Great Artist

Chapter 218: old-fashioned drama

When Embellish entered the "Adapted Script..." crew, the movie had already held a kick-off ceremony in *ji.

The "Adapted Screenplay" lineup is much stronger than Evan Bell imagined. Director Spike Jones started with commercials and music videos, but his 1999 feature-length film "Become John Malkovich (the puppet Life was critically acclaimed, which was also his first and production with screenwriter Charlie Kaufman.

The two leading actors, Nicholas-Cage and Meryl-Streep, are both famous actors and actresses.

And behind this movie, there is an invisible surname, Kebōla. With the exception of Nicholas-Cage, a well-known member of the Kobōla family who is not named Kobōla, he is the nephew of Francis-Kobōla, the director who filmed "The Godfather," and director Spike-Jones is the Francis Ikobōla's son-in-law, he married Sophia Ikobōra in 1999.

Under this influence, the "adapted script" is not only favored by Columbia Pictures, but also very luxurious in the cast.

Because the main line of the "adapted screenplay" is divided into two branches, the screenwriter Charlie Kaufman played by Nicholas Cage is the main line, while the female writer Susan Orlin played by Meryl Streep is the main line. is another narrative thread. Spike Jones decided to shoot Meryl Streep in New York first, then go to the Mikasuki Indian Reservation west of Miami, Florida, to shoot on the reservation, and finally return to Los Angeles to finish the film. main part.

Evan Bell met Nicholas Kay Wong and Meryl Streep on the set. Compared to Robin Williams, whom he met in "The White Night," this time, the two famous actors were obviously equally sophisticated. And more fame, especially Meryl Streep.

Nicolas-Cage won the Palme d'Or at the 43rd Cannes Film Festival in 1992 and the Oscar for Best Actor in 1996. In Nicholas-Cage's acting career, his films have been mixed, and some people have even dubbed him the king of bad movies, but it is undeniable that his superb acting skills have won countless praise.

For Evan-Bell, it was definitely a blessing to meet Meryl-Streep, because he had never read the "adapted script", so Evan-Bell didn't know Meryl-Streep in his heart at all. Streep actually starred in the film, which is a surprise.

In the long history of movies, there are so many great actors, but everyone always has their favorite ranking in their hearts, and Meryl Streep is definitely at the forefront in Evan Bell's heart.

The actor, who can even be called "the greatest actress of all time", has received seventeen Oscar nominations so far, the most in history. In the end, Meryl Streep won the Golden Man for the 52nd Best Supporting Actress, as well as the 55th and 2012 84th Oscars. In addition to the Cannes actress and the Berlin actress, you can definitely make a **** and be called a drama bone.

In Meryl Streep's more than 40 years of acting career, she has performed almost all the intricate emotions, pains and joys, love, hatred, life and death of a woman's life. People have to be convinced.

She was in the middle of filming when she saw Meryl Streep, and Evan Bell, who arrived on the set three days later than most of the actors, stood cautiously on the edge of the set, watching carefully.

Meryl-Streep was filming a writers' party scene, and she was sitting around a table with a group of writers, chatting and laughing. While laughing, he used his right hand to pull the drooping pieces behind his ears. The eyes hidden behind the gold-rimmed glasses fluttered up and down, as if he had other thoughts in his heart, which was inconsistent with his words and deeds.

Between the words, Meryl Streep's facial expressions were very real. Although Evan and Bell were far away, they couldn't hear the lines clearly, but just from the expression, they could feel at ease. sè emotions. The slightly raised eyebrows, the pursed corners of the mouth, the simple gestures, and the aftertaste of the smile from the corners of the mouth conveyed the information, all of which are so rich.

Evan Bell stood there and watched the shooting seriously. At this moment, what he saw was not the actor Meryl Streep, but the real novelist Susan Orlean.

With the literary atmosphere of some novelists, the maturity and charm of a middle-aged woman, and the relaxation and comfort of chatting with friends, of course, the memories of the interviewee John-La Roche are indispensable. But in the body of Susan-Olin, you can also see the unique charm of Meryl-Streep. This gentle and delicate sense of substitution is amazing.

What kind of skill is this, it is easy to establish the image of the corner. God knows, in fact, Susan-Olin has not interviewed John-La Roche at this time, because Evan-Belle, who plays John-La Roche, has not yet entered the crew.

