Great Artist

Chapter 290: happy boot

The filming of "Deadly Identity" reminded Evan Bell of the "Death Illusion" a year and a half ago. Today, Evan Bell's situation is similar to that of Richard Kelly at the time, but it is more similar to Richard Kelly. As far as Kelly is concerned, Eleven Studios is at least relatively well-funded.

In addition to the previous deposit, Apple's dividends also arrived before the end of March. Although it is not much, only less than two million, but the existing funds, for Eleven Studio's "Deadly Identity" filming, have been is enough. Especially after saving a lot of money on the actors, it also allowed the producer Evan Bell to finally let go of creating the set.

However, at this time, Evan Bell was able to realize the feeling of Richard Kelly: money is like flowing water, and for such a small-cost independent film, every penny must be on the edge of the knife. In addition, the producer must have his own ideas for the film, and hope that the film produced can get more word of mouth and more box office. It's no wonder that producers and directors are always at odds.

Fortunately, Evan Bell and James Mangold get along quite happily. James Mangold knows the situation of Eleven Studios, so he has never been extravagant in money, and even took the initiative to help Evan Bell save money: At the same time, the reason why Evan Mangold established Eleven Studios is that he does not want his own money. His music was dictated, so he gave all credit to James Mangold's filming and never interfered. This also makes the cooperation between the two people always in a good situation.

The filming process of "Deadly Identity" did not have difficult scenes and stunts. James-Mangold was also filmed according to the timeline. In addition, the actors were all experienced, so the performance was not difficult. It's big, so after the shooting, the whole process went quite smoothly.

With the exception of the first scene, shot by Amanda-Pitt after the opening, and the second scene by Reliotta and Joseph-Gordon-Levitt, all subsequent scenes had to be done in the storm . After the first scene was filmed in less than an hour, Evan Bell joked with everyone and said, "Guys, we will have to shoot in the bathtub for a long time." They all laughed.

Although it's the end of May and summer in Los Angeles has arrived, if you have to film endlessly in the rain, you're bound to get sick. Therefore, in order to protect the actors, the staff will heat the water to an appropriate temperature before creating the rainstorm, and then spray it out through the machine spray gun to create a continuous rainstorm scene in the studio. Starting today, this heavy rain will continue until the film is completed, which is also a large part of the cost of the film.

"Evan, you're the only one wearing a raincoat, you shouldn't complain." Joseph-Gordon-Levitt's response to Evan-Bell caused the actors to jeer.

Evan Bell saw the narrowness in Joseph Gordon Levitt's eyes, and the snickering expression of Ryan Gosling next to him, and his eyes finally stopped on Nata Lì Yibō Terman, who was laughing backwards and forwards. "Who made Lou a producer? I still have that privilege.

"Evan Bell's other interpretation made the studio staff get along a lot.

In fact, according to the plot to marry, the character Ed, played by Evan Bell, is wearing a windbreaker, which can be used as a raincoat by making a god. That's why he became the only person in the play who can make a **** and wear a raincoat, not the "producer's privilege" as Evan Bell said.

During the storm, Ed's car drove into the pool, unable to continue eastward, and in the car took Paris, who had just lost his transportation. At this time, another small van drove up, and Ed hurriedly waved his hand to stop the car from entering the pool. It was Ginny, and her husband, Louise, was asleep in the passenger seat. Ginny noticed what was going on in front of her, and when she stopped the car, she shook her husband to avoid an accident. At this point, Ed walked to the window and banged on the window while shouting "mobile phone".

Ginny rolled down the window and heard Ed ask, "Do you have a cell phone?"

"Who are you?" Louis next to him wore a pair of sunglasses in the dark night when the rain was pouring, and he looked through the top of the sunglasses.

In the next sentence, Evan-Bell didn't say any more, and burst into laughter. Ryan-Gosling and Nata-Bōterman in the car also smiled helplessly.

James Mangold could only shout ", pause" and the machine gun next to him stopped the spray of warm water.

Before James Mangold could speak, Evan Bell apologized first, "I'm sorry, sorry, my fault." He laughed just now, "Ryan, what you looked like just now," Evan Bell couldn't find an adjective. , just stretched out his thumb, making Ryan-Gosling look helpless.

