Great Artist

Chapter 598: 300 million box office

598.300 million box office

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"Pirates of the Caribbean" won the third weekly championship in the summer season, Evan Bell stepped on Will Smith's shoulders to be king, and "Pirates of the Caribbean" exceeded 200 million US dollars at the box office, and is now striding towards 300 million US dollars The threshold of the mén was stepped forward, which caught Disney a little by surprise. "Do you know the domain name?" Yes, we were caught off guard!

Disney announced last week that it will start filming the sequel of "Pirates of the Caribbean". Although they know that the three leading actors will not have time within this year, they are not in a hurry. After all, as a big company, they have not seen high-grossing works. --Other book friends are reading: . But now, the box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is chasing "Finding Nemo," which Disney didn't expect, but they're happy to see it happen.

Michael Inas even hopes that the best "Pirates of the Caribbean" box office performance can exceed "Finding Nemo", anyway, it is Disney that makes money, but if "Pirates of the Caribbean" wins, it can also suppress Pixar's arrogance. You can see the depressed expression of Steve Jobs' "despicable villain", and Michael Inas is absolutely in favor with both hands and feet.

But when Disney found out that, due to their own internal miscalculation of the format, they were caught off guard by the sudden change.

Here's the thing. The "Pirates of the Caribbean" box office climbed steadily, coupled with Disney's announcement of sequel plans, and the crowd of Captain Jack Sparrow jumped to celebrate. Countless shadows began to shout, "Looking forward to Captain Jack Sparrow's reign again." As the voice grows louder, the day of "Pirates of the Caribbean" breaking through 300 million at the box office is approaching at an extraordinary speed, and Disney can no longer sit still: this is simply a cash cow. .

Originally, Disney lacked confidence in "Pirates of the Caribbean", believing that the film's box office revenue of nearly 200 million was a victory. After all, pirate movies have been the subject of disbelief for all studios. Therefore, after the filming of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie ended, the crew began to dismantle the studio one after another. By the time the movie was released, it had almost been dismantled, including the large ship model and so on. In other words, if you want to start shooting a sequel, all the original props must be made from scratch. ~ ~ Huā money aside, but also time-consuming!

After knowing this news, plus the three main actors' schedules for this year and the first half of next year are basically full, which means that Disney has no way to follow the victory, and can only watch a clear money-making opportunity keep pushing back. Push back further.

This situation caught Disney by surprise, and at the same time, it was even more stunned, and could not help but sigh that the opportunity was missed. And with every breakthrough in the box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean", while Disney is rejoicing, the loss and regret in the heart are becoming more and more obvious.

After defeating "Very Little Agent 3" and "Jedi Men 2" to win the championship, the momentum of "Pirates of the Caribbean" dàngdàng did not completely disappear. Although the release of "American Pie 3: An American Wedding" ended "Pirates of the Caribbean"'s continued streak, "American Pie 3", America's most popular movie franchise, grossed $49 million at the box office Winning the championship strongly, "Pirates of the Caribbean" can no longer break out the energy of the 10 million box office last Friday, but "Pirates of the Caribbean" still stifled the counterattack of "Very Little Agent 3" with a box office score of 29 million US dollars , took the runner-up position in this week's North American box office charts.

With a cumulative box office of 270 million, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is indeed not far from the threshold of 300 million mén, which makes Disney even more depressed: I knew that the film studio was not so active at the beginning, but this world is hard to come by. Buy early to know.

Subsequently, "Counter-Terrorist SWAT" was released and won the championship with $51 million, while "Pirates of the Caribbean" scored 23 million and ranked starring Lindsay Lohan and Mark Haméng. After "Hot Mom Spice Girl", it took the third place. Although the box office continued to fall according to normal rules this week, "Pirates of the Caribbean" still occupied the front page headlines of newspapers and magazines, because the box office exceeded the 300 million mark!

Three hundred million dollars! That's a cause for celebration for any film released stateside. Because this means that after the "Harry-bōte" series, "Lord of the Rings" series, and "Star Wars" series, a brand new box-office series was born. In recent years, "The Matrix" has achieved word-of-mouth and box-office success. Double harvest, but in terms of ability to attract money, it is still slightly inferior. After all, science fiction movies are still high and low. Now, the pirate movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", which no one is optimistic about and has been questioned by countless people, turned out. With the supreme charm of Captain Jack Sparrow, the box office has entered the threshold of 300 million mén, and it also has huge potential to become a brand new The gold-absorbing series, how the media can not get excited.

