Great Artist

Chapter 336: different opinions

"Evan, what did you say?" David Greenblatt looked helplessly at Evan Bell in front of him, while Teddy Bell and Sean Mayer were chatting calmly beside him.

"David, you heard what I said." Evan Bell was very calm, and he also reported on "Sniper Phone Booth" and "Stubbornness" in the magazine "Entertainment Weekly", which was full of leisurely interest. This is only the second week of the release of "Sniper Phone Booth" and "Stubborn" has just been released. Evan Bell came to Los Angeles to participate in the promotion and met the long-lost David Greenblatt.

"I mean, why are you saying you're not sure if it's October or November?"

David Greenblatt gets a headache every time he talks to Evan Bell. As a traditional manager, although he has seen quite a few independent musicians, Evan Bell is always beyond his imagination. Even if he is mentally prepared, he has been together for more than half a year now. Still not used to it. "Didn't you say that the album recording is almost done?"

In order to prepare for the English second album, Evan-Bell has been in the studio one after another since April. After filming "Deadly Identity", Evan-Bell's main energy has been concentrated on the album recording. Before the backpacking trip, Qi Yan album had completed the recording of seven songs, and after returning, he recorded two songs including "Stubborn". It can be said that now Evan Bell's second album is only left. The last song is finished.

Evan Yibel nodded, "The recording work is almost done, but I have been busy at school this semester, and I don't have time to participate in publicity, so Claire is discussing with the company whether it should be released this year or next year when I have time. Re-release...., Claire Dyce is also used to Evan Bell's inattentiveness, so she is considering whether to seize the recent momentum to release the album first without publicity, or delay time to ensure publicity.

David Greenblatt looked at Evan Bell's serious face, and finally determined that he was telling the truth, he could only sigh helplessly, expressing his understanding.

"Then why did you turn down the invitation to Oprah's talk show? You obviously have time." David Greenblatt felt depressed when he thought of this. As an agent, David Greenblatt naturally hopes that his artist will develop better and better, and his draw will be more and more, so he always tries his best to arrange the itinerary for Evan Bell. It's the job of a broker. However, David Greenblatt also encountered the same problem as Claire Days, that is, Evan Bell.

Evan Bell's freewheeling and unscrupulous work has already caused Claire Dyce to suffer, and now it is David Greenblatt's turn. Only Teddy Bell, a half-way monk, could have accepted Evan Bell's actions.

Faced with this question from David Greenblatt, Teddy... Bell gave the answer "because she was the first to interview méng Gomery last time...., Teddy Bell was referring to the defamation incident, Oprah Winfrey becomes the first presenter among top media personalities to interview Heidi-méng Gomery.

In the news industry, there is a professional term for "opinion leaders". The so-called opinion leaders are actually very simple. They refer to the activists in the Renbai communication network. They will first contact the mass media information, and after they have reprocessed them, they will spread it to others. Opinion leaders, who have the ability to influence the attitudes of others, intervene in the process of mass communication, speeding up the speed of communication and expanding their influence.

In short, experts, professors, professionals, etc. are considered opinion leaders. Oprah Winfrey is an opinion leader because of the huge influence of her talk show in the United States: Evan Bell is also an opinion leader, formerly a spokesperson for independent musicians, and then a highly sought-after star in independent films, He is still famous in the fashion industry, and now he has an unignorable influence on countless teenagers.

In the slander incident, Oprah Winfrey, after learning about the incident, after understanding and digesting it, chose to interview Heidi-méng Gomery, which also expanded her image of a weak woman, which is why It is equivalent to confirming the view that Evan-Bell is a criminal suspect. With Oprah Winfrey's huge influence among Americans, it is also an opinion leader that determines the rapid spread of slander incidents.

Therefore, at this time, Teddy Bell will say this.

Evan Bell nodded, smiled at David Greenblatt and said, "I am a very vengeful person."

David Greenblatt smirked. He doesn't know whether Evan-Bell holds revenge or not, but if others don't like him, Evan-Bell will never use his hot face to stick to the other's cold ass. David Greenblatt is very clear about this. .

Therefore, Evan Bell will definitely not participate in the Oprah talk show in the short term.

"If there is an invitation from Oprah in the future, I will refuse it." Evan Bell said simply and neatly.

Although the Oprah talk show was a turning point in Evan Bell's fame, Oprah Winfrey's performance in the slander incident can still be seen, no matter how much the halo that others put on Oprah Winfrey. After all, she is just an ordinary woman who is fighting for fame and profit.

