Great Artist

Chapter 2157: soul mate

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Emma and Dexter came to the beach for a swim. Dexter saw Emma's conservative one-piece dark swimsuit and couldn't help but started to complain and asked with disgust, "What is this?"

Emma was obviously calm, and said casually, "My swimsuit? It's called Edwardian style."

"No, I'm asking about paint." Dexter teased skillfully, when Emma was smearing something on her thigh, which was what Dexter said.

Emma immediately laughed helplessly, and looked back at Dexter, who was smiling all over her face, "This is the sunscreen 30 lotion, I got sunburned." Giving Dexter a palm on the waist .

Dexter's eyes were looking at Emma's smooth back, moving up and down, his eyes beneath the bushy lashes carrying an inquisitive look he didn't usually have, and when Emma was about to continue smearing, he sat up straight. Get up, "Here, I'll help you paint the back." Dexter took the lotion, squeezed some on his fingertips, and spread it in the palm of his hand, stroking Emma's back.

Emma pulled her long hair over her left shoulder and felt Dexter's hands sliding delicately on her back. The warmth of her palms made her eyes darken, even as she held Dexter's ankle on her ankle. The yin and yang tattoo of Chinese tattoos was used as a topic to distract him, but the ambiguous atmosphere between the two people still flowed silently.

Dexter's slender fingers pushed the lotion away little by little, and he could clearly feel Emma's creamy skin getting warmer under his fingertips. Dexter's movements couldn't help slowing down, his hands slowly climbed up from the bottom of Emma's back, and stopped at the neck, feeling the heat that gradually radiated.

Emma lowered her head and she could feel the slowly rising temperature on her back, causing her heartbeat to gradually lose its original rhythm, and she could even feel the hot breath of the man behind her approaching her neck little by little. The temperature that almost burned her skin made her uncomfortable. The person sitting behind her at this moment was no longer Dexter, but a man, a simple man.

Emma didn't want to ruin the friendship, which is why she and Dexter agreed to three chapters. The growing gap in life has put Emma and Dexter's friendship to the test, and years of social experience have made it clear to Emma that if she doesn't want to lose this friendship, she can't. Let her and Dexter lose their current position otherwise, let alone lovers, maybe not even friends.

So, at this moment, Dexter's eyes became deep, and it was obvious that his heart had begun to surging. The heat revealed by his palm even leaked his heart; but Emma lowered her eyes and kept the last A touch of reason, she knew that it was not difficult to have a relationship with Dexter. The relationship between Dexter's women has not been normal in these years, but after a night of joy, everything may have returned to zero. She would be forgotten as quickly as Dexter's other women.

So, Emma whispered, "I'll go swimming for a while." This made Dexter look regretful, but he looked at Emma's leaving back with an unfathomable obsession. , At this time, Emma suddenly turned a somersault in a funny way, and almost fell a somersault, which suddenly made Dexter burst into laughter. All the troubles disappeared at this moment, and the two returned to the state of friends again.

Dexter and Emma lay on the beach and read magazines leisurely, but Dexter found out that it was actually a nudist camp. A group of middle-aged and elderly people were grilling meat and doing yoga in a natural state. Faced with such a situation, The reactions of the two were different. Emma had a surprised look on her face, which felt a little weird, while Dexter had an expectant look on her face.

Even if he didn't speak, Emma knew what Dexter was thinking. He just wanted to break free from all shackles and return to nature. The celestial camp or something just satisfied his mind, but obviously, Emma couldn't agree. , neither from her own point of view nor from the point of view of Dexter's current relationship, she is reluctant to be "candid" with Dexter.

In the evening, Emma and Dexter changed their clothes and went to the bar next to the beach to enjoy the holiday atmosphere. The two of them each held a glass of red wine and sat beside the bar, looking deeply at the people walking on the beach. crowd.

"You know, I've never been abroad." Emma was slowly recalling her past. They were now in Paris, leaving the UK.

"Really? Stop teasing." Dexter obviously didn't believe it, but he had known Emma for all these years, and he really didn't know anything about it.

"Really," Emma pursed her lips, "Traveling in Whitby for two weeks, drinking instant vegetable soup with Dad every day, and controlling the urge to kill Mom." Her words made Dexter involuntarily reveal smile. Dexter's right hand was placed on Emma's shoulder, and his slender fingers picked up a strand of Emma's long hair and wrapped it around the fingertips. The soft touch made Dexter feel comfortable and familiar. sense.

"I can't believe I'm with you right now." Emma's words made Dexter puzzled and asked, "Why," Emma noticed Dexter's gaze resting on her cheek. , she saw Costa's deep eyes as soon as she turned her head, she didn't say anything, just tilted her head and looked back. But Dexter didn't give up, and kept looking at Emma.

The two have known each other for four years, and the familiarity between them is conveyed in that look. Emma knew that Dexter wouldn't give up until she got her answer, so she smiled and explained, "When we were in college, we didn't even talk before," Dexter felt Emma's hair was slowly rubbing the touch of her fingertips, and the smile on the corner of Emma's mouth was full of memories, "I'm infatuated with you."

Emma's words immediately made Dexter's mouth smile, and it was even difficult to hide his pride. Emma reluctantly went on to explain, "I know it was hilarious, but that night" we almost got it. I couldn't believe it. "The triumph of Dexter's brows began to spread to the corners of his mouth and the back of his eyes. "I started to write poetry and things. What do you think about it? "

Emma's eyes also conveyed a smile, and she silently looked at Dexter, but Dexter pursed the corners of his mouth and looked confident, "I already knew that." This made Emma confused. .

"You know? What do you mean?" Emma obviously did not expect such an answer, so she couldn't help but ask the question directly.

