Great Artist

Chapter 2155: Gathering 1

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"You make tonight happy."

This is such a simple sentence, so simple and so simple, but it can clearly feel the sincerity from Evan Bell. Therefore, with such a simple sentence, the passion broke through the shackles of reason in an instant, and the scene was completely plunged into madness, and the wave after wave of screams completely lost control. Even across two streets, you can clearly feel the majesty of the Kodak Theater, which is not seen even at the Oscars.

Feeling such a real madness up close, Evan Bell was deeply aware of what kind of job he was doing, whether he cared or not, but the support of the fans was so real and credible, and it was also Evan - The fundamental reason why Bell can stand where he is today.

For fans, Evan-Bell always holds a grateful heart, just as Evan-Bell once said in the distant slander incident, "One confidant is enough to blindly follow ten thousand and dislike being young..." Therefore, for those who For fans who are willing to support him, Evan-Bell is always friendly and reciprocated for their support; but if some fans choose to leave or even oppose him, Evan-Bell will not deliberately keep him, and he has no regrets.

Evan-Bell doesn't know whether the more than 1,000 fans who arrived at the scene today are confidants, but they are willing to shout for themselves, and this enthusiasm is enough to move Evan-Bell. So, Evan "Bell said so" because that's what he really thinks, and these fans made the evening happy.

Compared with the treatment of movie fans, reporters are still disgraced in front of Evan Bell. Some people have ridiculed that the relationship between Evan Bell and media reporters is very similar to the cartoon "Cat and Mouse," Mingming sees it. It turns out that media reporters are the strong Tom, but they let the weak "Jamie" Evan Bell play all over the place, and what is even more depressing is that Tom has identified this Jamie, no matter what. Willing to give up. This kind of metaphor has become a very famous joke in the circle.

Undoubtedly, "Gossip" became the focus of today's premiere press conference, and all the reporters were wondering: what happened between Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway, is it really just a childhood sweetheart? They naturally hope to dig more hot news from this suspected couple full of topicality. Even if they are not lovers, these two childhood sweethearts have become the best actor and actress at the same time, and now they appear together in the same movie. In the movies - romance movies, it's a lot more explosive than Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, George Clooney and Brad Pitt's good friends.

In this regard, Anne Hathaway showed a hearty smile and answered directly, "If you think this statement is credible after watching the movie, then Evan and I have succeeded." In fact, Anne Hathaway Wei is just stealing the concept, "One Day" is a love movie, and the performance of her and Evan Bell in the movie must be authentic and believable. In the final analysis, she still did not respond positively to the scandal.

Obviously, for the reporters, this answer was unsatisfactory, but when someone tried to continue asking questions, Evan Bell took over.

Evan Bell's answer was as tricky as ever, "I don't think you waited for me or Annie to answer at all, because no matter what we say, you all think this scandal is true, don't you?" Evan Bell's The rhetorical question made it impossible for the reporters to refute. This is the truth. Even if Evan Bell denied it, the reporters would still report the scandal and discuss the spark between the two people in the movie.

So, Evan Bell's answer doesn't matter at all, it's the breaking point that matters. I have to say that Evan Bell's sentence is the truth.

This is the fundamental reason why reporters are powerless in the face of Evan Bell, because Evan Bell always knows reporters' plans very well, and can seize their weaknesses and attack them. Sometimes, reporters even wonder if Evan Bell is a veteran in the entertainment reporter industry for many years. After all, even Evan Bell's background in psychology can hardly explain his accurate grasp of the context of the journalist industry. At this point, it has to be said, the journalists have the truth'—but they'll never know they've got the essence of the problem.

"However, I must emphasize that you have the freedom to report, but I don't want to be considered as deliberate hype, although this is a love movie." Evan Bell did not plan to respond positively, but instead called the reporters again. joked once.

In fact, reporters are so three-dimensional when writing news. As for the relationship between male and female actors, it is either a scandal or a discord, and there is nothing else. In particular, things like "One Day,' a love movie like this," gossip, sparks, chemistry, are pretty much the only option for reporters to report. So, Evan Bell knew he couldn't screw a reporter's thigh, he was just sarcastic These reporters should not say that he deliberately hyped with the help of scandal, that's enough.

