Great Artist

Chapter 2135: good night kiss goodbye

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If it is a passionate couple who has just fallen in love, even the question of whether the man turns first or the woman turns first will probably be entangled for a long time, and Evan Bell and Blake Lively have obviously passed this stage - to be precise, the two Due to the personality of the individual, there is no such stage at all. So after saying goodbye, the two of them simply turned around and walked forward.


Blake Lively walked towards his apartment with cheerful steps, but not long after he walked, the phone rang, and when he took it out, it was Evan Bell. Blake Lively couldn't help but stop and look back. She thought Evan Bell was following again, but she didn't see him, so she picked up the phone, "What's wrong?"


"How long until I get home?" Evan Bell seemed to have gotten on the subway, and could vaguely hear the sound of the subway wheels colliding with the tracks.


Blake Lively took another step forward, "There's another street where you can already see what the apartment looks like."


Evan Bell smiled in a low voice, "I'm still not at ease, I think it's good even if the voice accompanies you home." Although this is numb, Blake Lively couldn't help but smile, " How, are there any paparazzi near your house?"


Blake Lively looked around and said, "There is a car." At present, Blake Lively is not a big name, so there are not many paparazzi following her. If you wait for "Sherlock Holmes" and "The Thief in the City" to be released, it is estimated that the situation will be different.


"If he rushes over, just give him a kick and kick it back." Evan Bell seemed worried about the paparazzi and explained viciously.


"It feels so good." Blake Lively stretched and slowed down. With the company of Evan Bell's voice, she didn't even want to go home too soon, and the smile on her face bloomed. Come.


"What?" Evan Bell didn't seem to react.


Blake Lively said with a smile, "I got a call from a man who asked 'what'." It's nice to have a man who cares about his safety.


Evan Bell also had a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Wait, listen." Before Blake Lively could react, he heard a soft humming in his ear.


"Lying here with you, we're so close, it's hard to resist the feeling, it's taking my breath away, wallowing in this moment, wallowing in your smile. I've never opened up to anyone, so when I embrace you in It's hard for me to be pregnant. But we don't have to rush, we just take it slow."

Evan Bell's voice is very gentle, like the moonlight bathed in Blake Lively, without the coldness and more softness. Because the signal on the phone is not very good, there is still the faint sound of the subway wheels colliding with the rails, but this hazy feeling makes Evan Bell's singing more tenacious, the kind of beauty that gently touches the softness of the heart. , slowly piled up next to the ears, like white clouds one after another, making the whole world a better place.


Blake Lively involuntarily put the phone on his left ear, because the left ear is relatively close to the heart, and the wisps of gentleness silently penetrated from his left ear to the heart, without even noticing it. At that time, the curvature of the corners of Blake Lively's mouth had been outlined into a sweet and comfortable look.


"It's just a month's kiss on your lips, just a touch of this bright burning flame, I don't want to mess this up, I don't want to be too anxious. Just a moment in the dark, you can To be the one I've waited my whole life for, so darling I'm fine, just give me a goodnight kiss (ss)."


The melody reached its climax, but Evan Bell's voice did not rise deliberately, but just followed the lyrics and the ups and downs of the mood, expressing all the emotions clearly through the melody. But it is this pure and natural way of interpretation that fully displays the romance and happiness of the lyrics. The throbbing and shyness in love is like a butterfly fluttering its wings on the staff of the melody. Take the leap! Soon Blake Lively was surrounded, and even her footsteps seemed to be able to take off at any time, the kind of beauty floating in the air was like a dream.


"I know that if we give love a little time, it will only bring us closer to the love we've been looking for. It's never felt so real, no, it's never felt so good."


It's a song I've never heard before, and Evan Bell doesn't explain anything, but Blake Lively just knows that this song should have been written by Evan Bell just now, maybe after that good night kiss Only created, every word, every sentence, every musical note of the lyrics, is so accurate and deeply focused on Blake Lively's heart, so that the softness of the heart can seep out of the water, and romance is flooded like this.


