Great Artist

Chapter 203: crazy proposal

In the Department of Architecture, Gu Luobei has studied for two lifetimes, but so far, he has still achieved nothing.

Think about it carefully, why did you give up at the end of your last life? Because the architectural design industry, it takes too long to achieve results. In [China], in the election of a building design drawing, in addition to hard power such as creativity and talent, backdoors and connections are also necessary factors. Unfortunately, Gu Luobei never owned it. Therefore, his girlfriend could not wait at that time, and in order to give his beloved a visible future, he chose to switch industries. Architectural design, in the end nothing.

For architectural design, Gu Luobei must be fond of it, otherwise he would never choose the Department of Architecture again in this life, or he would not have his blood boiled when he saw all kinds of high-rise buildings in Chicago.

When he was doing the graduation project, Gu Luobei's idea came from a multi-functional building that gradually flourished in later generations, but the design itself was Gu Luobei's own idea.

The appearance of this building is simple and capable. The rectangular building looks like an obelisk the size of a pong from a distance, but if it surrounds the building, it will have a new image.

The building starts to spread upward from the base, and each floor rotates at a slight angle. When it reaches the highest floor, the angle difference from the base will be exactly 90 degrees, so it presents a spiral shape. The creativity comes from genes. Chain pattern. Standing at a distance, you can discover new visual effects from almost every different angle.

In the design of the exterior, super-transparent glass that is conducive to natural lighting is used, and the connecting part is covered with a reflective metal curtain, which also makes the refracted light very magnificent in sunny weather.

In addition, the interior of the building adopts an asymmetrical truss, which is generous and concise, yet exquisite and unusual, with a strong and elegant European style. For the connection between different floors, Gu Luobei adopts an irregular and symmetrical method to divide each functional area.

Of course, this is a comprehensive building, not just a single building, but a building complex surrounded by four lower buildings, which are connected with the main building in various ways to form a novel function xìng building.

Gu Luobei's entire design concept is full of modern design, but does not focus on tediousness. It advocates clean and neat, a good combination of functions, exquisite truss, and a bright appearance design, which has won Richard's praise. A strong compliment from Wendy. Richard-Wendy's love for this disciple did not come out of thin air. The atmosphere is full of details and highlights, and it is novel and practical. It is definitely an amazing work.

For this building, Gu Luobei's original idea was a new type of apartment complex and office building. Now Richard Wendy's proposal, to slim down and modify the design into the World Trade Center building, will inevitably require a lot of surgery.

For example, the design of floors and heights, Gu Luobei's current design drawings are only about 650 feet (200 meters) of buildings, which are definitely not ranked in the top 20 among the many high-rise buildings in New York. Absolutely impossible for the World Trade Center building.

For example, the wind tunnel effect. When the Twin Towers were designed, the architects did not know the wind tunnel experiment. This made the blocks and squares near the Twin Towers always have strong winds in winter, making it almost impossible to walk nearby. .

For example, protection systems, including natural disasters such as fires and earthquakes, and rescue systems after the outbreak of man-made disasters such as September 11, etc.

Another example is the fit with the surrounding environment, including the Statue of Liberty not far away, and the new buildings around it.

Therefore, it is feasible to change the graduation design into the World Trade Center building, but it will take a lot of time. In addition, according to Gu Luobei's memories of a lifetime, the final winning bid was the design plan of the Freedom Tower, and it was revised countless times before and after winning the bid. The main reason is that the original twin towers of the World Trade Center have a special meaning that cannot be replaced in the hearts of New Yorkers and Americans. It is definitely a difficult process for the new building to win the approval of the public.

Gu Luobei did not answer Richard Wendy immediately, but sat in his seat and thought for a long time. This decision is different from other things, and it is also different from Gu Luobei's long-standing dream of singing, becoming an architect, originally not in Gu Luobei's life plan, but after a series of mistakes, Gu Luobei instead I fell in love with this major, but in my last life I was forced to fail to realize my ideal. Now, the opportunity is in front of him. If he takes care of Luobei's original memory, he will definitely lose this opportunity, because his design plan is not the [Freedom] Tower. However, if he doesn't seize this opportunity and try once, Gu Luobei feels that he will regret it.

In this lifetime, Gu Luobei doesn't want to regret it.