"I guess." Dexter was still his original bohemian look, "Those narrative letters, and the collection of recordings..." Emma had nothing to say but drank from the cup. The red wine inside concealed a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth, "So what happened later? What happened later?"

At this moment, Emma finally got the chance to fight back, and immediately shook her head disdainfully, "I started to get to know you later, and all of a sudden I lost the feeling." This made Dexter's high arrogance immediately quenched.

Dexter, apparently still reluctant to give up, continued, "I'd still like to see which words in those poems rhyme with Dexter."

"Duck (k). It rhymes with Dexten, similar to that." Emma's quick-witted answer made Dexten turn off the flames completely.

Dexter took Emma for a walk along the beach and came to a swimming pool by the sea. Looking at the pleasant scenery around him, he started to take off his clothes without warning, which suddenly made Emma wake up, First, the drinking, then the love words and then the romantic part, the final purpose is naturally self-evident. But for the good friends Dexter and Emma, ​​it's different. There is obviously no such lingering ambiguity between them.

However, Dexter didn't give Emma any time to object, so he just jumped into the swimming pool. This time, Emma's so-called three chapters of the contract before she came have no effect, but what can Emma do? She resisted for a while, but was persuaded by Dexter to jump into the pool.

With the naked body facing each other, Dexter suddenly became serious, which made Emma a little uncomfortable. When she was still wondering what was going on, she heard Dexter say, " I feel the same way as you." This made Emma stunned, "That night, after we almost asked for that, although I wasn't crazy enough to write poetry or anything, I still missed you, I always Thinking of you. You and me."

"Really?" Father Ma was a little surprised by Dexter's sudden confession. Emma began to hesitate a little at a loss, and the atmosphere between her and Dexter suddenly became a little unpredictable.

Looking at Emma like this, Dexter seemed a little impatient to break through the awkwardness, "The thing is, I fantasize about almost everyone. I mean everyone, I just want to have fun and have fun, it's all just sex. , sex, sex, sex, sex." Dexter's words suddenly put Emma into the embarrassment of another situation, but the disappointment between the eyebrows was hard to hide, "But me and you, we are different. "Emma showed a smile, and there was a bit of bitterness in the smile.

"I'm not what you're after, I don't think I'm ready, if you want to, have some fun or something, holiday mate, don't be responsible..." Dexter's nonchalant words made Emma suddenly violent , She pressed Costa into the water fiercely, but her face floating on the water was infinitely lonely.

Just when Dexter wanted to explain to Emma the meaning of his words, he saw that someone had stolen the Armani suit that he had left on the shore, which made Dexter chase after him angrily. Seeing Dexter almost go into a state of madness, Emma couldn't help feeling a little ridiculous, and after that, she kept making fun of Dexter about it, and she never got tired of it.

That night, Emma and Dexter lay on the same bed, and although nothing happened, the two broke all three chapters of Emma's covenant. This is how the two of them get along, breaking everything The law and restraint of each other is the most comfortable situation for each other.

In the old 98 years, Dexter became a famous TV host, his career is booming, and his love life is more colorful, which also makes the relationship between him and Emma return to the position of friends. , The ambiguity and ambiguity during vacation in Paris seems to have become a landscape in memory.

But Dexter, who was at the peak of his career, encountered huge setbacks in his life. His mother got cancer. Mother thinks Dexter is squandering his life, enjoying the spotlight, becoming a puppet standing in front of the camera at the command of the show producer, but without any real meaning and no future direction, She thinks Dexter is going down and ruining her life in the stupidest way possible.

But Dexter was also a little confused. He didn't know what else he could do besides the host, and his mother's illness filled him with countless pressures. In the face of pressure, Dexter's response was a little pale, he just wanted to escape, he couldn't deal with these pressures head-on. Apart from his mother, he also doesn't know how to get along with his father, and every conversation is unhappy. So he ran away from his parents' house on the pretext of attending the "Jurassic Park" premiere.

In this case, Dexter's only sustenance is Emma, ​​but Emma and Ian start dating at the same time, because she knows that she and Dexter can't have a result. Therefore, Dexter, who was constantly falling into the abyss, kept getting further and further away from Emma.

Ian tries hard to please Emma during the date, but Emma is not so comfortable with Ian's way, she always feels embarrassed, but she still tries to accept Ian, after the first date, she and Ian Ian has had a good development. After Emma became an elementary school teacher, she not only began to try to create amateur works, but also had a gradually stabilized emotional life with Ian, and even began to consider marriage.

Although Emma and Dexter still keep in touch by phone, in the face of Emma, ​​who is increasingly using Dexter as a mental, she consciously keeps a distance. She and Dexter keep a distance. Te can only be friends. Emma will still pay attention to Dexter's performance on TV, but she will no longer be desperate for Dexter, because she also has a life of her own.

When she left school, Emma habitually relied on Dexter, and she longed for comfort from Dexter, it could even be said to maintain her emotional sustenance, but gradually Emma began to grow up, she learned Become independent, and gradually gain a foothold in this cannibalistic society, creating a world of its own.

But what about Dexter? However, he was wasting his life wantonly, and he was uninhibited. After his career reached its peak, his mother died of cancer, and his relationship with his father became farther and farther. The wanton love life made him unable to find a partner to share, and he began to lose. He couldn't find the future direction, let alone the spiritual sustenance. Emma was his only harbor, and he could only turn to Emma for help. But Dexter had forgotten that Emma was his friend, not his love; Emma had a life of her own, and could no longer revolve around him.

Emma and Dexter are soulmates, but there is no further possibility.

Since Dexter's mother died, two people who haven't seen each other for three years finally meet again.

Uh, I didn't stop the car in the movie part. Today, Jia Geng apologizes, and I will try my best to correct it!

(To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @小苏歌哥]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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