Great Artist

Chapter 211: Internet hot discussion

The online scolding battle was already underway before Frieden Media and ITV reacted.

Netizens who support Sean Hall believe that no matter how Evan Bell struggled before, he has abandoned his original dream by relying on "pop idols" to make money, and he has no integrity and persistence, which is shameful the behavior of. As for Evan-Bell's use of the dreams of young people to make programs to gain attention, it is even more grandstanding. Netizens who have experienced even thought that the "pop idol" program should be abolished.

Similarly, netizens who oppose Sean-Hall believe that his views are completely far-fetched.

Can indie musicians make money? Are indie musicians supposed to play music at home and starve to death at home with only a dying old cat by their side? Is it shameful for indie musicians to make money through their wits?

These dissenting netizens also expressed strong support for Evan-Bell. They believe that Evan Bell is a model of true independent musicians. He stood on the stage through his own efforts and sang his music to everyone: after he succeeded, he did not forget those who experienced the same struggle as him. Painful young people, so they created "pop idols" to provide everyone with a platform to show themselves.

These netizens believe that Evan Bell is "great" and the money earned through "pop idols" is his labor income, which is more reasonable. If it were a big company, I'm afraid I wouldn't have thought of such a talent show at all, and I wouldn't care about the struggles of independent musicians.

In the middle of the two voices of support and opposition, there are also a group of calm and neutral netizens.

Most of the neutral netizens did an objective analysis of the matter. They believed that according to Sean Hall's words, this comment was completely unnecessary. Sean Hall is a self-contradictory fellow. . Because now is a material society, everything must be measured by money.

The spirit of independent musicians to persevere in their dreams is valuable, but there is no material basis. After all, the so-called dreams cannot meet their physical needs. This is the fundamental reason why many independent musicians cannot persevere. Because of the frivolous stubbornness of young people in the face of reality, it is difficult to find one. vent outlet.

A dream, its spirit is priceless, but its realization must be valuable. For example, "Pop Idol..., this platform, such as the channel of Eleven Music Blog, and another example of independent record companies. Therefore, according to Sean Hall's words, anything in the world can create a god. Measured by money, including dreams, including love, including personal emotions.

This group of neutral netizens believes that Sean Hall is completely misinterpreting the facts. Evan Bell's path as an independent musician is understandable: he has brought countless ordinary teenagers a platform for the realization of their musical dreams through the "pop idol" program. Eleven Studio has released an album for the champion, and it is bound to need something in return. Equivalent exchange, everyone understands this truth.

Therefore, neutral netizens believe that Evan-Bell made money through "pop idols" from an objective standpoint. In the final analysis, Sean-Hall making such a comment is actually struggling for the sales of "News of the World" like a clown.

The scolding on the Internet has just started, and the supporters of the three parties are evenly matched. At the same time, the major news media also joined the discussion in the mood to join in the fun. They were basically divided into three viewpoints, and all kinds of discussions were very lively for a while.

It was then, the next morning, that Fremantle Media and ITV made public statements.

They both confirmed that Evan-Bell was just a creative young man who came up with this opportunity to make countless people's vague dreams come true, and didn't want to make a profit at all. The most important thing is that from the stage of program planning... Evan Bell has always emphasized that this is an entertainment program, which should make the whole people happy and realize the dreams of young people. As for the profit part, Evan Bell never interfered.

The timely response of Fremantle Media and ITV brought the news under control for the first time and did not continue to expand.

At the same time, the voices against Sean-Hall and neutral netizens on the Internet are getting bigger and bigger, and there is a tendency to completely overwhelm those supportive voices who fear the world will not be chaotic. However, "Pop Idol" is a commercial talent show after all, so the profit part cannot be avoided, which also makes the clarification announcements of the two parties slightly less convincing.

But soon, Teddy Bell responded by issuing a statement in the name of Studio Eleven, "Indie musician, Evan's insistence on music: "Pop Idol" is Evan's insistence on dream. But neither indie musicians nor "pop icon" Evan are angels who don't need income Make a living with the wisdom of the people? Obviously, that report is really ridiculous!" Teddy Bell's statement is the real weight to regain the disadvantage.