That's acting. In Meryl-Streep, Evan-Bell has a new understanding of the "play bone" Ranhui, and completely integrates the corner with himself, and establishes the image of the corner without losing the His own characteristics, the drizzle moistened silently, the image of the corners jumped out.

"Hey Bell, you're here." Screenwriter Charlie Kaufman's voice interrupted Evan Bell, who was just observing how Meryl Streep worked. After each performance, no matter whether it is good or bad, she will listen carefully to the director's opinion, or she will stand on the spot and ponder it carefully. When she re-enters the performance, she will become more clear about what she needs to substitute.

In the profession of an actor, no one is perfect, even if it is a movie star or an old actor, every work is a new beginning and needs to be sculpted again. This is what Evan Bell rediscovered in the way Meryl Streep works: Robin Williams had taught him once before.

"Kaufman. Sorry, I'm late." Evan Bell withdrew his attention and shook hands with Charlie Kaufman for a light hug.

Walking with Charlie Kaufman to the center of the set where the next scene is being discussed, Evan Bell meets the big guys and obviously one of the best actors in his mind, which makes Evan Bell feel The feeling of seeing an idol. Rapid heart rate, dry mouth, and high emotions.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Meryl Streep." This elegant woman gave Evan a friendly smile, "Kaufman, you mean to let me Embarrassing right?" Meryl-Streep looked at Charlie-Kaufman next to Evan-Bell, "You asked me to play opposite this handsome boy, for God's sake he Younger than my youngest child, you want us to have a spark of love"

This did make Evan Bell a little embarrassed. It has nothing to do with acting skills. In terms of age alone, Meryl Streep is fifty-two years old this year, twelve years older than Katherine Bell. It is indeed the generation of Evan Bell's mother. Although it is said that there are no restrictions in true love, in the acting industry, the age limit is even lower

But at the first meeting at this time, Evan Bell, standing in front of Meryl Streep, was completely a young friend. Even if Evan Bell has a forty-nine-year-old spirit in his body

Now, I still have to call Meryl Streep a sister. This is a very strange thing. From Meryl-Streep's point of view, she is more like an old witch who takes advantage of her son, and it is not easy to balance her mentality.

"Mrs. Streep, age is not a hindrance to love. Maybe I'm not a good lover, but I think John-la-Roche should be a very attractive man for Miss Olein to find her way back. The love of life, with a new look." Before waiting for Charlie Kaufman to answer, Evan Bell said with a smile. Seeing idols, it is one thing to be very emotional; on the other hand, Evan Bell also hopes to seize this opportunity to cooperate and learn something about acting from Meryl Streep.

"Meryl, believe me, this kid will surprise us all after entering the acting state." Spike-Jones winked at Evan-Bell with a smile on his face, the handsome middle-aged director has The man who was enough to make a woman fall in love smiled, "Bai Ye Chasing the Murder, the performance in it is really **** wonderful." Listening to this, it seems that Spike-Jones has seen the "White Night Chasing Murder" sample through the relationship. But it's normal to think about it. If you want to use Evan Bell, a 19-year-old boy as a 50-year-old ruffian, Spike Jones has not confirmed that he will not recklessly agree.

Meryl Streep's eyes have been on Evan Bell, as if looking at her own child, at this moment, she is just a pure mother, "Spike, you misunderstood me.

I don't have any doubts about Bale's acting, but now that you're looking at a teenager under 20 standing in front of me, it's a huge challenge for me to get into the show. "These straightforward words made Evan Bell smile.

Evan-Bell knows that without the help of makeup, even if his acting skills are superb, a nineteen-year-old face showing the feeling of a fifty-year-old will still have a sense of absurdity.

"It seems that I really have to work very hard, otherwise Mr. Jones and Mr. Kaufman will have a headache." Although Evan-Bell's words were simple, his eyes fell on Merylster. Rip, and Nicholas-Cage, who had just come over.

The extended meaning of this sentence couldn't be more obvious. Just like the rival scene of "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night", if Evan-Bell doesn't play well enough, his rival actors will also be affected. And in this play, Meryl Streep's influence is undoubtedly fatal.

Once Evan-Bell's performance is not good, and it's not in place, it will be difficult for Meryl-Streep to have love, or even love, for a nineteen-year-old boy. Well, the Susan-Oleen line is ruined.

Evan Bell knew very well that to challenge the role of John-La Roche, the burden on him was heavier than that of the leading actors in the previous three films combined.

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