Great Artist

Chapter 209: The originator of the draft

After hearing what Jason Mraz said, Evan Bell suddenly realized. Couldn't help but smile. Unknowingly, the name "Evan Bell" has not only become a representative figure of American independent musicians, his debut album has also proved the high quality of his music, and more importantly, "Eleven Music Studio" is accompanied by With the popularity of the British "pop idol", it has become the originator of the world's talent show, and it has also become the "place of yearning for ordinary people with music dreams in the world" in the mouth of Jason-Mayez.

After understanding the meaning of Jason-Mayez's words and connecting the recent events, it is not difficult to understand the purpose of Jason-Mayez's visit today: self-recommendation, this is Jason-Mayez today Visit Evan Bell for ideas.

"Pop Idols" began their audition at the end of August. Although they also encountered terrorist attacks in the United States and the United Kingdom entered a period of martial law, this did not affect the full swing of this national carnival audition.

"Farce" is the definition of "pop idol" by mainstream media in Europe and America at the beginning of the audition. Even Evan Bell's hand-picked judge, Simon Cowell, does not have enough confidence in the draft. After all, this is the first step in creating an era. Except for Evan Bell, no one has absolute confidence. But at this time, the arrow had to be sent, and the audition started as planned. "Pop idols" stepped onto the stage of history just as the media were waiting to see jokes and laughs.

After the audition began, it attracted more than 100,000 applicants in the British Isles. Such a grand momentum surprised the media. At this time, a small part of the media has begun to doubt the previous judgment: Is this way of drafting really feasible?

However, even if the number of applicants exceeds 100,000, it still sounds like a joke to select a "star" from ordinary people. After all, in the existing star-making system, even Aiqiu Bell and Linkin Park have achieved such success. There are very few successful independent musicians, let alone ordinary people who have never received any training or any packaging.

With the end of the audition, "Pop Idol" ushered in the official broadcast of the program amid ridicule. Many media have admitted that even if this farce cannot finally choose a star singer, it is at least a qualified "show". After all, it is the most important thing to be a showrunner, to entertain the public and to strive for their own interests. The huge influence of "pop idols" during the audition undoubtedly proves that the so-called draft does indeed have the effect of making the whole people crazy.

"You are the star of tomorrow."

This has given countless ordinary people with music dreams the opportunity to show their talents on the stage, and it has also given countless ordinary people who are eager to show themselves the opportunity to appear in front of the TV. Hand is, this has become a national carnival. the stage.

At the beginning of October, the "pop idol" audition has completely ended, and the final top ten players have been selected.

While the top ten players were undergoing training and transformation, ITV also officially started the broadcast of the audition.

"Pop Idol" attracted more than six million viewers when its first episode aired, making this controversial reality show instantly a must-see in the history of British entertainment. Step forward with one historical record.

Such a performance has fallen below the glasses of all the "bricks". Is this so-called draft really going to change history?

"Pick your "pop idol". "This gimmick has attracted more and more spectators. The audience knows more about the 50 players who have entered the semi-finals than their neighbors. The performance of the players in each game has become the focus of countless people's hot discussions after dinner.

The enthusiasm of the audience forced the media to turn the tide. There is no doubt that "pop idol" has become a reality show for the whole people. At this moment, the media also discovered that several of the wives' semi-finalists did have the potential of tennis stars. Perhaps, creating a star is no longer so far away and empty on paper.

After the show was launched, the enthusiasm of the audience became higher and higher. Every Saturday before six o'clock, every family, men, women and children, would turn on the TV and sit in front of the TV looking forward to "pop idols"

, cheer on your favorite players. Even if they don't know the players, even if it's just a TV show, everyone is happy to discuss them, care about them, and make these players a part of their lives.

If someone says "what kind of show is this", they will definitely be despised by others, and even someone will say "you are so pitiful, you don't even watch the most popular TV show", and you are a caveman,

The appearance of isolation. Of course, these loyal audiences will not be stingy with their time and energy, and take a good lesson for the "poor ignorant".

When the top 10 players took to the final stage for the first time on the last Saturday in October, more than 10 million viewers tuned in to the live broadcast of the night. For the first time in history, the decision on whether to stay or not was handed over to the audience that night. In the end, more than 3 million spectators participated in the voting, and the contestant with the fewest votes was eliminated.

