Great Artist

Chapter 1994: Missing lover

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Without any accompaniment, only Evan Bell's voice danced freely in the moonlight, like the shadow of a palm tree swaying in the wind under the moonlight. Indulge in the irresistible beauty. When all the modifications were removed from the recording, Evan Bell's voice was as clear as a spring, more like the moonlight on the ground. Like the strings of a cello, it's so beautiful that people want to cry.

Evan Bell's voice flies through the lyrics, like a ballerina dancing at midnight, her feet flipping and jumping in the moonlight, disturbing a pool of moonlight, but rippling to give way. A halo of ecstasy. The soft feet collided with the hard ground, creating an elegant melody that was gentle and heartbroken.

"Goodbye, my unfortunate love, goodbye, my hopeless dreams. I'm trying to stop thinking about you, please let me go and leave me alone. Goodbye my unfortunate love, I'll turn around and leave. I knew it earlier You can only bring me endless heartache, as is always the case with missed lovers."

Hearing Evan Bell sing the poetry-like words sobbing, uncontrollable sadness welled up in his heart. This is indeed the inspiration from the story of Emma and Dexter, but it is not the beauty of the light sadness in the story, but the pain is torn in the turbulent waves, tearing all the emotions into pieces, except for the all over the ground. Apart from the blood, only the lonely figure cast by the moonlight wandered around alone, unable to fall asleep.

Anne Hathaway was not prepared at all, and the emotional turmoil hit her for the second time, drowning her in an instant, tears like strings of pearls, lined up from her cheeks, glittering in the moonlight. Clear light. Different from the previous emotional breakdown, this time Anne-Hathaway just lay quietly in Evan-Bell's arms and the tears silently slipped and fell.

Anne Hathaway finally knew why Evan Bell said that the lyrics were too sad, just because the sentence "Loveless Lover (AMesT [MN was enough to hurt people, like a dagger, but it directly Slowly inserted into the chest, slowly submerged all the blades, and then watched the dazzling blood emerge from the wound drop by drop, and slowly slide down the wound.

Evan Bell sighed softly, he knew that the song was too sad, and even he felt that there was a huge boulder circling in his heart, and he was a little breathless. Maybe there is no emotional ups and downs in the song, and I didn't deliberately cry and grab the ground, but just said "Goodbye my unrelated lover..." as if nothing had happened. The gray sadness but with the color of despair pushes all the negative emotions to the top in one go.

This song is indeed too sad, and the sadness is so cruel that Evan Bell is also a little unbearable. He sensed Anne-Hathaway's grief, but he could do nothing. He could only tighten his hands and hug Anne-Hathaway tightly. He used his body temperature to make her feel warm and relieve her little by little. mood swings.

There was no sound in the room, only the sound of tears slowly falling, which was a little scary. Anne-Hathaway's emotions finally calmed down in Evan Bell's arms. "Can't we be together forever?" Her voice was hoarse, and she asked pitifully.

The usual Anne-Hathaway was never like this, but during her period, Anne-Hathaway was also like a little woman, worried about gains and losses, fearful, and her emotions seemed to collapse in an instant. Evan Bell could feel Anne Hathaway's body trembling slightly. He lowered his head, pressed his chin to his chest, and touched Anne Hathaway's forehead with his forehead. Together.

Evan Bell stared closely at Anne Hathaway's eyes, and said in a low voice, "Yes." This is the second time he has made a promise tonight, and it's all because of that **** novel "One Day". Evan Bell couldn't help but wonder if he was too lingering when he was writing this novel.

But thinking about it carefully, in fact, the novel is not lingering, romantic, or sweet at all. On the contrary, Evan Bell has always used a calm and plain perspective to explain the story between Emma and Dexter. But maybe it is this kind of blandness, like a fairy tale but more like the brushstrokes of reality, it is easy for people to feel a part of their own in the story. In the twenty years between Emma and Dexter, too much has happened. There are too many things, and there is always a part that can touch the hearts of readers, and this little touch may be the true meaning of love. This makes the imperfection of the ending all the more unforgettable. This is the success of Evan Bell's novel.

Anne-Hathaway is so immersed in the novel that her emotions fluctuate so easily.

