Great Artist

Chapter 2212: bar singing

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!

The Dutchman Bar is located on the corner of Prince Street and Thomas Street. Although the name of this bar is "Dutchman (h, it is not only for Dutch people. More often, some neighbors come here. Gossiping, it is next to a Japanese restaurant and a second-hand store, and there is a convenience store and a French restaurant on the opposite side. In addition, there are some residential houses around it, which seems quiet and peaceful, which is not in harmony with the prosperity of New York.

The Dutch bar is not well-known, nor is it a noisy place that young people like nowadays. The owner of the bar likes to play some jazz, rock and other music with strong personal preferences, entertaining the familiar neighbors. In addition, the bar is very good. There are few outsiders who come here. Even though Prince Street has become a must-see place for many people to travel due to the existence of Eleven Studios, when it comes to dining, bars and other places, it is only a few streets away from Soho. District, Greenwich Village are more suitable places to go, so this also allows the Dutchman to retain a bit of peace.

It's a Sunday night, New York is still bustling at ten o'clock, but it's less crazy than Friday. After all, there are only a few hours left until Monday's work time, and there are not many customers in the Dutch bar. , there are only a dozen people including the bartender, making the whole bar a little empty.

Under the cream-yellow light, against the fluttering rice grains of snow outside the window, the roaring match stack in the fireplace crackled, sniffing the warmth mixed with the slightest chill, and it was almost impossible to steal half a day of leisure. That's how comfortable it is.

At this time, on the small stage at the back of the bar, a dim light was lit, and a middle-aged woman sat on it and sang Nora-Jones' jazz minor in a low voice. She was lazy and sexy, and she didn't necessarily have much singing skills. , but it made the few guests in the bar smile.

This middle-aged woman is not a professional singer, she is just the proprietress of the fruit shop on the next street. She likes to sing two words when she is bored. The stage of the Dutch bar is open to the local residents. It is not karaoke, but it has a different flavor. Neighbors I also like to come over to join us, but it is harmonious.

After singing a song, the woman showed a satisfied smile and walked off the stage, leaving the stage empty. The bar owner looked around and confirmed that no one was going to take the stage, so he planned to turn on the jukebox to play some music, but at this moment a voice shouted, "Joe, wait."

The bar owner, Joe York, followed the voice and looked over, showed a smile, raised his right hand to make a "guy" gesture, and then lowered his head again to do his work.

The man who stopped Joe York walked up to the stage with brisk steps. The guests in the bar had long since noticed it, and they didn't shout. , to see who is going to be on stage. In the dim light, seeing the young man's appearance, someone shouted with a smile, "Evan, let's have something fresh."

Evan Bell, who has long regarded Princes Street as his hometown, is naturally familiar with these neighbors. He is not a famous superstar here, just the youngest son of the Bell family, so he is in the Netherlands. Rare peace can also be found in the bar. Facing the ridicule, Evan Bell echoed with a smile, "The next round is up to you."

"No problem." The middle-aged uncle who spoke up just now laughed heartily.

Evan Bell sat on the high stool of the stage, picked up the acoustic guitar placed next to him, put it on his knees to adjust it a little, and then said into the microphone, "Just do it, everyone, please don't take your seat. Blake, this is for you." Hearing Evan Bell's pleasant joke, a dozen people in the bar all laughed in different ways.

Blake Lively was in the position where Evan Bell had just left. Her expression was a little low in the dark and ambiguous light of the bar. Obviously, "In the Clouds" won her an actor in the awards season. The first batch of real compliments in her career did not make her happy, there was even some heaviness between her eyebrows, and even the innocent childlike laughter at the corner of her mouth seemed a little lonely.

When Evan Bell spoke, the bar door was pushed open, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ryan Gosling walked in, Evan Bell sat on the stage, with the advantage of position, he saw it at once The two of them raised their right hand slightly, attracting Joseph Gordon-Levitt's eyes, and then he pointed in the direction of Blake Lively, motioning for them to pass.

The Joseph dog Gordon-Levitt's expression is very relaxed, with a faint smile, and his pace is very brisk, but Ryan-Gosling's mood is obviously not high, his entire shoulders are drooping, and his walking is very jumpy. Even if you don't look at his expression, you can guess the decadent state of his whole person at this time, and the melancholy face seems to be very worried in the light and dark.

Both raised their hands to greet Evan Bell, and then walked in the direction of Blake Lively.

