Great Artist

Chapter 253: Aftermath of the ceremony

Text] Aftermath of the 253 ceremony


As soon as the Grammy Awards ceremony ended, Evan Bell did not invest in the promotion of the six singles, but joined the intense magazine shooting. In fact, this is also a kind of single promotion schedule.

Since the release of the album on April 1 last year, to be precise, it has chased the Sundance Film Festival to appear in front of the media for the first time. Evan Bell has never appeared on the cover of a magazine, and even magazine interviews are only a handful. Of course, it's not because there are no magazines who want to interview Evan-Bell. You must know that Alicia-Case has been on the cover of nearly 20 magazines during the same period. On the contrary, many magazines want to interview and even interview Evan-Bell. . But on the one hand, Evan-Bell has a very busy schedule, and on the other hand, Evan-Bell declined most of the interviews. Hence the present situation.

After the Grammys, everyone is guessing, will Evan Bell refuse the interview invitation this time? Fortunately, this time Evan-Bell cooperated very well, and I was fortunate to be the first media to interview Evan-Bell. It was neither "Rolling Stone" nor "Rotation", nor "Hún Coupler", but it made everyone fall through their eyes. of "Entertainment Weekly" from reporter William A. Wood!

Of course, the interviews of these magazines will be released in time for the March issue. Even if it is later, it will be almost the April issue, and the difference is not very big. It's just that people always have a competitive mentality and treat this "first interview" differently. But I didn't expect that Evan-Bell rejected the two leaders in the music industry and chose William-Wood, which also made "Entertainment Weekly" overjoyed.

And William Wood, after holding on for more than a year, his investment in Evan Bell has finally paid off.

Shooting a magazine cover is definitely not a job that can be done by simply posing a few poses as imagined. Posing is also very learned in the plane, and even a slight adjustment of two degrees may show a different appearance. As a reporter in his last life, Evan-Bell, although not a professional photographer, has enough knowledge about photography.

Photographers regard their work as a kind of art, an art that can create gods and change the temperament of models. So when you often look at planes, many people will say that they are very photogenic: or that the photos are very different from real people: it may also be said that the photos will deceive people. That's the photographer's job.

So a lot of times when taking pictures, even if you are standing on the spot, the photographer will continue to find the angle to find the feeling.

Sosi, Evan-Bell was born on Broadway since he was a child, and there is no major problem with his body. Therefore, although this first cover experience was a bit tossing, the shooting of the two sets of costumes was completed in more than four hours.

Just in the slightly lingering studio, William-Wood started Evan-Bell's first exclusive interview.

"First of all, congratulations on your good harvest at this Grammy Awards ceremony." William Wood was still a little nervous, and his contact with Evan Bell was not too small, but the close-up interview was a big girl On the head of the huā sedan chair. Moreover, William Wood knows very well how important this interview is for "Entertainment Weekly," and how important it is for his career, so it is inevitable that he will be a little nervous when he speaks.

"Hehe, I heard a lot of congratulations, and I almost lost myself as if this was the pinnacle of my singer career." Evan Bell's brisk voice relieved William Wood a lot. "Let's go straight to the topic and let me Keep a clear head, this Grammy has become history, let's look forward." Evan Bell's sobriety made William Wood smile.

It seems that even in the face of this amazing achievement, Evan-Bell is still Evan-Bell, and nothing has changed.

"Then let's start with the red carpet. Who designed the outfit that shocked the audience on the red carpet?" William Wood adjusted his posture and his tone became much smoother. Obviously, Evan Bell, the interviewee, guided the atmosphere very well.

"Catherine Bell nv." Evan Bell did not answer with a personal position like "my mother", but introduced it solemnly, because this is the best time for Katherine Bell to enter the design stage. I also joked before that if the Grammy wins, it will definitely be a great announcement for Eleven Design.

Now not only has it been realized, but it has also become the biggest focus of the Grammys. Evan Bell will naturally seize this opportunity for Katherine Bell and Eleven Design. "My outfits for the red carpet this time, and the outfit for the opening show, were all designed and hand-stitched by Kathryn Bell."

"As far as I know, this is not the first time you have appeared on an important occasion wearing Catherine Bell's clothing." As the first reporter to follow Evan Bell, William Wood naturally knew how to ask questions, as expected." Leader of the Pro-Bel faction.

