Great Artist

Chapter 240: Memorial Box

"Evan, why didn't you lose this stupid box and still carry it all the way.

"Anne-Hathaway carried a large wooden box, walked to the third floor dripping with sweat, and then fell to the ground.

Evan Bell was behind, carrying another box and came up, put the box on the bar, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "What is in this box, I don't know, it was packed by Catherine." He first He opened the box he had brought up and found that it was filled with books that he had left at home, so he carried the box to the door of the room and threw it there.

On the side of the room near the balcony, there is a lot of space. Considering that the three Bell family loves to read books, they made a bookcase on one side. In front of the bookcase, there are also several small mobile sofas. Drinking coffee, bathing in the sun, and reading books lazily is definitely a happy thing.

"There is the last box below, I will carry it up and say to boil some water." Evan Bell went downstairs again.

Anne-Hathaway was still sitting on the ground, leaning on the box, and yelled at the figure who came downstairs, "Where's the kettle?"

"Look at the bar." Evan Yibel shouted without turning his head. It was such a hassle when moving, that everything was nowhere to be found. In order to boil water, you had to find the kettle first.

After the renovation of 11 Princes Street, the next step is to move. Catherine Bell had already packed almost all the things in the house one after another. After the moving date was determined, they only needed to get into the car, drive to Prince Street, and move down.

Eleven dry cleaners have sold out and the lease of the house has been released until tomorrow.

So in the end, the moving time was set for today. But unexpectedly, Frank James had an appointment with the factory manager for two weeks before, and he was finally free today. The call came at 9 o'clock in the morning and Catherine Bell hurriedly went to work with Frank and James. And Teddy Bell's plane arrives in the evening, so Evan Bell is the one who moved. Fortunately, Anne Hathaway is in New York today.

Anne-Hathaway originally planned to come over to help, but now Evan-Bell has been directly pulled over to be a strong man. Fortunately, after having known each other for so many years, Anne-Hathaway is not the kind of person who complains, "I'm a girl, you have to take care of me. "Girls, it's a bit of a woman's boldness to move things.

This made Evan Bell laugh and joke, "You remind me again of the tomboy with short hair and a vest running around the street with me and Teddy when I was a kid.

son. "It was Anne Hathaway's white fist that answered Evan Bell.

"Huh, it's finally brought up." Evan Yibel looked at the big and small in front of him.

There are nearly 30 boxes, and this is all the belongings of the Bell family who have lived in New York for more than ten years.

"What are you looking at?" Evan Yibel glanced at the kettle that was boiling water on the stove, then walked to Anne Hathaway's side and sat down directly.

Anne Hathaway kicked the box in front of her, "Remember this box? I thought I lost it long ago, but I didn't expect Katherine to stay."

This time, everything was packed by Catherine Bell, but Evan Bell didn't know much about it. After listening to Anne Hathaway's words, I paid attention to this box, and then I realized, "This is not the wooden box we nailed when we were young, and you were hit on the toe by a hammer." No wonder Anne Hathaway When I said "stupid box" just now, Evan Bell thought she was complaining that the box was too heavy, but she didn't think it was because of the box itself.

This is the storage box they nailed for school extracurricular activities in the third grade, and the three letters "AET" stand for "ANNE, UAN, TEDDY" written on the outside. At that time, in order to nail this storage box, the three children were doing carpentry work for the first time. As a result, Anne Hathaway hit her toe, Teddy Bell's arm was pulled out by a wooden nail, and Evan Bell Although he has lived in two generations, he has also made models for graduation projects in his previous life, but he was helpless and weak, and his feet were also pressed by the fallen wooden boards.

That carpenter experience can be said to be a disaster.

"Catherine actually stayed." Evan Bell looked at the wooden box and felt incredible. "I remember Lou left it at school, didn't I? Did Catherine bring it back from school?"

Anne-Hathaway opened the wooden box and was looking through the contents. "Catherine should keep the memories of your growing up. Look, this is all stuff from when you and Teddy were kids."

"God, is this the football that smashed your nosebleed?" Anne Hathaway took out the biggest object in the box: the black and white football. "Look, there's Sam's signature here too, that idiot. A football." Anne Hathaway pointed to a child's signature on the football with a look of excitement, "Teddy beat Sam so hard, and Katherine was called to school by the teacher. ."

"Yes... I still remember what Catherine said in the classroom at that time." Evan Yibel took the football over, and his eyes also looked like memories.

