Great Artist

Chapter 288: box office regret

Elliott Carter, who was "premiered" for the film critic's comments on the film "The Killing in the Night", finally did not have the cup, and this time his critical stance gained a lot of supporters. Of course, the "Movie Review", "The New York Times," and a group of compliments led by it also have a large number of crowds.

Such a situation is perfectly normal in North American movies. After all, "Death Illusion" is too niche, so people who praise it are highly praised, and those who hate it simply don't watch it: "Ice Age" is a family-friendly viewing, but it won a lot of prizes. : On the contrary, "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" is the most normal, with mixed praise and criticism.

After attending the premiere of "Chasing the Murderer in the Night", Evan Bell couldn't help thinking of the deal Warner Bros. offered to Christopher Nolan. Warner Bros. provided the script and Christopher Nolan directed the film. There is also Warner Bros. behind this "White Nights". It is estimated that Christopher Nolan, a fledgling young director, has made various restrictions, such as not allowing changes to the script.

Under such circumstances, it was not easy for Christopher Nolan to turn the tide and shoot a masterpiece. But at the same time, through this experience, next time Christopher Nolan will definitely have some requirements for his grasp of the script. A director who is always controlled by others has no way to start his own work, especially a director full of ideas like Christopher Nolan.

Among the media reviews of "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night", more than 50 media have published film reviews, which shows that Warner Bros.'s public relations work is generous this time. Fifteen of them gave five-star recommendations, twelve four-star recommendations, and seven of them only gave one-star recommendations. The comprehensive score of the media passed the pass line, with a score of 6.8, which is not high, but in the strict media score, the score is not bad.

Among the audience ratings, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is only 62%, which is considered to have just passed. However, in the IMDB rating system, more than 130,000 viewers have already participated in the voting, which at least shows that the number of viewers is still the same. The good "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" scored 7.3 points on IMDB, and its reputation was unexpectedly good.

Generally speaking, the word of mouth of "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" is still good, and the voice of praise has a slight upper hand. Although the media and audience have quite a few criticisms about the film, they basically gave a score of about 70 points.

Of course, word-of-mouth is not the focus of Warner Bros., the box office is the core of commercial blockbusters. Even if a movie has a bad reputation, as long as it can make a difference at the box office, the film company will not mind. The most distinctive representative is the "City of Curtain Light..." series that swept the box office in later generations. One of the series has bad reputation, but the box office performance is higher than the other. It is completely a money-sucking machine. It makes film critics disgusted At the same time, it swept thousands of troops in the box office market.

For Pinnacle Entertainment, which produced the series, a movie that makes money is a good movie.

"Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" will be released at the same time in 2,600 theaters across the United States on May 24. In this summer outpost, it can be said that a pack of wolves is waiting. This film, which has invested 46 million US dollars, entered the The market has attracted a siege.

In the first week of its release, "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" showed the box office of a commercial film, raking in $42 million at the box office, making Warner Bros. smile. It is a pity that "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" failed to make a **** path and won the championship, and finally only occupied the runner-up position in this week's North American box office rankings. However, if you look at the North American box office charts, no one can say anything about this result.

"Star Wars 2: Attack of the No Clones," which was released last week, was in full swing this week, with a box office record of 70 million, and was the top box office in North America. Evan-Bell's "White Night Chase" lost to "Star Wars 2" played by Nata Lì-Bō Termanlo, which also became a topic of teasing between the two on the phone.

Losing to the menacing "Star Wars 2: Attack of the No Clones" is a completely acceptable achievement for the "White Nights" crew and for Warner Bros. At the same time, the runner-up throne of "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" beat this year's box office giant "Spider-Man", which is even more commendable.

In the fourth week of its release, "Spider-Man" did not show any signs of decline, only one million dollars behind "Bai Ye Chasing", ranking third. You must know that the cumulative box office of "Spider-Man" has exceeded 300 million in the four weeks since its release, so "White Night Chase" can narrowly win, which also makes the crew happy.

There are two movies released on the same day as "White Nights", one is the cartoon "1 Pony Fairy" produced by DreamWorks, which hopes to fight against "Ice Age": one is the most influential Latin woman in the world. Thriller film "Fear Yourself" starring entertainer Jennifer Lopez. However, both films seemed to lack momentum, ranking fourth and fifth on the North American box office charts.

