Great Artist

Chapter 580: Arrive in succession

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Great Artist 580, Great Artist Text 580 will be present one after another

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21-year-old Abner Alfred, 22-year-old Andre Lindbergh, 20-year-old Diego Ramos and Callisto Ramos. ([Baidu Search: Book Title Latest and Fastest TXT Novel]) These four teenagers became the accompaniment band of Evan Bell's live performance.

The four of them do not have lofty ideals. It is not their dream to set up a band with a lead singer or release an album and hold a concert. They just hope to be able to perform on the spot, give full play to their strengths, and enjoy the joy of music. , that's all. As for albums, fans, cheers, applause, etc., it has never been their pursuit. However, the accompaniment band also needs to have a name, otherwise when Evan Bell introduces his live band, he can't always just say the names of the members, but there is no name for the overall introduction.

At first they thought of a lot of outlandish names, like "King of Convenience (e, ".g (d, God's Diamond, "Crashing Scenery ( but in the end they all There was no consensus, and Andrei Lindberg finally came up with an "outlaw" that was unexpectedly loved by everyone.

As we all know, Evan Bell has never been a well-behaved person, including Eleven Studios, which still adheres to the independent studio route of individuality. Whether it is film or music, Evan Bell is always full of personality. Even more exaggerated is the tough refusal to attend the Oscars, fighting against the toughest academy in the American film industry. Evan Bell is a true outlaw.

Moreover, this word is simple and domineering, and it is also catchy, and the band members like it when they shout it. Thus, Evan Bell's accompaniment band "Outlaws" was officially born.

Evan Bell waved to the stage. Then he strode up. Abner Alfred was one who couldn't hide his thoughts, and was the first to shout, "Evan. Why did you choose the stage for the premiere here? This is the same as your current one. Status does not match."

Evan Bell listened, but laughed, "Epner. What status am I now?" Evan Bell asked rhetorically. Abner Alfred got stuck instead, he rubbed his silver hair embarrassedly, "No matter how many people support me now, I'm still a serious singer and a serious actor. "Everything for artists comes from the support of the masses, without this support, they are nothing. So, Evan Bell never felt like he was superior. No matter how many bosom friends cheering and cheering for him, Evan Bell never got carried away.

From a certain point of view, Evan Bell is very flamboyant. There is no limit to the publicity, and he can even arrogantly shut the door of the reporters who are sent to the door; but from another point of view. Evan Bell is also very humble, he never forgets himself because of his achievements. For two generations, Evan Bell is mature enough.

"This is where my dream started." Evan Bell didn't explain in detail, just said a word.

Andre Lindbergh looked back at the ground under his feet, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Such Evan Bell, such an Evan Bell who earnestly pursued his dream, made him feel sincere of admiration. Perhaps, the media and the audience have only seen a series of miracles created by Evan Bell, but they have never really understood Evan Bell, and they do not know that the teenager has gone all the way to this day, from beginning to end only in the Just enjoy life and chase your dreams. Such Evan Bell makes him feel that it may be a very pleasant journey to follow along.

Diego Ramos and Callisto Ramos couldn't help but look at each other, and their faces couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. They haven't made any achievements yet, and they have already learned to pick and choose on the stage. They think they are the backing band of the famous Evan Bell, and they should enjoy cheering and shouting. But now, they have truly realized that the stage has never been divided into big or small, gorgeous or not, let alone important or not. Every stage is an opportunity to show oneself. Only if you take all your performances seriously, that's what you really should do to chase your musical dreams.

As for Abner Alfred, this kid is heartless and doesn't think much about it, he's not picky about the stage at all, he just thinks, "It's going to be a show today, oh yeah!" , has a childlike heart, but is the most determined person.

Eden Hudson stood behind Evan Bell and listened quietly. For Evan Bell's decision, he is not surprised at all, he is not the first day to know Evan Bell. "The reporter is here." Eden Hudson's voice made everyone's eyes turn to the playground.

