Great Artist

Chapter 1997: rock spirit

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It's ironic that Evan Bell was awarded Best Rock and Roll Vocal Performance by Melancholy, isn't it? However, this irony may only be understood by those in the know. For the audience and the Grammy organizers, there is nothing wrong with it. The grievances between Evan Bell and Melancholy in the early years have long since evaporated. , even if it is fried cold rice, no media is willing to repeat the old story. But for Melancholy and Evan Bell, it seems like a lifetime away.

Evan-Bell came up, he opened his hands first, and gave Gillen-Haas a big hug. Gillen-Haas could only say with a smile, "Congratulations." For some reason, Gillen-Haas's eyes seemed a little wet, as if he was the winner, perhaps because the lighting was too dazzling.

Evan-Bell let go of Gillen-Haas, a big smiling face appeared in front of Gillen-Haas, and then he hugged the rest of the team members in the melancholy mood, including Jacob-Tip. It's just that Jacob Tibo's body was extremely stiff, like a mummy who had just woken up, while Bruce Sitwood patted Evan Bell's back and said seriously, "You deserve it."

At this time, the emcee had brought up the trophy and flowers, and handed over the melancholy team members to Evan-Bell, and then completed the awarding process. Gillen-Haas couldn't help but look back at Jacob-Tibo. He had agreed before that the awarding of the trophy would be considered to increase Jacob-Tibo's exposure, but at this time Jacob mentioned it. Bo was standing there, motionless.

In eight years, all hatred has long since disappeared in the wash of time. Whether it’s melancholy or Evan and Bell, the betrayals, disagreements, and accusations of the past are no longer important. They chose their own lives, and then followed this path until now everyone is responsible for their own The result of choice is that simple.

Jacob-Tippo had no idea about Evan-Bell for a long time. Even if he saw Evan-Bell at Staples Stadium today, he didn't have any special feeling, jealous? resentment? dissatisfied? None of those exist, because Evan Bell is now on another level, another world. It's like a marathon, where the runners will always only focus on their nearby competitors, and the leading group may have already crossed the finish line. For runners who are still struggling halfway through the race, jealousy doesn't help, they simply won't. Focus on the situation of the leading group, but focus on your own situation. But how ironic it was when Jacob-Tippo realized that he or they were in a melancholy mood and was going to give Evan Bell the award for Best Rock Artist He wanted to laugh, but unfortunately he couldn't.

This is Evan Bell's first gramophone? Twenty-three or twenty-four? It seems that it is one step away from the trophy of the twenty-five gramophones of the singer Stevie Wonder, who has won the most Grammys in history, and even the British conductor George Saul, the artist who has won the most Grammys in history. Sir Tee's thirty-one gramophone trophies were not far off.

And what about depression? How could Jacob and Tipbo forget? It's ironic that they didn't even get a Grammy nomination.

Thinking of this, Jacob couldn't control his limbs as soon as he mentioned it, because he himself thought all this was a joke. How eager he was to leave Evan-Bell's halo, and how eager he was to prove his ability to Evan-Bell, and how much he wanted to step on Evan-Bell, but now? What is it now, there is no need for Evan-Bell to do anything at all, and Jacob-Tibo himself feels how ridiculous the memory of himself is. So, he didn't move because he couldn't control his body at all.

Gillen-Haas just looked back at Jacob and Tibo, and he knew that Jacob-Tibo must have walked out of God, so he didn't continue to insist, because he himself knew how much this situation was. Interestingly, he blinked several times in a row to try to restore the somewhat wet eyes to normal. Then, Gillen-Haas turned around, picked up the gramophone trophy from the tray, and handed it to Evan-Bell, while Bruce Sitterwood, who was standing beside him, picked up the bouquet and handed it to Evan-Bell. Bell.

Evan Bell took the trophy and bouquet, walked to the microphone, the applause had stopped, Evan Bell looked over with the halo in front of him, paused, and then said, " I remember when I was in college, I was so passionate about starting a band to make up for the time I spent in my childhood on Broadway."

Hearing Evan Bell's words, the melancholy mood that was about to leave the stage was immediately divided into two parts, and the footsteps of Gillen-Haas, Bruce Setwood and Jacob-Tibo were all nailed. In place, while Jobbros and the other three continued to move forward.