It's an ordinary story, the quarrel between classmates at school, the kid named Sam mocks Evan ※Bell doesn't have a father. Stupid behavior, although Evan-Bell is young, but his inner spirit hún has long been resistant to this kind of childish behavior, and he doesn't feel insulted at all. Simple and simple. Evan-Bell's disdain angered Sam, and kicked the football over, hitting Evan-Bell's nose so hard that the blood flowed nonstop. As a result, Teddy Bell rushed up and beat Sam hard.

"Yes, I remember it too." Anne Hathaway put her right hand on her hip, then lowered her face and made a serious look. "You all listen to me, I don't think Teddy is wrong, let alone Evan's wrong. , if any of you dare to provoke the two of them, hum." After speaking, Anne Hathaway also waved her left hand clenched into a fist.

good. At the beginning, Katherine Bell was called to the school by the teacher, thinking that Teddy Bell was wrong to hit someone, but Katherine Bell gave a strong counterattack.

"Ms. Peggy's expression at that time was really wonderful." Anne Hathaway recalled the situation at that time, and obviously Catherine Bell's reaction caught all the teachers by surprise. But the truth is, those teachers couldn't justify refuting Catherine Bell.

We all know the hard work of single mothers, but everyone sympathizes with them, but more people are indifferently watching,

even ridicule. Katherine Bell's strong and powerful counterattack left the teachers speechless. Although Teddy Bell's beating was wrong, it was also Sam who scolded people first and then shot first, so if he really wanted to be held accountable, Catherine Bell's behavior couldn't be said to be wrong or not.

Evan-Bell also remembered the situation at that time, clapped the football in his hand and chuckled lightly. This football is the so-called injury subsidy that Evan Bell snatched from Sam. "I still think that Sam should play football, maybe even the next Beckham." At that time, even if Evan Bell thinks back about Sam's full moon scimitar, it is absolutely incredible that it hit his own. Nose Liang, even once made Evan Bell wonder if he was going to travel back.

"Is this your first pair of tap dancing shoes?" Anne Hathaway picked up a pair of shoes, wrinkled her nose, said "very bad foot odor" and threw them to the ground. The iron piece at the front of the tap dancing shoes made contact with the ground, making a muffled sound. One of the basic skills of Broadway is tap dancing, and Evan Bell spends a lot of time on tap dancing.

Evan Bell picked up the shoe and stretched it out towards Anne Hathaway, which made the little girl lie down on the ground, and then tried her best to avoid the pair of outdated tap shoes in front of her.

"Please, Anne, you know that Catherine likes to be clean, and these shoes don't smell good at all." Evan Yibell was reluctant, so he jumped up and kept shaking the shoes in front of Anne Hathaway.

Anne Hathaway couldn't escape from grabbing Evan Bell's hands. Looking at Evan Bell's face, she said viciously, "1 Be careful, I'm going to use a trick!" The tap shoes on Evan Bell's right hand shook. It wobbled and seemed to fall off at any moment.

If it does fall, it is estimated that it will fall beside Anne-Hathaway's cheek, but it may rub against Anne-Hathaway's fair face.

I only heard Evan Bell chuckle twice, and then whispered, "My finger, my finger, I can't hold it anymore." The dancing shoes on the fingertips swayed again, and they would fall off at any time. looks like.

Anne-Hathaway's pretty face turned red, and two blushes appeared on her fair cheeks, adding some so-called feminine aura. In fact, Anne Hathaway is still a little girl, definitely not a woman, but every time she gets angry, she always has a different style.

Anne-Hathaway's big watery eyes rolled, her white teeth biting softly, and while Evan-Bell was still joking, she turned around on the spot~www.readwn. com~ If Evan-Bell's center of gravity is unstable, his strength is naturally unstable. Anne-Hathaway quickly let go of Evan-Bell's hands, stretched both hands towards Evan-Bell's waist, and then began to itch.

good. Tickling is the death of Evan Bell, but a dignified man has such a fatal weakness. Therefore, every time Anne Hathaway falls behind, she will focus on Evan Bell's waist, often turning defeat into victory.

Evan Bell burst into laughter, the tap shoes in his hands had fallen to the ground, and he wrapped his arms around Anne Hathaway's waist, "Annie, dear Anne, I surrender, I surrender!" Hathaway finally took the advantage, how could she be willing to give up.

Evan-Bell laughed so hard that he was out of breath, and he didn't have time to say anything. He tugged the hands holding Anne-Hathaway's waist and pulled Anne-Hathaway's whole body into her arms.

And the hands that were originally on Evan Bell's waist were imprisoned between the arms of the two.

Evan Bell is finally safe, but this posture...

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