A flustered figure appeared on the playground, black khakis, ragged sneakers, kicking up a dust on the playground and flying particles in the sun, with a gray t-shirt hanging outside. black camera. On a slightly longer cheek, there are a pair of deep green eyes, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes are very obvious, and the pink lips have been dry and peeled. It's an old acquaintance.

"William." Teddy Bell came forward to say hello, and it was William Wood.

At this time, William Wood was 30 years old. After meeting Evan Bell at the Sundance Film Festival two years ago, he accompanied Evan Bell all the way and became a reporter for "Entertainment Weekly". A veteran in China, many times, the editor-in-chief attaches great importance to him. William Wood knew exactly how it all came about, and he firmly seized the opportunity of Evan Bell to stand firmly by the teenager's side, making him a little known throughout the American press. Reporters are no longer the mediocre little reporters they used to be.

Today, William Wood wakes up as usual, turns on his computer and logs on to Eleven Blog, which has become his habit, and he must always keep a keen eye on Evan Bell’s news. If necessary, he will call Teddy Bell in the first place, or Eden Hudson will do. The card at the Hollywood Bowl made William Wood the only reporter who could directly contact Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson.

William Wood was a little surprised to learn that Evan Bell will hold a new single performance conference today. Because before that, Warner Records and Eleven Studios did not disclose any wind. The news was not announced until the day the press conference was held. As a result, neither the media nor fans will be too much. What is Evan Bell thinking? The new single release conference, naturally, the more lively the better.

When William Wood found out the address, he couldn't help showing a wry smile. Even if it was too late to contact Teddy Bell, William Wood knew that Evan Bell would not make such a joke at will, so he directly called the editor-in-chief and rushed over from home. He became the first reporter to arrive at the scene.

Evan Bell waved to William Wood, then turned around and had a live rehearsal with the extrajudicial fanatic. And Teddy Bell stepped off the stage and walked towards William Wood.

William Wood stood where he was and looked at the desolate scene around him. He couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. It was worse than he imagined. "William, you were the first to arrive." Teddy Bell's voice came over. The outside world thinks that William Wood relies on Evan Bell's thigh: No matter what event he supports Evan Bell, he won the favor of Eleven Studio, but they never knew that William Wood was in Egypt. No matter how much effort Wen Bell has put into his body, the most important thing is that he truly supports the teenager, and he used his actual actions to win the eleventh studio to treat him differently.

"Teddy, Evan is going to surprise everyone again." William Wood and Teddy Bell no longer needed to greet each other and said with a wry smile.

Looking at William Wood's stunned appearance, Teddy Bell couldn't help laughing. In many cases, Teddy Bell is such a simple boy, and his harmless smile always makes it difficult to fortify. But reporters who are familiar with Eleven Studios know that Teddy Bell is more difficult to deal with than Evan Bell when it comes to turning his face.

"Do you know where this is?" Teddy Bell didn't answer William Wood's words, but asked instead.

William Wood knew that Teddy Bell didn't like to talk nonsense, so he didn't rush to answer, but turned his head and looked around. He knew that this was Bensonhe in Brooklyn, the place where the Bell family settled after they came to New York. Looking back at this playground and the dilapidated stage, William Wood suddenly understood something, "Evan used to practice on this stage." William Wood said about Evan Bell's days off Broadway, More or less understood.

Teddy Bell It is estimated that among so many reporters, only William Wood can react so quickly. "Yeah. When I was a kid, Evan stood there, practising the basics. What he showed on the stage of the Broadway theater, I stood here and watched it silently more than ten years ago." Teddy -Bell turned to look at the busyness on the stage, Evan Bell is organizing the band to start rehearsal, for today's new single conference, Evan Bell does not have the mentality of playing, treats any stage, Evan Bell All are equally serious. "This place is about to disappear, so check back today."

Teddy Bell said it lightly, but William Wood knew it wasn't that simple.

Without waiting for William Wood to speak further, there was a loud noise behind him, and when he looked back, a group of young people who looked like middle school students came running over excitedly chattering.

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