Great Artist

Chapter 2101: regret

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On April 20th, Evan Bell's latest work "Mirror Image" was officially completed in Paris. This news occupied the front page headlines of major newspapers and magazines, especially in the unsolved scandal of Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway. In the case of still no whereabouts, this new work has not attracted the slightest bit of attention.


For example, when will this work be released; for example, how will this work perform in the awards season at the end of this year; for example, from the title of "mirror", it does not seem like the works of the awards season series, but more like the box office What will happen to the box office performance; for example, whether Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway really sparked in the movie...


In the face of such complicated speculation from the outside world, the low-keyness of the "Mirror Image" crew was unexpected. Because it was in Paris, the crew did not hold a celebration banquet, but disbanded on the spot, giving the crew a week off. A small number of crew members returned to New York first, and it seems that they plan to go back to prepare for the post-production of the film: this post-production is also very particular, whether there are special effects, and the amount of special effects. As far as the works of Lushan are concerned, they are all ways for journalists to spy on the true face of Mount Lu.


Immediately afterwards, Evan Bell, who did not stay in Paris for a few days, also returned to New York. He got into the film editing room at 9 Princes Street and started post-production on the work he had just finished, and once again put all the works. Gossip and gossip was blocked from the gates of Nine Princes Street. It seems that everyone has to wait a little longer to get a glimpse of the truth of the "mirror" movie.


For Jill-Jacob-Cannes Film Festival president, the news about Evan Bale is overwhelming, and even the Cannes Film Festival, which will be held a month later, cannot attract the attention of the journalists' media - including the French local media, which Not good news.


In the past year, the Cannes Film Festival has ushered in a historic low. Although it is said that this is the overall trend of awards ceremonies and film festivals around the world, Jill-Jacob always can't help thinking: If Evan Bell is in the In 2007, he agreed to his invitation and became the chairman of the 60th Cannes Film Festival in 2007, so will the situation change last year? Of course, this is only if...


Damn Evan Bell.


Jill-Jacob gritted his teeth with rage just thinking about the ugly look Evan Bell gave himself at the fifty-ninth Cannes Film Festival. In fact, in the past two years, Evan Bell's film performance has been getting better and better, and he is the top existence in the world, especially after the Oscars ended at the beginning of this year, Evan Bell has been among the top Becoming one of the greatest entertainers in history: being able to perform in multiple positions, such as director, actor, screenwriter, scorer, etc. at the same time, is almost unprecedented. This also makes Jill - Jacob's teeth are about to be bitten.


If the 60th Cannes Film Festival missed Evan Bell, it is understandable, then the 61st Cannes Film Festival missed Evan Bell's "Juno" is definitely a huge loss. Although Jill-Jacob is almost the boss in Cannes, the following opinions are still being fed back continuously, and people are wondering: why Evan Bell, who has been making wind and rain in the world in the past two years, no longer comes to Cannes, but Did you choose Venice and Berlin? Isn't Cannes attractive enough?


What Jill-Jacob said at the beginning was not wrong. The Cannes Film Festival will never be short of big names, and no big name is indispensable.


This is a fact. Because there's always going to be the next big name in the entertainment industry, and no film festival is going to stop for lack of a star, let alone Cannes.


But Evan Bell is very special, and the words are ugly. Now even if Evan Bell throws a sock out, some people will say it is fragrant; even if Evan Bell shoots a short film, it is estimated that people who are willing to sing carols for him It is also continuous. Therefore, the absence of Evan Bell will not cause the Cannes Film Festival to stop running; but the appearance of Evan Bell will definitely make the Cannes Film Festival popular. More importantly, Evan Bell chose Venice and Berlin turned down Cannes, which was definitely a fatal blow for Jill Jacobs.


Of course, Jill Jacob will never forget that he banned Evan Bell at the beginning, and ruthlessly banned Evan Bell. This is also the root cause of the awkward position of Jill Jacobs now - **** Evan Bell.


Now Jill-Jacob is facing a situation that is even worse than last year.