"Evan! This is a thriller movie. You think I'm funny, so what should the audience do?"

Ryan-Gosling said helplessly.

James Xie Mangold spoke at this time... Ryan, your performance just now was great, there was no problem. This is an effective expression to show the sloppy and cynical image of Louis, "Nata lì, your expression is a little more panicked, you know, you were stopped by a strange man in the middle of the rainstorm at night." Nata lì one bōte Mann nodded, and James Mangold took another look at the actress. "You can try to put your hair down, it will make your face a little softer."

Hearing this, the stylist hurried over. Since almost the entire movie was filmed in the rain, the actors basically had no makeup on their faces, and appeared without makeup, just adding a little foundation and other light makeup according to the needs of the role. In addition, the movie only happened in one night, so everyone only had one set of clothes, which saved a lot of money for the movie. In terms of makeup artists and stylists, there is only one all-around stylist who is on standby at any time.

"James, I'm sorry." Evan Bell apologized again knowing that his behavior just now was very unprofessional.

James-Mangold waved his hand and said that it was all right. If any scene can make a scene, it is not called filming, it is a documentary, so it is normal. "Your performance just now was very good, this role is too easy for you." James Mangold watched "The Chase in the White Night" not long ago and naturally knew Evan-Bell's ability. "But Evan, the film is not Very expensive." In the process of filming, it is often not liked by directors and producers. because

It means the waste of film, and the biggest piece of film cost is the waste of film. Nai Ran, there are also directors like Wong Kar Wai, the waste of film does not exist in their dictionary. But for the "Deadly Identity" crew, the cost is very important.

Hearing James-Mangold's words, Evan-Bell waved his hand arrogantly, "It's okay, we're not bad money.

"But his expression twitched, making the staff around him burst into laughter.

This is obviously what Evan Bell is deliberately amusing everyone.

After filming resumed, things went a lot better.

Ginny's curly hair hung down, frowning at the strange man outside the car window, and Louis took on the role of diplomacy, "Relax, my friend." However, the casual expression with the sunglasses was still unbearable. "First, we don't know you, and second, I didn't see the car accident..."

Before Louis could finish speaking, Ed slipped into the car window, grabbed the collar of Louis's clothes, and said fiercely, "Listen to me, man, I'm dying today." Pulling Louis closer, the eyes hidden behind the sunglasses showed up, stared round and looked at Ed in horror, "If you have a phone, give it to me quickly."

"Man, we don't have a cell phone, let me go!" Louis yelled in panic.

"Stop!" James-Mangold's shout rang from the side, and Evan Bell and Ryan-Gosling, who had been holding back for a long time, burst into laughter. Just now, Ryan-Gosling was timid and furious. The expression is really happy.

"Ryan, you just sprayed me with saliva all over your face!" Evan Bell shouted while laughing.

"You pulled me so close by yourself, is it difficult to breathe?" Ryan-Gosling also shouted back without showing weakness.

At this time, Amanda-Pitt, who played Paris, who had been standing outside the car to help the opposite scene, said, "Evan, when it rains for a while, you can make a **** and wash your face by the way."

Now Nata Lì-Bōtman, who was sitting in the driver's seat, burst out laughing, pinching her head on the steering wheel and laughing.

James-Mangold stood up helplessly, "Although I don't object to a pleasant atmosphere in the crew, but if you continue to shoot like this, it is estimated that the thriller will evolve into a comedy." This made everyone laugh. After laughing, James Mangold went on to say, "The scene just now was very good, so keep it like this. ,,

The original focus of the film "Deadly Identity" was not the character itself, but the conflict between the character and the character, as well as the horror brought by the plot itself. The actors I have found so far all have two brushes. In terms of acting skills, after several discussions and running-in, the performances are still relatively smooth.

"After a while, you can add two different angles of shots to create a god." James-Mangold pointed to different angles in the car, one was the angle of Louis looking at Ed, and the other was looking at the car from the direction of the steering wheel. The angle of Paris standing outside the window. After finishing speaking, James Mangold glanced at Evan Bell, meaning: As a producer, do you have an opinion?

After receiving this sight, Evan-Bell looked up at the ceiling of the studio and sighed, "What a waste of water..." James-Mangold was covered in black lines. ! .

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