Great Artist

Chapter 774: petty bourgeoisie

774 Petty Bourgeoisie

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Paris is divided into the left bank and the right bank with the Seine as the central line. Device: No advertisements, full text, and since the completion of the Palace of Versailles, the Left Bank has become the only way to go from the city center to the Palace of Versailles. At this time, the Left Bank has achieved a golden age of rapid development. Different from the power and economic center composed of palaces and commercial streets on the right bank, the left bank travels the middle-class community with cultural and intellectual as the mainstream. Therefore, there is a saying that "the right bank uses money, and the left bank uses brains".

There are various bookstores, publishing houses, small theaters, art galleries, museums on the left bank of the Seine, followed by cafes and beer halls, forming a place that strongly reflects the artistic life of Paris and makes Parisians proud. place. To this day, its glorious history and artistic reputation still make it the center of gravity of many Parisian art places.

Walking on the left bank, if you walk into a cafe, you may accidentally sit in the chair where Hemingway sat, under the lamp where Sartre wrote, or the window where Picasso was in a daze. Here is the famous coffee shop Huā, where the famous philosopher Sartre spent his time every day, and the Ripp Brasserie, where Andre Fant and his "France" magazine writers meet regularly. nearby.

If the right bank condenses the luxurious and grand cultural symbols, the Champs-Elysees, the Place de la Concorde, the Triumph mén, the Louvre, etc.; then the left bank has a unique spiritual direction: Rodin Museum, Cluny Museum, mk2 Art Institute line etc. The word "petty bourgeoisie" comes from the left bank.

"We just passed by Huāshen Cafe, do you know?" Scarlett Johansson followed Evan Bell's footsteps, and the two decided to find a place to sit down and have breakfast first, led by Teddy Bell The film crew followed not far behind. They carried the camera as if they were shooting a documentary, or they were shooting a short film of a tourist landscape to record the daily itinerary of Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson today.

"There are too many people in Huāshen Cafe, you didn't see it, even the outside is full of tourists?" Evan Bell said regretfully. This is actually a very disappointing thing. When a place becomes an "attraction" and countless tourists flock to it, the place loses its original meaning. "Scenic spots" are no longer scenic spots, you can only see the heads surging shoulder to shoulder.

Scarlett Johansson glanced back, shrugged, and could only agree. In that crowded situation, even if they went in, it was estimated that they would not be able to shoot.

"You know what? Parisians joke that when you walk on the left bank, you will be either a professor or a college student passing by; on the right bank, you should be careful not to step on other people's feet when you walk - that's probably a pair of kicks. The feet of the banker in high-end leather shoes!" Evan Bell's eyes wandered back and forth between the passers-by, and he couldn't help thinking of this joke, which was mentioned by Natalie-Bōterman when she was teaching her French.

Scarlett Johansson couldn't help but be interested, "Then guess that person is a professor or a banker?"

Looking along Scarlett Johansson's line of sight, Evan Bell saw a ragged gypsy, carrying a tattered cloth bag, and was on his way. Evan Bell held his chin in thought, and finally said "cautiously", "I think she should be the professor of prophecy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, yes, maybe she is Sybill Trelawney too. maybe."

This time, Scarlett Johansson was hit suddenly, and she could barely straighten her back with laughter. Evan Bell also said solemnly, "In this way, it is indeed all professors who appear on the left bank."

The sun was shining and the wind was breezy. The laughter of the two young people floated on the banks of the Seine, forming a circle of green chūn.

In fact, there has never been a shortage of cafes on the Left Bank of Paris. You can see the signs of cafes almost everywhere in the field of vision. You can find unexpected surprises in the simple and simple alleys. The winding path leads to a secluded place covered by an ivy. The rich coffee fragrance attracts Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson all the way here. It is said that the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and it seems that the same is true of coffee.

In the warm and soft picture composed of comfortable benches, mirror walls, and peach heartwood retaining walls, you can see pink and tender huā and verdant green leaves. Going to the coffee shop of the name is peaceful and comfortable, just like the sunshine at three o'clock in the afternoon, with a little lazy purity in the clear and transparent.