The 2018 film festival was in a slump because of the screenwriters' strike, while the 62nd Cannes Film Festival, which was about to kick off in 2018, was in a downturn because of the financial crisis. Hollywood's participation in the deal is more subtle in any year. The fierce external competition and the sluggish economic environment have made Hollywood now cautious, and they have reduced their promotion to Europe due to financial considerations or the risk of the film. The center of today's world film can be divided into two points: Hollywood and Europe, Asia and South America are showing a resurgence trend, but the international reputation is still slightly insufficient. In recent years, in addition to commercial films, independent art films in Hollywood have gradually come to the fore. They have achieved an impressive reputation all over the world, and have formed a rivalry with European art films. In addition, Hollywood commercial films are unparalleled in the world, so the overall In terms of Hollywood movies, the advantage is unabated compared to previous years.


It is under this circumstance that the Cannes Film Festival, which took the lead in capturing the lifeblood of Hollywood, also got on the rise train. It can be said that the rise of the Cannes Film Festival is directly related to the rise of Hollywood. It can be seen from the fact that the Venice Film Festival has also begun to extend its olive branch to Hollywood in the past two years.


The main reason for the downturn of the three major film festivals last year was the impact of the Hollywood screenwriters strike; this year, the threat of the financial crisis to the global film market is still unabated, and Hollywood will significantly withdraw from the competition of the three major film festivals. Not good news, especially for the Cannes Film Festival, so Jill-Jacob is totally scowling right now.


At present, the list of competition units of the 62nd Cannes Film Festival has been released, of which there are only two American works, namely Ang Lee's "Making Woodstock" and Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" , which set a new low of the past decade. In fact, in addition to the excellent reputation of Hollywood film works, in fact, the most important thing is to attract a large number of audience attention, which is very important for Cannes movies.


Even "Making Woodstock" and "Inglourious Basterds," both of which Jill-Jacob took great pains to invite, haven't finished post-production, but are expected in four It could be done before the end of the month, so Ang Lee and Quentin Tarantino agreed to bring their work to Cannes.


Imagine that Jill Jacobs rejected Ang Lee twice, just because he felt that Ang Lee's works were not suitable for Cannes, including the "Brokeback Mountain" that created countless history, which is also a ban in a sense . But now, in desperation, Jill-Jacob can only turn to Ang Lee, the world-renowned director, hoping that he can help him get through this difficult time. This is definitely not an easy task for Jill Jacobs.


In addition, this year's jury led by Isabelle Huppert was not very satisfactory. Isabelle Huppert became the third female jury chairperson in the history of the Cannes Film Festival after Sophia Roland and Isabelle Adjani, not that she was unworthy. The "Piano Teacher" actress who has won the Cannes Best Actress twice, has enough international influence, but her relationship with the jury is worrying - Isabelle Huppert is a very strong and even assertive woman .


Seeing the news of Evan Bell recently, Jill Jacob couldn't help but start thinking, if Evan Bell came to the Cannes Film Festival again, or if Evan Bell became the new chairman of the jury of the Cannes Film Festival , then the entire influence is absolutely immeasurable. Three years ago, Jill-Jacob already had this idea, and now three years later, the feasibility of this idea is even stronger, and the possible commercial effect is even more eye-catching.


Jill Jacob tried hard to convince himself that he had already blocked Evan Bell, UU reading www.uukanshu. com He will never bow his head to this shameless, vulgar, rude, vulgar, rebellious bastard, because his face is the most important thing. At the beginning, he and Evan Bell had been so stalemate. If he took the initiative to lower his head to find Evan Bell now, it would be no different from asking him to kneel and beg for mercy. He would never allow such a terrible thing to happen.


Besides, Evan Bell is not the savior. He cannot rely on one person to fight the entire financial crisis and the decision-making of the entire major Hollywood studios. At most, he only brings Hollywood reporters to Cannes. In the face of the entire film industry situation, individual power is negligible.


So, Jill Jacob convinced himself that he gave up the tempting idea of ​​calling Evan Bell in his heart.


Under this situation, the 62nd Cannes Film Festival kicked off, but it was the beginning of a disaster, a complete disaster.


From film screening to audience feedback, to media commentary and distributor participation, it was all a disaster, a disaster with no room for improvement. People originally thought that the Berlin Film Festival at the beginning of the year was already a disaster, but at least the fifth year of the year was a disaster. The 19th Berlin Film Festival was attended by over 270,000 spectators, while Cannes did not! So, the Cannes Film Festival is the real disaster!


So Jill-Jacob regretted it until his bowels were green.


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