"Of course, why not try it?" Gu Luobei finally broke the silence in the office and said with a confident smile, "A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a qualified soldier, isn't he?"

Although Richard-Wendy knew that his disciples would definitely meet this challenge. But after getting an affirmative answer, Wendy was still very happy. I am looking forward to your final design. "

After walking out of Richard Wendy's office, Gu Luobei didn't go to the dormitory immediately, but looked up at the sky above him.

The slightly hazy sky has large clouds floating, and the azure blue sky is looming, no sunlight can be seen, only the pale light of noon can be seen projecting down in the gaps between the clouds.

This scene can't be called beautiful, but Gu Luobei's mood couldn't be more lighthearted.

Music dreams come true, road trips, stage shows, Broadway staging are all a reality, and now so is the architect's dream. Although the new design of the World Trade Center in the past life finally fell to the Freedom Tower, in this life, with his participation, who knows what the result will be? Even if he was chosen by the 〖Freedom〗 Tower in the end, he didn't regret it. At least he worked hard and fought hard, and he was recognized for his talent as an architect. That's enough.

Maybe, to design a building complex and make this design one of the candidates for the new World Trade Center building, some crazy, some incredible, some beyond imagination, but at this moment, self-confidence is in Gu Luobei's accent. He has got a second chance in life, and he has grasped every moment around him, so next, everything is possible, isn't it?

He will do everything in his power to turn this crazy proposal into reality and not let him have any regrets this time in his life!

Stepping forward, Gu Luobei was not too brisk, on the contrary, he was very firm step by step, striding towards the dormitory.

The graduation project for the undergraduate of the Department of Architecture has been completed. Richard Wendy said that at the end of this semester, Gu Luobei can make a **** and participate in the graduation defense. At the same time, this graduation project was revised and entered a new stage, which was the subject of Gu Luobei's postgraduate period. To this end, Richard-Wendy set up a special topic, and Gu Luobei's revision of the design drawing is also a course, which can be used to create spiritual credits. This also relieved a lot of the burden on Gu Luobei's postgraduate life. From this, Richard-Wendy is also very confident in this disciple.

Although he had to refuse Steven Spielberg's interview invitation, Gu Luobei didn't regret it, not to mention that he also received the most important subject during his postgraduate period, which made Gu Luobei's heart jump.

Knowing the good news, Eden Hudson and Teddy Bell held a small celebratory dinner with Gu Luobei that night. Although it is still unknown whether he can win the bid, it is good news to get such approval from Richard Wendy and let Gu Luobei participate in this election. If you add Mueller-Lance's emphasis on Gu Luobei: his graduation thesis is likely to be published in the most professional journal of psychology in the United States, then Gu Luobei's four-year university has really ushered in a perfect year. Incredible ending.

"It seems that Claire really wants to cry without tears." Teddy Yibell said with a smile that the album "One" has achieved great results, but Gu Luobei only promoted it for three weeks, and then volunteered first. Then I went back to school because of a problem with the design studio. Originally, Claire Dess was thinking of letting Gu Luobei take part in some itineraries during the weekend, but now it seems that there is little hope.

Eden-Hudson tasted the pasta attentively by the side, and quietly threw out the sentence, "In this way, it is not too regrettable to reject Spielberg." Life is like this, self-realization There are many ways to be valued, and you don't have to hang yourself from a tree.

Gu Luobei shrugged, "That's not necessarily If there is a chance, I still hope to meet Spielberg, it has nothing to do with the work, but I admire this great director very much." He lowered his head and cut his head. Putting a piece of beef in his mouth, the fresh meat quality made Gu Luobei's face show an expression of enjoyment, "As for this design proposal, there must be no rush in a short time, so let's take it step by step."

Suddenly Gu Luobei remembered something, and turned to look at Teddy Bell, "Claire has said that the second single is planned... When will it be released? It's going to be filmed again." Make arrangements in advance. "

Teddy Bell nodded and said that he knew, "We don't have a plan yet. After all, the accident on September 11 disrupted our original plan. 20th Century Fox has already planned to release the DVD of "Death Illusion," I'll see if it's released with the movie DVD "Crazy World, this single, the response will be better."

At the beginning of the premiere of "Death Illusion", and when it was released later, "Crazy World" was played with the plot, and it was fully praised by the public. If this time it can release a single with the DVD, it is definitely a good publicity plan.

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