It is worth mentioning that "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" was released for the first time. "Ice Age", which was released two months ago, still achieved a box office score of 600,000, ranking 19th in the North American box office rankings.

In the next week, in addition to "Star Wars 2: Attack of No Clones" and "Spider-Man" and "White Night", we ushered in a stronger impact, commercial blockbusters starring Ben Affleck and Morgan Freeman "The Sum of Fears (also translated as: Shocking Nuclear Network strikes strongly.

Sure enough, the poor reputation of "Bai Ye Chase" brought a drop of nearly 30% in the second week, and only achieved a box office of 29 million US dollars, and the cumulative box office in two weeks reached 74 million. .

"Sum of Fear" topped the North American box office chart this week and "Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones" maintained its runner-up position after three weeks of release with the strong support of fans.

"Bai Ye Chasing the Murderer was only behind by $800,000 at the box office, and won a precious third place. And "Spider-Man" was still strong and won the fourth place. "1 Little Pony Elf"

ranked fifth.

Obviously, "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" still missed a sigh of relief and failed to make further achievements in the box office rankings, which is also in line with the evaluation of the film by the media audience, which makes Warner Bros. and the entire crew very regretful.

Not long ago, Evan-Bell and Blue Sky Studio teamed up with "Ice Age" and "Blade Runner 2" and turned the tide and successfully overwhelmed the vampire warriors at the box office. That box office battle can definitely be said to be thrilling. This time, everyone also expects "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" to show such audacity and fight a **** path in the face of one after another box office blockbuster.

The same is true, although under the attack of the three blockbusters before and after the "White Night Chase", under the joint call of Christopher Nolan, Evan Bell, and Robin Williams, they still struggled tenaciously, runner-up in one week and third place in one week. , and it is not easy to beat the "Spider-Man" score for two consecutive weeks, but after all, it failed to go further, or it was a little disappointing. Not only the rankings on the North American box office charts, but more importantly, the box office numbers failed to create miracles, which is slightly disappointing.

In the third week, the box office of "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" fell by 50% directly, and it only received 15 million US dollars at the box office. The decline was very obvious. However, "White Night Chase" seems to have fought against "Spider-Man" this time, and once again beat the box office giant in the North American box office rankings, ranking fourth.

"Bai Ye Chasing the Murderer" completely lost its competitiveness at the box office in the fourth week, and it was exhausted. With only 6 million box office results, it barely ranked eighth in the North American box office rankings. At this time, "Spider-Man" with strong stamina finally won a round, and ranked seventh in front of "White Night Chase" with a score of 10 million.

One month after its release, the cumulative box office of "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" has reached 95 million US dollars, and it is only 2 million US dollars away from breaking the 100 million mark. However, at this time, neither the major media nor Warner Bros. themselves are optimistic that "Bai Ye Chase" can break through 100 million. After all, the box office results in the fourth week can make it clear that "Bai Ye Chase" has no energy. , not to mention the fierce competition in the summer season has already started.

Sure enough, "Bai Ye Chasing Murder" had a box office score of around one million for the next four consecutive weeks, and the final cumulative box office was stuck at 99 million US dollars. It actually stopped here, and was not able to do it again. Generate power to break through the important threshold of 100 million.

Since its release, it has shown great energy at the box office, and has not fallen behind in the competition with "Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones", "Spider-Man" and other films, but has never been able to win the North American box office chart. The championship, and the lack of follow-up, also caused the box office to fail to break 100 million in the end, which became the biggest regret in the box office performance of "White Night Chase".

Regrets This is a negative view. From a positive perspective, "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night"

It invested 46 million US dollars and won the box office of 99 million US dollars. Although it did not make a big profit as a commercial film, it also won 200% profit: more importantly, in and At the end of this year, the box office champion "Spider-Man" has won the competition for three consecutive weeks, which is a remarkable achievement.

The most important thing is that this is a commercial film, but Evan Bell's acting prowess has won praise. In particular, there had been news before that Evan Bell was completely rude in his rivalry with Robin-Williams, and the facts also proved the truth of the news.

There are also many film critics who said that Evan Bell's current three films "Death Illusion", "Ice Age", and "White Nights" have made significant progress, especially in "White Nights". The performance broke the age of Barriers, even to the level of a Best Actor nomination.

From this point of view, the box office has achieved remarkable results.

It's a pity, but it's still worth applauding!

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