Oprah Winfrey's erroneous views on Evan Bell in the slander incident catalyzed the process of the incident. Evan Bell does not care about this. After all, things have changed. At the beginning, the media were all accomplices. Care about, life is too tiring.

Evan Bell made such a decision because he felt that he was different from Oprah Winfrey Road. In pursuit of fame and fortune, Oprah Winfrey is willing to ignore details with their own subjectivity. Before the evidence appears, they identify Evan Bell's mistake, especially when Oprah Winfrey has experienced a bad experience. After her childhood, facing criticism from the audience, and being able to put herself in Evan-Bell's situation, she still made such a choice, which made Evan-Bell very unbelievable. To create a warm and sad atmosphere in the show with such a host, Evan-Bell doesn't think his fake face has such skill.

David Greenblatt opened his mouth, but after all, he was not trying to persuade him. Maybe, maybe young people are in a hurry, and there will always be changes in the future. This time, it is indeed better to refuse. Anyway, Evan Bell has no shortage of publicity schedules, and it is also good to hang up the appetite for Oprah's talk show.

After having this idea, David Greenblatt did not continue to dwell on this issue, but went on to ask, "Are you really not going to the interview for this script? It is also good to talk to the director.

I think this script is very promising. "

Teddy Bell and Sean Mayer were sitting next to each other, and at this time they also added the topic "Yeah, this script is really good, why not try it?"

Evan-Bell looked at the script on the desktop. The lettering of "Pirates of the Caribbean" on the cover couldn't be clearer. He opened his mouth, and after thinking about it, he swallowed what he wanted to say and asked, "You guys. Why do you think this script is so good?"

"Because it's Disney's box office blockbuster, watching this investment, this production, it's definitely a blockbuster." David Greenblatt said of course, "Evan, Hollywood actors need to increase their salaries, relying on a series of independent films. Absolutely not, unless you get an Oscar. You have to do something at the box office of a commercial movie to get your paycheck to go up." David Greenblatt said bitterly "You see" Ice Age, after that, Your salary is going up: "Chasing the murderer in the white night, and then increasing it a bit. This time the "sniper phone booth,

The box office momentum is looking pretty good, and if you can do "Pirates of the Caribbean," I can try and talk you out about $10 million. You know, 10 million is the dividing line between second-tier and first-tier. It's definitely qualitative change.”

David Greenblatt had the right idea, this is the order of the entire American film industry.

"David, I said that I won't accept the script because of the amount of investment and box office. I accept the script simply because the script is published. Yi Bell laughed a little helplessly. In fact, he has said this many times, he does not He rejects commercial films, but he will never take up a film just for the box office and the paycheck. It's a pity that David Greenblatt, as his agent, didn't understand this. It's a pity. If he wants to If he wanted the box office, if he wanted a paycheck, he could have taken this year's box office dark horse "My Big Greek Wedding" instead of "White Night": he could have starred in Steven Spielberg's "Get Away" instead of being considered crazy Choose "Adapted Screenplay".

After speaking, Teddy Bell and Sean Mayer had already noticed the change in Evan Bell's tone. The two didn't say anything else, but just leaned back on the back of the chair and waited for the change. While David Greenblatt looked at Evan Bell, his brows began to gather in the middle. Meeting such an artist is definitely a challenge for the manager.

Evan Bell's eyes fell on the script in front of him again. How could "Pirates of the Caribbean" Evan Bell not know, not to mention its strength at the box office, there are four films before and after: just the good and evil Captain Jack created by Johnny Depp~www.readwn .com~ is popular all over the world.

Johnny Depp's personal temperament completely played out Captain Jack. It can be said that without Johnny Depp "Pirates of the Caribbean", the quality of the movie will definitely drop by more than one grade.

Evan Bell loves the movie, loves the script, loves Captain Jack. If you want him to play the role of the little blacksmith Will Turner in the movie, it will be a complete bottle, and he is absolutely impossible to play: if you want him to play the classic of Captain Jack, Evan Bell does not know if he can Break the inherent image of the Johnny-Depp version in your mind and create your own classic.

After all, Johnny Depp is equal to the impression of Captain Jack, which may not be profound for others, but it is indelible for Evan Bell, who has lived for two generations.

In addition, the most important thing is "The director's interview time, isn't it the day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow, I'm going to Washington to promote the "sniper phone booth", where will I have time?" Further entanglement with David Greenblatt directly throws this unsolvable problem.

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