"Remember? The last time we chatted on the balcony when we were children, talking about the scene when we were forty years old." Evan Bell whispered, Anne Hathaway did not react, and thought about it for a long time, Then he nodded, "I don't know what will happen when we are forty now, because it seems that there is not much time left, but I know what will happen when we are sixty."

"Tell me.

"Anne-Hathaway raised her eyes, her eyelashes with crystal tears.

"You're standing at the intersection of Princes Street, wearing a sky blue T-shirt with 'I'm a freak' graffiti, and a pair of jeans, the muscles in your face are a little loose, but there aren't many wrinkles, obviously Cosmetics have not been used less in recent years, but the chin line has been invisible. There is still some light makeup on the face, big red lips with blue butterfly earrings on the ears, and slightly curly hair tied into a bun, pulled in a bun. On the top of your head, there are still some broken hairs floating around your cheeks in disobedience. You are standing at the corner of the street, mumbling and complaining impatiently, and your right hand carefully painted with rose red nail polish is carrying a large bag of household items. out of the supermarket."

When Anne Hathaway listened to Evan Bell's words, she couldn't help but calm down. She looked at Evan Bell in a trance, as if she had drawn that vivid picture in her mind.

"After a while, another old man came up behind, also dressed in clothes similar to yours, with a large bag of food in his hand. He is the only man in your life." Evan Bell said this, deeply Looking deeply at Anne-Hathaway, the corners of Anne-Hathaway's mouth twitched slightly, "We have just returned from the supermarket and are about to go back to the 12th. You are obviously very upset because of the regular holiday? Anne-Hathaway raised her hand and hit Evan-Bell, causing Evan-Bell to giggle. After you saw me appear, you muttered 'hurry up, hurry up.' Neither of them looked at each other, but they could clearly feel each other's presence. Even if there is no conversation, even if there is no contact, there is a tacit understanding between us, and we can feel each other's heart without any deliberate involvement at all. "

"Then do we have children? N

"Hmph, three two boys and one girl."

"Then what are we having for dinner?"

"Oh, maybe that's why we were arguing in the supermarket, I wanted to eat Chinese food, but you thought it was too greasy and not good for my stomach, so I decided to disagree. So, finally we decided to go to eleven To dinner, Catherine obviously couldn't be more welcome."

Hearing this, Anne Hathaway didn't speak, but she calmed down and just looked at Evan Bell quietly, "Is this really going to be the case?"

"Yes." Evan Bell showed a big smile, which made the corners of Anne Hathaway's mouth also outline. "This is just like you. I don't know who the crying woman was just now."

"Evan Bell!"

"I'm serious, do you have to be a woman every time you have your period?" Evan Bell was still not serious, which caused Anne Hathaway to immediately serve with a powder fist, but Evan Bell was Not annoyed at all, "Hehe, let's see, this is the Annie I know!"

Anne-Hathaway gritted her teeth immediately, and bit Evan-Bell's shoulder fiercely, until Evan-Bell started to cry out in pain, she released her teeth triumphantly, and sat down on Evan-Bell again contentedly. Bell's arms. UU Reading "What was the name of the song just now?"

"Undestined lover (AU duh LMH)," Evan Bell said in a low voice, "I'm still thinking, should I do repairs?""

"No." Anne Hathaway hurriedly stopped, "This song is very good, very good, everything is good." Her voice gradually fell, and after a pause, she continued, "Really , it's all good. That's it, maybe it doesn't fit the Emma and Dexter story, but it's still a good song. And, actually, it fits. Maybe Emma and Dexter just didn't get along Although they have been involved with each other for 20 years, they have not been able to reach the end together, and there is still no fate between them."

Evan Bell put a kiss on Anne Hathaway's slightly cold cheek, "No, you are wrong. Emma and Dexter are lovers, they are true lovers, and they love each other twenty years, or more. So, they are lovers, not nearly (UMesT)."

Anne-Hathaway nodded slightly, but did not speak. She just lay in Evan Bell's arms and closed her eyes.

The moonlight was like water, and the two of them hugged each other and sat on the windowsill, until Anne Hathaway fell asleep, Evan Bell breathed a long sigh of relief, carried the little girl onto the bed, and put the bed Headlights off. The night fell into complete silence.

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