"Yes, Catherine Bell is not only a skilled tailor, but also a very talented designer." Evan Bell did not stingy with his own words of praise, and gave his mother the highest praise. "This I don't say it because I share her last name with Bell. On the contrary, because we both have the last name Bell,

It gave me the opportunity to meet such a talented designer. I am honored to have become my exclusive designer before she was known to others. Of course, in the future, her stage is not limited to me, the situation should be reversed, and I will become her exclusive model. Is this my honor or hers? "

"Hehe, for this kind of situation, there is a term called "joining strong forces". "William-Wood's remarks made Evan-Bell burst into laughter, not to mention that Evan-Bell is still a rookie who has only debuted for one year even though he is popular, and it's just that Katherine-Bell's name is just emerging now. These "strong" and "strong" are a bit overrated. However, the mutual pursuit on social occasions, and sometimes exaggeration is not harmful. "This time you can make a **** on the red carpet and say that you are in the limelight, so far there have been more than two Ten media outlets voted you the most dazzling singer on the red carpet and the most dazzling gentleman at the Grammys that night. In the selection of many fashion magazines, with an absolute advantage of more than 60%, you have become the most handsome and fashionable man in this Grammy. Even the strong comeback Britney and Celine Dion cannot cover your limelight. . "

After the Grammys, the biggest impact, aside from musical and popularity validation, came from the fashion industry's strong focus on the Evan-Bell red carpet and performance two outfits, and the Evan-Bell ensemble. Charm has also reached a sought-after peak.

Hearing William Wood's retelling, Evan Bell didn't answer, just kept laughing, especially when he heard "Many people on the Internet now use "damn perfect" and "no dead ends handsome guy," to describe Your charm can be described as dumping countless. "Evan-Bell laughed so hard that he could barely stand up.

It took a long time to relax the stiff abdominal muscles and the sore facial muscles a little, Evan Yibel said "absurdly" and felt that this situation was too happy. "If I'm really that attractive, then I It’s not a human, it should be a vampire.” Evan Yibel and Nata Lì-bōterman had already teased about this question, and he knew very well: no one is perfect, no one will be loved by everyone, No one's charisma is invincible. Maybe Superman and vampires have a chance.

"There will be such [remarks] on the Internet. I can only say that there are more fans who like me, that's all." Evan Yibel's head is very clear. There are countless handsome guys in the world, and those who can be highly praised are all because of the word "popularity". Although Evan-Bell is only nineteen years old in the eyes of outsiders, in fact, Evan-Bell, who has been a human being in two lifetimes, especially as a reporter in his previous life, knows nothing about this phenomenon.

William Wood did not expect that Evan Bell would have such a clear understanding, which is very precious for a young artist: not in the midst of super popularity, swarming pursuit and prosperity mí lose yourself.

"However, you have to admit that you are a very charming gentleman." William Wood still sent a praise, which is true. Evan Bell did not speak again, but accepted the compliment with a smile on his face, "Tell me about your opening performance at the Grammys. It was the first time I stepped on the stage of Staples Field, and I played the opening performance of the Grammys. I feel How?" "Nervous. Or you can use [excited] to describe it as a god." Evan Bell's face is still a little sour, and the supreme praise he saw on the Internet in his previous life is now added to himself. On the Evan Bell really thinks life is amazing. "I don't have much idea about whether it is the opening or whether it is a Grammy. It's just that, standing on such a huge stage at Staples, that It is a very subtle feeling, as if all the enthusiasm of the audience can be conveyed to the bottom of the heart through the stage, and then the whole person can be surrounded.

Even if there was some tension before going on stage, it all disappeared after entering the performance, and it was replaced by enjoyment. Yes, just enjoy. "You are a kind of enjoyment in the performance, and it is also a kind of enjoyment to appreciate your performance as an audience. "William Wood expressed the true thoughts of countless audiences that night." During the performance, you sang a song about September 11. Can you talk about it? ""certainly. "Evan Yi Bell's smile still hangs on his face, but his expression has become much more serious. "September 11 is a day that we need to remember in our hearts. I know that there are still many people who can't get out of the shadows, including me, gāng When passing through the lower city now, seeing the pile of ruins, I still can't believe what happened. Having said that, Evan-bel paused before continuing, "But life has to go on, doesn't it? What we need to do is not to be imprisoned by our own grief, nor to pin our hopes on others, but to cheer ourselves up. God would rather see us in action than a hallelujah. This is the true meaning of life. "This is about 9/11 and about the life of Evan Bell.

Third update today. There is one more update later, continue the big outbreak journey! Please order! .

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