspicion" can't actually restrain Evan-Bell's wishes.

What Lisa Canning said just now is that the prospect of Eleven Studio's work in awards season is not the root cause of Evan Bell's refusal to serve as the host of the awards ceremony. It is Evan Bell who really has the right to decide. Own.

Lisa Canning was appointed as a lobbyist by Zhao C TV station and came to negotiate with Evan-Bell. There is indeed a reason. Her understanding of Evan-Bell is indeed unique. Evan... Bell's inner thoughts, just as Lisa-Canning said that Evan Bell was very interested in this challenge when the two first talked.

Ai and Yi Bell officially stopped this time, and looked at Lisa-Canning seriously, but Teddy-Bell, who was beside him, didn't stop and walked straight towards the car. Lisa Canning in front of her was running fast and racking her brains at the same time to convince Evan Bell, so after she stopped, she was panting, gasping for breath, but her eyes were still fixed on Evan Bell.

Evan... Bell pursed his lips, his head was trembling slightly, it seemed that countless thoughts were rolling in his mind, and time seemed to have passed for a long time, but in fact, Evan-Bell only paused for a second or so, and then I saw his head tapped twice, "Okay, I'll take over this task."

Lisa-Canning was surprised by the neat answer. She originally thought that she would have to spend more energy to convince Evan-Bell, "Evan, think about it again... The words have subconsciously poured into her throat. Mouth, Lisa-Canning only reacted, Evan-Bell nodded and agreed to the invitation of the host of the awards ceremony, which is really great news.

Lisa Canning took a deep breath, "That's great, that's great." He let out a breath to stabilize his breath, "Then you have Teddy fax me the schedule for the next month, We'll arrange the rehearsal accordingly."

After all, Evan Bell could not resist the temptation of such a huge challenge as the host of the Oscars. He decided to stand on the stage of the Kodak Theater and show his skills as the host. Although there have been hesitations and struggles before, but now that the decision has been made, Evan Bell will definitely go all out.

"Don't you need to arrange a time to meet Bill?" The director of the 81st Oscars has already determined that it is Bill ... Condon, so Evan ... Bell has this question.

Lisa-Canning obviously had a ditch in her chest about this issue, "Yes, before the first official meeting, we will have a communication on the script, and then you, Bill, the screenwriter, and the producer will all gather at the meeting. Let's discuss the tone of the whole award ceremony together." Actually, Lisa Canning is not worried about the relationship between Bill Condon and Evan, because in the third time to Evan Bell Before sending out the invitation, they also consulted Bill Condon to ensure that all discussions would revolve around the awards ceremony itself, which led to today's meeting.

"Okay, I see." Evan Yibel nodded and didn't say anything more, "Let's do it first, call." After that, Evan Yibell walked quickly in the direction of the car , there's not much time left to get to Santa Monica.

Lisa-Canning walked over with them, "If you have any questions, you can contact and discuss as soon as possible. I think we are all trying to make the best awards ceremony, and it is not difficult to reach a consensus.  … Sha...Canning was still a little worried about Evan...Bell's personality, so he couldn't help but add.

Evan Bell walked to the car and smiled, "You should be ready, right? Well, I'm ready too."

What to prepare? Evan... Bell's preparation for the script, preparation for cooperation difficulties, or preparation for the preparation process to become a wrestling field? Lisa-Canning looked at Evan-Bell's sly smile and shouted in her heart that it was not good. But Evan-Bell didn't leave any more time, got in the car directly, Teddy Bell started the 3rd engine, and then walked away.

"Driving safely." Lisa-Canning stood there, and in the end, she could only say such a sentence.

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