Great Artist

Chapter 2103: who blocked who

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When Jill pushed Kob to Los Angeles, he found that he still underestimated the influence of Evan Bell today. This time, he didn't want to approach the door rashly, not to mention whether he would be closed, just saying that he used his hot face to stick Evan Bell's cold ass, which made him unacceptable. So Jill pushed Kob to do some pre-investigation, and he was shocked.

Evan Bell actually joined a brand new crew, this time the invitation came from Evan Bell's close friend, Christopher Nolan. The speculation of the media for three months has become a reality: Evan Bell and Christopher Nolan, who have jointly contributed to the two wonderful works of "White Night Chase" and "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." will launch the third time Cooperation, this is definitely a brand new cooperation at the level of Mars hitting the earth! The media has been paying attention to the frequent contact between Evan-Bell and Christo with Nolan since the Oscars. Everyone's speculation has spread to almost every aspect, but neither Studio Eleven nor Warner Bros. Wen-Bell began to work on his new work "Mirror Image" again, which also made the media quiet for a while. But now, Evan Bell completed the post-production of his work at the fastest speed, and then couldn't wait to rush to Los Angeles, just to invest in the process of working with Christopher Nolan for the third time. How can this make the media Continue not crazy?

Jill-Jacob didn't need to inquire at all. He opened the "Los Angeles Times", "The New York Times", "Chicago Post", "The Rolling Stones" Premiere, "Film Review"... Almost all newspapers and magazines have all of them. Looking at this superstar-level collision. This made Jill Takubu quite stunned. Is this not Hollywood but Bollywood? Why is everyone paying attention to Evan-Bell! Evan-Bell's influence in Hollywood It's already so strong? It's a fact that can't be imagined without first-hand experience.

At present, the news of the cooperation between Evan-Bell and Christopher Nolan is still very limited in the media, but the scraps leaked from the fingers are enough to make everyone excited. For example, this time the cooperation will be jointly produced by Eleven Studio and Warner Bros. with an estimated cost of 180 million US dollars. This is also the first time that Eleven Studio has set foot in a large-scale production with a cost of over 100 million. The strong teamwork makes people have to look forward to it.

For example, the script is from the co-creation of Evan Bell and Christopher Nolan - an original script, two talented directors and screenwriters, the spark of the collision of ideas makes people's heart beat faster. Said, this time the work is likely to be co-directed by Evan Bell and Christopher Nolan!

Not to mention how true the latter rumor is, but just imagining it, countless people have already begun to look forward to it. Looking back at the strong alliance of those big-name directors in history, Jeroy Robbins and Robert— Wise collaborated on "West Side Story" The Coen Brothers collaborated on "No Country for Old Men" Roberto Rossellini and Federico Fellini collaborated on "The Undefended City of Rome..." Stanley Donen and Gil En-Kelly collaborated on "Singing in the Rain" George Lukas and Francis-Coppola collaborated on "thx.1138" Michelangelo-Antoni and Wim-Wenders collaborated on "Sun on the Clouds" "Sin City," Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, and Frank Miller are two of the most iconic and charismatic directors of the twenty-first century. The directors, Evan Bell and Christopher Nolan can really join forces and make a movie that will definitely blow up the entire movie market.

For another example, the movie is currently screening actors, with the strong appeal of Evan Bell and Christopher Nolan, including Angelina Jolie, Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman , Kate Winslet and other first-line actresses have gone to Los Angeles one after another, hoping to occupy a place in the new work; and the male actors are even more turbulent, even Tom Cruise and Will Smith have surpassed them. The top big names who did not participate in any interviews for ten years and just waited for the script to come to the door at home, all began to contact Teddy Bell through their agents, and wanted to ask about the content of this new script.

For example, the name of the currently leaked script is called "DNeam", which can be understood in many ways, dream, dream, dream... Different interpretations will make the story show a different style, perhaps inspirational Feature films, perhaps sci-fi suspense films, or gorgeous fairy tales, all kinds of speculation almost crowded the news pages of major media.

This is just the beginning. Evan-Bell just met Christopher Hualan, and is preparing for the construction of the studio. Even the selection of actors has not started, and all the media are already in chaos. Seeing such a scene, how could Jill Jacob not be shocked, how could he not be surprised.

