Great Artist

Chapter 415: absolutely impossible

"Will you fall in love with me?"

"Probably not."

Hearing this [answer], Nata lì-bōtman was not surprised, she and he had always had this consensus, didn't she?

"Why did you suddenly think of asking this question?" Evan Bell was also a little curious. The two of them joked about this topic many times, but since they had a physical relationship, the two of them haven't brought up this topic for a long time. . Today Nata lì-bōtman mentioned it again, and her eyes were thoughtful, so Evan-Bell couldn't help but ask back.

Nata Lì Yibō Terman didn't answer right away. Thinking back to what happened today, a helpless tinge appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I met my ex-boyfriend today. He said, no one dares to love a woman like me."

Evan Yibel almost didn't laugh and spit out "Damn it." But when Evan Yibel turned around, he saw the serious expression on Nata's face, and couldn't help but stunned, "Man, you won't really believe it. Right?" Natalie turned around and said, "Don't you think that I'm not too gentle, too soft, not too weak?"

Evan Yibel took a bite of the pizza carelessly, "Is there anyone who stipulates that women must be like what you said? There are countless women in this world, don't they dare to love these women? According to your words" Snow White, the king of Li will not marry the queen, "Cinderella, the stepmother of Li will not get married." He glanced at Nata Lì-bōtman, and found that the disappointment on her face was so real, It can be felt that the so-called ex-boyfriend's words still had a certain impact on her, "Any kind of woman is loved by someone. It's like, as if any kind of man is loved by someone, a Taoist son, a wanderer. There are so many types of ruffians, big drug lords, and upright gentlemen, all of which are loved by women. Conversely, it’s the same thing.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Nata's mouth. She has never been the kind of person who complains and doubts herself, but deep down, she still longs for a warm home, a gentle port where she can dock. Although her personality and appearance are not that of a good wife and mother, she is actually a very "traditional and conservative" woman.

Therefore, the words of her ex-boyfriend had an impact on her who was always smart, wise, and calm.

"You should believe that your own uniqueness makes you shine among all living beings. You deserve a better man." Evan Bell said with a smile, "rather than starting to question your relationship with your ex-boyfriend's words. Different, this is not something Nata lì-bōtman would do." Nata lì-bōtman took a deep look at Evan-bel and frowned slightly, "Am I very different? "

"Of course." Evan Bell said quickly, "You are smart, wise, sensible,

Sharp, although these have nothing to do with the so-called gentleness, but they are also your charming charm. This is probably the most imperfect thing your ex-boyfriend thinks about you because he can't read your charms. "Wait a minute, isn't it perfect?" "Nata lì-bōterman suddenly interrupted Evan-Bell's words, and asked with a serious face, "Where am I not perfect?" Didn't you say that these are my strengths? "Evan Yibel was stunned for a moment, then he laughed "Hey, man." Shouldn't you be moved and even burst into tears because of what I said? "

Nata Lì-Bōterman waved his right hand and hit Evan-Bell's little arm, "Don't be kidding, seriously, what am I not perfect?"

Evan Bell shrugged, "Now."

"Now?" Nata Lì-bōterman thought about it and quickly understood, "So you mean, my intelligence, wisdom, calmness, and sharpness are my imperfections. So, you men are just because of your inferiority complex, When you feel ashamed and embarrassed after all the emotions are seen through by women, you all put the blame on us, right?" "Hey, hey, hey, man, don't move, don't let Wen Yi Bell look a little sensitive in the past. Nata lì a bō Terman, could not help comforting her and said, "Don't be in a hurry to condemn me, I'm just stating a fact. "

Nata Lì-Bōtman stared at Evan-Bell fiercely, but did not refute any more, but raised her head slightly, motioning for Evan-Bell to continue, "I mean, in love, Neither strengths nor weaknesses are absolute, strengths can be weaknesses, weaknesses can also be strengths, no one is perfect, so your strengths are also weaknesses and your imperfections.”

All the arrogance from Nata's body dissipated, and she let out a wry smile.

"Love is actually dopamine at work. When the brain releases dopamine, it is sending a message: the person in front of you is the right person. It's like the pleasure of ordinary people eating chocolate, or addicts smoking. When Evan Bell said this, there was also a smile on the corner of his mouth. He thought of Blake Lively, who had made a bold confession to him not long ago, and the tears that sparkled in the dark night were left in his mind. "When dopamine is still there, everything is right, advantages are advantages, and disadvantages are also advantages. However, when dopamine begins to gradually disappear, it means that love begins to cool down, and even lovers begin to seek Separated, then everything is wrong. The shortcomings are infinitely magnified, and the advantages will become disadvantages. Therefore, the focus of love has never been on the strengths and weaknesses of a person."

