Great Artist

Chapter 474: neat and tidy

"Why do you think this script is out of character? The stories I tell are scattered and fragmented, and do not have a clear context." Paul Haggis looked at Evan Bell with a serious expression on his face.

Evan-Bell smiled, "Because it's close to life. Maybe you just told me scattered stories, but it's what happens around us all the time, isn't it?" This is Evan-Bell's sincerity Because he couldn't tell Paul-Haggis that he had seen the movie "Crash" and was full of praise, he could only answer based on his feelings after listening to the narration just now. , I'm at home in Brooklyn." Evan Bell's words made Paul Haggis look surprised. On September 11, the people on the scene in New York and Washington, D.C., witnessed the disaster with their own eyes, a feeling that people in other cities cannot understand.

"I know what you mean, you don't want to provoke any disputes or crusade against any social phenomenon, but simply tell your views on life from the perspective of a third party." Evan-Bell said here, paused After thinking about it, I corrected my view of "fear". "Paul-Haggis nodded thoughtfully. "Film is such a wonderful tool. We can experience a completely different life through the big screen and experience the mental journey of strangers." Maybe, after watching the movie, the audience can't experience the true meaning of "fear," but they will have their own opinions and have different effects. This is the wonderful connection between the film, the director, the screenwriter and the audience, not ?"

After listening to Evan Bell's tirade, Paul Haggis twitched the corners of his mouth. Although the smile was not big, it was at least clearer than before: "Bell, you will become a screenwriter, just like you are an actor. It's the same in this position."

"Thank goodness, I finally don't have to worry that I will ruin "Mysterious Skin, this novel, at least some people are willing to believe me. "Evan Bell said in a lively tone like a treasure.

Paul-Haggis also chuckled, "I shouldn't be the first person to believe that you can adapt a script, right? Well... I should be the third." Paul-Haggis still remembers Egypt What Wen Yibel just said.

Michelle-Hathaway and Scott-Hathaway both cast their votes of confidence in Hua, and think about it, in fact, Eden-Hudson, Teddy-Bell, and Anne-Hathaway also 100% trust in Evan Bell. Thinking of this, Evan Bell laughed, "I have to take back what I just,

Only words.

Because, you should be the sixth. "

This time, Paul Haggis couldn't help laughing. This was the first time he had laughed so happily in the past hour or so since the two met. In fact, it was also a rare relaxing moment for Paul Haggis over the past few months. "Bell, you are a lucky person. Of course, you have the qualifications to be trusted by others."

Paul-Haggis took a serious look at the young man in front of him. He was twenty years old, young and young. Although many young people in the United States have left home and become independent at the age of sixteen, there are definitely many professional workers in the society at the age of twenty. However, it is not easy to be so calm and trustworthy at the age of 20. Paul Haggis suddenly remembered Evan Bell's performance in the "Adapted Script", which was completely different from the boy in front of him. He was indeed admirable in the role of an actor.

"Bell, you said just now that you are also a producer, are you an independent producer?" Paul Haggis suddenly brought up this topic, Evan Bell originally thought he was just chatting, but looked over, But in the eyes of Paul Haggis saw seriousness.

So, Evan Bell asked in a relaxed tone, "Why are you suddenly interested, are you considering making me the producer of "Crash," and let me invest in this movie? "

Paul-Haggis laughed. The vigilance and rejection of Evan-Bell when he took the initiative to talk two hours ago had disappeared. "Why, aren't you interested? I'd be more than happy to."

Evan-Bell glanced at Paul-Haggis, his calm expression could not find any flaws, so that Evan-Bell could not tell the truth from falsehood, but the speed of his answer was not slow at all, "Of course I am. Interested, I'd be more than happy to pay for "Crash, this script--

Of course, the premise is that the script doesn't cost me a hundred or two hundred million dollars, and I don't think I can afford such a grand production. "

The corners of Paul Haggis' mouth moved, and there was a faint smile, but he didn't smile, "Then it's settled. When will you go back to the studio? I'll come to the door in person, you can read the script, and we'll start. Prepare the crew."

Evan Bell did not answer immediately this time, but slowed down and looked at Paul Haggis carefully. "Okay! No problem!"