As stated in the statement, Evan Bell is an independent musician. But doesn't he need to live? Evan. Bell uses his own wisdom to make a living, and uses his own talent to make a breakthrough on the road of independent musicians. This is all he did with his own hands, and others have no qualifications to question.

He will not deny that he earned his first pot of gold through singles, records, including "pop idols", but this is not as bad as the "News of the World" commented, on the contrary, it is Evan Bell's labor. , upright, is an act that should be praised!

After Sean Hall's comment came out, it set off a storm in the public opinion circle, but overnight, Fremantle Media, ITV and Teddy Bell issued statements one after another, especially Teddy Bell. This statement brings the facts back on track.

After learning the news, Teddy Bell's statement was his immediate response, and he went to his younger brother afterward. Definitely still have to say hello.

As a result, when Evan-Bell found out, he was not angry at all, but instead burst into laughter.

Naturally, he couldn't understand these methods of the media. Regardless of whether Sean Hall was malicious or not, he would write that comment in the final analysis to gain attention, so this is not unusual.

"Teddy, as my time in the entertainment industry gets longer and longer, there will only be more and more incidents like this. If I get angry and care about every time, I'm afraid I won't live anymore." Di Yibel's suspicious eyes, Evan Yibel's answer.

Later, William Wood conducted a brief interview with Evan-Bell by phone. This was the first time since Evan-Bell's debut that there was such a loud media crusade, which made him feel a little dumbfounded. The media really can make trouble, and even a simple "pop idol" can be said to be a conspiracy.

"Evan, what do you think of the "News of the World" accusation? "William Wood naturally cherishes this opportunity, it is 100% exclusive, although it is only a brief clarification interview, not a dream interview.

"Hahahaha..." Evan Yibel started with a series of laughter, "I think it's very interesting. If you say that I created a "pop idol, it's a conspiracy, a conspiracy that realizes all ordinary people's dreams of showing themselves," At the same time, he is also a conspirator who earns his first pot of gold, so I admit that I am a conspirator. "

Evan Bell's answer apparently surprised William Wood: "You mean, you're not angry?"

"Angry?" Evan Yibel smiled again, with a tone that didn't seem to care much, ... a pop idol, providing a stage for everyone, and at the same time I supported myself, I don't think there is anything wrong, because I use myself His wisdom has benefited people with music dreams, TV stations, and myself. All of this is straightforward and straightforward, and he doesn't shy away from his interests. It's also a fact that he has made profits through his own wisdom in an upright manner, and there is nothing to hide. "However, if you want to say that I took advantage of everyone's musical dreams, I don't admit it. Because I have been through the dark times of independent musicians myself, I know how much people are eager to have such a performance opportunity. "Pop idol, this is the opportunity, need Those who have this opportunity, participate in the draft: those who do not need this opportunity, and those who disdain this opportunity, can make a **** to refuse. So, I don't think I'm "exploiting, dreaming."

Evan-Bell's brief interview did not evade all of Sean-Hall's questions, responded generously, and gave a strong counterattack.

As soon as this interview came out, Evan Bell's toughness and directness became the last straw that broke the rudder, and the chaos created by Sean Hall disappeared Yihuo Er was originally a slant of the sword, distorting the facts in a sophistry way, which was easy to confuse the audience at the moment of its release, but after the clarification statement came out, everyone's thoughts became clear. Therefore, the news was menacing, and the castration was too fast to cover up. In just two days before and after, the incident returned to calm.

This is the first time since the establishment of Eleven Studio and since Evan Bell's debut, that he has faced such serious accusations. Fortunately, things faded quickly. However, it sounded the alarm for Teddy Bell, reminding him that he must pay attention to the media in the future.

Although things rise rapidly and dissipate quickly, it is a normal situation in the Internet age. So, Sean Hall doesn't care at all. On the contrary, his purpose was achieved.

The sales of this issue of "News of the World" actually exceeded 3 million copies, which is a full 400,000 copies higher than the previous issue that revealed that Evan Bell was the behind-the-scenes producer of "Pop Idol", which made the "News of the World" An additional bonus was issued internally to Sean Hall.

It doesn't matter how it happened and how it ended: it doesn't matter how it feels to Evan Bell personally: as long as it can increase newspaper sales, everything is possible for Sean Hall. ! .

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