The enthusiasm of the reporters can't play any role in front of Aiwen-Bell, so what is going on now, whether to report the scandal or not to report it? If it is reported, it will verify Evan Bell's words, which will make the media lose face; if it is not reported, everyone seems to be unwilling. really depressing.

Originally, the reporters were still gearing up to "crusade" Evan Bell. There are not many opportunities to blatantly create scandals like this in a lifetime, but as a result, the reporters are now in an awkward situation. Their joyful laughter can clearly feel the depression of the reporters.

Looking back over the past year, in fact, there have been many scandals about Evan and Bell, and it seems that there are more and more handles, from Miss Gaga at the end of last year, to the passion with Anne Hathaway at the Oscars at the beginning of this year, and then When it comes to the so-called girlfriend outside the circle, every time the scandal appears, the reporters think that the evidence is conclusive, but the result is that they slap their own face. This also makes reporters less and less confident in front of Evan Bell. They can continue to make up news about Evan Bell, but fewer and fewer readers are willing to buy it, so even if a scandal is fabricated, Still unable to achieve the purpose of driving sales. Therefore, when the reporters faced Evan Bell, especially the scandal, the reporters were really at a loss.

No, "One Day" is such a huge gossip cake, but the reporters don't know if they should cut the knife and fork now.

No matter what the reporters think, Evan Bell can actually expect that after the release of "One Day", the scandal about him and Anne Hathaway must be flying all over the sky. As Anne Hathaway said, this is a love story. In a movie, the spark about two people must be convincing, so after the movie is released, the audience is willing to buy it, this is a success. But even so, Evan Bell will not miss the opportunity to eliminate reporters. In this way, even if there are scandals after the movie is released, reporters will not dare to disturb Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway easily.

After the reporter's interview session, the Los Angeles premiere scene was connected with the London scene. The fan craze at the London scene is definitely not inferior to that of Los Angeles. The fans are not only there to support Evan Bell, but also to support Evan Bell's behavior of giving back to the British local film market, not to mention, attending the premiere The list of big-name stars is a long list.

The interaction between Evan Bell and the guests at the London premiere also became the biggest highlight of the night, especially when Emma Watson took the initiative to ask such a question, "Evan, you and Annie have played a role this time. A romance movie, you know, sparks are important in a movie like this, and I wonder how you both build your emotions during filming, and of course, are you out of the movie vibe with each other now? "

This question is actually exactly the same as the reporters' questioning about the scandal. Emma Watson is putting the most curious questions of all the audience directly on the table. Putting it up, Evan Bell obviously won't play tricks like he did with reporters.

Listening to the climax of the Los Angeles and London premieres, even the guests who attended the scene began to boo, Evan Bell was really helpless, he saw the playful little girl through the big screen , Emma-Watson even winked mischievously at Evan-Bell, making Evan-Bell very dumbfounded. But Evan Bell had never seen any big scenes, and he quickly replied, "Emma, ​​when you were filming 'Harry Potter', you had a lot of love scenes with Rupert~www.readwn .com~ Are you implying that there is a spark between you and him too?" Rupert Grint is Ron's in "Harry Potter,".

Evan-Bell's counterattack immediately made Emma-Watson feel at a loss. Although she didn't see Teddy-Bell on the big screen, she knew that Teddy-Bell must be by her side. Originally, Emma Watson wanted to make fun of Evan Bell, but she didn't expect to be turned against the general.

But Evan Bell didn't let Emma Watson go so easily, and he added, "Are you and Rupert in regular contact now? If you have a boyfriend in the future, he will definitely care about it. ." This seemed to be a normal ridicule, but Emma Watson only felt that her cheeks were about to burn. Sure enough, Evan Bell couldn't make fun of it easily.

However, Evan Bell still gave Emma Watson a little face, and it can be regarded as a face for all the guests and fans at the scene, "But I must admit that during the filming of the film, I did fall in love with Annie. , this is a fact, otherwise the movie is not a lie I can see it, "As for how Annie and I performed, I hope everyone can make their own judgments after going into the movie theater to watch."

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(To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @人世秀罗6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Welcome to breaking dawn .)

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