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Chapter 803: fans surprise

Full Text No Ads 803 Fans Surprise

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"Coincidence, I can only say that all this is a bit of a coincidence. (full text e-book free download Evan Bell explained this busy summer vacation, "Love Notebook" is produced by Eleven Studio, Warner It was released by the brothers, and "The Mechanical Enemy" is a work of 20th Century Fox. It is naturally difficult to coordinate when arranging the release schedule. As for the album, it was originally planned to be released in May, but it was postponed to July, which was also an accident. If it was postponed to August or September, Warner Records felt that the timing was not right. So, this is the very busy July of Evan Bell. "Of course, the recent busyness has also saved me a lot of trouble. It happens that all the advertised itineraries overlap, and my flying time in the sky can be reduced a little, which is good news."

Evan Bell's humor made Ellen DeGeneres laugh, "No wonder you've been so busy recently. You've been seen in every city in the United States in the past ten days." Len - DeGeneres turned to look at the audience, "Evan's schedule is so busy, it's film and music. Here's a letter from Evan's fans, I want him to know about it. We We'll see in a minute what he's done."

Ellen DeGeneres picked up a piece of printer paper from the table and began to read, "Dear Ellen, I'm a big fan of your show, you're funny. Ellen, I might be you see. The most ardent Evan fan ever, my friends and I fell in love with him. Evan always encouraged me, his music and his movies always helped me through when I was feeling down and depressed Get me back on my feet. Next time Evan is on your show, I really, really want to go see him live. I'll do anything, I mean 'everything'! Ellen. I'm not kidding. Let me Go live, I'd do anything, I love him so much, Alan, his music, his good looks make me addicted, his work, his personality...please, Alan, next time he's on the show Call me when I live, I live 30 minutes from the studio. Love you, Elena."

After Ellen DeGeneres finished reading the letter, he looked up, "Elena Jasmine, it's actually an hour away." Everyone burst into laughter, "This letter was sent in May. , originally thought that this wish would not come true until September, but did not expect the opportunity to come now. Although it is an hour's drive, even though Evan is very busy, Evan still gave her a surprise, and we have it This sweet video. Let's take a look."

With Ellen DeGeneres' words, the big screen in the studio started playing video, the first thing Evan Bell did when he arrived in Los Angeles yesterday. Full text without ads

Wearing a purple robot-patterned hat, light gray overalls, and black and white plaid round-toed shoes, Evan Bell appeared on the big screen, holding a large bunch of tulips in his hand, "Hey , Ellen, I just flew in from Miami and was going to surprise Elena. She said she was my number one fan, so I decided to visit her and thank her for her support. We're at her now At the door of the house, she didn't know that I was coming. Just now, I was on the phone with Mrs. Jia Siming. She was using a portable home video recorder with Elena on the grounds that she was shooting a family introduction video for the company. Let's have another surprise for their home video this time. Let's go!" Evan Bell glanced at the house in front of him and took a step.

As soon as the camera turned on the big screen, Mrs. Jia Siming's voice could be heard, "Elena, say hello to the camera."

Elena Jia Siming stood in her room, "Hello everyone, I am Elena Jia Siming, this is my room." All the places that the camera can see are Evan Bell's posters, not only the The album cover, with magazine photos, movie posters, and screenshots from various videos, including some homemade cheering banners, is packed full of decorating a teenage girl's room.

"I'm Evan Bell's number one fan, as you can see." Elena Jasmine laughed a little embarrassedly, "I like him very much, because his music is always captivating and touching My heart, of course, is his personality, and I love everything about him. Not to mention, how good his movies are. These posters of mine will hang on the wall forever."

At this moment, Evan Bell knocked on the door of the Jia Siming family, only to hear Mrs. Jia Siming say, "John, can you open the door for me? It should be a courier."

Then you can see a blond boy of six or seven years old opening the door of the house, and then another little girl about ten years old also ran out, "Who is it?"

Evan Bell quickly put his index finger on his lips, and the two little friends froze in place, with a look of astonishment. Evan Bell squatted down, kissed the two little friends on the face, and whispered, "Where is Elena's room?"

