Great Artist

Chapter 2199: light of life

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There is no doubt that "In the Cloud" caused an uproar, like all Evan Bell's previous works, but this time the impact seems to be greater, because "In the Cloud" will directly be in the turbulent social situation of the economic crisis. The red fruit was revealed in a bloody, **** way, poking the fear deep in the hearts of countless people.

"Warm in the cold", Neil D'Arcy's review for the New York Times caused quite a stir, as did the "movie review" Chris Fairbank's review, which The two professional film critics are now well-known in the industry, and their accurate and profound analysis of Evan Bell's films has never appeared in every Evan Bell's work.

"In Evan Bell's work, there always seems to be a kind of cold cruelty running through it, like the cold blood vessels of a lizard, winding and curling in the veins of the film. But he does not **** dissect life to show In the despair of life, he integrates all his thoughts into laughter and scolding, calmness and freedom, and let us quietly put down our line of defense, but after laughing, there are no traces of tears in our eyes. Liberty let out a depressed sigh, and his mouth was full of bitterness. But after despair, there are always one or two sentences and one or two details that make the ice shine and the chill warm, making people continue to wait for the dawn and the rain. It's sunny.

'In the Clouds' tells the story of Ryan, a layoff expert. In the midst of the Great Depression, Ryan had to fly year-round in the clouds to carry out his work. For Ryan, the clouds were his life. , the airport is his home.

When someone criticizes Ryan's way of being a cocoon out of the crowd. He used "I'm always surrounded by crowds" as a shield, but carnival is the loneliness of a group of people, a group of lonely strangers hugged tightly, hoping to use carnival to send his inner fear of loneliness, this is Ryan.

But more frustrating than Ryan's lifestyle is what he does: layoffs. Natalie had to flee the scene to calm herself down when she heard her dismissal invoked desperation to threaten suicide, but as a viewer I have a hard time sympathizing with the profession, especially Natalie - because she's going to be laying off staff Become colder, crueler and more desperate. The bad news messenger is a thankless character. But compared to the embarrassment or the pretended dignity of the messenger. There are also false inspirational scenes repeated over and over again. Those real people who face the camera and tell their own unemployment experience, the despair, fear, shock, confusion, helplessness, grievance, anger, and injury that really come out from the bottom of their hearts are the real ones. terrifying. In the midst of this economic crisis, perhaps the only place that can bring comfort is family, only family.

Ironically, Ryan's philosophy of life is to travel light. He avoids getting along with people, even his immediate family; he avoids fixed relationships, even when he is alone in the crowd. It's a way of life. It is more of a life choice, and it is not possible to reverse the situation with a single 'change'.

In the movie, Alex's existence is so special, her choice of family and marriage relationship is a foreshadowing that has never been shown in the camera, shattering the illusory future of hope and stability in all human relationships. After this, the truth and freedom finally appeared before the audience: life is a lonely one-way street. No matter how close the relationship is, no matter how strong the feelings are, no matter how tight and dense parallel lines are, walking alone to the grave is still the inevitable final outcome of life.

This is the cruelty of Evan Bell. So what about warm?

Fortunately, life has a process in addition to the end. Even if the process is not good, there are still childhood memories, and there are still relatives and friends in childhood. There is always a family when the career is not going well, the family is broken and there are hobbies, and the hobbies are different and there are dreams. Even if you have a dream, no one can always watch others realize their dreams, and those who can’t see their dreams at least have themselves.

But what if you lose yourself? Then every moment on the road of life becomes the place of hope. A simple wedding in the blizzard winter, a brief body temperature at the airport, a letter of recommendation from a cold workplace... This is a little bit of light and a little bit of heat. It supports us to continue on the lonely and lonely road of life, and persevere, despite the thorns and the cruel truth.

If it just stops there, then this is not Evan Bell. In fact, Ryan's work has a deeper meaning in Evan Bell's lens. That is, in this society of survival of the fittest, even if Ryan doesn't do the job of layoffs, someone will do it in a more cruel and direct way. This is the case with Natalie's video conference. The losers are more profoundly cruel, so the reason why Ryan insists on layoffs in person is not only a safe haven to continue his way of life, but also the meaning of comforting these injured people - although this is a bit ironic, as Greg said 'from Is a stab in the chest better than a stab in the back?' But all of this is real, and a stab in the front is indeed less painful. It's just that Ryan didn't understand this, and it wasn't until Alex's parting and the return of his family that he really realized that he could be a protector, even if he had to continue to live this lonely life.