This series of numbers all show that "pop idols" have made history, and also prove the huge effect brought by the civilian talent show. Almost overnight, the world has paid attention to the so-called talent show.

Regardless of the entire European and North American continents, mainstream TV stations in Africa, Australia, and Asia have all purchased broadcast rights from ITV. The income from the broadcast rights alone will allow ITV to recover all the costs and also pay for it. It made a fortune, and it became ITV's smartest business in the 21st century.

In the draft, this brand new name has entered the public eye, and ordinary people can also create gods and become stars! Maybe, yesterday he was the cashier you passed by in the supermarket every day, but today he is standing on the stage that is watched all over the UK and sings loudly, watching his dreams.

This gimmick makes almost all people with dreams go crazy. Nose's unreachable dream is now within reach.

In fact, everyone knows that there are 100,000 people, but there is only one champion. But people always have this kind of mentality. Maybe they are the lucky one, or they have the strength to become the focus of attention. At least, compared to the illusory lottery, the chance of "pop idol" is more down-to-earth. After all, this is not calculated by probability, but by one's own strength, one's own charm, and even one's own connections. Victory!

"Pop Idol" has been the focus of discussion in major newspapers and magazines since the last week of October. Such a judgment of "farce" has long been thrown into the clouds by the media, and all the praises have been sent, but the "pop idol" has not been praised as the savior of the lack of talent in today's music world.

Nearly ten countries including the United States, Canada, Singapore, Belgium, Norway, and France have contacted ITV, hoping to buy the copyright of the program. In short, they want to produce their own idol talent show, such as "Indian Idol", which is in line with India's urgent psychology.

It is a pity that the copyright of "Pop Idol" is not in the hands of British ITV, and everyone found Fremantle Media easily and began to negotiate an agreement to purchase the copyright of the program. For the Fremantle media, this is completely starting from the ground. They only need to judge the situation of each country, and then set the price according to this situation to make a god.

Just last Wednesday, the UK's largest Sunday weekly newspaper, "News of the World", revealed that the real mastermind of "pop idols" was not Fremantle Media, but Evan Bell, who has recently become popular in the United States. . Subsequently, this news was confirmed by Fremantle Media. After all, Evan Bell already owns the copyright of the show, so there is nothing to hide.

In an instant, Evan-Bell, who disappeared after September, once again became the focus of major media attention: Evan-Bell, the originator of the draft, is the latest title given to Evan-Bell by the media.

"News of the World" said that Evan-Bell planned the "pop idol" to meet the wishes of all ordinary people in the world with music dreams. He is a dream maker and realizer.

Combined with Evan Bell's previous remarks on Oprah's talk show, the persistence on the road of independent musicians, and the creation of Eleven Music Studio and music blog, all of them show that Evan Bell is on his own music path. persistence on. Coupled with the fact that "One", which recently remained in the top five on the Billboard album chart, is a testament to Evan Bell's amazing talent.

Therefore, the phrase "the place where ordinary people with music dreams all over the world yearn for" by Jason-Majed just now appeared, which became the latest modifier of Eleven Music Studio.

It is worth mentioning that Warner Records officially released the album "One" in the UK at the end of September. As of the time of the conversation between Jason-Mayez and Evan-Bell, it has already been obtained. It has sold 800,000 copies and is currently No. 1 on the UK Albums Chart on the HARTS chart for two weeks: while the single "Tonight Tonight" has sold more than one million and is now at one hundred 200,000 copies, and it also stayed on the UK Singles Chart for two weeks.

In fact, Evan Bell knows everything that happened recently. The Fremantle media had only passed Evan one before he was interviewed. After the "News of the World" news came out, William Wood was the first Time to call Teddy Bell.

Of course, Evan Bell knew that after the "pop idol" came out, it caused a series of storms all over the world, but he ignored that his achievements on the road of independent musicians have now attracted countless attention. In the name of the originator of the draft, things have created a more exaggerated effect.

"No wonder, no wonder there is an endless stream of media who want me to be interviewed recently." Evan-Bell couldn't help laughing. In fact, the reporters all said that it was about interviews with "pop idols", but Evan-Bell's recent study life is really Too busy, the update of the news is a lot slower, and it is not reflected that the "pop idol" has created an influence that is several times more turbulent than in the previous life. ! .

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