Entering the cafe, there's an old-fashioned projector playing the classic movie "Roman Holiday," and the perfect pairing of Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck still oozes black-and-white glamour on the walls. The broken tiles on the floor are old and retro, and there are a few broken bricks piled in the corners, which seem to be left when the house was built, and have not been cleaned up since then. There was an old-fashioned red phone on the counter that seemed to be able to be dialed by hand. Suddenly, people suspected that it was not deliberately placed, as if they had not changed the decoration in the past 100 years. It's not impossible. There are countless photos on the wall of the natural yellow color, all of which are smiling faces left by tourists from all over the world. This wall is like a world.

"Good morning." Evan Bell saw the charming lady behind the counter and greeted him in proficient French, "What's today's signature coffee?"

The proprietress is a middle-aged son-in-law in her thirties, wearing a long skirt with a broken floor and a little Bōsimian style, more of a self-satisfied petty bourgeoisie, "Good morning. Today's Man Turning and Supamo are both very good."

"Colombia?" Evan Bell doesn't know much about coffee, but he only knows a little about the skin, such as the origin, such as the taste, and he can still say a little.

But the proprietress smiled, "Yes, the country of origin is Colombia."

At this moment, Teddy Bell and the photographer with the camera came in. There were five or six staff members outside. I didn't know if they should go in. Because this coffee house is not big, there is no problem in accommodating a dozen people, but this is shooting a mv, if everyone is in the mirror, it will be embarrassing.

The proprietress seemed a little surprised. Obviously, there are rarely such a large number of guests here. Evan Bell explained with a smile, "It's all my friends." Then he greeted everyone to come in, "It's in the shot, and I can edit it when I go back. Except for Lincoln to work hard for a while and continue to carry the camera." Everyone They all laughed.

I have to say that Zuoan is really petty. In such a simple cafe, the fragrant coffee is enough to make people linger. There is actually an entertainment room on the second floor. The so-called entertainment room is actually only one wall. They are all books, and many of them have been torn over. The warm sunshine from the balcony is pouring in, even sitting here all day is a kind of enjoyment. No wonder there were so many great writers, great painters, and thinkers in the past, hoping to sit here and think about life.

When they saw the bookshelf, Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson exclaimed with joy at the same time, and then they both noticed the surprise of the people around them and couldn't help laughing. In fact, this is not surprising. Whether it is Evan Bell or Scarlett Johansson, you can feel it from the way they speak and behave. Even if they say that they are outstanding students in the university, some people believe it.

Flip through books, sip coffee, and soak up the sun. Then leave this comfort and embark on the journey again. The conservatory student playing the cello on the roadside, the art department girl selling the peripheral products designed by herself, the Italian couple hiking with a camera and a backpack, and the spirits clasped together with ten fingers. Old couples on a walk, performance art performers who smear themselves in gold on the street, and petty bourgeois young people who are enjoying afternoon tea in a cafe... These are all scenes in Paris, maybe not young Fragments can become the most splendid scenery on the journey, and every moment on the road, no matter what age, no matter what age, no matter what age, no matter what skin color, is a silhouette of a beautiful time.

Teddy Bell looked at Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson who were laughing and scolding in front of him. The two ran and jumped wantonly on the street, shouting, laughing and shouting, even if they didn't do anything special, There is nothing to do, but this kind of wanton, makes people feel that the **** on the body is completely liberated, this kind of carefree and comfortable, people envious, and even more people can't help but want to join it. That smiling face dyed in the sun is the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Paris, this city full of petty bourgeoisie, is dyed golden by the sun in every corner, leaving behind the faces of Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson called "green chūn", forming a picture called "huā". Like Years" picture scroll.

Scarlett Johansson is obviously more relaxed today than yesterday's shooting at Shangbō Although like Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson and Evan Bell also know each other Soon, but in front of Evan Bell's powerful aura, Scarlett Johansson seemed to be at ease and more relaxed. This made today's filming not fall into another ambiguous situation, but made the two people have a good time.

Just as Evan Bell and his party were having fun, a voice on the street stopped Evan Bell, "Evan?" In fact, the voice wasn't too loud, and Evan Bell didn't even hear it at first. Heard, it was Scarlett Johansson who saw it. She thought she was a fan of Evan Bell at first. After all, many people recognized the famous Evan Bell along the way. It's just that the group of them walked while playing, and the speed was very fast, and they didn't gather too many pedestrians to watch, so they didn't fall into the encirclement.

But then, the man shouted again, "Evan Bell?" This time the voice was louder, and Evan Bell heard it too. Scarlett Johansson pointed to a cafe not far behind.

When Evan Bell looked back, he obviously saw an unexpected figure, "Rafael Nadal?"

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