Evan Bell continued to speak into the microphone, "Sorry, I have to find a tune, the melody I just thought of, it seems that I'm still not sure." This remark made more than a dozen people in the bar laugh again, and some people shouted The voice jokingly said, "Evan, if it doesn't work, come down first, let Joe play some music for a while, and find inspiration for you." In response, Evan Yibel directly gave a **** in response, provoking the bar again. It was laughter.

After a little adjustment, Evan Bell plucked the strings, and the sound of the guitar strings was like the ripples caused by a stone thrown into the calm lake. rippling in space.

Evan Yibel pointed at the microphone, and sang as if whispering love words in his ear, "Baby..." Although the melody is very moving and has a poignant and sharp sense, the first word made the bar feel uncomfortable. The few people laughed, mainly because Evan Bell told everyone not to take their seats before the singing, which made them feel more happy. But the laughter was only a momentary thing, and soon, everyone was attracted by Evan Bell's singing.

"Baby, when your heart is broken and painful, there is no one by your side." The guitar strings vibrated constantly on the eardrum, and the rhythmic ripples made the whole person quiet. "Say everything to you. It will all get better, and in the darkest nights, the hardest years, we may all fail, but we still fight for love."

Joseph-Gordon-Levitt and Ryan-Gosling sat down beside Blake Lively. After greeting, they turned their attention to Evan-Bell, and Joseph-Gordon-Levitt asked softly. To, "What's wrong?"

Blake Lively pulled out a reluctant smile, "Evan wrote a song for me." Joseph Gordon-Levitt froze and wrote a song. Isn't it a romantic affair, Blake Lively Li's expression didn't look very good. Looking back and listening to the sad melody that was rippling in my heart, Gordon, the Joseph dog, understood immediately after Levitt. It is estimated that Blake Lively was in a bad mood, and Evan Bell wrote it to cheer her up.

Gordon-Levitt, the Joseph dog, looked back, but he didn't want to, but saw that Ryan-Gosling was also looking at Evan-Bell attentively, and the gloomy expression on his face was even more dripping. Joseph Gordon-Levitt sighed lightly, did not speak, just listened to Evan Bell's singing quietly.

"You broke into my heart like a subway, and my heart will never be as calm as before," Evan Bell's voice was so gentle, and there was a sense of despair and tragic in the gentleness, with the gradually increasing The sound of the guitar strings burst out dazzling sparks, "Darling, I will follow you to the ends of the earth, even if you have been turned into pieces, I will still keep your blood-stained heart (dtalned.Heant), dear, I will Follow you to the ends of the earth."

The rhythm of the melody gradually began to accelerate and climb higher, and the lyrics rendered **** in the notes were as beautiful as a cuckoo weeping blood, blooming proudly in the raging fire of the fireplace, and Evan Bell sang in a low voice like a vampire. His emotional voice makes people think of the song "Old Love is Dead (un.Ex-ven.&.Dead, the same classical, the same weird, the same surging, has a fatal attraction.

"When you fall into a trough, you are devastated, listless and lost in your dreams, we can still look forward to each other and look forward to a new moment, somewhere, the light of hope of heaven is still within reach." Evan Yi Bell's voice gradually began to exert force, substituting the lyrics into a new high point, and the emotion in the melody was no longer the ripples of a trickle, but more like the spectacular when thousands of meteors fell into the lake, completely released. Come You broke into my heart like a subway, and my heart will never be at peace, my dear, I will follow you to the ends of the earth, even if you have been turned into pieces, I will still keep it Your blood-stained heart (dtalned. Heant), my dear, I will follow you to the ends of the earth."

When the chorus was sung, Evan' Bell's voice began to tear in the lyrics, as if it became countless fragments along with the lyrics, stained with the bright red blood of the heart, blooming one after another in the night sky A coquettish rose, the hoarseness in Evan-Bell's voice shuttles back and forth freely between true voice and falsetto voice, and the voice like the sound of nature pushes to a new high point, in a trance, all the voices in the bar All quieted down, as if immersed in the black world of hell, only Evan' Bell's voice was an angelic song projected from heaven' sprinkled countless flames like petals, dispelling the black of **** little by little, and then turned into flames of the ocean.

"Even if you have been turned into pieces, I will still keep your blood-stained heart (dtalned. Heant), my dear, I will follow you to the ends of the earth." Evan Bell's voice is in the monotonous but profound guitar sound In the middle of the peak, all the emotions were completely detonated at this moment, and there was a "bang". After the extreme noise, only infinite tinnitus was left in the ears, buzzing......

There was silence.

Today's 12,000 update is here!

(To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @小苏歌哥]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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