At the beginning of the movie, the familiar pictures and familiar music do not have gorgeous effects, but have an indescribable retro style. It is unusable to be able to see those retro shots in this era of cutting-edge technology. expressed in text. The montage switching method is very simple and simple, and the aerial shots flow like this, with the rhythm of the music, but revealing a touch of loneliness.

But at the end of this loneliness, it has sublimated into a kind of compassion, or more precisely, a feeling. In the turbulent clouds, the story jumped from the shallow level of describing modern urban diseases and the Great Depression to the level of caring for people's living conditions in contemporary Western society, how to keep the cold urban iron curtain, and the principle of interest. That little warmth has become the most profound reflection left by the whole story.

So at the end of the story, Ryan said, 'The night falls, and the stars move, and the stars slowly rise from the corners hidden by the day, and among those twilights in the sky there will be a brighter, more dazzling, it is me The traces of the wings of the air...' Maybe there is a sentence Evan Bell did not say after that, that is, 'Bless others, quietly brushed...'"

Chris Fairbank's analysis of Evan Bell's films is always so razor-sharp it's a bit confounding. And the reflections that echoed after watching Evan Bell's film are even more sparks in the words of Chris Fairbanks.

The British professional magazine "Empire" has never been weak in its attention to Evan Bell. This time, even if "In the Cloud" was only screened in art theaters, "Empire" watched the film for the first time and wrote a review .

"The heaviest burden oppresses us, makes us succumb to it, crushes us to the ground. But in the love poems of the ages, women have always longed to bear the weight of a man's body. So the heaviest burden is at the same time the strongest The influence of the suffocating vitality. The heavier the burden, the closer our life is to the earth, the more real it is. On the contrary, when the burden is completely absent, a person will become lighter than air, will float, and will be far away from the earth and the Life on earth, man is only a semi-real existence, and its movements become free and meaningless."

The opening chapter of "Empire" quotes the famous writer Milan Kundera's "The Unbearable Lightness of Life", which also confirms the title of the film review "The Lightness of Life", which is very profound and artistic.

"Ryan in the movie is like Milan Kundera's Thomas, living a happy life 'in the clouds', with nothing to comfort him, house, car, furniture, relatives, lovers, friends... if you put them Put it all in the backpack and you'll be overwhelmed, the shoulder straps dig deep into the body, and it's hard to move. So Ryan threw it all away, and traveled lightly, and he was living above the clouds with his empty suitcase on his back on.

Seems like Ryan's life is perfect, he numbly fires an employee and doesn't even remember a woman named Karen Barnes who committed suicide because she was fired; he's rightfully Natalie Workplace his mentor, telling her that life is cruel to take it easy; he has a dream relationship with Alex who thinks the same - a happy relationship that doesn't require responsibility...

But is Ryan's life really perfect? He'll feel lonely because of his sister's rejection, he'll plead with his boss to comfort Natalie, he'll impulsively want a relationship only to be stabbed hard by Alex...he thinks he doesn't care , but the fact is not the case, not want to love, just afraid of being hurt. We are like hedgehogs, if we get too close, we will stab each other, but if we are separated from each other, we will feel cold.

So When he got his seventh airline VIP card, the captain asked him, 'Where are you from'. Ryan came back in solitude, 'I'm from here'. Here are the planes, here are the clouds, a place without roots. Walking alone, can you bear the lightness of life?

More than 20 years ago, Milan Kundera made his Thomas finally give up light. He brought the woman Tereza who made him give up the cloud life to the country, raised a dog, and lived an ordinary and simple life. . He didn't die alone, he and Tereza both died in a car accident.

But Evan Bell was not so kind. When Ryan gave up his backpack theory and wanted to put Alex in a backpack and give up the lightness of life, the cruel reality sent him back to the cloud. But at this moment, above the clouds, he no longer had that dashing and comfortable feeling, and the loneliness in his eyes was filled with a trace of confusion.

Ten million miles of flying alone is an unbearable lightness of life. That faint ray of light of life bloomed through the thick clouds, but it couldn't shine on everyone. This buoyant hope was not something everyone could grasp. "

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