Great Artist

Chapter 393: sneaking around

Looking at Claus-Badelt in front of him, Evan-Bell knew how serious his stubbornness was, and he also knew how pleasant it was for the two of them to get along. In fact, Claus-Badelt and Evan Bell are both teachers and friends. Klaus-Badelt can indeed be regarded as Evan-Berle's mentor in the studio, and because of Klaus-Badlet's relationship, Evan Bell also tried dubbing for the first time.

Klaus-Badelt mentions Evan-Berle to Hans-Zimmer not only because he is the first to single out, but also because Evan-Berle has always shown great interest in the soundtrack.

Klaus-Badleter is just doing the nasal dubbing as a favor, that's all.

Evan Bell knew the good intentions of Klaus Badelt, so he didn't pass it off with the polite words like yesterday "Klaus, besides filming recently, I also need to go back to school every Monday to substitute lessons, do you think I still have Is the energy and time on the soundtrack?"

Although Klaus Badelt's expression was a little surprised, he quickly returned to normal. He had long understood Evan Bell's versatility. When I persuaded Evan-Bell to go to the Blue Sky Studio last time, I also learned something about Evan-Bell's persistence. So, Klaus-Badleter said directly, "I'm not asking me to help with the soundtrack, even if you are willing to help, and now you don't know anything about film soundtracks, maybe it's a disservice. I just want you to do a Assistant, yes, the role of the assistant. We can communicate more, you explain the plot from the standpoint of the actor, and give your opinion on my soundtrack from the standpoint of the creator, that's enough."

Klaus-Badelt's remarks rushed over, and Evan-Bell couldn't help laughing, "It turns out that I'm being selfish. I thought Mr. Zimmer looked at me differently and wanted to accept me as a disciple. It made me sleepless last night and worried." Hearing Evan-Bell's ridicule, Klaus-Badelt still laughed silently even though he was used to it.

"If I can help, that would be great." Just talking on the phone, sending and receiving emails, and giving some advice, of course, is no problem for Evan Bell. "Isn't it an assistant, I am in this job. Row!"

This time on 'Pirates of the Caribbean' after 'Deadly Identities' approached producer jobs

In the film, Evan Bell not only participated in the important behind-the-scenes work such as character positioning and script revision as an actor, but also got his first contact with the soundtrack because of the relationship between Klaus and Badelt. The more exposure to the film production process, the more Evan Bell felt the charm of the film. No wonder, for nearly a century, cinema has been embraced by television, home video,

The challenges of the network and other aspects are still prosperous.

It was another Monday, and Evan Bell missed the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean" again and flew to Boston to finish his work. After coming back, Evan Bell did not go back to the crew directly. He received a call from Jerry Bruckheimer, saying that the crew had finished work today, and he could go to the crew tomorrow. Teddy Bell flew over to New York and won't be back in Los Angeles until Wednesday. So, Evan-Bell thought about it and asked Blake-Lively out for dinner.

Although Hollywood is in Los Angeles, and being in the City of Angels is bound to be more helpful to the acting career, Evan Bell still prefers New York. Not only because his home was there, but because his friends were there too, Eden-Hudson, Anne-Hathaway, Nata Lì-Bōterman, Ryan-Gosling, Joseph-High Den-Levitt and others are all in New York now.

Thinking about Los Angeles, only Blake Lively was the one: Klaus-Baddlet also went back to the New York studio.

When Blake Lively stood at the school gate and watched a man in a black bowler hat and oversized black square glasses get off the bus, she nearly dislocated her jaw in surprise.

"Hey, you! How do you get on the bus?" After confirming that the man in front of him was really Evan Bell, Blacklife's surprise turned into a smile. Sure enough, every time it appears, it is so windy and swaying.

Evan-Bell shrugged, with a natural look. "Public transportation is meant to serve the public, isn't it?" But today's Evan-Bell is indeed slightly different from usual.

The oversized black-rimmed glasses almost covered his face, and his eyes were covered with glass blue pupils because of the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean", so that he could look directly at the sun anytime, anywhere without feeling dazzling. It is because of this pupil that Evan Bell's original blue eyes have become deeper and more incomprehensible.

His shoulder-length chestnut brown hair was tied into a ponytail and covered with a black bowler hat. The thick beard on the bottom of his body covered up the youth of his 20s, and he became more mature and manly. There are several ear studs on the left ear and the right ear. Since they are all costumes and props of Captain Jack Sparrow, there are many ear studs such as skulls and black diamonds, which makes Evan ※Bell more metal rock. arrogance.

