Great Artist

Chapter 797: destroy

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"The New York Times" commented on the album "Three", "Evan Bell integrates elements of sex, personality, weirdness, niche and so on, making so-called mainstream, commercial music worthless." Among them, Evan Bell has effectively responded to the conservativeness of this year's Grammy Awards.

When the Grammys compromised with commercial music, Evan Bell's "Three" still exudes a non-mainstream personality, and he also proved that business is not the most important thing, but music itself is the most important from beginning to end. of.

Only pop without music. This is the general comment of the media on the 46th Grammys this year. Now Evan Bell has told the Grammys, the major record companies, and everyone with practical actions, only music! In the music world, there is only music! Put aside all commercial, mainstream, pop elements, and focus on the music itself, which is the most important thing. This is Evan Bell, who is full of personality and flamboyant, and sells millions of dollars at his fingertips.

However, judging from the overall rating of the media, it can still be felt that Evan Bell's album with a strong personality has still faced some challenges. Among the comprehensive scores of 73 media, "Three" scored 8.3 points. This score is very amazing, but it is an incredible score of 8.7 points from "Two", which shows Evan Bell's personality. influence.

For example, "In the Mood for Love (we.are.ung and "Old Love Is Dead ( are full of personality songs, which inevitably make the media's evaluation a little more conservative. Even though the overall praise for "three" is not inferior to "two", the professional media are still conservative when grading.

The "Sound of Music", who stayed calm in the last comment on "Two", once again played the role of cooling, and its comment said, "Evan Bell's personality makes countless people love and hate, and it is also after integrating into music. In this way, those who love it will go crazy, and those who hate it will dismiss it. Now it seems that Evan Bell, who is in his fourth year of business, continues to show his personality. This is a good thing for his music, Because we heard 'Three' again, an album that was no worse than 'Two'; but it's not a good thing for the media."

In any case, the media's praises in general are still endless, and "Three" has also become the album with the highest score in the media since 2004. Evan Bell easily pressed Usher down. Full text without ads

In the sales rankings, "Three" and "In the Mood for Love" still showed an enviable strong pulling ability, and they rampaged the music market throughout the summer vacation with the trend of destroying the dead, making Sony Bertelsmann Records, Universal Music, EMI Records and other big companies are a big headache.

In the second week after the release of "Three", it once again won the sales of 800,000 copies. Although the sales drop has dropped by 50% compared with the outbreak in the first week, such a single-week performance still easily kills all competitors. , once again topped the Billboard album. This second-week result also makes "Three" the best-selling second-week album of the 21st century. You know, a figure of 800,000 copies is, for most singers, even the most beautiful week of album sales. Hard to come by. And Usher, who has made countless achievements this year, sold only 400,000 in the second week after the album was released. Such a comparison makes it even more apparent that "Three" has a huge energy in sales.

The momentum of "Three" in the second week of sales is not good news for competitors such as Usher and Shania Dunn's melancholy mood, because their sales have declined again to varying degrees, and the gap is more and more obvious. More importantly, driven by "Three", Evan Bell's "One" released in 2001 and "Two" released in 2002 both entered the list again, the former successfully ranked eighty-ninth, and then The player broke into the top ten in one fell swoop, and the rebound ability is really amazing.

As a result, Evan Bell became the first artist in ten years to have two albums in the top 10 at the same time, and the first singer in two decades to have three albums in the top 100 on the Billboard Albums Chart at the same time. In particular, the album "Two" has an amazing durability on the album chart. It has stayed in the top 30 of the Billboard for more than 90 weeks, although compared with the albums of the 1970s and 1980s For albums that have ranked in the top ten for more than 60 weeks, this result is not shocking, but in the 21st century, when the album market is generally shrinking, it still has such durability, which is amazing. .

In particular, the sales of "Two" in a single week now not only far exceed the melancholy mood, but also exceed Shania - Dunn's best collection, which makes Universal Music's face no better.

After the album "Three" entered the third week of its release, the explosive power of sales finally declined, with 400,000 in the third week and 300,000 in the fourth week... Obviously the strongest buying frenzy has passed, and fans' purchases It started to calm down, but even so, "Three" held the No. 1 spot on the Billboard album chart for the entire month of July, and no one could shake it.