"I was interviewing for a lead singer in a band, and one of the interview questions was, 'What do you understand about rock and roll'. Evan Bell said this, chuckling, and Gillen Haas One person quickened his pace, followed Jobbros and others, returned to the side stage, then turned around and looked at Evan Bell, who was shrouded in lights on the stage, "I said at the time, rock is a kind of music. . "

Evan-Bell's words made everyone in the audience burst into laughter, even Evan-Bell himself was full of smiles, "I also said that the rock and roll I understand is actually my dream."

"When I think about it now, what I said is complete nonsense. But what the interviewer said at the time is meaningful now," Evan-Bell said here, and paused. Although he did not look back, Gillen, who was standing on the side stage Haas and others knew that Evan Bell was speaking to them. The encounter at Harvard University ten years ago and the encounter on the Grammy stage at Staples Stadium ten years later formed the A cycle. "He said, rock is not a popular dress, nor is it a radical idea, nor is it a decadent attitude; rock is not just alternative, nor just popular; rock is not long hair, leather jackets, guitars and drums, and rock is not just A hoarse voice shouting. Rock is a spirit, a spirit built on the works of our pursuit of music to pursue our dreams."

"I remember at that time, after listening to this sentence, I sneered and replied... When Chuan Avan-Bell said this, the smile on the corner of his mouth was outlined, and Gillen-Haas and Evan-Bell spoke in unison. murmured, "Are you a rock dogmatist from the 1940s? "The laughter at the scene broke out completely, but Gillen-Haas couldn't laugh, and there was only a touch of loneliness in his eyes.

The person who said this at the time was Gillen-Haas.

After waiting for everyone's effect, Evan Bell said with a smile, "But in today's view, these words are my real enlightenment to music. Because that's what I did, and I persisted in this way. Today, getting to this position. So, what about dogmatism, what about being contrived, and really enjoying the music we make, that's the most important thing, isn't it?" Evan Bell raised his right hand. The gramophone, the gilded surface glowed dazzlingly under the light, "Thank God, I can stand here and say this nonsense, if you don't like it, please go in and out of your left ear, thank you."

After speaking, Evan Yibel nodded slightly, then turned and left the stage. But the audience below the stage applauded again. Evan Bell's acceptance speech is always so personal and always so moving.

Evan Bell walked towards the side stage, and saw the Melancholy mood members standing behind the curtain. He stepped forward, and the Melancholy mood band members also turned back and walked towards the backstage. Then came the show, where they had to give way to the main road.

After Evan-Bell returned, he saw the melancholy team members standing at the door. They all seemed a little cautious, but Gillen-Haas was the first to greet him and gave Evan-Bell a big big deal. Hug, "I have to express my congratulations again."

"Blessings can never be too much, right?" Evan Yibel raised his head with a relaxed smile, and saw the other members standing beside him, but obviously no one wanted to come forward to talk. Evan-Bell didn't care, just smiled and nodded.

Bruce Sterwood nodded vigorously and expressed his reply; Joe Bros showed a bright smile, which was considered very friendly; but Jacob Tibo did not express anything, his eyes were the same as that of Evan. After Bell came into contact with, he paused for a while, then turned his eyes away, and there was not much emotion on his calm face.

"The new album this time is really great. Your talent is really continuous, which is shocking." Gillen Haas had no intention of talking to Evan Bell, but since there was a coincidence of the award just now, he deliberately avoided it. It's not necessary to open, so he just started talking. I thought it would be very unfamiliar, but unexpectedly, as soon as the topic opened, Gillen-Haas's words continued, "And you also challenged rap, my God, you are really too bold."

Evan-Bell and Gillen-Haas walked to the side, in a corner that would not block the road, and exchanged with a smile, "Why don't you say it's because my inspiration for rock and roll is exhausted."

"Then what's the matter with this trophy?" Gillen Haas chuckled and pointed to the golden trophy in Evan Bell's hand.

Evan Yibel laughed, "A memorial to an old friend?" This questioning sentence made Gillen Haas's smile freeze at the corner of his mouth, not because of shock, but because of looseness. Take a breath, really relaxed. The ease and sincerity in Evan-Bell's tone made Gillen-Haas feel truly relaxed.

Maybe, they have not been friends for a long time, but they were friends, they were very good friends.

Wow, it's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @小爱332335]. If you like this work, you are welcome to support the author. If you want to provide the fastest and best updates to our friends like us, please click search Baidu dawn, join us.)

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