Great Artist

Chapter 2132: uninvited guest

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!


Evan Bell did not further explain the role of Alex. He hopes that Charlize Theron can have his own understanding, so the effect presented in the work will definitely be better.


Although the difficulty levels of the two female characters, Alex and Natalie, are slightly different, they are definitely not to be underestimated, and they are both indispensable supplements to the theme of the movie.


Evan Bell has high hopes for both Charlize Theron and Blake Lively, hoping that they will be able to give full play to the charm of their characters. This is not a choice without aim.


Charlize Theron didn't get an answer from Evan Bell, and she didn't say anything else, but kept filtering what Evan Bell just said in her head, trying to taste something. Charlize Theron expected that the exchange with Evan Bell would bring more sparks to himself, but did not expect it to come so soon.


Before attending today's interview, Charlize Theron read the script three times back and forth, and conducted a comprehensive analysis of the role of Alex, showing her confidence in this role. Therefore, on the question of the role itself, Charlize Theron thinks that he is fully prepared, but even if he is fully prepared, it seems that it is not enough in front of Evan Bell. Charlize Theron couldn't help falling into silence - she didn't intend to, and she didn't want the scene to suddenly quiet down.


Evan Bell looked at Charlize Theron who was in deep thought, but he wasn't in a hurry, so he didn't speak to break the silence, but he drank coffee leisurely.


At this time, there was another figure approaching the table where the three of them were sitting. Evan Bell didn't think much about it, because he only made appointments with Blake Lively and Charlize Theron today, so the person coming at this time may be It's the wait staff, it may be the paparazzi, it may be passing by. Evan Bell didn't look up, just enjoying this moment of leisure during the interview.


But don't want to, the figure next to them stopped beside their table. Not only Evan Bell looked up, but Blake Lively and Charlize Theron, who were trapped in their own world, were also aware of the shadow cast, and they couldn't help but Qi Qi Looking up and looking over, seeing the person coming, the expressions of the three people stopped for a while, and they couldn't hide their surprise.


Evan Bell was the first to react. He stood up and did not hide his doubts, "George, are you meeting friends here?" It was George Clooney.


Evan Bell and George Clooney are in a relationship. The two have had a lot of intersections at various film festivals, award ceremonies, evening parties, premieres, before the spotlight, and outside the spotlight. But the so-called friendship is actually limited to the courtesy of ordinary friends, not really friends who will contact in private. So, seeing George Clooney here today, Evan Bell was naturally surprised and took it for granted that he had an appointment with a friend and just came over to say hello. But I didn't expect that something even more unexpected happened right after.


"I came here specifically to find you, my friend." George Clooney showed his charming smile. The fifth-famous diamond king in Hollywood is indeed very charming. The mature charm of the years is in the smile lines at the corner of his eyes. And the gray and white of the temples are vividly expressed


George Clooney's answer definitely surprised Evan Bell, they are not friends who will go out for a drink, but George Clooney obviously understands this, and he then explained, "I came here specially Look at the competitors who stole the 'In the Cloud' script from me, what, not welcome?"


This question has been answered. It seems that George Clooney is still a little unwilling. He is also bound to win the script of "In the Cloud", but he did not expect to lose to Evan Bell in the end. Although there are many factors in this process, the main reason is Evan Bell's appeal. For George Clooney, it is understandable that he is not reconciled, because his appeal in Hollywood should be better than Evan Bell to some extent.


Evan Bell and George Clooney held hands for a moment, then smiled, "Is this a loser learning from a winner?"


The wise smile at the corner of George Clooney's mouth couldn't help but fully bloom, as if the two old friends were relaxed and comfortable when they were teasing again, "Are you so cliché? I don't know, you would actually take such a thing again. The normal question of choice is called victory."


George Clooney is also a very good speaker, his eloquence is not inferior to Evan Bell. Sure enough, this sentence made Charlize Theron and Blake Lively laugh next to them.


Evan Bell shrugged, still with a smile on his face, "When the choice is in line with my wishes and against the wishes of the competitors, yes, I am willing to call a choice problem a victory, at least when you When I appear in front of me, it can make me more calm." Evan Bell naturally wouldn't disarm easily, and a word made George Clooney's smile a little helpless.


