Great Artist

Chapter 739: radio on demand

739 radio on demand

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The 46th Grammys came to an end amid accusations of "only pop but no music", and laymen watched the fun: Beyonce won a big win, Justin Timberlake and many other popular singers returned with a reward, even if they were absent The old Evan Bell and Linkin Park also have a trophy in their accounts; an insider sees mén: The American music market in 2003 was indeed in decline. The outlook for 2004 is bleak. ~~

Against the backdrop of Grammys being criticized, Evan Bell's "Bad Day" is even more enthusiastically sought after. In fact, although "Bad Day" is classified in the pop genre, its minor With its fresh style and unique arrangement, most music critics regard this song as a combination of folk and country.

The weak sales of "Bad Day" at the beginning of its release confirmed that this slightly cooler genre was not a popular trend in the market. Under the leadership, the music market in 2003 belonged to rap and rhythm and blues, and "Bad Day" was not the kind of song that "everyone expected".

However, after the release of "Bad Day", it still won a good reputation with the quality of its appearance, and then showed an amazing momentum in sales and on-demand rate. A group of music critics, including Adam Roy, chanted: The music is here!

Ryan Seacrest has been quite complacent recently. After the second season of "American Idol", the ratings have skyrocketed, and he is about to become the new overlord of the ratings. As the host of this talent show, he was originally just Ryan Seacrest, a little-known in the Los Angeles area, became one of the fifty most **** men in the United States overnight, and his life can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Even so, Ryan Seacrest did not put all his energy into the TV screen. As the place where he made his fortune, he never gave up his job as a radio host. In fact, Ryan Seacrest has always enjoyed this job, spreading his voice through the radio, bringing joy, sadness, precipitation and other emotions to the audience.

The Grammys have just ended, and audiences will inevitably be affected when they request songs, and the rate of Grammy-winning songs will naturally show an upward curve. The radio was playing Beyoncé's hit track "Crazy Love" and Ryan Seacrest was listening to the track while scanning the audience's comments on the web to find what to talk about in the next session.

"Welcome back," as soon as the music ended, Ryan Seacrest's voice was broadcast to the whole of the United States through the microphone, "I just read the audience's message, I found a very interesting phenomenon, on-demand' Bad Day's audience is still high. If Evan found out, he should be very happy that people didn't flock to 'Catalyst' on demand and still support the single he released late last year." After finishing, Ryan Seacrest himself smiled. Ryan Seacrest also subtly satirized the fact that the authority of this year's Grammys has been severely challenged.

"I've been listening to this song almost every day for a while now - you know what I'm saying is 'bad day', but every time I listen, it seems to be something new." Ryan Seacrest Te's eyes stayed on the computer screen, "Debbie from Seattle said, I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and the beetle my dad promised flew away again. The most terrible thing is that my false eyelashes were blown while I was shopping. In my eyes, it was horrible. But every time I heard Evan's voice, I always calmed down and believed that it was just a bad day and tomorrow is a brand new day."

"Very well, Debbie, first of all I need to wonder, are you because Evan is more handsome than your boyfriend and soothes your broken heart, or is it because Evan's false eyelashes have also been blown away by the wind?" Ryan- Seacrest's humor managed to make the staff outside the studio smile, "But Evan is right, it's just a bad day in our lives, maybe after entering college, the eleventh grade All the embarrassing things that happened are no longer important; and after entering the society, we realize that the school is very beautiful, and our life has just begun. Therefore, we must learn to look forward.”

"Oh, Debbie, you see, Linda in Dallas has already seen it. Dear Ryan, I quit my job not long ago, and then I broke a small tuǐ, and when I was hospitalized, I found that my credit card was maxed out. I think it'll pass though. Because I just got a new job, life always has to go on, doesn't it? I'd like to order Evan Bell's 'Bad Day', this lovely guy always To be able to use his way to make me find new strength, as he sings, 'Looking back on all of this, you'll see that you really don't have to care too much', he really gave me a lot of energy and gave me the courage to keep going ." Ryan Seacrest read quickly to the screen, and then a smile appeared on his cheek, "Linda, congratulations on your new job, I hope everything goes well. It seems that it is not just me. , and many others have found the courage to live in Evan's singing."

"If Evan knew, he would be very happy, which is why he gave this song as a Christmas gift to everyone." Ryan Seacrest said skillfully, "then put this song next. The first 'bad day' to everyone, I hope today this bad day can pass after twelve o'clock, let us welcome a new day."

"Bad Day" has been the number one on-demand radio for three consecutive weeks. Ryan Seacrest has to play this song every time he is on the radio, which shows the popularity of this song. In fact, "Bad Day" does have this charm. It makes people feel irritable to settle down, take a deep breath, and then greet tomorrow with a positive attitude. For urbanites who are constantly troubled, this is indeed an emotion they urgently need.

After the song was played, Ryan Seacrest spoke more easily, "Evan Bell's 'bad day', I hope everyone likes it. Maybe everyone's life will encounter a lot of disappointments, we need It takes a lot of effort to maintain the state, because once we are timid, we cannot continue to move forward. A 'bad day' gives us the energy to persevere, but what if one day we can no longer be strong? Maybe we need an outlet as well."

Following the topic of "Bad Day", Ryan Seacrest continued, "Evan has always been a good storyteller, and his music can always tell our hearts and move us. I've had a conversation with Evan about it, and I'm curious why Evan has always been able to create such great music and, most importantly, be able to bring the story to our hearts."

The director standing outside the studio waved Ryan Seacrest and made an "ok" gesture, indicating that the listening rate of this segment was rising. Obviously, everyone was interested in this topic.

Ryan Seacrest understood the situation, quickly took his eyes back, and continued to focus on his live broadcast, "Evan replied to me at that time: Because I am also an ordinary person, I just My feelings, my friends' feelings, and how we feel about life are just telling. I was stunned at Evan's answer at the time, but then I thought about it and it is true, maybe, this is what Evan always can What moved us was because the story he told was his story and our story."

"In Evan's songs, there are 'Just a dream's memory of the lost feelings,' and 'Better than Hallelujah's nostalgia for the people who have passed away, and 'Top concern for the weak and small groups', Evan has a lot of touching The track, I remember when I heard 'don't leave, I burst into tears. It's no shame because Evan's music always hits us so easily and touches the softness of our hearts, he always uses his His stubbornness and his personality show us his talent."

"However, Evan has never had a song that reveals his vulnerability, even if it's a song like 'Just a Dream' and 'Don't Leave', Evan uses the conflict in the melody to express the emotions in his heart. Let it There has never been a song that allows us to see the weak, sad, and release side of Evan. Perhaps, many people will think that it is because Evan is handsome and indulgent, he Always flamboyant, there is no word for 'weak' in his world. But we were all wrong."

Ryan Seacrest said smoothly to the microphone. He did not look at the gesture of the director outside, but out of the corner of his eyes, he could detect that all the staff outside were quiet. I believe that in front of the radio station, more and more viewers all gathered together and listened quietly.

"Evan showed his inner weakness with just one song on the album 'Two'. We've seen so many good tracks on the classic album 'Two', So dizzying that I almost missed this masterpiece. Now that Evan has officially released this single, which is also the ninth single from the album 'Two', let us discover this song , 'Tonight I Think Crying will not be a single release. This may mean that Evan will be involved in the production of his third album, of course, until it is officially confirmed, it is all just speculation. But let's Let's focus on the song 'I want to cry tonight', I believe everyone will like this song."

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