On August 1, the Recording Association of America announced that "Three" achieved 3.14 million in July and was certified triple platinum. In just one month, the album "Three" achieved such a good result, sweeping away the slump in the American music market in 2003. If you add Usher's "Confessions of Love", as well as Nora- With albums by Jones, Alicia Keys, and others, the recovery of the music market in 2004 is self-evident.

The mystery of the summer music market battle has been revealed, and Evan Bell has won!

Influenced by "Three", Usher's album sales declined rapidly. Originally, the media predicted that the sales of this album would exceed 7 million. This is also the first time since 2002 that album sales have picked up again after a year. There is hope to challenge this. threshold. But now, the sales prospects of "Confessions of Love" are not optimistic. Professionals' forecasts are conservative. They believe that it should not be a problem for this album to exceed the sales volume of 6 million, but it will be very difficult to cross the threshold of 6.5 million. .

Relatively speaking, Avril Lavigne was less affected. Because "Three" just falls under the rhythm and blues style, Usher became Evan Bell's direct opponent, so he was severely influenced, but Avril Lavigne's rock and punk styles still did not have too many conflicts. .

And the biggest loser in the summer season is Universal Music. Melancholy's album sales are in the head-to-head confrontation with Evan Bell. In addition to its outstanding performance in the first week, due to the overall quality of the album and other subjective and objective reasons, the album sales fell very fast. When it ended in July, Melancholy Mood's new album has only sold 670,000 copies, which is a very limited increase compared to their previous album. Fortunately, for idol groups, sales are one aspect, and the most important thing is the support of fans, which is the most important.

As for Shania Dunn's collection, it has become the most directly injured member in the battle between the two armies. Because the "strongest hit single" was released one day after "Three", the entire sales were completely suppressed. , Although the sales volume exceeded one million at the end of July, the sales volume of only 1.3 million is really miserable for Shania Dunn's appeal. According to conservative estimates by professionals, Shania Twain's album sales have shrunk by at least one third this time, resulting in heavy losses. However, the sales volume of the selected episodes has always been very vigorous. The media predicts that the "strongest hit list" should be able to achieve sales of about 4 million by the end of 2004. If it was last year, it was also very good. Judging from the number of consecutive breakthroughs in the number of 10 million for the previous three albums of Nia Dunn, it makes people only sigh.

Universal Music lost to Evan Bell in the competition for the summer music market. This is what worries Universal Music the most. It seems that the competition for the music market in the second half of the year will only become more intense.

In fact, the release of "Three" can be said to dominate the music market in the second half of the year.

After entering August, the weekly sales volume of "Three" has been stable at between 250,000 and 300,000, and it has won 900,000 sales for three consecutive months, which makes "Three" the champion. Starting from July 1, it stayed until the third week of September, winning a total of 11 consecutive weeks. Although it failed to break the consecutive championship record of "Two", "Three" then won the championship in the second week of October. Once again grabbed the championship from the hands of soul singer Ray-Charles. By the end of 2004, "Three" won the championship for three weeks, accumulating a total of fifteen times to dominate the album sales chart of Billboard.

This is the 20th consecutive year after the soundtrack of the "Purple Rain" movie won the championship for 24 weeks in 1984, and the soundtrack of the 1998 movie "Titanic" won the championship for 16 consecutive weeks. The third place in the past, but unfortunately, the "three" champions are not consecutively reelected, and if you want to say consecutively, then the third place should be "two", and its thirteen-week record is also included in the history books. Of course, it's still a big gap from Michael Jackson's 37-week No. 1 record for "Thriller", which was also released in early 1984, but in the two decades since "Thriller," Evan Bell's two albums can definitely be Said to be memorable.

"Three" is invincible in the music market. If the "Tiger Brothers and Tigers" are completely defeated in the duel of "Love Notebook", then the Universal League will be the first and second in the summer season. Both were defeated in the battle, and then the confrontation between "The Mechanical Enemy" and "The Bourne 2" became more and more intense.

Of course, there is also something that cannot be forgotten, that is, the impressive performance of the single "In the Mood for Love" also made Usher's "Yeah!" feel a severe challenge.

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