"It's just a month's print on your lips, just a touch of this bright burning flame, I don't want to mess this up, I don't want to be too anxious. Just a moment in the dark, you may To be the person I've waited my whole life for, so dear I'm fine, just give me a goodnight kiss."


A kiss under the moon is like a fairy dancing on the calm lake. The moving movement of the clouds and water caused ripples on the lake, which disturbed not only a pool of lake water and moonlight, but also a wave of mind. Gentleness, coldness, restraint, but cannot cover up the passion, beauty and romance hidden in the depths: a moment in the dark, like a moment when we met, maybe just a smile on the corner of the mouth, maybe just a touch of the palm , maybe it was just an inadvertent contact, the heartbeat began to lose its original order, and suddenly, it was agreed for life.


Blake Lively can't remember how she fell in love with Evan Bell, but she won't forget the moonlight melancholy between Evan Bell's eyebrows, deeply hidden in him. The depths of his heart have never been revealed, even if the two have been dating for so long, he still hasn't revealed it. But unknowingly, Evan Bell gradually came out of the haze of melancholy and gradually became cheerful, and Blake Lively did not pursue it any more, because she would not care about Evan Bell's past, she She doesn't care about Evan Bell's future. All she cares about is that at this moment, she can stand by Evan Bell's side and fix this moment as eternity.


Just one glance made Blake Lively come this far.


"No, I don't want to say good night, I know it's time to leave, but you will appear in my dreams, tonight, tonight." Evan Bell's voice rose slightly, as the subway wheels collided with the rails. In between, the most sincere and hot emotion burst out, "It's just a kiss under a month on your lips, just a touch of this bright burning flame, I don't want to screw this up, I don't want to go too far. Too deep. Just one moment in the dark and you could be the one I've been waiting for my whole life, so I'm fine darling, oh, let's go along the lines and just give me a goodnight kiss."


The most authentic emotions in the lyrics are pushed to the peak between the melody and the melody. Blake Lively stopped involuntarily. It was quiet, and only the Hudson River could be heard on the streets at midnight. The sound of Evan Bell's singing flowed directly from Blake Lively's ears into the bottom of his heart, and the beauty slowly settled in the bottom of his heart.


"Give me a good night kiss, a good night kiss." Evan Bell's voice was clear with a faint hoarseness, but there was a hopeless sweetness that made Blake and Laigen infatuated.


When Evan Bell finished singing, Blake Lively didn't speak, just listened quietly, she didn't even know if her footsteps were moving forward, Evan Bell's voice came from the phone Come here, "Just Ass" Can you give me a good night kiss? "


Blake Lively couldn't help laughing, and kissed the phone's microphone without any sound, just such a soft kiss. Evan Yibei couldn't help but wonder at the other end of the phone, "Hey, are you still there? Or is the line disconnected?"


Blake Lively couldn't help chuckling, "I'm starting to feel sad now." She didn't even notice it herself, her eyes were getting I'm afraid I'll hear it again later This song will start to feel distressed, and I will feel distressed when I think of you. "


"Heh." Evan Bell also chuckled, "If you miss me, call me. I don't promise to be there anytime, but my kiss is definitely waiting for you."


The smile at the corner of Blake Lively's mouth fully bloomed, but the warmth in the corner of his eyes could no longer be controlled and slipped down.


The softness of the heart, the beauty of the heart, the romance of the heart, all have a touch of bitterness at this moment, the happiness of love is so perfect at this moment, but maybe the moonlight is too attractive, so it always makes people feel a kind of sadness The emotion makes people feel that such happiness is too perfect to be realistic.


Across the phone, Evan Bell also seems to have noticed the complexity of Blake Lively. Romance is often like this, too perfect to make people feel unreal, because this is life, not a fairy tale. So, Evan Bell didn't say anything more, just whispered, "Little fool, I've always been, always."


"Good night." Blake Lively said nothing, just smiled and hung up the phone. But after hanging up the phone, Blake Lively looked at his cell phone, didn't speak for a long time, and finally said, "I can't live without you." Then he started the long pause and resumed Recovering the feel of his feet, he took a step towards the apartment.


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