Great Artist

Chapter 2146: Completion Ceremony

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The completion ceremony of the Burj Khalifa is very solemn and formal. This is a five-year urban publicity plan planned by the Dubai Municipal Government. Whether it is the building itself or the publicity plan itself, it is a brand new attempt in the world. Not only The Dubai Municipality attaches great importance to it, and news media around the world have also cast countless attention.

Originally, more than 400 reporters from the media arrived in Dubai to participate in the completion ceremony of the Burj Khalifa. However, following the outbreak of the plane accident yesterday, the number of reporters who arrived at the scene today immediately increased to more than 600. , even for Evan Bell, who has experienced countless big scenes, it is an unprecedented first time. Among them, there are as many as 60 TV stations participating in the live broadcast of the ceremony, and almost every corner of the world has been taken into account. The number of guests who arrived at the scene was as many as 7,000. If you add the ordinary audience who arrived to watch the ceremony, there were more than 20,000 spectators at the scene to witness this historic moment with their own eyes.

In the hustle and bustle of the scene, although Evan Bell is only a "trivial" artist, the aura of Eleven Studio, uTube and Facebook uniting him makes him far beyond the category of an artist, not to mention , he still appeared on this occasion as the designer of the Rifa Tower. Therefore, even though the number of guests at the scene exceeded 7,000, Evan-Bell was still the focus of many people's attention, and there was an endless stream of guests around him.

Facing these unfamiliar faces, Evan-Bell was personable, handled properly, and moved forward and back in a moderate manner, which made many people who had no interest in the entertainment industry admire Evan-Bell. A cocktail party that lasted an hour and Evan Bell definitely seemed to have seen hundreds of people.

At 8:00 local time in Dubai, the completion ceremony and unveiling ceremony officially started Burj Khalifa officially unveiled under the embellishment of lights and fireworks. The dazzling and gorgeous lights made the Burj Khalifa look beautiful under the night sky. Lights and fireworks The performance didn't last long. Twenty minutes later, the ruler of Dubai came on stage. Against the backdrop of hundreds of flashing lights, he unveiled the monument to the completion of the Burj Khalifa, known as the world's tallest building!

The Sheikh of Dubai, the President of the United Arab Emirates, the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi and others all came to the stage to give brief speeches, followed by a fireworks display, which decorated the entire hour-long unveiling ceremony very gorgeously. Looking at the Burj Khalifa shining brightly in the night sky, Evan Bell had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

This is the first time that Evan Bell has seen the completion of his own high-rise building. Although Evan Bell also attended the inauguration ceremony of the Boston Court News Plaza before, the courtyard is not as high as the Burj Khalifa. The momentum was shocking.

This is really a wonderful feeling. In fact, everyone has a dream in their hearts, but very few people can stick to their dreams to the end. People will use the "pressure of life" as an excuse. Indeed, the pressure of life makes dreams easy to become illusory. , but more often, this is actually just an excuse to escape. If you really have the perseverance to hold on to your dreams and the courage to chase your dreams, then even the heavy pressure of life cannot crush your dreams, it just delays the realization of your dreams.

Evan Bell went to the end of his life in a mediocre and nameless life. Once upon a time, he thought that the betrayal of love was the biggest resentment in his life, but now it seems that those grievances and hatreds are just a part of life. The only thing that really haunts my heart is the regret for my life. To put it more profoundly, it means that the meaning of life has not been realized in the previous life; to put it simply, it means to live a life for the sake of living, so that Evan and Bell cannot find the focus. Fortunately, Evan Bell had a second chance.

Looking at the splendid Burj Khalifa in front of him, Evan Bell felt a lot and was amazed, and the smile on his face bloomed like this.

This joyous mood continued until the press conference. The so-called press conference is actually to allow reporters to get more reporting topics, publicize the Burj Khalifa, and attract more tourists from all over the world to come to Dubai. Evan Bell, as the chief designer of the Rifa Tower, naturally has a place. But in today's press conference, apart from the Burj Khalifa, the topic of the terrorist attack - to be precise, the topic of yesterday's plane accident has become another focus.

In fact, when designing the Burj Khalifa, the nine-type attack was the biggest problem.