Nata lì-bōterman looked at Evan Bell who was smiling beside him. Humans are indeed a wonderful high-level animal. The person in front of her is all the same. She has known each other for nearly two years, but she can still find a new look in him. Has he changed, or has she changed? At this time, Evan Yi Bell was still arrogant and arrogant, still uninhibited, and even the wicked smile at the corners of his mouth and eyes did not change. But Evan Bell in Nata lì-bōterman's eyes was different.

There has always been a deep melancholy between Evan and Bell's eyebrows, which is a kind of precipitation that has been hidden very deeply. Many people know that Evan-Bell is sunny, extravagant, and self-conscious. 〗 〖You, but do not know the dark side of his heart. Only in songs like "Just a Dream" can you get a glimpse.

But now, Natalie couldn't find this melancholy between the handsome eyebrows. Did he hide it deeper, or was it too faint to detect?

At this time, Nata lì-bōtman listened to Evan-Bell whispering, but the dashingness between the sword brows and stars in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Bang!" Nata Lì Yi bō Terman's heartstrings were gently plucked, but she quickly recovered. The momentary throbbing is nothing, if it wasn't for Evan-Bell's throbbing, the two of them wouldn't be physically entangled, so it's normal. But Nata Lì-Bōterman knew that she and Evan-Bell were too similar, and would be throbbing, but not excited. She had always been very rational, calm, and clearly aware of this.

"You, it is precisely because you have both the advantages and disadvantages that you are unique that you are unique. When love comes, the other party will be moved because of the unique you, isn't it?"

Evan Bell glanced at Nata Lì Yi Bō Terman, and in those smart eyes, Evan Bell saw a trace of clarity, he knew that Nata Lì Yi Bō Terman had figured it out. In fact, Nata lì-bōtman is wise enough, even without Evan-Bell's enlightenment, she would definitely be able to figure it out, but she was beaten by her ex-boyfriend today, and she has a good friend by her side, so she took it out and said After all, "No one is perfect, and neither are you. So you don't have to ask me what your imperfection is, maybe your sanity is both an advantage and a disadvantage, and that's an imperfection, isn't it?

Maybe the imperfection in my eyes is perfect in the eyes of others, and maybe the imperfection in the eyes of others is the most perfect existence in my eyes. "When Evan-Bell finished speaking, Nata was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled. "Evan, it's no wonder that so many women fall for you. You do have a good eloquence. It can make people feel happy. "

Evan Yibel raised his eyebrows, "Is it because of my eloquence? I always thought it was because of my handsome and dashing demeanor." Nata lì Yibōteman rolled her eyes in disgrace, and immediately let Evan Yibel Laugh out loud. "Hey man, will you fall in love with me then? I'm such a good and handsome man."

Nata lì-bōterman looked up and down with a look of research. Evan-Bell also cooperated very well, and made a gesture of "let you choose". Nata lìyibōtman slammed his chin with his right hand, stretched out his left hand and slammed it on Evan-Bell's chest, and pinched it again on his arm, smashing it, smashing it, "Impossible." See Evan-Bell's surprised expression dropped his chin, and Nata Lì-Bōtman resolutely added, "It's impossible to fall in love with you."

Evan Bell was suddenly dissatisfied with "Hey, man. I just replied to you that "probably not." It's too boring for you to deny all possibilities now with such certainty. "Nata lì bō Teman burst out laughing, obviously amused by Evan Bell's dissatisfied expression, and Ben stopped after a while. "Evan, I said "impossible" for you and me. You know, because the two of us are so alike, aren't we? "

Evan Yibel shook his head meaningfully, "It doesn't look like it! You are vegetarian, I am a loyal meat lover, and I don't look like it at all." "Yes, yes, it's far from it." The person leaned directly on the back of the chair and looked up at the sky full of stars. The irritability, busyness and compactness of the day disappeared, and his mood became calm. She found that it was a very reassuring thing to have that man's breath around her. So, the rosy mouth chún outlined a beautiful arc, and he ate the cold pizza with satisfaction. ! .

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