In addition to the white shirt on his body, he wore a red, black and purple Scottish plaid cotton velvet vest, paired with a grass-green nine-point kù and white flat-bottomed pointed-toe shoes. The flamboyant and youthful dress made Evan Yibell's uninhibited temperament infinitely magnified. If you are not familiar with people, you may not be able to distinguish them for a while.

No wonder, no wonder Evan Bell got off the bus just now. Although the passengers were all focused on him, no one surrounded him.

"Where to go for dinner at night?" Evan-Bell didn't pay too much attention to the transportation of the bus, and asked directly with a smile.

Although the ladies were invited to dinner, which is definitely a formal date in America, Evan-Bell made no arrangements. Blake Lively didn't mind either. She knew that Evan Bell had just arrived in Los Angeles today, and the wind had not washed away. It would be pitiful to eat McDonald's in a hotel alone. Therefore, when Black-Lively heard Evan-Bell's question, he directly said, "If you have a man to treat you, naturally you have to have a good meal."

Evan-Bell cooperated with a reluctant expression, "Okay! The lady decides, my wallet is ready tonight."

Blake Lively couldn't help laughing brightly, lù showed white teeth, especially moving under the gorgeous sunset of Los Angeles "Let's go to... hotel. The backyard restaurant there has just opened for business. I heard that it is very good, not only can it be For dinner, it can also be used as an open bar to enjoy the night view.”

"Such a good place, we don't have an appointment, just go straight to this column, won't there be no room?" Evan Bell said with a chuckle, extending his right hand, motioning for Blake Lively to lead the way.

Blake Lively wore a small yellow dress today, sleeveless on the knees, to show her slender limbs, a narrow red belt was closed, and the slender waist was held tightly. Outlined, holding a black casual suit jacket in his hand, apparently prepared for fear of the wind and cold at night. She also tied her golden curly hair into a ponytail today, showing off her whole melon-seed face, her palm-sized cheeks, thin brows and red chún, with a unique style.

Looking at Evan Bell's outstretched right hand, Blake Lively walked in front of her without any hesitation, a pair of black stiletto high heels set off her graceful figure in the red glow of the sunset "If this is the case, then Depends on your face. Let's see if you, the big star, will let the hotel buy it."

Evan Bell walked over to Blake Lively in just two strides. "Then you're probably going to be disappointed. I was on the bus just now, but no one recognized me. Big star?

Still a long way to go. "

The setting sun slanted westward, a handsome man and a slender woman walked side by side, the shadow reflected on the ground was no more than a punch away, sometimes pulled a little further, sometimes closer, laughter and whispers were in the air gradually dissipated, and the figure went farther and farther. At last it faded away in the sunset.

Westwood District, south of Sunset Boulevard, is only five miles from the Pacific coast. Starting from Beverly Hills and walking west along Wilshire Boulevard, you can reach what is considered to be the most beautiful, safe and fashionable part of Los Angeles. Area. The University of California, Los Angeles, where Blake Lively attended, is uniquely located in the Westwood district. Here, you can easily see the premieres of Hollywood movies, you can see big stars everywhere, and of course there are concerts, art galleries, designer shopping stores and so on.

Although the hotel is a hotel, its 9:30 restaurant and Whiskey Blue Bar are well-known far and Therefore, the recent opening of the hotel's backyard restaurant and Lùtian bar has indeed attracted many people. Fewer guests come to cheer.

Evan Bell and Blake Lively chatted while walking, and when they arrived at the hotel, it was already half past six. Only the last trace of burning clouds remained in the sky, and night would fall at any time.

Standing at the entrance of the backyard restaurant, you can clearly see the soft and comfortable scene inside, and the silhouettes of people coming and going fill your eyes, not to mention the dozen or so groups of guests waiting in line at the door. If you have an appointment, you can go directly to the reception desk to confirm it, and you can enter, but if you don't have an appointment, you can only be like all the guests waiting outside, hoping that the guests inside will finish their meal soon. To enjoy a meal, there is a wait, which is the same everywhere in the world.

Blake Lively looked at Evan Bell with a deep smile in his eyes, and seemed to be curious about what Evan Bell would do. Should I wait here, go up to ask, or change a restaurant?

Soon, Evan Bell gave his answer. He looked at Blake Lively with a smile, and then walked to the reception desk.

There will be an update later, please subscribe. (To be continued.!.

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