Evan Bell built a "refuge floor" between the 25th and 30th floors of the Burj Khalifa, where the fire resistance is stronger, and there is an independent air supply in case of emergency; the reinforced concrete structure of the building is stronger than the steel structure , which also avoids the possibility of a plane passing through the Burj Khalifa the way it would with the Petronas Twin Towers. In addition, Evan-Bell also carried out detailed design in terms of safety passages, safety drills, safety alarms, etc. Everything is prepared to prevent the Burj Khalifa from becoming a terrorist target again. Therefore, in the face of the media bombardment, the project team responded calmly, without any panic. But soon, reporters pointed their finger at Evan Bell, or the terrorist incident of yesterday's attempted attack.

"Evan, as the designer of the Rifa Tower, aren't you worried that this building will be the target of a terrorist attack?" Obviously, this is what Hamandan-Mohammed is alluding to, and it's even possible that he directed these journalists initiating question.

Evan Yibel smiled, "Are you worried that you will never drink water because you choke to death? Or, are you worried that you will lose to your competitors, and you will quit the competition stage forever?" , such a simple truth applies everywhere.

"Evan, you have designed two super-high buildings, the Freedom Tower and the Burj Khalifa, which are very likely to become targets of terrorist attacks. Haven't you worried that this will be a provocation for terrorists? We Is it safe to assume that you were the target of terrorists in the accident that happened on the plane yesterday?"

When this question came out, the scene became extremely quiet in an instant, everyone was shocked, even Hamandan Mohammad noticed that his palms were sweating. This is definitely a problem beyond expectations, directly targeting Evan Bell himself!

When Evan Bell heard this question, he laughed angrily, and the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed brilliantly. He picked up a microphone in front of him with his right hand and played with it carefully, "Can I understand that Do you think it wasn't Mark Chapman's fault that John Lie was shot, but that John Lie asked for it himself?"

This response made the scene silent, and everyone looked at the Middle East reporter in unison. He was wearing traditional Muslim clothes, and the press card around his neck was hidden in the clothes, making it impossible to tell who he was. A media reporter. However, the reporters who can enter the press conference are obviously screened, and the possibility of being extreme radicals is very small, otherwise the reporter will be angry at this moment. But he was humiliated by Evan-Bell, but he didn't break out. Instead, he stared at Evan-Bell in astonishment. It seemed that he didn't expect Evan-Bell to answer like this.

On December 8, 1980, Mark Chapman shot John Lennon, just because he was in his home, watching the Beatles album, and suddenly hatred filled his heart, he thought John Lennon Being a successful man who controls a certain part of the world so to speak, but is nothing himself, and he explodes.

Now that Evan Bell speaks about this matter, the subtext is actually saying: he did nothing wrong, even if he became the target of the attack, this is not what he thought, what's more, he is also one of the victims a member.

"First, I don't know what actions look like provocative actions in the eyes of terrorists, maybe it's just because I sang a song, or maybe it's because I said something unintentionally, I can't know, because I'm not a terrorist A member." Evan Bell looked at the silence at the scene, and went on to say that his right hand was still fiddling with the microphone, but his calm face was already filled with anger, "Second, yesterday The accident on the plane, everyone has said that it was an 'accident' and it also prevented the disaster, although I don't think I am a hero, but I at least saved my life, I think it is a Good But why do you interpret it in this way? Could it be..." Evan Yibel said here, lengthened his tail, and then suddenly released his right hand, the microphone in his hand fell directly on the table, and a harsh crash sounded like this. When he came out, many people frowned, but the smile on the corner of Evan Bell's mouth was suddenly withdrawn, and he said seriously and fiercely, "Did you participate in the planning of this incident yesterday? "

The atmosphere at the scene was stalemate immediately, and everyone could clearly feel the burning anger on Evan Bell, and even made people suspect that Evan Bell would lift the table directly in the next second. To keep all the journalists off the stage on such a big occasion.

Hamandan-Mohammad realized that this accident was inappropriate, and he quickly hinted that the pre-arranged reporters would break the deadlock. Immediately, a reporter stood up and broke the silence, "Evan, the accident on the flight yesterday was finally resolved smoothly. You played a role that cannot be ignored, which made many passengers shout that you are a hero. , but why have you been reluctant to admit that you are a hero?"

This question has a little entertainment effect, and the atmosphere of the scene suddenly improved.

However, Evan-Bell still had no intention of answering. His calm blue eyes stared at the Middle East reporter who asked the question before, motionless. This made the atmosphere cool down again.

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