The production company of the script of "Crash" took the name of Eleven Studio. It was only the first meeting and a two-hour conversation. The most important thing is that from the time Paul Haggis mentioned the matter jokingly, to the confirmation, it was five sentences before and after, less than a minute. The whole process was neat and tidy, without any fuss.

After it was confirmed, Evan-Bell asked back and the bald uncle opposite "Haggis" said "Paul" Evan-Bell paused, and then said, "Paul, you don't need to worry about my Eleven Studio. I don’t have to worry about my producer pointing fingers at your script, or constantly arguing over budget and actor selection.”

Paul-Haggis didn't say a word, but just asked back, "You don't worry that the script I'm talking about doesn't exist at all, and you don't worry that I will squander your funds at will, or that the script will be smashed when it is filmed, Don't you need to do market research?"

He thought about the things that Paul-Haggis didn't say and the doubts that Evan-Bell said. But in the end, let Paul Haggis decide, just one thing: Evan Bell. It's not that Evan-Bell is more charismatic, it's just that Evan-Bell's personality is reflected in the conversation.

Paul Haggis thinks that Evan Bell, although he has a personality, but everything is based on the script and the character. He is a person who puts the work first, so he will definitely not be concerned about the script and filming. Domineering, on the contrary, he will offer his own insightful opinions, which become valuable references in the filming process. Secondly, although Paul Haggis didn't know much about Evan Bell before, this up-and-coming newcomer is also a guarantee that he is not a cheating producer. After comprehensive consideration, Paul Haggis proposed to let Evan Bell serve as the "crash"

Production proposal.

In response to Paul-Haggis's rhetorical question, Evan-Bell just smiled and did not continue to ask questions. It was naturally a good thing to be able to sign "Crash" to Eleven Studio for production. "Paul, what about the investment? What's your budget?"

Paul Haggis didn't answer right away. Before today, he never thought that he would sign the script to Evan Bell. He only had a rough figure for the budget. Millions." Looking up at Evan-Bell's young face, he changed his mind and said, "Six million." He was worried that Evan-Bell couldn't come up with that much money now.

Evan Bell chuckled, "As a producer, it's natural to be able to save costs. However, I don't think there is any problem with the investment of seven million US dollars."

Although a producer, Evan-Bell also suffered enough of constantly calculating costs during the filming of "Deadly Identity", but to a certain extent, Evan-Bell was also a generous person.

The reason why producers are so harsh on costs is that they must control costs in the hope that the box office after the release can be exchanged for greater benefits. Evan Bell has enough faith in the movie, and he's not a box-office juggernaut. Furthermore, the two films that Evan-Bell is currently investing in are small...independent films with low cost. If they are not big productions like "Pirates of the Caribbean", which cost tens of millions of dollars, the increase in cost will not be so scary. So, as a producer, Evan Bell is much better than most iron roosters.

Evan-Bell's generosity made Paul-Haggis heave a sigh of relief. At least this could make him a little more comfortable, and looking at Evan-Bell's appearance, even if he wanted to invest more, it was negotiable. This is good news for the crew.

"Then the director?" Paul-Haggis suddenly thought of this important question.

"Do you have the right person in mind?" Generally speaking The choice of screenwriter and director determines the general style of a movie, which is also crucial. And then the choice of actors was only made after the screenwriter and director were confirmed.

After Evan-Bell finished speaking, he found that Paul-Haggis was looking at him, and he couldn't help laughing, "I don't have this idea for now. Even if I want to be a director, I still have a script in my hand, don't I?" Evan-Bell did not forget that the work "Mysterious Skin" "If you hit Feng Feng and shoot first, maybe I can learn more next to the director to see if I have the potential to be a director. "

Evan Bell suddenly remembered at this time, in fact, Paul Haggis is a self-directed and typical representative of the director of "Crash" is him "Paul, why don't you take the director position yourself? I think, the script itself It is your perspective and your feelings, so it is a good choice for you to tell the story to the audience through the lens.”

For the first time, a shy and embarrassed expression appeared on Paul Haggis' face: "Evan, I think so too."

Unexpectedly, the two of them thought of a piece, and Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, "It seems that our cooperation this time will be very pleasant, at least we have reached a consensus on the first thing."! .

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