Indeed, even if George Clooney wants to refute Evan Bell, he doesn't have much confidence. After all, the script of "In the Clouds" is in the hands of Evan Bell. But George Clooney is not a fuel-efficient lamp, "I would be more willing to call it a staged victory."


In a word, the subtext could not be more obvious: winning the initiative of the script is only the first step; what kind of results the filmed works can achieve is the real victory. You know, there are countless directors who have ruined a good script: and there are also many directors who have brought a new charm to a mediocre script. George Clooney "despised" Evan Bell in the red fruit.


Evan Bell raised his eyebrows, "At least I have the posture to enter the second stage, don't I?" He was not that stupid, and he moved the battlefield with George Clooney, still unswerving. Grasp your own advantages.


Hearing this, George Clooney couldn't go on with any more words because he knew that no matter what he said, Evan Bell would be at a disadvantage as long as the conversation went back to where the script belongs. of. "This sly guy." George Clooney still smiled and muttered in his heart, but the smile obviously had very mixed emotions, or bitterness, or admiration, or provocation, or helplessness.


Although his inner thoughts were turbulent, George Clooney remained calm on the surface, and said very gentlemanly, "Then I'm looking forward to the finished product."


In fact, this is the same as the failure of Sean Pan's competition for "Survival in the Wilderness". Although Sean Pan was not able to win the adaptation rights of "Survival in the Wilderness", his love for the script has not diminished. He still hopes to watch it. After this work is presented on the big screen, it can be loved by the audience. This is a kind of attention paid solely for the love of the script, aside from the prejudice of success or failure and the competition.


So is George Clooney now.


Evan Bell is well aware of this emotion, as if he missed "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", although Evan Bell regrets it, he still hopes that this work will be wonderful, and for Brad Pitt Evan Bell will not be stingy with his praise. Of course, if he misses the script and ends up **** up, Evan Bell will not only not gloat, but regret it.


Evan Bell spread his hands and outlined a beautiful arc at the corners of his mouth, "Welcome to the studio to visit the class, remember to bring snacks."


George Clooney raised his chin slightly, and squinted his eyes to take a closer look at Evan Bell. Evan Bell did not flinch at all, looking straight back, the confidence and calm in his eyes made George Clooney feel that there was no place to intervene.


In fact, George Clooney did not make a special trip to find Evan Bell today. He was just on his way to meet his friends. Because there were paparazzi gathered here, he learned that Evan Bell was conducting an actor interview "in the cloud" here. After thinking about it, he came over and expressed his regret for losing the right to adapt the script. At the same time, George Clooney didn't give up completely. He still hopes to participate in the production of "In the Cloud", which is really a very good script. But after the short-handed encounter with Evan Bell, George Clooney knew that Evan Bell paid no less attention to the script than himself, so he said goodbye to the script completely.


But from another point of view, Evan Bell can pay so much attention to "in the This is also a kind of relief for George Clooney. So, after looking at Evan Bell again and again, George Clooney Withdrawing his oppressive gaze, he took on a gentleman's polite smile again, "Isn't the right to choose to visit classes in my hands? I think I have plans for myself. "The subtext is "Don't meddle in your own business." This sentence made Blake Lively next to him unable to hold back and chuckled softly.


George Clooney also looked at the two ladies next to him, "I'm sorry for disturbing the ladies' afternoon, I would like to express my apologies here, I hope you don't mind too much." Charlize Theron and Blake Lay Foley also knew that in this conversation, the two of them were not the protagonists, so they just smiled and nodded friendly.


Then, George Clooney looked at Evan Bell again, "Then don't bother, I hope to have a good afternoon."


But before George Clooney turned around, Evan Bell's voice came over, "Didn't you say you came here to find me? Then you should at least pay for our afternoon tea."


George Clooney looked at Evan Bell, bit his lower lip lightly, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile, looking very helpless, he turned around and left without saying anything. But before leaving, he did pay for Evan Bell's table.


Today's 12,000 update. (To be continued [This text is provided by Dawn Update Group @].


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