Last year's "Ice Age" and a "Sniper Phone Booth" let everyone know Evan Bell, a newcomer and a dark horse; this year's "Pirates of the Caribbean" made Evan Bell successfully enter the top actor's career. This is definitely exciting news: finally another superstar with box-office persuasion. What's more, the superstar also won an Oscar statuette, which is even more amazing.

You know, Will Smith, Harrison Ford, these old box office superstars, can't be linked to the little golden man - other book lovers are watching: . After all, it is not easy to be like Steven Spielberg and James Cameron, who won billions of dollars at the box office with the left hand and the golden statue with the right hand. Even for Steven Spielberg, asking him to make another film that can be compared with "Schindler's List" is by no means a momentary one. Therefore, after Evan Bell has experienced a brilliant awards season, he has confirmed his huge appeal at the box office. The phrase "become king overnight" is definitely not just talk.

Now, the pursuit of Evan Bell by major film companies has become intensified. Warner Bros. and MGM have offered 20 million US dollars in remuneration, hoping that Evan Bell can join their new film, and Disney is even more for the A sequel to "Pirates of the Caribbean" is under consideration for a $25 million proposal. Disney is well aware of how important Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Evan Bell, is to Pirates of the Caribbean. And now the more successful "Pirates of the Caribbean" is at the box office, the more impatient Disney is, especially when the relationship with Pixar is sclerotic. Michael Inas needs a news to cheer up the company, and "Pirates of the Caribbean" is undoubtedly the best choice.

Although, Disney is still under discussion. After all, $20 million is Hollywood's first-line salary, and the salary of 25 million is definitely a rarity: you must know that Will Smith has worked hard for more than ten years and now he has reached it. It's just the pay. But even just one proposal under consideration is enough to drive the media crazy.

Before you know it, "Pirates of the Caribbean" has grossed $300 million, while "Finding Nemo", the box office champion so far this year, has grossed $330 million. The media smelled blood again in an instant: the head-to-head confrontation between "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Finding Nemo" is coming!

Sure enough, "Finding Nemo", which has been released for 12 weeks at this time, is naturally inferior to "Pirates of the Caribbean", which has only been released for the sixth week. After breaking through $300 million, "Pirates of the Caribbean" still hasn't stopped making money at the box office.

19 million, the fourth box office chart; 17 million, the box office chart champion! In the seventh week of its release, "Pirates of the Caribbean" once again seized the fourth week of the summer season without a strong opponent! This is the first time in the history of North America since the birth of the summer program. For the first time, a film can win the four-week championship in the extremely competitive summer program - a good-looking novel:! Then, with 14 million, the runner-up in the box office chart, "Pirates of the Caribbean" ended the summer season with a brilliant result, because August also ended.

At the end of the summer season, the cumulative box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" came to 355 million, compared with the figure of "Finding Nemo", it was 340 million! At the end of the summer season, "Pirates of the Caribbean" has surpassed "Finding Nemo" in real-time cumulative box office and has become the number one in the North American box office charts so far! This is definitely an exciting achievement.

After entering September, "Pirates of the Caribbean" still has the momentum, 8 million, runner-up; 6 million, fourth; 5 million, seventh. It wasn't until October that "Pirates of the Caribbean" disappeared from the top ten of the box office charts, and the film that came out of nowhere has already grossed $380 million! It is almost impossible to touch 400 million US dollars, but this achievement has left "Finding Nemo" far behind and is the champion of the North American box office chart!

When "Pirates of the Caribbean" set off a **** storm in the North American box office Around the world, a storm that belongs only to Captain Jack Sparrow is also brewing.

The worldwide box office of "Finding Nemo" is increasing very rapidly, which makes people see the huge appeal of Pixar. At present, the global box office of "Finding Nemo" is already sprinting to 700 million US dollars; in contrast, " "Pirates of the Caribbean" is hitting the speed of 600 million US dollars, although the media exclaimed and made Disney stunned - they once again regretted missing the opportunity to shoot the sequel, but compared to "Finding Nemo", this speed is still relatively slow some. However, for the filmmakers, they have almost blind faith in Captain Jack Sparrow, and everyone believes that the global box office is bound to bring surprises.

No matter how much "Pirates of the Caribbean" can make at the global box office, or where "Pirates of the Caribbean" can be on the North American box office year-end charts, the film's success has already begun to take shape by the end of the premiere, and Michael -Inas also found Evan Bell after the premiere.

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