Having been in Europe for too long, Jill Tucob found that he seemed to have been unable to keep up with the trend of the world film trend, or he was unwilling to admit the trend of this trend. For example, the global box office sales of "The Dark Knight", such as Evan Bell's re-election for Best Director at the Oscars, such as Evan Bell's debut at the age of less than 30 years old... These news Maybe Jill Takubu had heard of it, but he didn't want to admit it.

Jill-Jacob was not reckless this time. He relied on various relationships to try to find Teddy Bell, hoping to directly invite Evan Bell out to meet, but his idea failed because in the current situation. Even the native American film tycoons have to look at their faces - not that Evan Bell is now in power in Hollywood, but that if these film tycoons want to see Evan Bell, if they are not friends, Naturally, it is necessary to ask Evan-Bell, and of course it depends on Evan-Bell's face. If there is no desire, then these movie tycoons naturally do not need to treat Evan Bell differently. But the problem is that Jill Tucob is asking Evan Bell now - even if he doesn't want to admit it is a request, but it is undeniable that he just wants to meet Evan Bell, which is a bad thing work done.

Thinking of this, Jill Suikobu's face turned ashen. He already felt that he had been humiliated. He even wanted to turn around and walk away. He has been fighting for wind and rain in Europe for 40 years. To this point? Even though the situation of the Shana Film Festival has not been very good in the past two years, it is not enough to ask him to sell his old face.

But after thinking about it carefully, Jill Tuikeb still stayed. The others had already arrived in Los Angeles. If nothing was accomplished, he would go back to France. That would be the real despair. Jill Jacobs is not reconciled, nor is he willing to accept failure so easily.

After five attempts back and forth, Jill Tucob finally got in touch with Teddy Bell through Jerry Bruckheimer. Jerry Bruckheimer, the gold-medal producer who has always been at the top of the Hollywood tower, has recently asked Evan Bell: This is an open secret, and everyone in the circle knows that Evan Bell refused.” "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" was a tantalizing proposal that, even with Disney's $58 million paycheck, still failed to impress Evan Bell, leaving Jerry Peelukheimer and Robert Iger frowning. .

Although it was categorically rejected by Evan Bell, Jerry Bruckheimer also tried to find a new successor to join "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" - this is the dialogue that Gyllenhas asked Evan Bell during the Oscars . But it is recognized in the whole circle that Evan Bell is the soul of "Pirates of the Caribbean". If the soul characters are gone, then there is no need to continue. Although it is said that the "Spider-Man" series was launched in 2007 After the end of the Cambodia, Sony Columbia Pictures officially fell out with Tobey Maguire, Tobey Maguire also officially bid farewell to Peter Bock, who made him famous, and Sony Columbia Pictures also began to look for a new Spider-Man , let this cornucopia continue to live; but how can "Pirates of the Caribbean" be the same as "Spiderman," So, after Jerry Peelukheimer has been in a circle recently, he still hopes to have an interview with Evan 'Bell' before making So, Jill Jacob and Jerry Brooker Highmore caught up with the situation, but what was depressing was that not long after Jill Jacobs and Teddy Bell talked, Teddy Bell euphemistically said that Evan Bell would be involved in the busy production of the crew recently. , temporarily have no interest in participating in film festivals, any form is included.

How could someone like Jill Tucob not hear it? He was rejected. He hasn't even had time to mention whether his purpose is to let Evan-Bell participate in next year's Shana Film Festival, or let Evan-Bell be on the jury next year, or have other cooperation projects, Teddy Bell The refusal has already been said, and there is no further plan for Jill-Jacob at all.

Jill-Jacob was completely stunned, what does this mean? This means that although he Jill pushed Kob to block Evan Bell, at the same time, Evan Bell also completely blocked the Shana Film Festival. He is very sure that if he calls today it is the chairman of the Venice Film Year. Mark Muller, Teddy Bell certainly wouldn't have said the refusal so early.

So, did Jill Tucob block Evan Bell, or did Evan Bell block the Kunner Film Festival? Whose blockade is more serious?

Jill-Jacob was stunned. For the first time, he found that his brain seemed to be unable to function.

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