The little girl hesitated, "Are you really Evan Bell?" The tender and childish words made Evan Bell show a big smile, "Yes, I am, I am here to give Elena one Surprising. What's your name?"

"Emily." The little girl's eyes flashed with excitement, then took her brother John's hand and walked into the room with Evan Bell. Evan Bell walked through the living room and walked along the aisle in the direction of Elena Jasmine.

On the other hand, Elena Jasmine still said to the camera lens in her mother's hands, "You will fall in love with him, because he makes you have to love. It is incredible that he has come to where he is today, I Very attentive to him every step of the way. Oh sorry, maybe I said too much about Evan because he currently occupies most of my life. Besides Evan, I have a best friend, Elaine Brook, me and her..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Elena Jia Siming's room, which also interrupted her words. She turned her head and asked suspiciously, "John? Emily?" Because the younger siblings don't want to knock on the door. children.

At this moment, Elena Jia Siming saw the figure of Evan Bell and walked in directly.

Elena Jia Siming covered her mouth at once, her eyes full of fright, she looked at her mother, then at Evan Bell, and then she began to hide in the corner, the tears in her eyes had begun to burst, Muttering, "God, oh god..."

"Hey, good afternoon, this is for you." Evan Bell stepped forward and handed the tulip in his hand to Elena Jia Siming.

Xiao Nizi took Evan Bell's words. She only felt her head go blank, tears streaming down her face, and looked at Evan Bell in disbelief, "Are you kidding me?"

"Joke? Of course not." Evan Bell showed a big smile, "Come, come, give me a hug, come." Evan Bell opened his arms.

Elena Jasmine threw herself into Evan Bell's firm chest and burst into tears with a "wow", "You're here, God, you're here, oh, God..." She was completely The words were incoherent, and I only knew that I kept exclaiming, "Evan, Evan, Evan..." Elena Jia Siming hugged Evan Bell tightly. Since the first meeting at the Eagle Rock Music Festival, Elena - Jia Siming longed for this day to come, and when the truth happened, she was hit by happiness at once and collapsed uncontrollably.

Evan Bell hugged the petite girl tightly and kept patting her on the back, "Okay, everything is fine. I just showed up, hey, I just showed up here. It's true, this Not a dream."

"Oh, no, you are now, you are standing by me now... I mean, the room, my room..." Elena Jasmine let go of Evan Bell, still with a look of disbelief.

Evan Bell looked around and saw all his posters, he couldn't help laughing, "Trust me, this will definitely not be my room." In one sentence, Elena Jia Siming burst into tears and laughed.

Elena-Jia Siming covered her mouth with her right hand, as if standing on a cloud. She was so happy that she couldn't help herself, and couldn't say a word. Evan Bell took Xiao Nizi into his arms again with his left hand, "You are frightened. Hey, don't be frightened, I am not a bad person." Once again, Elena Jia Siming was amused again .

"Wow, it looks like you not only watched 'Love Notebook', you even bought several albums of 'Three'." Evan Bell saw there were three albums on the table, all of which he had just Released "Three", and even the single "In the Mood for Love (we.are.ung has two.

"Yes, I bought it after queuing for fifteen hours." Elena Jasmine immediately became proud of her collection, which is evidence of her support for Evan Bell, "But your signing I couldn't make it because there were too many people that day."

"This is not a problem, I can help you now." Evan Bell took the carbon pen from Teddy Bell behind him, and then seriously signed the name of Elena Jasmine's album~www. and also wrote a congratulatory message: "To my most loyal fan Elena, thank you for your support, this is my biggest motivation."

After writing, Evan Bell handed the album to Elena Jasmine and left a kiss on her forehead.

Elena-Jia Siming began to lose her words again. She was so excited that she only knew that she kept stepping on small steps in the same place, and she couldn't do anything else. Finally, she suddenly remembered, "Evan, Evan, can you sign an album to Elaine, Elaine Brook. She is my best friend and your fan."

"Of course, it's not a problem whether it's autographing, hugging or taking pictures." Evan Bell readily agreed, looking at Elena Jasmine's tearful eyes, this kind of fan's loyalty and touching, will Evan Bell readily agree. Vin-Bell's heart was full.

What I have gained today is more than Elena Jia Siming, and Evan Bell has also gained a lot.

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